All Souls Remembrances/Wypominki

238Of blessed memory:

All souls entrusted to our prayer by their families

All who have perished in natural disasters and tragedies over the past year
All who gave their lives in service to our Country
All departed Servicemen and women
All departed Civil Servants

Of blessed memory:
Most Rev. Francis Hodur
Most Rev. Dr. Leon Grochowski
Most Rev. Thaddeus Zieliński
Most Rev. Francis Rowiński
Rt. Rev. Joseph Padewski
Rt. Rev. Dr. Casimir Grotnik
Rt. Rev. John Misiaszek

All deceased Bishops of the Holy Polish National Catholic Church

Of blessed memory:
Rev. Augustyn Krauze
Rev. Bolesław Szepczyński
Very Rev. Roman Pawlikowski
Rev. E. Brzozowski
Rev. Joseph Michalski
Rev. J. Jakubowski
Rev. E. Wożniak
Rev. John Toporowski
Rev. E. Kozłowski
Very Rev. Joseph L. Zawistowski
Rev. Joseph Klimczak
Rev. Roman Jasiński
Rev. Walter C. Poposki
Rev. Marian Góra
Rev. Stephen Krawiec
Rev. John Neyman
Rev. Dr. Jonathan Trela

All deceased Priests, Deacons, Sub-deacons, and Orders of Clerics of the Holy Polish National Catholic Church

Of blessed memory:
Deceased members of St. Joseph’s/Holy Name of Jesus Parish of the Holy Polish National Catholic Church
The souls of all those interred in Holy Name of Jesus Cemetery
Deceased members of the Society for the Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament
Deceased members of Branch 50 of the YMS of R
Deceased members of the Concordia Choir
Deceased members of the Harmonia Choir
Deceased members of our Spójnia Branch
Deceased members of the St. Joseph Society
Deceased members of the Maria Konopnicka Society
Deceased members of “Ognisko”
Deceased members of the Children of Mary
Deceased members of the Defender’s Society,
Deceased members of the Mother’s Club

Our Father…
Hail Mary…
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord
and may the perpetual light shine upon them.
May their souls, and the souls of all the faithful departed, rest in peace. Amen.

Ojcze nasz…
ZdrowaÅ› Maryjo…
Wieczne odpoczynek racz im dać Panie,
a światłość wiekuista niechaj im świeci.
Niech odpoczywajÄ… w pokoju, Amen.

November 2013 Newsletter

It’s so scary… One day before November begins and the parish newsletter is complete, mailed, and posted. Our newsletter for November reflects on the end times (should we be scared?), remembering our dearly departed, the great saints who gave us strong examples of faith, thanks-giving — that and more all in our new newsletter. Check it out, stay informed and see our action packed schedule. You may view and download a copy right here — November 2013 Newsletter.


Bible Study for the 30th Week in Ordinary Time

  • 10/27 – Numbers 12:3 – Lord, You do not account power or prestige in choosing Your servants, but rather a humble heart. Grant that I may fashion my heart after You and be accounted humble in Your service.
  • 10/28 – Matthew 11:29-30 – Lord, grant that I may follow You completely and that my heart may be modeled on Yours.
  • 10/29 – Matthew 5:5 – Lord, grant me the grace to reject the rewards of the world and to pursue the inheritance You have prepared for Your humble servants.
  • 10/30 – Galatians 5:22-23 – Holy Spirit, fill me with Your power and life so that I may produce the love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control You call me to.
  • 10/31 – Matthew 18:1-4 – Lord, You called the humble before Your followers and gave them the model they were to follow. Help me to be like a child, filled with love and humility before You.
  • 11/1 – 1 John 1:8-10 – Lord, grant me the grace to come before You in humility, begging You – O God, be merciful to me a sinner.
  • 11/2 – 1 Peter 3:3-4 – Lord, keep me from vanity. Help me to adorn my interior life, my words and actions, to reflect Your spirit.

Pray the week: Jesus, grant me a humble and contrite heart. Forgive my arrogance and self-justification.

Reflection for the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Id, ego, super-ego

The Pharisee took up his position and spoke this prayer to himself, ‘O God, I thank you that I am not like the rest of humanity — greedy, dishonest, adulterous — or even like this tax collector. But the tax collector stood off at a distance and would not even raise his eyes to heaven but beat his breast and prayed, ‘O God, be merciful to me a sinner.’ I tell you, the latter went home justified, not the former

Id, ego and super-ego are the three parts of psyche as defined by Sigmund Freud. The three are said to interact and their interaction results in our attitudes and behaviors.

The id is instincts, our uncontrolled wants. It is all the things we would do if we lived an uncontrolled life. I want cake. I’m going to eat cake till I get sick. I don’t care because I want.

The super-ego is said to be the set of controls we impose through critical and moral evaluation of our lives. The super-ego tells us that eating cake, while pleasurable, must be done in moderation. The super-ego tells us to avoid gluttony and greed, to be reasonable, to share our cake, to do the right thing so we don’t get sick.

The ego is that realistic part of our psyche that mediates between uncontrolled desires and the balance imposed by the super-ego. We can have our cake, but just the right amount.

Jesus shows us two people, coming into the temple. The Pharisee’s id is urging him on to self-righteousness. He’s blurting out all the great things he’s done. He hasn’t examined himself at all. He’s all about the cake – he knows he’s going to heaven and he’s absolutely sure about it – or so his id tells him. You’re great – nothing else matters. He is all pride and arrogance before God.

The tax collector knows that his id leads him to do wrong things. He has certainly stolen, overcharged people, and likely spent his ill-gotten gains partying. Then his super-ego – his conscience – the voice of God in his heart kicks in – and he realizes he has done wrong.

The tax collector comes back, seeks God, and desires forgiveness. He seeks proper balance in line with God’s desires for him. He presents himself before his Judge and begs freedom from his sin.

The id, ego, and super-ego are a theory. We know as Christians that we are to subject ourselves to discernment, following God’s way. We will not always control our unbridled desires; or live justly with the love and goodness God asks of us. When we fail we must listen to our conscience and like the tax collector reach out to our Judge in humility. Then, as Jesus promises, we will be justified and welcomed home.

Caleb, Welcome to the Family of Faith

On Saturday, October 26th, we welcomed Caleb Joshua into the family of faith through the waters of regeneration. May our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, grant Caleb Joshua the gifts of strength and courage like his biblical namesakes who witness and lived in accordance with God’s way regardless of any obstacle in their way. May God bless and support his parents Joshua and Lisa, his godparents, Brett and Heather, and his entire family.

God’s Field October 2013 Issue Now Available

God’s Field, the official newspaper of the Polish National Catholic Church, has returned and is being published on a monthly basis. The October issue is available on-line at the official Polish National Catholic Church website and Facebook page.


During the first transitional year of publication the Church will mail several hard copies of the newspaper to all PNCC parishes. By January 2015 a new subscription database will be completed and new annual subscription rates for online and hard copy issues will be announced.

Parishes are encouraged to submit articles for each issue by the first of each month. All articles arriving at the God’s Field office after the first of the month will be published in the following month’s issue. Articles may be submitted by E-mail or postal mail to:

Polish National Catholic Church
1006 Pittston Avenue
Scranton, PA 18505-4109

Bible Study for the 29th Week in Ordinary Time

  • 10/20 – Genesis 10:32 – Father, You created all people, cultures, and nations. We are all Your children, destined to know You. Grant that I may see each and every person as a brother or sister and that I may work diligently to make You known to all.
  • 10/21 – Isaiah 42:6 – Father, You called a single people, the children of Abraham, to lead all nations to know You. Grant that I may learn from and respect the heritage left by the children of Israel.
  • 10/22 – Genesis 12:3 – Father, through the children of Israel You gave us Your Son, Jesus, as Lord and Savior. All the families of the earth have been blessed by His coming, life, death, resurrection, and ascension. Grant me and my family Your constant blessing as we come to know, love, and serve Him.
  • 10/23 – Isaiah 2:1-2 – Father, thank You for the promise of the new and everlasting Jerusalem. Grant that my hope may be properly placed in the heavenly Jerusalem; that my steps may take me there. Grant too that I may not hope in any earthly city, country, or government.
  • 10/24 – Zechariah 8:22 – Lord, You draw all nations and peoples to You. Grant that the gifts of culture You blessed me with may be used for Your glory and praise. Protect and provide for my homeland.
  • 10/25 – Zechariah 9:10 – Lord Jesus, the world is Yours. Come soon and draw Your beautiful mosaic of cultures and peoples into one under Your Lordship.
  • 10/26 – Malachi 1:11 – Lord Jesus, use me to make Your name known. May I stand before my nation and people to offer incense in Your Holy Name.

Pray the week: Lord God, I praise You for Your gift of nations and cultures. Grant that through my words many may come to know, love, and serve You.

Free Lunch – Sunday, October 27th

Please come and join us for Free Lunch on Sunday, October 27th, from 11:30am till 1:30pm. This event is always free and open to all. This month we’re featuring split pea soup, ham sandwiches, and a Halloween Party for kids. Enjoy family friendly foods, dessert, coffee/drinks, and more. Free Lunch on Sunday is held at Holy Name of Jesus in our parish hall located at 1040 Pearl St., Schenectady (CDTA Route 353 – Pearl Street stop).

Soup on Sunday Flyer

Solemnity of All Saints and All Souls Memorials

As the remaining days of October pass the days grow shorter, the colors of autumn take hold, and our thoughts turn to the Commemoration of All Souls.

The Holy Church sets aside the month of November to commemorate those who have preceded us in holy death. As Christians we recognize that death is not an ending, but rather a change. We pass through death into everlasting life. We remain joined with all those who have died. We rely on them for their intercession on our behalf. They rely on our prayers and intercession to ease their transition, their journey into the glory of heaven.

We will remember our dearly departed during the month of November according to age-old Catholic custom of commemoration and prayer…a custom known as “wypominki.”


If you would like the souls of loved ones to be remembered during the Commemoration of All Souls and at all services throughout the entire month of November, please send the names of these loved ones to Deacon Jim by Sunday, October 27th. Alternately, you can E-mail the names of those you wish commemorated to Deacon Jim.

We will celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints on Friday, November 1st at 7:30pm followed by the reading of the names of all the faithful departed.

There will also be a Commemoration of All Souls at Good Shepherd Parish Cemetery on Truax Road in Amsterdam, NY on Sunday, November 3rd.