The New York State Alliance for Arts Education announces the following opportunities:

For Students

New York State Summer School for the Arts: The Summer of 2014 will mark the 45th year of operation for the schools that form the New York State Summer School of the Arts. This program, with its seven component summer residential programs in Ballet, Choral Studies, Dance, Media Arts, Orchestral Studies, Theatre, and Visual Arts is administered by the New York State Education Department. Recognized as one of the finest programs of its kind in the nation, over 15,000 high school age students have become part of this unique summer experience. Alumni of the program will attest to the success of the schools in helping high school students with special talents identify and pursue career choices in all fields of the fine arts and performing arts at an early age. The Schools provide opportunities for all New York State students who qualify through auditions, to receive the highest level of training and instruction. Application information is available here. 

2014 VSA International Young Soloists – Call for Entries: VSA International Young Soloists Competition is now accepting entries. The VSA International Young Soloists Competition annually selects up to four outstanding musicians from the United States and the international arena, and supports and encourages them in their pursuit of a career. These emerging musicians receive $2,500, professional development opportunities, and a performance at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C. All applications must be submitted for review by Monday, January 27, 2014.

For Professionals

Arts Connect All New York: One-on-One Mentorships for Arts Educators: Arts Connect All New York (ACANY) provides educators with a uniquely tailored mentorship for the Spring 2014 semester, with the goal to improve the quality of arts education provided to students with special needs. The mentorship includes three phone consultations, three on-site visits and self-reflective writing assignments. Participating educators receive a $125 stipend, intended as a partial reimbursement for their out-of-school time spent participating in ACANY. Through ACANY, participating educators will receive deep and meaningful professional development that will ultimate benefit hundreds of students across New York State. The application deadline has been extend, but please don’t delay! See NYSAAE’s Webpage for details.

ARTS@theCORE – Vital Training in Standards & Curriculum: Filling a critical gap in professional development for arts educators, ARTS@the CORE symposia, offered from January – March in select regions across the state, will expand participants’ knowledge & improve their arts teaching practice. With a faculty of nationally-recognized experts on arts education and the Common Core — Bruce Taylor, Scott Schuler and Susan Riley– each symposium establishes a context of the arts within the Common Core State Standards, explores the CCSS in both studio arts & integration classes, and provides opportunities for hands-on curriculum planning & collaborative group work. The symposia will provide 5.5 hours of PD credits for teachers. See NYSAAE’s webpage for details and registration information..


Call for Entries Saltonstall Arts Colony, Ithaca, NY: Time for inspiration, a quiet studio, a beautiful setting, and a stimulating community of artists working in diverse disciplines. Two-week and four-week residencies are offered between late-April and mid-September for New York State artists and writers looking for quiet, supportive environment in which to focus on their craft. See the Constance Saltonstall Foundation for the Arts webpage for more information.