
Let us be poured
out for Him.

When he was in Bethany reclining at table in the house of Simon the leper, a woman came with an alabaster jar of perfumed oil, costly genuine spikenard. She broke the alabaster jar and poured it on his head. There were some who were indignant. “Why has there been this waste of perfumed oil? It could have been sold for more than three hundred days’ wages and the money given to the poor.” They were infuriated with her. Jesus said, “Let her alone. Why do you make trouble for her? She has done a good thing for me.”

Twelve days after Christmas we celebrate the visit of the Magi, the Kings, the Wise men. They came to pour out their gifts for Jesus – gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. So too they poured out the time (almost a year), effort, and treasure it took to make the journey. Their gifts were poured out with joy in recognition of Jesus’ kingship and were also poured out in preparation for His burial.

Jesus comes to Jerusalem, well aware of what was to occur. As He enters the city the people pour out praise. They acclaim Him King, the One who comes in the Name of the Lord.

Today a woman comes and pours out costly perfume for Jesus. Mark notes that she anoints His head. John says she anointed His feet and washed them with her tears. In either case, she pours out her time, treasure, and tears for Jesus. She stands up to ridicule and pours out an embarrassing amount of love for Jesus, her Savior.

In Good Friday’s reading of the Passion we hear of Joseph of Arimathe’a and Nicode’mus who will come, risking their lives before Pilate and those who plotted against Jesus, asking for His body. Nicode’mus pours out a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about a hundred pounds’ weight.

Throughout Jesus’ earthly ministry people came to Him. They poured out their sins, needs, troubles and tears. They poured out their expectations and their love. They poured out hatred and mistrust as well. For thousands of years since people have continued to do the same.

For all that humanity has poured out, Jesus came to pour out far more. He did not limit His ministry to what was being poured out to Him, but rather poured Himself out to take all darkness away. Through His pouring out we have been freed. Even what we fear to pour out is taken away. The deepest and darkest recesses of our lives – the places were sin and evil have taken root – Jesus came to take those away. Psalm 116 asks: What shall I return to the LORD for all his goodness to me? Let us pour out faithfulness, love, praise, worship and thanksgiving to Jesus who poured Himself out for us.


The tide is
rolling in.

But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the LORD. I will place my law within them and write it upon their hearts; I will be their God, and they shall be my people. No longer will they have need to teach their friends and relatives how to know the LORD. All, from least to greatest, shall know me, says the LORD

Today marks the 1st Sunday of Passiontide, the beginning of the two weeks before the Solemnity of the Resurrection. It is a time in which we can most deeply encounter Jesus by walking with Him.

We began our Lenten journey by receiving ashes and pledging to walk with Jesus for forty days as He fasted and prayed. Now that journey is drawing to a close.

As in any long journey we perceive the fact that we tire as the journey gets closer to the end. Being near the end we have choices to make. Do we continue the same walk we have been on for the past five weeks? Do we give up now because we are tired or because we never really got started anyway? Or, do we double down, and chose to walk more closely with Jesus in this Passiontide?

The right choice is to walk more closely with Jesus. The time is drawing near and over the next two weeks we will recall Jesus teaching in the Temple as He tries to change the hearts of those who would hear Him. We see Him headed to the Upper Room where He will teach His closest friends, will wash their feet, and will leave them the gift of His body and blood through which they will ever be with Him. He will walk to the Garden to pray. He will be arrested, tortured, and will face false accusers at trial before unjust and mocking judges. He will be whipped, carry His own cross, be nailed to it, and die on it. He will be buried in a borrowed tomb.

How close will we be with Him in this Passiontide? Jesus reminds us today: Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will preserve it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there also will my servant be.

To walk more closely with Jesus requires something tremendous, that we give up our life, our ways, our opinions, our judgment of right and wrong and conform to Jesus’ way – He is the Way. Passiontide tests us more thoroughly. When the going gets tiring and tougher, will we walk way or work harder? Is where He is the place we really want to be? These are very difficult questions, and our answers – if they are right – will be persecuted in the world. Yet we have the promise of true freedom and victory. Let us walk more closely with Jesus for He was lifted up to draw us all closer to Him.


New York State Announces Applications Open for 2015-2017 Empire State Fellows Program

The State of New York today announced the opening of the application process for the latest class of the Empire States Fellows. Now in its fourth year, the prestigious program attracts exceptional and diverse talent from all around the country to serve in high-level positions in New York State government. Since its inception in 2012, the two-year program has begun preparing a new generation of policy-makers to help lead New York State well into the future, with various Empire State Fellows going on to serve in appointed positions throughout the administration upon completion of their Fellowship.

“New York has always fostered great home-grown talent while also attracting the best and brightest from around the world,” said New York Secretary of State Cesar A. Perales, who oversees the program for Governor Andrew M. Cuomo. “The Empire State Fellows program has proven to be an effective platform in shaping a new and talented group of policy-makers to contribute to public service. We look forward to welcoming another dedicated and diverse class to the Capital.”

To apply to be an Empire State Fellow, candidates must E-mail a cover letter, resume, personal statement, and two letters of recommendation by Friday, April 10, 2015. For more information on the Empire State Fellows Program visit their website.

The Empire State Fellows program is a unique training ground to prepare and retain professionals for policy-making roles in New York State government. Once selected, they will work closely with senior administration officials and participate in the policy decisions that will help transform our State. While working full-time in State government, Empire State Fellows will also engage in specially tailored educational and professional development programs created collaboratively by the Cuomo Administration and the Rockefeller Institute at SUNY Albany. These programs include interaction with the top leaders in State government, as well as on-the-ground experience learning from local government officials.

Successful Empire State Fellows have continued serving New York State after completing the two-year Fellowship. Governor Cuomo has appointed more than 10 Empire State Fellows to senior positions in his administration.

“The path that took me from being an Empire State Fellow, to Assistant Commissioner with New York State Homes & Community Renewal, and now as the Governor’s Assistant Secretary for Housing, was thrilling, compelling and life-altering,” said Kisha Santiago, a former Fellow. “The program is an incubator for excellence that propels those with the passion and drive to make a real difference for New Yorkers on a career trajectory that forges the finest in public service. If you are a creative problem-solver who works hard and is ready for meaningful work, I strongly encourage you apply to the Empire Fellows program.”

“The Empire State Fellows program is unique,” said Assistant Secretary to the Governor for the Environment and former Fellow Peter Walke. “There are many leadership training programs, but no other program enables motivated individuals to serve at this level. I am grateful to the Governor for giving me the opportunity to prove my merit.”

The Empire State Fellows program is part of Governor Cuomo’ s New New York Leaders initiative that recruits experienced professionals, college graduates and student interns to serve in State government.


Fulton-Montgomery Community College – Early Childhood Education Instructor

FMCC is seeking candidates for a full-time, tenure-track position to teach a variety of education courses, beginning September 1, 2015. Candidates must be committed to the mission of community colleges and teaching students who have a wide range of academic abilities. Duties also include, but are not limited to, internship site development, evaluation, and student placement, program and course assessment, program planning, and implementation and evaluation of curriculum.

Qualifications: A Master’s degree in Early Childhood/Childhood Education or closely related field is required. Teaching experience is preferred, preferably at the two-year college level, as is experience with assessment of student learning.

Salary/Benefits: The successful candidate will receive an excellent benefits package and an expected rank/annual salary of Instructor/$52,139.

The anticipated start date is September 1, 2015. The position will remain open until a successful candidate has been identified. However, for fullest consideration, applications should be received by March 25, 2015.

Application procedures: Submit a letter of application, outlining interests and qualifications that are relevant to the position, a resume, copies of undergraduate and graduate transcripts, and the names, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of five professional references. Electronic submissions are preferred, sent by E-mail with the position title in the email subject line.

Fulton-Montgomery Community College is a part of the State University of New York system and is located on 195 acres in a historic center of New York State, approximately 40 miles west of the state capital, Albany. FMCC is a comprehensive, two-year college with an increasing enrollment of approximately 2,800 full- and part-time students, including approximately 100 international students from 25 countries and the New York City Metro Area. FMCC offers over 40 Degree and Certificate Programs.

Equinox, Inc. – Director of Adult Residential Services

The Director of Adult Residential Services will provide Administrative supervision and leadership to four residential programs, Admission’s Coordinator, and Health Home Program. Participate as member of the Residential Team with the development of policy, as a member of Board committees as requested and as liaison to designated agencies and governmental bodies. Assure on‐going staff development and in‐ service training; assure all programs meet established standards.

Qualifications: Master’s degree in Health Administration, MBA, or relate field preferred. Five years of experience in management including residential services. Knowledge of Medicaid system and NYS Office of Mental Health regulations.

Benefits: Excellent benefits to include an agency contribution to health insurance, voluntary dental, 403(b) with agency match, 8 paid holidays, and a generous time off package.

Send resume & cover letter with job title in subject line by E-mail.

The Schenectady YMCA’s Thelma P. Lally Center – Assistant Teacher

Under the general direction of the Daycare Director, the teacher assistant is responsible for assisting with the planning and implementation of a developmentally appropriate childcare program.

Job Requirements: AAS in Child Development, Elementary Ed, Physical Ed, Recreation or related field OR HS Degree/GED and two years direct experience with children under age 13, OR Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential. Knowledge of and commitment to the mission of the YMCA and its capacity to build strong kids, families and communities. The ability to articulate and model YMCA’s four core values of Caring, Honesty, Respect and Responsibilities are essential.

Principal Responsibilities: To assist with planning, implementing and supervising a developmentally and academically appropriate curriculum for the assigned program. Maintain daily schedules of activities, etc. Maintain an organized, clean and safe learning and recreational environment for all program areas. Develop and consistently maintain appropriate and professional communication with parents. Train children and parents on emergency procedures in compliance with OCFS regulations. Maintain inventory of equipment and supplies. Ensure all applicable OCFS regulations are followed, including but not limited to ratios, child abuse reporting and emergency procedures. Maintain all required records and logs.
ï‚· Maintain cleanliness of facility as a member of Clean Team. All other duties, as requested.

Scheduled Shifts: Full Time, 80 hours biweekly
Pay Range: $9.54
Deadline: 4/3/2015

Please send all applications and resumes to: Beth Doris, Daycare Director, Capital District YMCA – Thelma P. Lally Early Learning Center, 204 So. Ten Broeck Street, Scotia, NY. 12302 or by E-mail.

The Schenectady YMCA’s Thelma P. Lally Center – Summer Camp Counselor

Under the general direction of the Summer Camp Director, the summer camp Counselor oversees a group of assigned campers, ensuring a healthy and positive summer program.

Job Requirements: (Include education, experience and specific competencies) Must be 18 years of age. Previous experience in camping, recreation, teaching, childcare or physical education preferred. Must have knowledge of crafts, group games and sports. Excellent human relation skills, good organizational and communication skills. Knowledge of and commitment to the mission of the YMCA and its capacity to build strong kids, families and communities. The ability to articulate and model YMCA’s four core values of Caring, Honesty, Respect and Responsibilities are essential.

Principal Responsibilities: Ensure the safety and health of all campers in accordance with applicable NYS requirements and CDYMCA requirements through proper supervision. Implement camp activities as directed. Maintain all equipment and property, minimizing damage. Inform director if new equipment is needed or equipment is in need of repair. Communicate positively and enthusiastically with campers, parents, staff and volunteers. Treat each child with dignity and respect. Provide direction to assistant camp counselors and any staff or campers in training. Report all accidents and incidents involving self, participants, guests or other employees. Familiar with and able to implement emergency procedures.
9. Ensure cleanliness of facility or property as a member of Clean Team. All other duties as assigned.

Deadline: 4-3-15
Pay Range: $ 9.00
Scheduled Shifts: Seasonal, 1st shift, 40 hrs. Per week

Please send all applications and resumes to: Beth Doris, Daycare Director, Capital District YMCA – Thelma P. Lally Early Learning Center, 204 So. Ten Broeck Street, Scotia, NY. 12302 or by E-mail.

The Schenectady YMCA’s North Colonie Childcare Site – Assistant Teacher

Under the general direction of the Daycare Director, the teacher assistant is responsible for assisting with the planning and implementation of a developmentally appropriate K-care program.

Job Requirements: AAS in Child Development, Elementary Ed, Physical Ed, Recreation or related field OR HS Degree/GED and two years direct experience with children under age 13, OR Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential. Knowledge of and commitment to the mission of the YMCA and its capacity to build strong kids, families and communities. The ability to articulate and model YMCA’s four core values of Caring, Honesty, Respect and Responsibilities are essential.

Principal Responsibilities: To assist with planning, implementing and supervising a developmentally and academically appropriate curriculum for the assigned program. Maintain daily schedules of activities, etc. Maintain an organized, clean and safe learning and recreational environment for all program areas. Develop and consistently maintain appropriate and professional communication with parents. Train children and parents on emergency procedures in compliance with OCFS regulations. Maintain inventory of equipment and supplies. Ensure all applicable OCFS regulations are followed, including but not limited to ratios, child abuse reporting and emergency procedures. Maintain all required records and logs. Maintain cleanliness of facility as a member of Clean Team. All other duties, as requested.

Scheduled Shifts: Full time, 40 hrs. weekly.
Pay Range: $9.54
Deadline: 4/3/2015

Please send all applications and resumes to: Beth Doris, Daycare Director, Capital District YMCA – Thelma P. Lally Early Learning Center, 204 So. Ten Broeck Street, Scotia, NY. 12302 or by E-mail.

The Albany YMCA – Site Supervisor II for before and After School Care programs at Eagle Point and Pine Hills Elementary Schools

Under the general direction of the Childcare Director, the Site Supervisor II is responsible for planning and supervising a developmentally appropriate childcare program.

Job Requirements: Minimum one year in a supervisory capacity preferred. Two years direct experience with children under age 13. BA/BS in Child Development (Elementary Ed, Physical Ed, Recreation Ed or related field). OR School Age Child Care Credential. OR Two years of College with 18 credits in Child Development, Elementary Ed, Physical Ed, recreation or related field. OR AAS in Child Development, Elementary Ed, Physical Ed, Recreation or related field.

Candidates must submit a NYS Medical Statement of Childcare Staff Form documenting physician clearance to work in a childcare setting. TB Test which meets Health and Social Service requirement. Clearance from a Criminal Background check. First and CPR certifications.

Preferred candidates must possess excellent human relation skills, good organizational and communication skills.

Principal Responsibilities: Plan, implement and supervise a developmentally and academically appropriate curriculum for the assigned site. Maintain positive working relationship with school personnel in coordination of the building site and related issues. Develop and maintain weekly and monthly calendar of activities for display to parents. Maintain daily schedules of activities, etc. Maintain an organized, clean and safe learning and recreational environment for all program areas. Develop and consistently maintain appropriate and professional communication with parents. Supervise all site staff and provide input and written evaluations as requested. Establish and train staff, children and parents on emergency procedures in compliance with OCFS regulations. Manage and control inventory of equipment and supplies, in accordance with budget. Ensure all applicable OCFS regulations are followed. Maintain all required records and logs. Maintain cleanliness of facility as a member of Clean Team. All other duties, as requested.

Available Shift: 2:00pm-6:00pm, part time, (approx. 25 hrs. per week)
Pay Range: $12.75-17.00
Deadline: Open

Please forward all resumes and applications to: Kelly Sturgis, Director of Operations Albany Branch, Capital District YMCA 616 North Pearl Street Albany, NY 12204 or by E-mail.

The Capital District YMCA Troy Branch – Summer Camp Counselor

Under the general direction of the Summer Camp Director, the Counselor oversees a group of assigned campers, ensuring a healthy and positive summer program.

Job Requirements (Include education, experience and specific competencies): Must be 18 years of age. Previous experience in camping, recreation, teaching, childcare or physical education preferred. Must have knowledge of crafts, group games and sports. Excellent human relation skills, good organizational and communication skills. Knowledge of and commitment to the mission of the YMCA and its capacity to build strong kids, families and communities. The ability to articulate and model YMCA’s four core values of Caring, Honesty, Respect and Responsibilities are essential.

Principal Responsibilities: Ensure the safety and health of all campers in accordance with applicable NYS requirements and CDYMCA requirements through proper supervision. Implement camp activities as directed. Maintain all equipment and property, minimizing damage. Inform director if new equipment is needed or equipment is in need of repair. Communicate positively and enthusiastically with campers, parents, staff and volunteers. Treat each child with dignity and respect. Provide direction to assistant camp counselors and any staff or campers in training. Report all accidents and incidents involving self, participants, guests or other employees. Familiar with and able to implement emergency procedures. Ensure cleanliness of facility or property as a member of Clean Team. All other duties as assigned.

Scheduled Shift: Seasonal, 1st shift, varies 7:00am – 6:00pm, Approx. 35 hrs. Per week
Pay Range: $9.00
Deadline: 4/1/2015

Please forward all resumes and applications to: Peggy Maliski, Childcare Director, Capital District YMCA, Troy Family Branch, 2500 21st Street, Troy, NY 12180 or by E-mail.

The Troy YMCA – Cheer/Dance Instructor for Day Camp

Under the general direction of the Childcare Director, the Cheer/Dance Instructor runs the Cheer and Dance specialty camp program.

Principal Responsibilities: To plan and implement lesson plans. Set up and maintain facility and equipment as required by specific program. Run the Cheer and program, ensuring that safety is observed and the goals of the program are met. Ensure that accurate attendance records are maintained. Greet all participants and parents in a professional and friendly manner. Appropriately supervise participants in assigned programs and areas. Effectively communicate with parents and/or participants re: scheduling and requirements of program. Maintain cleanliness of facility as a member of Clean Team. Other duties, as directed.

Job Requirements: Include a HS/GED. College level study in a physical education, health education or recreational program preferred. Must have experience working with children of all ages. Must also be versed in running youth and sports oriented programs. Appropriate professional certifications. Excellent human relation skills, good organizational and communication skills. Knowledge of and commitment to the mission of the YMCA and its capacity to build strong kids, families and communities. The ability to articulate and model YMCA’s four core values of Caring, Honesty, Respect and Responsibilities are essential.

Scheduled Shift: Seasonal, 1st shift, varies 9:00am – 4:00pm, Approx. 30 hrs. Per week
Pay Range: $10.00-11.00
Deadline: 4/1/2015

Please forward all resumes and applications to: Peggy Maliski, Childcare Director, Capital District YMCA, Troy Family Branch, 2500 21st Street, Troy, NY 12180 or by E-mail.

The Troy Branch of the Capital District YMCA – Activities Assistant

Under the direction of the Site Supervisor, the Activities Assistant is responsible for assisting with the implementation of all school age child care activities.

Job Requirements: Must be 16 years of age. Prior experience working with children preferred. Submission of NYS Medical Statement of Childcare Staff Form documenting physician clearance to work in a childcare setting. TB Test which meets Health and Social Service requirement. Clearance from Criminal Background check. Maintain 15 hours of childcare related training annually. Excellent human relation skills, good organizational and communication skills.

Principal Responsibilities: Assist in preparation and implementation of all activities for the site. Assist the site staff with distribution and cleanup of daily snack. Work with the children in small groups with age appropriate activities such as crafts, games, clubs and science. Maintain clean, neat and organized environment at the site. Maintain a safe and secure environment for all program participants. Appropriately communicate with parents. Maintain all applicable state regulations re: school age child care programs. Maintain cleanliness of facility as a member of Clean Team. All other duties, as requested.

Scheduled Shift: Part time; 1st, and 2nd shifts, evenings, 1:30pm – 5:30pm, Approx. 20-25 hrs. Per week Pay Range: $ 9.00
Deadline: 4/3/2015

Please forward all resumes and applications to: Peggy Maliski, Childcare Director, Capital District YMCA, Troy Family Branch, 2500 21st Street, Troy, NY 12180 or by E-mail.

The Capital District YMCA Troy Branch – Group Leader

Under the direction of the Childcare Director, a Group Leader is responsible for assisting with the planning, development and implementation of all classroom activities.

Job Requirements: An AAS in Child Development, Recreation or related field OR HS Degree/GED and two years’ experience working with children under age 13. Submission of NYS Medical Statement of Childcare Staff Form documenting physician clearance to work in a childcare setting as well as TB Test which meets Health and Social Service requirement. Clearance from Criminal Background check. Maintains 30 hours of childcare related training every two years. Excellent human relation skills, good organizational and communication skills. Knowledge of and commitment to the mission of the YMCA and its capacity to build strong kids, families and communities. The ability to articulate and model YMCA’s four core values of Caring, Honesty, Respect and Responsibilities are essential.

Principal Responsibilities: Include assist in planning, preparation and implementation of all activities for the site. Assist the site staff with distribution and clean-up of daily snack. Work with the children in small groups with age appropriate activities such as crafts, games, clubs and science. Maintain clean, neat and organized environment at the site. Creating and maintaining a safe and secure environment for all program participants. Foster appropriate communication with parents. Maintain all applicable state regulations school age child care programs. Assist in maintenance of required log and record books. Maintain cleanliness of facility as a member of Clean Team. All other duties, as requested.

Scheduled Shift: Part time; 1st, and 2nd shifts, evenings, 1:30pm – 5:30pm, Approx. 20-25 hrs. Per week Pay Range: $ 9.54-10.00
Deadline: 4/3/2015

Please forward all resumes and applications to: Peggy Maliski, Childcare Director, Capital District YMCA, Troy Family Branch, 2500 21st Street, Troy, NY 12180 or by E-mail.

The Capital District YMCA Troy Branch – Summer Camp Unit Leader

Under the general direction of the Camp Director, the Camp Unit Leader is responsible for overseeing a specific camp unit, assisting with the planning, development and implementation of all activities as well as the supervision of campers.

Job Requirements: (Include education, experience and specific competencies): Must be 18 years of age. Previous experience in camping, recreation, teaching, childcare or physical education required. Must have knowledge of crafts, group games, and sports. Ability to stay positive and energized while working long hours. Certified in First Aid, CPR Pro, and Life Guard is preferred. Prior supervisory experience preferred. Excellent human relation skills, good organizational and communication skills. Knowledge of and commitment to the mission of the YMCA and its capacity to build strong kids, families and communities. The ability to articulate and model YMCA’s four core values of Caring, Honesty, Respect and Responsibilities are essential.

Principal Responsibilities: Ensure the safety and health of all campers in accordance with applicable MA requirements and CDYMCA requirements of proper supervision. Assist with the planning, preparation and implementation of all activities for the camp unit. Maintain clean, neat and organized environment at the site or camp location. Be a positive role model for campers and other staff. Treat each child with dignity and respect. Foster appropriate communication with parents. Report all accidents and incidents with campers, parents, staff and volunteers. Supervise camp staff –counselors, assist counselors, notifying camp director of any issues or concerns. Assist in maintenance of required log and record books. Maintain cleanliness of facility as a member of Clean Team. All other duties, as requested.

Scheduled Shift: Seasonal, 1st shift, varies 7:00am – 6:00pm, Approx. 30-35 hrs. Per week
Pay Range: $10.00
Deadline: 4/1/2015

Please forward all resumes and applications to: Peggy Maliski, Childcare Director, Capital District YMCA, Troy Family Branch, 2500 21st Street, Troy, NY 12180 or by E-mail.

The Troy YMCA – Site Supervisor 1 positions for before and After School Care programs

Under the general direction of the Childcare Director, the Site Supervisor is responsible for planning and supervising a developmentally appropriate childcare program.

Job Requirements: Minimum one year in a supervisory capacity preferred. Two years direct experience with children under age 13. BA/BS in Child Development (Elementary Ed, Physical Ed, Recreation Ed or related field). OR School Age Child Care Credential. OR Two years of College with 18 credits in Child Development, Elementary Ed, Physical Ed, recreation or related field. OR AAS in Child Development, Elementary Ed, Physical Ed, Recreation or related field. Candidates must submit a NYS Medical Statement of Childcare Staff Form documenting physician clearance to work in a childcare setting. TB Test which meets Health and Social Service requirement. Clearance from a Criminal Background check. First and CPR certifications. Preferred candidates must possess excellent human relation skills, good organizational and communication skills.

Principal Responsibilities: Plan, implement and supervise a developmentally and academically appropriate curriculum for the assigned site. Maintain positive working relationship with school personnel in coordination of the building site and related issues. Develop and maintain weekly and monthly calendar of activities for display to parents. Maintain daily schedules of activities, etc. Maintain an organized, clean and safe learning and recreational environment for all program areas. Develop and consistently maintain appropriate and professional communication with parents. Supervise all site staff and provide input and written evaluations as requested. Establish and train staff, children and parents on emergency procedures in compliance with OCFS regulations. Manage and control inventory of equipment and supplies, in accordance with budget. Ensure all applicable OCFS regulations are followed. Maintain all required records and logs. Maintain cleanliness of facility as a member of Clean Team. All other duties, as requested.

Available Shift: 1:30pm-5:30pm, part time, evenings (approx. 25 hrs. per week including planning)
Pay Range: $12.03-12.50
Deadline: 4/3/2015

Please forward all resumes and applications to: Peggy Maliski, Childcare Director, Capital District YMCA, Troy Family Branch, 2500 21st Street, Troy, NY 12180 or by E-mail.

The Greenbush Area Branch of the Capital District YMCA – Custodian

Under the direction of the Property Director, the custodian is responsible for cleaning the facility according to the standards of the CDYMCA.

Job Requirements: HS diploma/GED required. One year prior experience in custodial work preferred. Must have reliable transportation. Excellent human relation skills, good organizational and communication skills.

Principal Responsibilities: Follow and complete daily housekeeping work schedule in all assigned areas. Clean and sanitize assigned areas, according to established procedures and standards. Assist with building repairs as requested. Assist in snow removal or lawn grooming when necessary. Assist in set up and cleanup of rooms for special events. Maintain cleanliness of facility as a member of Clean Team. Other duties, as directed.

Scheduled Shift: Part time; Weekends and Evenings Deadline: Open
Pay Range: $8.75

Please forward resumes or applications to: Troy Ketcham, Property Director, Capital District YMCA, Greenbush Area Branch, 20 Community Way, East Greenbush, NY 12061 or by E-mail.

The Bethlehem Branch of the Capital District YMCA – Custodian

Under the direction of the Property Director, the custodian is responsible for cleaning the facility according to the standards of the CDYMCA.

Job Requirements: HS diploma/GED required. One year prior experience in custodial work preferred. Must have reliable transportation. Excellent human relation skills, good organizational and communication skills.

Principal Responsibilities: Follow and complete daily housekeeping work schedule in all assigned areas. Clean and sanitize assigned areas, according to established procedures and standards. Assist with building repairs as requested. Assist in snow removal or lawn grooming when necessary. Assist in set up and cleanup of rooms for special events. Maintain cleanliness of facility as a member of Clean Team. Other duties, as directed.

Scheduled Shift: Part time; Monday, Tues, Wednesday 5pm-9pm, and Saturday 12 noon-4pm (Approx. 16 hours weekly)
Deadline: 4/1/2015
Pay Range: $9.00

Please forward resumes or applications to: Jeffery Myers, Property Director, Capital District YMCA Bethlehem Area Branch, 900 Delaware Ave., Delmar, NY 12054 or by E-mail.

St. Paul’s Center, Inc. – Nutrition Coordinator

Department: Client Services
Reports To: Transitional Client Advocate
FLSA Status: Part time – non exempt

Summary: Plans monthly menus, ensures food preparation is done safely, reports to outside funding and purchasing agencies are done timely and accurately and that the Center has the appropriate food and supplies for meals by performing the position responsibilities.

Job Responsibilities include the following. Other duties may be assigned.

Formulates menus for diets based on medical and physical condition of residents, and integrates residents’ menus with basic menu. Ensures that all menus and meal preparation are compliant with funding source standards including CACFP and NYSDOH standards. Instructs residents about meal plan and dietary changes, and establishes goals and objectives to help meet the plan, if needed for a family. Instructs families in nutritional principles, dietary plans, food selection, and preparation. Educates residents and agency staff in food preparation, service and proper storage. Agency staff is informed during supervision with the Client Advocate and regularly during program aid meetings. Residents are educated through a variety of venues: house meetings, when working with program aids, or when interacting with the Nutrition Supervisor. The Nutrition Supervisor will ensure the Client Advocate/Sr. Program Aid has information to provide to residents. Teaches nutrition and diet therapy to center personnel. Completes monthly reports for funding sources. Acts as the contact staff for other community service agencies regarding food purchasing/grants, i.e…Regional Food Bank, CACFP, DOH etc… Maintains files for funding source to include but not limited to copies of monthly menu. Purchase all needed items for food preparation to include groceries, which includes regular order to Regional Food Bank and shopping twice a week at the local grocery store, along with other food vendors such as Ginsberg, Sycaway, etc.

Qualifications: Education and/or Experience: Associate’s degree (A. A.) or equivalent from two-year college or technical school; or six months to one year related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience. Computer Skills: To perform this job successfully, an individual should have knowledge of database software, and Microsoft Office software. The Nutrition Supervisor must be proficient in completing any online reporting requirements by funders or oversight organizations. Certificates, Licenses, Registrations: Certification in Nutrition or related field preferred, clean Driver’s License.

Competencies: All staff are expected to treat colleagues and residents with respect and this is demonstrated in all written and verbal communications. All staff are expected to be responsible stewards of donor dollars, demonstrating a cost conscious approach to all resources – financial and human. All staff are expected to perform as a team, lending support to colleagues in need and willing to perform tasks in support of each other.

Physical Demands: The physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job. While performing the duties of this Job, the employee is regularly required to walk and talk or hear. The employee is frequently required to stand; use hands to finger, handle, or feel and reach with hands and arms. The employee is occasionally required to sit. The employee must regularly lift and /or move up to 10 pounds, frequently lift and/or move up to 25 pounds and occasionally lift and/or move up to 50 pounds.

If you are interested in this position, please send your resume to Tracy Pitcher by E-mail.

Holy Week_sm

The schedule below notes all services for Passiontide, Holy Week, and Easter. Please join us as we recognize all the God has done for us and rejoice in His victory.

  • 3/29 – Palm Sunday: Blessing and Distribution of Palms and Holy Mass at 9:30am, Holy Mass at 11:30am
  • 3/31 – Holy Tuesday: Clergy Conference and Holy Mass of Chrism, St. Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr Cathedral, Scranton
  • 4/2 – Maundy Thursday: Holy Mass of the Lord’s Supper, Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament, 7pm
  • 4/3 – Good Friday: Church opens at 10am for Cross Walk. Church Open for Private Devotion at 2pm. Lamentations at 3pm, Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified and Opening of the Tomb at 7pm
  • 4/4 – Holy Saturday: Holy Saturday Liturgies – Blessing of new fire, holy water, renewal of baptismal promises, blessing of food, 4pm
  • 4/5 – Solemnity of the Resurrection: Procession and Solemn High Holy Mass, 8am, Holy Mass at 10am. Easter Repast/ ÅšwiÄ™conka after each Holy Mass.


What is from

God's free gift

In the first year of Cyrus, king of Persia, in order to fulfill the word of the LORD spoken by Jeremiah, the LORD inspired King Cyrus of Persia to issue this proclamation throughout his kingdom, both by word of mouth and in writing: “Thus says Cyrus, king of Persia: All the kingdoms of the earth the LORD, the God of heaven, has given to me, and he has also charged me to build him a house in Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Whoever, therefore, among you belongs to any part of his people, let him go up, and may his God be with him!”

Cyrus the Great is counted as the patron who delivered Israel from Babylonian captivity. Cyrus was the king of Persia. He was not Jewish. There is some speculation as to his religion, but as with many civil rulers to this day he believed in whatever may have suited him politically at the moment. So here is this politically savvy ruler who captured Persia, founded the Achaemenid Empire and conquered most of Southwest and Central Asia and the Caucasus. His rule stretched from the Mediterranean Sea in the west to the Indus River in the east. So why, in the first year of his reign, would he make a decree that the Temple should be rebuilt in Jerusalem and that the Jewish people who wished could return to their land for this purpose? He even allowed the treasures of the Temple, captured by Nebuchadnezzar, to be returned.

We can look at this like many look at faith – with incredulity. A savvy and strong political leader being generous – Who can believe that? Why would he empty his treasury and let these people go? There are all kinds of speculation as to why. Maybe it was a political move, gaining allegiance from all of the people Cyrus had conquered. Maybe he had an affinity for their belief system. Maybe… a thousand reasons.

St. Paul tells us: …by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not from you; it is the gift of God. Paul tells us that God gives us tremendous gifts specifically so that we might have life. Cyrus is held up as an image of God’s generosity. Cyrus owed Israel absolutely nothing and they could do nothing for him. He had power and control and turns to these people and gives them everything.

The lesson is that God’s generosity is inestimable and unexplainable. God is self-sufficient yet desires to love and care for us He emptied His treasury and sent His only Son to die for us so we might enter into His eternal and heavenly city. What is from God is not power or security, or even health as the world understands those things. It is the gift of faith that is far more generous. By the gift of faith that is from God alone we enter into relationship with Him have life for all of eternity.

From the Schenectady Gazette of February 15, 1957 and the Parish archives: Polish Parish Greets 4 Refugees Arriving Under Church Sponsorship

WELCOMED TO CITY - Rev. Roman P. Jasinski, right of Holy Name Polish National Church welcomes group of Polish displaced persons at their arrival here last night. Left to right are Mr. and Mrs. Tadeusz Wisniewski, Zygmund Rutecki, and Mr. and Mrs. Tadeusz Woloszyn
WELCOMED TO CITY – Rev. Roman P. Jasinski, right of Holy Name Polish National Church welcomes group of Polish displaced persons at their arrival here last night. Left to right are Mr. and Mrs. Tadeusz Wisniewski, Zygmund Rutecki, and Mr. and Mrs. Tadeusz Woloszyn
Four Polish refugees who were displaced from their homeland in 1945 arrived in Schenectady last night under sponsorship of the Holy Name Polish National Catholic Church.

THE REFUGEES came here well dressed and apparently in good physical condition — a tribute, no doubt, to the treatment they received as employees of United States occupation forces in Germany.

Rev. Roman P. Jasinski headed a delegation from the local church that was on hand to meet the group when it arrived by train at 10:21 p.m.

In addition to the four displaced persons from Poland, the group included 22-year-old Irmhild Woloszyn, a native of Germany who came here with her husband, Tadeusz, 34.

OTHERS IN THE group were Tadeusz Wisniewski, 30, and his wife, Mary, 31, and Zygmund Rutecki, 32, who is single.

The refugees said they were forced to Germany to work in labor camps in 1945. After their liberation by U.S. forces, they were still classified as “displaced persons” but enjoyed much better living conditions.

Rutecki said he spent the last five years in France as an army employee. Woloszyn said the army resettled him in a private home in 1952. Wisniewski, who said he escaped to France and England in 1945, added that he later returned to Germany, where he also worked for the army.

FATHER JASINSKI said the arrivals were among 1,000 families being brought to this country by the Polish National Church. In all, 10 families are expected to be resettled in Schenectady.

The local parish is securing dwelling places and finding jobs for the refugees, Father Jasinski said.

Members of a parish committee also on hand to meet the refugees last night were Frank Wilk, Henry Banasiak, Mrs. William Trier and Mrs. Ferdinand Ruchalski.

The Summer Enrichment Program (SEP) is a health care management internship designed to promote racial and ethnic diversity, and is supported by the Greater New York Hospital Association (GNYHA) and its members. The program is a 12-week internship during which interns are assigned to senior management staff at GNYHA member facilities to gain firsthand experience with the operations and management issues health care organizations face.


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