• 10/28 – Psalm 33:9 – Lord God, You are supreme over all, and all nature heeds Your command. Hear my prayer in times of distress and grant me Your protection.
  • 10/29 – Isaiah 29:18 – Lord God, in my trials and need I cry out to You. Grant me faith and complete trust in Your promises and providence.
  • 10/30 – Matthew 11:5 – Lord Jesus, in Your coming the words of Isaiah were fulfilled. Help me to see past the false promises of the world to the hope that is found in You.
  • 10/31 – John 9:5-7 – Lord Jesus, You were sent by the Father to restore my sight, to give me eyes of faith. Grant me strong faith and perseverance so that I may see You in the new and heavenly Jerusalem.
  • 11/1 – Acts 26:18 – Lord Jesus, continually grant me the grace to turn to You, to see You, to live in You. Lead me and all my brothers and sisters to sanctification through regeneration.
  • 11/2 – Luke 8:2-3 – Lord Jesus, grant that I may not forget You when my prayers are answered, but that I return to You in thanksgiving, remaining loyal and serving You in the community of faith.
  • 11/3 – Luke 7:50 – Lord Jesus, grant that I may hear You say to me, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.”

Pray the week: Lord Jesus, grant that I may call to You in my need and respond to You in faith.