New flooring and dishwasher installed

Our parish has invested in new kitchen flooring and a new dishwasher to better enable us to carry out our Soup on Sunday program. Soup on Sunday provides free meals on the last Sunday of every month. We thank Bob, Stephanie, and Pete for making all the arrangements and handling installation.

Bible Study for the Third Week of Easter

  • 4/14 – Psalm 86:15 – Lord Jesus, You are forever merciful. Grant me every chance to recognize You, Your presence in everyone, and to rise up again when I fail.
  • 4/15 – Micah 7:18 – Lord, thank You for the gift of forgiveness. Help me to follow Your will in all I do.
  • 4/16 – Lamentations 3:22-23 – Lord, You rose to show me the way to heaven. You continually re-reveal Yourself to me. Help me to act on Your revelation.
  • 4/17 – Proverbs 24:16 – Lord, keep me constant in my dedication to You. Help me to resist wickedness.
  • 4/18 – 2 Samuel 12:24-25 – Lord, grant that when chastised I may not loose hope, but rather reaffirm my dedication to You.
  • 4/19 – Ephesians 4:32 – Lord Jesus, You taught me to do Your Father’s will and asked that I be kind, tenderhearted, and forgiving. Grant that I may own these virtues and live them in my actions and attitudes toward my brothers and sisters.
  • 4/20 – Colossians 3:12 – Lord Jesus, by the gift of faith and baptism I have been numbered among Your chosen. Grant that I may never be prideful because of my faith, but rather compassionate, kind, humble, meek, and patient.
  • Pray the week: Lord Jesus, grant me every opportunity and chance to know You better and to do Your will.

    Prayers for Boston

    Our community joins in prayer for all those injured in today’s terrorist attack in Boston, for the families of those killed, and for all responders.

    Almighty God, by Whom our fathers won their liberties of old; grant that we and all people of this land may be strong to maintain our freedom against the assaults of those who by aggression seek to enslave us to their will. Guide, we beseech Thee, our President and all to whom has been committed the government of this nation, giving them special gifts of wisdom and understanding, that in defense of our liberties they may be instruments of lasting peace for all mankind. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

    Reflection for the Third Sunday of Easter


    Lord, is it You?
    Come and have breakfast.

    After this Jesus revealed himself again to the disciples by the Sea of Tibe’ri-as

    Hey, I’m going fishing. Want to come? Sure Peter, let’s do it!

    We’ve been here all night and we’re coming up empty. It’s been great hanging out, but let’s head… hold on, there’s someone on the beach. Wait, He’s saying something. What? Cast over the other side? Uh, ok.

    Look at this, a huge load of fish. Wait, this seems familiar. Look, it’s the Lord. Peter, it’s the Lord.

    We can all picture ourselves in this scene. I can picture the morning sun on the water, the boat a little offshore, the scent of the charcoal fire and the fish cooking.

    I always think how beautiful it would be to be there that morning. Recognizing Jesus after we had been separated for some time. His invitation to “Come and have breakfast.” Sitting on the beach with the Lord, having the breakfast He prepared, listening to Him, just being in His presence.

    This breakfast is much like our everyday lives.

    In today’s Gospel we see that Jesus “showed himself,” “revealed Himself,” “manifested Himself,” or even “clarified Himself” to the disciples. John uses the verb “reveal” twice in today’s Gospel. As far as the Gospel of John is concerned, he notes, This was now the third time that Jesus was revealed to the disciples after he was raised from the dead. The third time must have been the “charm” because John doesn’t recount any of the other appearances, even though Luke and Acts tell us that Jesus kept appearing to them over the course of 40 days. John’s Gospel and Letters use the verb “reveal” eighteen times in total. Compared to the two times it is used in the other three gospels, Jesus’ re-revelation must have been an important concept to John.

    We are blessed because this process of re-revealing is not over. The Holy Spirit is constantly re-revealing Jesus to us. Not through spooky “appearances,” but in our hearts.

    Like the disciples, sometimes we miss it, don’t get it or get separated. We need to be reminded of the cost of our redemption and the joy that is within our reach. As we walk through our everyday tasks, in our jobs, at home, in our hobbies and pastimes (even fishing) we may well forget the presence of Jesus, His closeness to us, and the fact that He wants us to recognize Him in all things. Jesus is waiting for us to get it, to see Him.

    In every moment of our lives we need to recognize Jesus. From breakfast to bed recognize Him.

    Bible Study for the 2nd Week of Easter

    • 4/7 – Matthew 11:4-6 – Lord Jesus, grant me the gift of confidence founded upon my experience of You, the word preached to me, and the testimony of Your witnesses.
    • 4/8 – Matthew 14:31 – Lord Jesus, help me in the stormy seas of life to see past momentary trouble to Your everlasting promises. Reach out Your hand to pull me up when I falter.
    • 4/9 – Matthew 12:38-39 – Lord Jesus, in this Easter season help me to rejoice in the sign of Jonah, for You were swallowed by the grave for three days and rose again giving us hope.
    • 4/10 – Matthew 21:21 – Lord Jesus, grant me confidence based on my faith and trust in Your promises.
    • 4/11 – Jude 1:22-23 – Lord Jesus, grant that I may approach those who doubt with love. Give me words that will draw them to faith and ensure my actions bear witness to the graces I received through faith.
    • 4/12 – Romans 14:23 – Lord Jesus, You created the goods of the world for our benefit. Grant that I use them appropriately and with good stewardship showing forth my faith in Your goodness.
    • 4/13 – Romans 4:20 – Lord, the holy patriarchs and prophets grew in faith and relied on You for deliverance. Help me to continually increase my faith and trust in You.

    Pray the week: Lord Jesus, grant that I may be protected from doubt and live in the faith You gave me.

    April 2013 Newsletter

    We started April the day after celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord. After a few days of rest and lots of kielbasa, eggs, chocolates, and other Easter basket goodies our April newsletter has been posted. Check the newsletter out, stay informed, and even be entertained. You may view and download a copy right here — April 2013 Newsletter.


    A wonderful day, a huge thank you

    I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers (Ephesians 1:16)

    On Sunday, April 7th we held our annual Basket Social. It was a wonderful day filled with the blessings of fellowship, generosity, support, great Polish food, excitement as well as 93 baskets, 7 door prizes, 3 grand raffle prizes, and a beautiful quilt and afghan taken home by lucky winners. Over 170 friends filled our hearts with joy through their presence.

    thank youWe extend our thanks to all attendees. We so appreciate your support and hope that your day was great fun. A special thank you to the members of the Red Hat Society who attended.

    Our appreciation and thanksgiving is extended to all who worked so hard to make the day a success, especially those individuals and businesses who donated remarkable and extremely inventive, beautiful, useful, and fun baskets. We were blessed by, and are so appreciate of, the commitment and work of our volunteers — those who prepared beforehand, the ticket table workers, drivers, cooks, servers, runners, and the Social’s stalwart and dedicated leadership; all who made our guests welcome and made the day a great success!

    Each and every one of you are in our prayers. My our Lord bless you as you have blessed us.

    Reflection for Low Sunday


    How long is the party?
    At least 50 days.

    He touched me with his right hand and said, “Do not be afraid. I am the first and the last, the one who lives. Once I was dead, but now I am alive forever and ever.”

    I have been seeing robins all around, heard a cardinal the other morning calling out for a mate. As I changed the parish sign yesterday to note that we are celebrating the 50 days of Easter I noticed the leaves of tulips peaking through the soil.

    Last Sunday we celebrated the Solemnity of the Resurrection and the renewal of life is all around us. A true blessing!

    The Solemnity of the Resurrection can occur anytime between March 22nd and April 25th. Regardless of where it falls, whether it is more spring like or wintery outside, it always brings us a greater awareness of the newness of life we have in Christ. It would be truly sad if it was just a one-day reminder, but it is not!

    Easter is the hope that comes after the 40-day long journey through Lent and our walk with Jesus through His suffering, death, and burial.

    Easter is the message of the hope that reigns forever for every Christian who believes in Jesus, who sees in Him the hope of eternal life and the resurrection.

    Easter is the 50 “24-hour periods” of hope that lead up to the presence of God’s Spirit in our world realized on Pentecost. This is the promise Jesus gave us. The promise that we are not alone, abandoned, without His support and His life flowing through us constantly. He remains alive in us as His followers and in the world, calling all to know, love, and serve Him and each other.

    Easter is the unfading reality that amid the threats of nuclear attack, war, violence, poverty, hunger, greed, sickness, death, and every sort of evil we cannot be touched. We may suffer temporarily, but we will never lose. Our life is in Him who lives forever, and in His kingdom that is eternal.

    Easter is each and every Sunday. Even in the midst of Lent, Sunday is a day of joy, a break in fasting, a celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus. We worship God on the first day of the week – rather than the Sabbath – to remember Christ’s resurrection from the dead and celebrate God’s loving action to save the world.

    Then celebrate, party every day. Hold on especially to the 50 days of Easter. Hold on to Easter hope that God is in our world, in our community, and in our life. Christ is alive. He is risen indeed – everyday!

    Basket Social in Schenectady – this Sunday, April 7th

    Our 11th Annual and ever popular Basket Social will be held this coming Sunday, April 7th at the VFW Hall at 1309 Fifth Avenue in Schenectady. Doors open at noon. Besides our usual wide array of baskets, there will be door prizes, homemade afghans, and our traditional Polish kitchen serving all your favorites. Homemade desserts too… Come by and enjoy an afternoon of fun, good food, and plenty of chances to win one or more amazing baskets.

    Basket Social

    Bible Study for Bright Week

    • 3/31 – John 11:25-26 – Yes, Lord Jesus, I believe that You are the resurrection and the life. Grant that I may live in the hope You have given me regardless of obstacles and trials.
    • 4/1 – Acts 2:24 – Lord Jesus, by Your obedience to the Father’s will You were freed from death. Grant that I may stand in faith, obedient to the Father’s will and so share in eternal life with You.
    • 4/2 – 1 Corinthians 15:3-8 – Lord Jesus, thank you for all of the witnesses that have proclaimed Your truth to me. Grant that I may bear witness to You as they have.
    • 4/3 – Acts 1:3 – Lord Jesus, grant that I may believe, not because of seeing, but by faith.
    • 4/4 – Philippians 3:20-21 – Lord Jesus, I await the coming of Your kingdom. Grant me life forever in the glory of Your kingdom.
    • 4/5 – 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 – Lord Jesus, bring me change this day. Help me to live only for you and the coming of Your kingdom.
    • 4/6 – Colossians 3:1-4 – Lord Jesus, grant that I may stay focused on Your way and life. Bring me to the realization of eternal life in You.

    Pray the week: Lord Jesus, grant that I may walk with faith in the hope You have given me.