Reflection for Sunday in the Octave of Corpus Christi


For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the death of the Lord until he comes.

Imagine if we were to walk into our very last class, just before graduation, and the professor says: ‘Forget everything you have ever learned, forget everything you know, and be filled with grace.’

Today, and every Sunday (and in reality every day), we are asked to do that, to surrender our intellectualism, our self-assured knowledge, and enter into the mystery of faith. We are asked to turn ourselves over to the Holy Spirit and to allow ourselves to be filled with the grace God offers us so that we can do much good in His name.

Our friends and close compatriots in the Orthodox Church have beautiful liturgies that call to mind both the majesty and mystery of God presence among us. Their tradition, unlike western tradition, does not rely on over thinking the mystery of God, with attempts to analyze and explain every nuance of God’s presence in our lives, but rather to worship and live trusting in the gift of faith handed down through God’s Word and Church Tradition.

We are in the midst of the Octave of Corpus Christi, eight days set aside to reflect on the mystery of the Body and Blood of Jesus in our lives, this wondrous gift that provides the grace through which we become more and more into the image of Christ.

As we have studied over the past few months, the Holy Mass is the occasion in which we encounter the full reality of Jesus among us. That reality is fully present in the Eucharistic action of the priest and the Christian people. In the Eucharistic action of ‘remembrance’ we live fully present at the Last Supper, at the foot of the Cross, the resurrection and ascension, and finally in Christ’s coming again. We are there with Him, present to Him, He is with us, and we are filled with His grace and tremendous love.

Our reception of the Eucharist in Holy Communion continues the mystery of Jesus in our life as Christians. In Communion we are joined as one. I could be receiving Communion on the moon, you here in Schenectady, each receiving the fullness of Jesus, each joined together as one body in Him. We are not separate and apart, alone in our communion, but together as one.

In these special eight days, and every day, let us forget what we think we know and actively be filled with grace, the glorious mystery of what we become in His Body and Blood.

Lord, before this holy Sacrament, we bow low in humble prayer.


Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us.

Jesus, hidden in the Blessed Sacrament, have mercy on us.
Bread of Angels, have mercy on us.
Bread made flesh by the omnipotence of the Word, have mercy on us.
Bread of our souls, have mercy on us.
Food of the elect, have mercy on us.
Refreshment of holy souls, have mercy on us.
Most pure feast, have mercy on us.
Sacrament of piety, have mercy on us.
Sacrament of love, have mercy on us.
Source of all virtue, have mercy on us.
Fountain of grace, have mercy on us.
Mystery of faith, have mercy on us.
Mystery of love, have mercy on us.
Most high and most adorable Sacrament, have mercy on us.
Memorial of that most wonderful Divine love, have mercy on us.
Holy oblation, have mercy on us.
Lamb without spot, have mercy on us.
Fountain of Divine mercy, have mercy on us.
Viaticum of such that die in the Lord, have mercy on us.
Pledge of future glory, have mercy on us.

Be merciful to us, Spare us, O Lord,
Be merciful to us, Hear us, O Lord.

From an unworthy reception of Thy Body and Blood, Deliver us, O Lord.
From every occasion of sin, Deliver us, O Lord.
From being negligent of Thy grace, Deliver us, O Lord.
Through the mystery whereby Thou didst institute this Most Blessed Sacrament, Deliver us, O Lord.
Through Thy Passion and Death, Deliver us, O Lord.
Through Thy glorious Resurrection, Ascension, and descent of the Holy Ghost, Deliver us, O Lord.

We sinners beseech Thee, O God, Hear us, O Lord.
That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to preserve and increase our faith, reverence, and devotion toward this admirable Sacrament, We beseech Thee, hear us, O Lord.
That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to move us to a frequent reception of the Holy Eucharist, We beseech Thee, hear us, O Lord.
That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to impart to us the precious fruits of this most holy Sacrament, We beseech Thee, hear us, O Lord.
That at the hour of death Thou wouldst strengthen us by this heavenly food, We beseech Thee, hear us, O Lord.
That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to cll us to the feast of the Lamb, We beseech Thee, hear us, O Lord.
Son of God, We beseech Thee, hear us, O Lord.

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us.

Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.

Our Father…
Hail Mary…
Glory be…

Thou gavest us Bread from Heaven, O Lord.
Having in it the sweetness of every taste.

Let Us Pray

O God, Who in this wonderful Sacrament
hast left us a memorial of Thy Passion,
grant us, we beseach Thee,
so to venerate the Sacred Mysteries
of Thy Body and Blood,
that we may ever feel within ourselves
the fruit of Thy Redemption,
Who livest and reignest,
forever and ever.

Bible Study for Trinity Week

  • 5/26 – Isaiah 6:8 – Lord Jesus, thank You for coming to do the will of Your Father in redeeming and saving me. Keep me in Your constant care.
  • 5/27 – Genesis 1:2 – Lord God, thank You for sending forth the Holy Spirit and for the Spirit’s creative power. Grant that I may ever honor and protect Your creation.
  • 5/28 – Isaiah 9:6 – Eternal Father, thank You for the gift of Your Son, Jesus. Grant that I may recognize in Him and His authority the counseling, peace, and eternal life that I desire.
  • 5/29 – John 6:27 – Lord Jesus, grant that I may count the things of the world as nothing; rather that I work for the food You give, Your presence in and around me and my one way to the Father.
  • 5/30 – Philippians 2:11 – Lord, as I bow low before Your holy Sacrament know that I love and adore You. You are my Lord and God!
  • 5/31 – 1 Peter 1:2 – God, I glorify and praise You, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Grant me Your grace so as to better do Your will each day.
  • 6/1 – Matthew 28:19 – Lord, thank You for the gift of regeneration in the waters of baptism. Grant that I may live a life that reflects my regeneration, a life dedicated to You and Your way.

Pray the week: Lord God, You are One, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Grant that I may always proclaim Your revealed truth and unity.

God bless you Marianna!

On Saturday, May 25th, we welcomed Marianna Josephine Zemken, daughter of Donovan Zemken and Rebecca Ann (Clas) Martineau into the family of faith through the waters of regeneration in baptism. The godparents were Mitchell Zemken and Rebecca Delisa. May our Lord and Savior watch over and protect Marianna and continually fill her life with knowledge of Him and His joy.

Reflection for the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity


Let’s bungee jump…
for faith.

“I beside him as his craftsman, and I was his delight day by day, playing before him all the while, playing on the surface of his earth; and I found delight in the human race.”

In the Book of Proverbs we hear Jesus speaking about the creation of the world. Genesis tells us creation was an act of the Holy Trinity, God created the heavens and the earth… the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters. Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…”

This act of creation was an act of love and a joy for God. We were created to live in relationship with Him and with each other.

This is because God understands relationship. Relationship is His very essence. He is One and three Persons. He lives in a relational unity and created us so that we would be part of that unity; so that we would reflect unity in the way we live.

Jesus says that as He played on the surface of the earth He found delight in the human race. His delight was to uphold us, to reveal the truth of God to us, to take on our nature, and to redeem and save us.

Because God delights in us, because we are His joy, He offered Himself to reveal the truth of Who He is. For our sake He draws us into relationship with the Trinity. For that unity He broke down the barrier of sin by offering Himself on the Holy Cross. So that we will not forget or be lost He sent forth His Spirit to live with us, to guide us, and to lead us to unity with Him and each other.

We have an ongoing opportunity and call to live a life of love and unity; to live the revealed and absolute truth of God.

This weekend we recall how many sacrificed all and offered their lives for us, for our freedom and wellbeing. These men and women exhibited the reality of the God of relationships; the God that lived within them, and lives in us. They chose to care about their relationship with their brothers and sisters, and to do their utmost to protect those they could never know or meet.

We could spend this weekend theologizing about the Holy Trinity and frustrating ourselves in the process. We could spend it thinking of ourselves, and how we might relax, find a good sale, or party. Instead, let’s take that bungee jumping risk, that leap of faith and decide on a life that reflects God’s truth – unity.

The leap of faith is to recognize the reality of the God of relationships; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He delights in us and calls us to live by His example – in mutual love, support, and sacrifice. In doing so He delights in us.

Soup on Sunday, this Sunday May 26th

Please come and join us for Soup on Sunday, this Sunday from 11:30am till 1:30pm. As always, Soup on Sunday is always free and open to all. Enjoy soup, sandwiches, special food for kids, dessert, coffee, and more. Soup on Sunday is held at Holy Name of Jesus in our parish hall located at 1040 Pearl St., Schenectady (CDTA Route 353 – Pearl Street stop).

Soup on Sunday Flyer 3

Bible Study for Pentecost Week

  • 5/19 – John 3:6-8 – Holy Spirit, thank You for the gift of regeneration. Grant that I may be attentive to the sound of Your voice and trusting of its promptings.
  • 5/20 – Micah 3:8 – Holy Spirit, fill me with the power of justice and the courage to speak bravely against evil.
  • 5/21 – 2 Corinthians 5:17 – Holy Spirit, You have made me new through the gift of regeneration. Grant me the grace to resist the allure of my old ways.
  • 5/22 – John 3:5 – Holy Spirit, through Your life in the Holy Church I have been brought to the waters of regeneration and have received You into my life. Grant that I may treasure the gifts I received in the Sacrament of Baptism/Confirmation and live up to all I pledged in receiving them.
  • 5/23 – 1 John 4:2 – Holy Spirit, by Your gifts I confess that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, that He was born, taught us, suffered, died, was buried, rose from the dead, and ascended into heaven. Help me to proclaim this truth before people everywhere.
  • 5/24 – 1 John 5:7-8 – Holy Spirit, Your coming testifies to the truth of our redemption in Christ. Grant me the power to recognize that all truth lies in a life lived in Your truth.
  • 5/25 – 1 Corinthians 2:12 – Holy Spirit, show me all the joys and gifts the Father offers us. Grant me understanding.

Pray the week: Holy Spirit, fill me with Your love, enlighten my heart and my mind so that I may love as Jesus taught.

Job Opportunity: Applications Being Accepted for Editor, God’s Field

The Click here to view/download a copy of the job description and necessary qualifications. The position will be compensated at $1,000 per issue with the expectation of 12 issues annually.

Interested applicants email qualifications to the Office of the Prime Bishop by E-mail. The deadline for applications is June 30, 2013.

Reflection for the Solemnity of Pentecost

Pentecost 2013

I have no energy.
I feel the power.

There is a variety of gifts but always the same Spirit… The particular way in which the Spirit is given to each person is for a good purpose.

Pentecost, unless it falls very late, generally occurs within allergy season. If you have seasonal allergies you know that they cause the typical sneezing, coughing, itchy eyes. An overlooked side effect is feeling exhausted.

Allergies aren’t the only reason for exhaustion. American society is one of the most productive on earth. We work-work-work and we don’t see many people imitating the seven dwarves as they sing their way to work. Beyond work itself workers face a dilemma – whether to rest, take time off, or take a vacation. The current work environment looks at time-off as a sign of not being needed. If you’re not missed while you are away you may come back to a pink slip. Without time-off, without the balanced life we need, we live exhausted.

It is ironic that when Pentecost rolls around, and we reflect on the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit, many of us are just plain exhausted. We think – wow, it would be great to have the power of the Holy Spirit, that energy that drove the apostles and disciples to conquer the earth for faith in Jesus.

As we lay in bed in the morning our prayer to the Holy Spirit may well be, Spirit, help me get out of bed. Then we lay there and perhaps feel guilty, perhaps feeling that we either missed out on or lost those great gifts of the Spirit; even the energy to get up.

What scripture teaches about the Holy Spirit is important to us.

We learn that as Christians we have received the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit dwells in each of us and is constantly filling us with love, inspiration, and very unique gifts – the variety of gifts given to each person for a good purpose.

The Spirit lives in us and listens to us. It is not a one-way conversation, the Spirit prompting us to do things but ignoring what we have to say. The Spirit takes what we say, and even what we cannot articulate, and brings those as prayers and petitions before the Father. As a result we get help.

Key to all of this is trust. Jesus told the Pharisees that the only unforgivable sin was to speak against the Holy Spirit. This is not literal – like saying the Holy Spirit is a bad guy. It is a failure to see and acknowledge the good the Spirit is doing, to trust the obvious power of the Spirit in our lives with Christ. This Pentecost we may feel exhausted, but we must trust that the Spirit is with us, giving us the gifts we need to do good, hearing our prayer, filling us with power!

Bible Study for the Seventh Week of Easter

  • 5/12 – Psalm 121:2 – Lord Jesus, I thank and praise You for my mother who led me to faith in You. May I ever live up to her example of reliance on You.
  • 5/13 – Isaiah 66:13 – Lord, thank you for the gift of my mother who comforted me throughout my life. Grant that I may recognize, by her example, Your comforting hand.
  • 5/14 – John 14:18 – Lord Jesus, grant me recognition of Your presence in my life, knowing that You are with me and that I am never alone or abandoned.
  • 5/15 – John 3:5 – Lord, I thank You for the gift of life and the life of faith given through my mother. Grant the fulness of life to all the unborn. Grant all parents the grace necessary to trust and to bring their children to new life through the waters of regeneration.
  • 5/16 – 1 Thessalonians 2:7-8 – Lord, I thank you for the Holy Church, our devoted mother. Grant Your Church perseverance in caring for Her children and the wisdom to raise them up to orthodox faith in You.
  • 5/17 – 1 Timothy 5:14 – Lord, grant all women strength in faith, perseverance in the face of the world, and Your care in all they do.
  • 5/18 – Hebrews 13:5 – Lord, even when faced with abandonment and loneliness, grant me the strength of reliance in the fact that You never abandon me.

Pray the week: Lord Jesus, I thank and praise You for the my mother who led me to You and taught me Your ways.