Rummage & Bake Sale this Saturday, May 18th

The Holy Name of Jesus National Catholic Church, is holding a rummage and bake sale on Saturday, May 18th from 9 am to 3 pm in the parish hall at 1040 Pearl Street (between Chrisler Ave. and Crane St.), Schenectady (CDTA Route 353). A bag sale will begin at 2 pm. The sale features clothing, household items, toys, furnishings, great baked goods, and many other items.

May 18 Rummage Bake sale Schenectady

Upcoming local and national events – let’s go!!!

What Matters to Girls

The Schenectady League of Women Voters is hosting the Working Group on Girls Community Forum, “What Matters to Girls” on Wednesday, May 22nd at 7pm at the 1st Reformed Church, 8 North Church St., Schenectady NY. The Forum is dedicated to empowering middle and high school girls and will provide information on Girl’s Day Out and Girl’s Circles programs for student participants and adult volunteers. Topics will include increasing self esteem, making healthy choices, valuing education, and expanding girl’s vision of the future.

Connecting Faith-Based Groups with the Affordable Care Act: What You Need to Know about Changes in Health Insurance for Your Members

Congressman Paul Tonko is hosting a workshop on Connecting Faith-Based Groups with the Affordable Care Acton Wednesday, May 29th at The Crossings of Colonie, 580 Albany Shaker Rd., Loudonville, NY from 1—3pm. The focus of the workshop will be on providing up-to-date information on federal health insurance programs available to members of Faith-Based organizations. Representatives from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Region II U.S. Department of Health & Human Services will be available to provide information and resources that can help make it easier to understand health insurance options.

Medicare (health insurance for people 65 and older or with long- term disability or end-stage renal disease), Medicaid (health insurance for people with limited income), and new options for expansion of health insurance that will soon be available under the Affordable Care Act will be discussed.

You may pre-register online or by calling 518-465-0700.

Youth Forum

Schenectady Youth Boxing & Fitness is sponsoring a Youth Forum on June 13th, 10am-12pm at the Fenimore Gallery at Proctors Theater, 432 State St., Schenectady, NY. The forum includes a roundtable discussion with members from community youth focused programs with a focus on sharing goals and information as well as information on upcoming summer plans. A light lunch and opportunities for networking will follow. For more information please contact Schenectady Youth Boxing & Fitness or Judy Decker by E-mail.

2013 Kurs Youth Encampment

The 2013 Kurs Youth Encampment sponsored by the Young Men’s Society of the Resurrection of the Polish National Catholic Church will be held from June 29th through July 6th at the Bishop Hodur Retreat & Recreation Center, 596 Honesdale Road, Waymart, PA. This is by far the best summer youth event anywhere. Our young people are encouraged to attend as well as to invite friends and parishioners for a summer event that builds up faith and friendships that last a lifetime.

Click on the links below for further information and forms:

National United Choirs 2013 Music Workshop

The National United Choirs Click here for details and a registration form.

Polish National Union Trip to Poland

The Polish National Union (Spójnia) is sponsoring a trip to Poland in celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Our Lady of Perpetual Help parish in Żarki (Libiąż) Poland, the birthplace of Bishop Francis Hodur. The parish was built through the generosity of members of the Polish National Union. The trip will run from September 18th through 25th and includes tours of southern Polsnd including noted attrations in Kraków, Zakopane, and Żarki. For details please see the current issue of Straż. Reservations are due by June 10th.

Reflection for the Seventh Sunday of Easter

Awesome Moms lead us to see Jesus

For I see…
What do you see?

But he, full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God; and he said, “Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing at the right hand of God.”

Today, our readings and Gospel look at the present and the future.

As Stephen is about to die he looks up and sees Jesus at the right hand of the Father. He is heading toward Jesus, to His loving embrace. Stephen has Jesus with him in his suffering, and because of that forgives his murders. He is also joyful, even in the midst of the stoning, because He knows what the future holds. Stephen is in a moment so totally now, and in his (and our) future.

John is on the island of Patmos. Jesus is speaking with him once again in terms that can be read as very now, in the present, and for the future. Jesus tells John that He is the Alpha and the Omega – timeless. He also tells John: “Behold, I am coming soon.”

We look at these statements and from them understand that Jesus is ever present, always with us and is also the ultimate goal, our promised future. John knows that Jesus is his present and future. To him Jesus is a joy, better than any other thing the world can offer.

Jesus is delivering His farewell address to His disciples just before the road that will lead Him to Calvary. He is reminding them that they are bound to Him by their knowledge and love, by their unity. They have the reality of God living with and in them, ever present, ever now. They also hear that they have a share in the future reality of God – the kingdom and paradise.

Like Stephen, like John, we need to listen to Jesus and rely on this reality – that He is with us in this moment, in the present, and is not just as a goal or someone we will meet in the future. Also, that we have a share in a wonderful future that surpasses any suffering or difficulty.

Our mothers have seen what Stephen and John saw. They brought us into the Holy Church so that we would see these things, so that we might listen to Jesus and understand a moment so totally now, and a vision for our future.

Because of their faith and the instruction they provided for us we were given an opportunity. When asked, ‘What do you see?’ how will we answer? If we took mom’s lessons to heart we can say: “Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing at the right hand of God.” Saying that we can offer this vision to others. We can let them know about Jesus who is with us now and is our future.

Pray with and for mom this Sunday

What better way to start the day than to praise God for the blessings He has given us through the work and sacrifice of our mothers? Please join us in praying with and for mom this Sunday as we also seek the intercession of our heavenly mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, on her behalf. Join us too after Holy Mass for a free Mother’s Day breakfast.

A woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates. – Proverbs 31:30-31

Thank God for Mom

Bible Study for the Sixth Week of Easter

  • 5/5 – Acts 20:7-8 – Lord Jesus, grant that I may set aside my desires and do as You will for me. Strengthen me to speak of You constantly.
  • 5/6 – 1 Corinthians 14:26 – Holy Spirit, I praise and thank You for the gifts You have bestowed on me. Grant that I may readily share them in my faith community so to build up the body of Christ.
  • 5/7 – Hebrews 10:23-25 – Lord Jesus, grant that I may hold fast to the confession of my hope without wavering. Help me in encouraging my brothers and sisters in love and to the performance of good deeds. Gather me into the community of faith so that I may never neglect to meet with and encourage my brethren. Bring me, with them, to the the Day that is quickly approaching.
  • 5/8 – 1 Peter 2:9 – Lord Jesus, I thank You for calling me out of darkness and into hope; that You have made me a member of Your royal priesthood, Your holy nation, Your Father’s own people.
  • 5/9 – 1 Peter 5:2-3 – Lord Jesus, make of me an example to Your flock. Use me to show many Your way.
  • 5/10 – Titus 2:7-8 – Lord Jesus, grant that I may be a model of good works, that I may have integrity in teaching Your way, and give me the gift of sound speech that cannot be censured. Bring the schemes and words of those who hate to shame.
  • 5/11 – Romans 12:3 – Lord Jesus, grant that I may have sober judgment and humility in accordance with the measure of faith given me.

Pray the week: Holy Spirit, guide our parish and Your Holy Church to decisions in accord with Your will.

Reflection for the Sixth Sunday of Easter


Not another meeting!!!
Yes, just like the apostles.

And when Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and debate with them, Paul and Barnabas and some of the others were appointed to go up to Jerusalem to the apostles and the elders about this question. The apostles and the elders were gathered together to consider this matter.

Any organization faced with questions and debate can choose between several courses of action. They can choose to let the boss decide. They can appoint a committee to study the issue and make recommendations. They can have open debate and discussion and still let the boss decide the outcome. They might meet and reach a consensus decision and act in accordance with that decision.

The early Church was not immune to questions and debate. How did they settle those?

We read that Paul and Barnabas were faced with questions and debates in the faith communities they served. They didn’t play the ‘I’m the apostle and I say so’ card. They didn’t appoint a commission to study the issue and give recommendations. Rather, they returned to the center of the Church in Jerusalem where the Church gathered in Council (or Synod) to decide on the matter collectively.

There is one key reason for doing this. The Church can only decide on important issues when it is assembled as one. When it exhibits this physical unity – gathered in Holy Synod – it also exhibits the fact that it is more than a corporation, company, club, or group. It shows the unity it has in the Holy Spirit. In Holy Synod the Church exhibits the unifying and guiding power of the Holy Spirit. The Church does not decide for itself just because. It decides as the Holy Spirit guides it to decide.

Our Holy Church closely adheres to the principals of the early Church in its democratic process. At the local level we gather during annual meetings and regular parish committee meetings to decide as guided by the Holy Spirit. We seek input and guidance from each member of the parish, because the Holy Spirit lives in us individually and most importantly as a collective body – the Body of Christ. Our diocese and the entire Church gather regularly in Holy Synod to exhibit both our physical unity and the underlying unity we have in the Holy Spirit. We trust that when gathered in meetings like these we are more that just a parish, just an organization. We are the Body of Christ, the Holy Church.

Another meeting, question, or debate? Greet each with joy as His disciples, His body, and see the Holy Spirit at work.

National Day of Prayer 2013

National Day of Prayer 2013

We thank Thee, Lord, for America, our home. We bless Thee for the liberty, the opportunity, and the abundance we share. But above all we praise Thee for the traditions which have made our country great, and for patriots who have laid the foundations through faith, courage, and self-sacrifice. Teach us in our own day the meaning of citizenship, and help us to be faithful stewards of the responsibility which Thou entrusted to us. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

A Prayer for our Country from A Book of Devotions and Prayers According to the Use of the Polish National Catholic Church.

O, God, the strength of those who put their trust in Thee; Bless we pray, our soldiers, sailors, servicewomen, and airmen; our chaplains, doctors, nurses; and all enlisted in the service of our country. Give Thy holy angels charge over them to protect them from all harm; deliver them in all temptation, and if it by Thy gracious will, bring them safely home. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

A Prayer for Those in the Armed Forces from A Book of Devotions and Prayers According to the Use of the Polish National Catholic Church.

Bible Study for the 5th Week of Easter

  • 4/28 – 1 Peter 1:4 – Lord Jesus, I praise and thank You for the promise of an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading that You keep in heaven for me. Help me to do Your will always so to come to this inheritance.
  • 4/29 – 1 John 5:5 – Lord Jesus, I believe in You. Strengthen my faith.
  • 4/30 – Isaiah 65:17 – Lord Jesus, bring me and all my brothers and sisters in faith to the new heaven and earth, to Your kingdom. Wipe away my every hurt and failing, remember them no more.
  • 5/1 – 2 Peter 3:13 – Lord Jesus, bring me to righteousness so that I may dwell with You always.
  • 5/2 – Daniel 12:2 – Lord Jesus, grant eternal rest to all who have died. Though Your grace save me from rejecting You and Your way.
  • 5/3 – Isaiah 60:1 – Lord, grant that I may rise and shine forth each day witnessing to and living by Your light.
  • 5/4 – John 14:2 – Lord Jesus, I praise and thank You for preparing a place for me.

Pray the week: Maranatha, come Lord Jesus! Bring us into the new and eternal Jerusalem.