This week’s memory verse: Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind.

1 Peter 3:8
  • 9/27 – Romans 12:10
  • 9/28 – Galatians 6:1
  • 9/29 – 1 Corinthians 6:1-8
  • 9/30 – John 15:12
  • 10/1 – John 13:34
  • 10/2 – Psalm 133:1-3
  • 10/3 – 1 John 3:17

Pray the week: Lord Jesus, thank you for Your spirit of unity and fraternity. Grant that we may regard others more important and use all You have given us to see to their needs; each day living Your commandment of love.Â