A Friend needs you!
Someone’s in trouble and He needs you!
Imagine if a family member were to call and say, “I’m going through something, could you visit with me? It would really help. Please.†That’s exactly what happens during Holy Week. Jesus is facing the toughest week of His ministry on earth. He’s put it all out there, has told it like it is, and He’s being hunted down.
From the heights of adulation on Palm Sunday, to His last meal on Maundy Thursday, His agonizing death and burial on Good Friday, and His time in the tomb, He needs you to sit with Him, to reassure Him of your love and support. Most of His apostles have run off, the crowds are gone. You are the only family He has left. Our Lenten theme has centered on family. Jesus created us as Church, not to be an organization, but to be real family to Him and each other. We all need to step up in His time of need, so please come. He needs you this week.
Then, on Easter Sunday, come back. He wants you to celebrate with Him. Find the stone rolled away, the tomb empty, and your heart filled. Don’t just look for an Easter church… Find the gift of salvation, love, community, family, the Word of God, and freedom with your Christian family at Holy Name of Jesus!
Holy Week and Easter service schedule
Sunday, April 1st: Palm Sunday
- Blessing and Distribution of Palms, Worship Service, 9:30am.
Thursday, April 5th: Maundy Thursday
- Reception of Holy Oils and Chrism, Holy Mass, Procession and Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament, and Stripping of the Altars, 7pm.
- Private Devotion, 8:30 – 9pm.
Friday, April 6th: Good Friday
- Church opens for private devotion, Noon.
- Stations of the Cross, 1pm.
- Bitter Lamentations, 2pm.
- Opening of the Tomb, 3pm.
- Liturgy of the Presanctified, 7pm.
Saturday, April 7th: Holy Saturday
- Blessing of fire, holy water, renewal of baptismal promises, reading of the Exhortations, blessing of Easter foods/baskets, 4pm.
Sunday, April 8th: Solemnity of the Resurrection/Easter Sunday
- Finding of the empty tomb, Resurrection procession, Holy Mass, 9:30am.
- Easter Gathering/Święconka, 11am.
On behalf of Fr. Adam, the Parish Committee and with the deepest confidence in your love and support as members of the Christian family, I invite you to join us as we walk with and support our Lord through Holy Week and celebrate with Him at His resurrection.
— Deacon Jim