So they said to Him, “Sir, give us this bread always.” Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst.”

The Apostles had gone out and ministered to the people of Galilee. They proclaimed the Gospel message, declared the Kingdom, and healed. They came back tired and alongside Jesus were soon confronted with more work, teaching a large crowd of people who were like sheep without a shepherd. Jesus seeing deeply into the totality of their need miraculously fed them.

Now the rubber meets the road. What would be the reaction of these people? Would they embrace the Kingdom and its truth? Would they follow a heavenly King Who would give them Himself as food for eternal life?

We sit in a moment of anticipation. Factually, that is what the true followers of Jesus have been doing for two thousand some years. We anticipate our receiving the Bread from Heaven in sacramental word, bread and wine. We anticipate the full revelation of the Kingdom we are working for. We anticipate Jesus’ return and the exaltation of all believers.

The Gospel of St. Mark led us into a continuation of events as recorded in the sixth chapter of the Gospel of St. John. As we look at today’s passage, we sense an upcoming realization, the rubber beginning to meet the road. This will play out over the next several weeks. The truth of people’s hearts will be revealed.

The Old Testament offers a foretaste, a shadowy revelation of the coming Messiah, Jesus. In our First Reading from Exodus, we find the same events: people grumbling, unsatisfied even though they had clearly seen God’s power in saving them from the Egyptians. They focused solely on temporal, everyday needs and remained blind to God’s promise of rest, a land of plenty, and continuing provision. Today’s Introit from Psalm 78 recounts it so well: They spoke against God, and said, “Can God spread a table in the desert? Can He also provide bread, give meat to His people?”

That says it all and is an indictment down through the ages. It indicts us if we do not put our full faith in God’s saving power which we see here regularly.

God came among us to give us Bread from Heaven, the full and eternal presence of Jesus among us. We are called to believe and receive Him – and that includes receiving His great promise – life now, life eternal, a full satisfaction of all things people long for, the healing of their souls and peace. Let us truly enjoy and rejoice in His feeding, provision, and true life. Let us believe.

Andrew said to him, “There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish; but what good are these for so many?” Jesus said, “Have the people recline.” Then Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed them to those who were reclining, and also as much of the fish as they wanted.

The Apostles had gone out and ministered to the people of Galilee. They proclaimed the Gospel message, declared the Kingdom, and healed.

As we heard last week, they came back tired and were soon confronted with more work, teaching alongside Jesus to a large crowd of people who were like sheep without a shepherd.

What we have learned is that God has work for us to do and that work must be our priority. This is key. We have become so used to being overly busy that our priorities get confused, and there is so much placed on the back burner that the fire of the stove can seldom be seen.

We all know how it is when our stoves get overcrowded. It’s kind of like Thanksgiving without the theme of thanksgiving, just too much. The potatoes, veggies, squash, meat, stuffing, applesauce, and more all crowded together with nothing really coming to completion. So it is with Kingdom work.

As such, we must be tactical in ordering Kingdom priorities ahead of all other things. The Kingdom must be foremost in our lives and actions so we may bring the Kingdom to fruition and completion.

This is indeed what Jesus asks of us: to prioritize making the Kingdom known by inviting those we encounter to enter it.

Jesus asks us to go on and on in our Christian witness and evangelization no matter what. Our work for Jesus must always be front burner even when we feel worn out. Jesus expects that and He deserves our focus and attention.

Finally, Jesus expects us to feed people spiritually, intellectually, and physically. Jesus wants more than a conceptual Kingdom we just talk about or dream about. We need to make the Kingdom a felt place that feeds all the hungers men and women face.

It is indeed radical, to live this way, to see in each encounter, event, word, and action a means of growing God’s Kingdom but it is necessary so that the fire of faith is always visible, so that it is not extinguished.

Pray about and for all we do here to make Jesus’ charges a reality right here at Holy Name of Jesus: Holy Mass, Worship and Devotion, fellowship, CarePortal, Food Pantry, the Women’s Empowerment Group, the upcoming Altamont Fair, Back to Church Sunday and more. Then listen to the Holy Spirit’s prompting and respond to it.

So they went off in the boat by themselves to a deserted place.

Last week Jesus sent out His twelve Apostles as disciples for some on-the-job training in every village and town. They were to proclaim repentance for forgiveness of sins as well as the immanence of the Kingdom which was at hand. They had also been empowered to heal.

Today we hear of the Apostles return. They were filled with real joy from all they experienced, and the amazing results realized through the grace of God that accompanied them. They were also exhausted.

To set context, the Apostles were sent out when they were at the southern end of the Sea of Galilee. In today’s account they regather at the northern end of the Sea and then sail across it.

While no specific timeline for the Apostles mission is given, we could posit that it probably lasted about six months.

Now imagine that we are on that mission from Jesus. We have walked the highways and byways of Galilee. We have also covered the thirteen miles from the south to the north of the Sea. We have done this with no visible means of support or supplies, relying completely on the kindness of those we are evangelizing. About two thousand square miles of Galilee, heights from one to four thousand feet. We would be completely exhausted. They were.

We should also remember that Jesus was not sitting still. He traveled on His own to preach, teach, and heal. Now came the moment, rest was ahead.

We know what scripture tells us, but better for us to understand what Jesus and His Apostles were feeling.

Here they are, sailing cross the Sea, ready to rest, pray, refresh themselves. We can imagine the anticipation, the thoughts in their minds, the feelings in their heart – and there they are, huge crowds; large numbers of people spiritually lost and alone and seeking guidance. Sheep without a shepherd.

The fact is, we all face this conundrum. We work hard, volunteer, care for family and friends, run, shop, do chores and as soon as that moment of rest comes – here’s the next thing. The old saying: ‘No rest for the weary’ comes from those experiences.

This is not just a lesson on daily life and perseverance, it is a call to go on and on in our Christian witness and evangelization no matter what. People remain hungry and need us to feed them now. People need us to be like Jesus for them, to see their need and set ourselves aside to bring them to Christ and His salvation. Remember that the sheep will not know where to go unless we shepherd them.

In all wisdom and insight, He has made known to us the mystery of His will in accord with His favor

Today Jesus sends out His twelve Apostles, who at the time were still disciples (they were learning, not teaching). They were to go to every village and town and proclaim repentance for forgiveness of sins as well as the immanence of the Kingdom which was at hand. They were also empowered to heal.

Indeed, this experience was a learning. Today we would call it on-the-job training. Overall, the disciples learning was concentrated on internal discovery as to whether they would trust in God or not. That is why they were instructed to take nothing, to go forth with courage and determination. That is why they were told to also hold responsible those they encountered.

For ten or so days I have worked with young people who were learners. Certainly, some were open to learning, others were not. We spent our time documenting our gifts, those received, those given, those we have in us, and those that will grow in us as time progresses.

As we covered the gifts yet to grow in us, we discussed how they might be built up. That takes recognizing them and then practicing with them – on the job training. We talked about making our gifts bigger, better, and how we might add unto them. Finally, we spoke about taking those gifts and wrapping them up to make them really beautiful. This is what Jesus did with His disciples. He knew what they had in them, and He wanted it to grow. This is also what Jesus wants from us.

Brothers and sisters, for us it starts with recognizing what Jesus wants from us and the gifts He has instilled in us to make His requirements come to reality. It is no more than this: That we proclaim the Kingdom to those we encounter. 

Our on-the-job training is to find the gift God has given us then grow it and use it. The gifts we have are specifically for building His Kingdom.

Of course, trust is required, but an amazing thing that happened to the disciples and will happen to us is that we will be successful in doing Jesus’ work.

It is simple: Do you know Jesus? I do and He has done remarkable things in my life. Do you have a church? No, then I know a great one where you can get to know Jesus. 

The words and actions and gifts must be our own, the trust must be ours, and the work and learning, the OJT, must be how Jesus intends it to be.

Today and every day I will use my God given gifts to show His Kingdom. Then I will watch and see people entering the Kingdom, also sharing their gifts and rejoice!

They said, “Where did this man get all this? What kind of wisdom has been given him? What mighty deeds are wrought by his hands!” And they took offense at Him.

Today we encounter Jesus getting a lot of push back. His hometown people hated Him. Jesus was so offensive to them that they revolted. The text of our Opening Hymn came to life:  Ah! sinful nation, people laden with wickedness, evil race, corrupt children! They have forsaken the Lord, spurned the Holy One of Israel, apostatized. If you abandon Him, He will abandon you.

And, that is what Jesus did, He left them because of their lack of faith and trust. It was beyond His power to move their hearts because they refused His grace, they rejected the love of God and God’s gifts placed before them.

This experience of Jesus is much like our own, isn’t it? His experience tells us something about ourselves and what we can do in the face of push back. It is Jesus’ revelation of our likeness to Him and a call to His service even when we are faced with challenges.

We have many gifts. We are not really different from Jesus because we share in His gifts and in our ability to use them for the Kingdom. He calls us to grow our gifts through faith, trust, and confidence in Him and He lets us know that if we are part of His life, if we are with and in Him, He has us, is with us, and in us.

Jesus knows all the gifts we have. God, through the Holy Spirit, fills each of us with the gifts He wants us to have, those that will best build His Kingdom. God’s gifts are never pointless. Some gifts we hold in common; some are unique to each of us. Some of the gifts we have are fully present in us right now and others will emerge in the future, in God’s time and according to His plan.

For our part we must be open to using the gifts God has given us for His glory and praise. We must do that in practical ways that build His Kingdom.

Some of those practical ways are giving God the credit for the gifts people see in us, our talents and intellect, our smile and joy, our seriousness and concern, our charity and compassion. We are to call people into the Kingdom and bring them into the Church. We are to show them the way to life by our witness to our friends, parents, and relatives. We are to accept Jesus and all the gifts He offers. We are to let people know we said yes to Jesus, yes to His grace.

Like Jesus, we will get ignored, people will push back. It is not that they do not see our gifts, but their sin corrupts their view of the gifts we offer and Who and what we work for. That push back doesn’t really matter because in the end, like Jesus, we will have victory! In the end the Kingdom will be built through our gifts.

People from the synagogue official’s house arrived and said, “Your daughter has died; why trouble the teacher any longer?” Disregarding the message that was reported, Jesus said to the synagogue official, “Do not be afraid; just have faith.”

Today we encounter Jesus doing some tough problem solving that is completely consistent with the statement in the Book of Wisdom: God did not make death, nor does he rejoice in the destruction of the living.

In the Old Testament, Wisdom is personified as a woman, or the female face of God. The female imagery of Wisdom personifies God’s creative counsel and purpose, as well as God’s presence and active involvement in the world as its builder and the lover of our souls. She personifies the gift given to us by God for guidance in obeying His commands and responding to His calling. Lady-Wisdom, then, represents wisdom itself, in all its forms and manifestations. However, wisdom was never understood to be a goddess or a divine being independent of the one and only God. Neither is “Wisdom” ever used in Scripture as a substitute or alternative name for God.

Wisdom can be alluded to as Israel’s homemaker – the one who cares for the people and sees to their need, the builder of family life. 

She is the counselor. With patience and care she teaches the values of justice, well-being, and life. She offers the opportunity of salvation to those who listen to her counsel.

Finally, she is lover, a personification of the intimacy God desires to have with us. God’s love is an intimacy marked by faithfulness, fidelity, and truth. God stand before us constantly offering love, but never forcing us to accept it. Indeed, only the wise accept His love.

See how Jesus fulfills these aspects of His Godhead. He lets us know that He has come to draw us into intimacy. We see in today’s encounters that sickness, doubt, a lack of understanding and trust, and even death will not get in the way of Jesus’ reaching us. He removes those evils.

Throughout this passage Jesus counsels those He encountered, as well as us, in God’s way of doing things. Jesus protects the family and the home, that is the community of believers. He loves abundantly and draws us into an intimacy that gives life.

Jesus came to destroy death, break the chains that bound us, and reveal the fulness of the Father. In accord with God’s plan death and destruction has no place with Him. Let us be wise then in following His wisdom way.

The wind ceased and there was great calm. Then he asked them, “Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?”

Last week we heard Jesus’ parable of the seed and the grower. We spoke about God’s imperative, that is the thing He has made vitally important and crucial and that He authoritatively commands, i.e., that we grow. We have work to do in this green season. Growth in our likeness to God and in His Kingdom is dependent on us. The seed planted in us must yield fruit.

Today we encounter one of those moments in the disciples’ journey with Jesus that has a lot packed into it. There is of course the display of Jesus’ power and authority over all creation – a teaching moment for the disciples. We see Jesus demonstrating His care for those He loves. There are themes of trust and faith. There is a recalling of the Ark tossed about in the storm, but now with God fully present and buoying the ship. It is no longer the Ark of Noah, but that of God in which we are all contained.

St. Paul goes further to remind us that we are a new creation in Christ Jesus and the way we regard, i.e., how we view and treat each other must be changed. Our way of life together is no longer about what one can do for the other, what one has, or how one looks, but completely about our likenesses to Jesus. We are all in the Ark of God, thus the way we view and treat each other reflects the way we view and treat Jesus.

This event in the boat, or the new Ark, is not a one-off isolated thing. It literally follows what we heard last week, where we ended on Mark 4:34. He did not say anything to them without using a parable. But when he was alone with his own disciples, he explained everything. Mark 4:35 began, as we just heard, On that day

Jesus went right from a long discourse about discipleship, being light to the world, and growth to this nighttime journey.

We all have nighttime journeys, maybe in the past, now, or in the future. Let us ask God today for clarity when we encounter those journeys. Let us not just stop at ‘help me Jesus,’ but search deeper.

In my nighttime journeys do I perceive Jesus calmly at rest in the midst of it and from that gain confidence? We should. We should also recognize His power to overcome for us, not just ‘get us out of it,’ but to conquer. 

The storm is a call to growth in more than our own faith and trust, but also in our perception of the Ark we are in and who we are with. Growth requires our vision change. 

“This is how it is with the kingdom of God”

Today we re-enter Ordinary Time and the wearing of the Green. We had six weeks of Rose and Purple, ten weeks of White, and a brief week of Red.

Driving out to the Seminary and the Men’s Retreat was so refreshing. The land alive with growth, and on beautiful green display.

Holy Church uses green to convey a call to growth in our Kingdom citizenship. Not only that, it dedicates the majority of the weeks of the year, twenty-five in all in our Church, to growing.

In a beautiful way the call to growth is made imperative in today’s readings and gospel. Let’s look at that call.

In our first reading Ezekiel proclaims God’s promises of hope. He will restore Israel and plant it securely to grow and prosper. What had been broken and withered, reduced to nothing, will live again.

God likens Israel to the tender shoot from the top of the Cedar. We may not necessarily find cedars around us, but almost all types of evergreens put out tender shoots. Even the prickliest ones produce bright green, soft, fragrant shoots.

In Ezekiel, God does as He promises. The imperative things, that is the vitally important and crucial things authoritatively commanded, God Himself carries out. Israel had no power to restore itself, no army or political power. Israel is ‘new.’ So, out of His tremendous love and forgiveness, He will re-establish them. The imperative is from God and done by God.

Jesus Who came to usher in the Kingdom changes things up for us. Using nature and growth we see a different imperative. The focus is now on us.

God has scattered the seed – what we covered in the past few weeks – His sacraments and the depth of His Word given us, He has implanted in us by Jesus and has given us a place to dwell, His Holy Church, symbolized by the mustard bush the largest of plants with large branches, where the birds of the sky can dwell in its shade.

As Jesus states: Of its own accord the land yields fruit. The imperative remains from God but now it must be done by us. Growth in ourselves and in the Kingdom is dependent on us. We must yield fruit.

So, we are to grow ourselves: our sanctification growth into the image of God filled with complete self-giving love. We are to evangelize, to draw people into the Kingdom. It is imperative!

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and without Him not one thing came into being. 

Two weeks ago, we began considering the word mystery and the fact that we are now in a short transitional season between the fifty days of Easter and the start of ‘Ordinary Time’ next week.

We have already considered the mysteries of the Holy Trinity and the Body and Blood of Jesus. Today we consider the mystery of the Word whose Solemnity our Holy Church has instituted.

All these mysteries flow out of Pentecost which is their lynchpin. The power of the Holy Spirit and His gifts are given to us so we may better appreciate and draw grace from our contemplation and celebration of the mysteries of God’s Being, Feeding, and Word.

We are so privileged, for our Holy Church is the only one that believes and teaches that the Word of God proclaimed and taught has sacramental effect in our lives.

Many of us likely have a vague recollection of what sacramental effect is. It has been a while since catechism class. So, a little refresher.

A sacrament is an outward and visible sign of God’s inward and spiritual grace, instituted by Christ for our sanctification and salvation. Sacraments give sanctifying grace, and each gives a special sacramental grace through the merits of Jesus Christ Who instituted them.

Catechism of the PNCC 280, 283, 284.

That is a beautiful definition, and it covers a lot, but to make it more accessible let’s consider sacraments this way: God has great love for us and His love is so powerful that it changes us in the most remarkable and essential of ways. It causes us to grow into the image of His beloved Son Jesus and to become those who, when they appear before Him, are embraced just as the Father embraces His Son Jesus.

So, God has this love, but it must be transmitted, we need an infusion of His love, and it must occur in real, recognizable ways. Think of the sacraments as food for eternal life. We need to receive this food so to be filled and satisfied.

God’s Word Who is Jesus filled the world with all goodness at creation. His Word filled the people of Israel on their journeys, and His Word fills us today for through the Word people learn and grow, we are fed, filled and are enabled to confidently approach the throne of grace.

“Take it; this is My body.” “This is my blood of the covenant, which will be shed for many.”

Moses anointed the people with the blood of bulls as a sign of the covenant between them and God. As the Letter to the Hebrews tells us, we have something so much better now, not cleansing or agreement through the blood of goats and bulls, but through the Body and Blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

We began last week considering the word mystery and the fact that we are now in a short transitional season between the fifty days of Easter and the start of ‘Ordinary Time’ two weeks from now.

In this time, we contemplate the mysteries God has revealed to us in His word, by the revelation, work and teaching of Jesus, and by the teaching of the Apostles and Fathers.

Last week we focused on the mysteries of the Holy Trinity. Today we continue in consideration of the mystery of the Body and Blood of Jesus which began Thursday and is so important it is celebrated and contemplated for an Octave, eight days. Next Sunday we consider the mystery of the Word whose Solemnity our Holy Church has instituted and requires to be celebrated on the third Sunday after Pentecost. No, next Sunday is not an Ordinary Sunday.

All these mysteries flow out of Pentecost which is their lynchpin. The power of the Holy Spirit and His gifts are given to us so we may better appreciate and draw grace from our contemplation and celebration of God’s mysteries of God’s Being, feeding, and Word.

It is so important that we be very careful in our consideration of the mystery of Jesus’ Body and Blood. We are not called to philosophically explain it, only to believe.

We are very privileged within our Holy Church because we have continually taught and lived the reality of what we receive. The dignity of the sacrament and how it is handled indicate that this is not some ordinary thing. Unfortunately, in some Churches they have thrown that all out. It is why more than a third of their churchgoers no longer believe that they receive Jesus’ true Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. What a sad life bowing to bread and wine and thinking there is nothing there. 

If we do not believe, then there is no encounter with Jesus’ eternity during the Canon, we are not pulled into heaven with Him. We kneel to nothing. We receive nothing. We leave with nothing in us.  

Jesus gave us this mystery and gift so that we might be continually connected to His wholeness and He to us. This is what we believe. What an amazing and wonderful gift.