Easter Wishes

My dearest family in Christ,

On behalf of my family, I extend to you every blessing for this Easter and throughout the Easter season. May the resurrected Christ continue to reign in your heart and in your life as you follow Him and adhere to a faith both ancient and new.

We have a wonderful Lord and Master, a Savior who understands our needs. He is filled with love for us. In turn we, His people, reflect His love in all we do. It is a great blessing to have been called into the Lord’s service. He called me into His field, to do His work. I have been so greatly blessed because the portion of His field, here in Schenectady, is filled with people who so desire to work within His body, the Holy Church, in fellowship, as the family of faith doing good for each other and for all we encounter. You have blessed me greatly and I love you with all the joy of the resurrected Christ.

Życzenia radosnych Świąt Wielkanocnych pełnych wiary, nadziei i miłości, wypełnionych nadzieją budzącej się wiosny. Pogody w sercu i radości płynacej z faktu Zmartwychwstania Pańskiego, oraz smacznego świeconego w gronie najbliższych szczerze przesyla.

Deacon Jim, Renee, Stephanie, Adam, and Victoria

Reflection for the Solemnity of the Resurrection


Christ is risen!

They found the stone rolled away from the tomb; but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. While they were puzzling over this, behold, two men in dazzling garments appeared to them. They were terrified and bowed their faces to the ground. They said to them, “Why do you seek the living one among the dead? He is not here, but he has been raised.”

Scripture goes on to tell us:

Then they returned from the tomb and announced all these things to the eleven and to all the others… but their story seemed like nonsense and they did not believe them.

The disciples we incredulous at news of Jesus being risen, and much of the world is incredulous to this day.

If we look at Jesus with human reasoning alone we can make a very strong case that all of this is too incredible to believe.

We do not have the benefit of being among the women who entered the empty tomb, who had the advantage of an explanation from dazzling angels. We do not have the benefit of being in the company of Peter and John as they ran to find an empty tomb. We do not have the privilege of walking along the road to Emmaus with Jesus and having Him reveal Himself in the breaking of the bread. Yet we have the eyes of faith.

Here we are, looking at an empty tomb and hearing the words of the resurrection proclaimed and sung. Here we are, having rushed to church this morning to see the empty tomb. Here we are, to share in the breaking of the bread, and to recognize the reality of the Lord among us.

We aren’t incredulous. We are here, this morning for two important reasons. The first is that we have received the gift of faith. The second is that we continue live, see, and respond because of that faith.

We value the gift of faith – faith in a God that loves us enough that He would sacrifice His Son’s life so that we might have eternal life. Faith that this Christ was more than a prophet, more than a wise man, more than good teacher, but God Himself that came among us, died for us, and because of His obedience to the Father was raised again – showing us our glorious destiny.

Many cannot believe it. If they hear, ‘Christ is risen!’ they respond, ‘Huh?’ They remain incredulous. Today is nonsensical to them.

For us, a people living in faith, the ancient greeting of Easter, the greeting we proclaim to each other is Christ is risen! to which we all reply, Indeed He is risen!

Bible Study for Holy Week

  • 3/24 – Luke 19:41 – Lord, grant me the grace to remain faithful to You and Your command to love. May I work diligently and wholeheartedly to bring my community to faith in You.
  • 3/25 – Hebrews 9:11-15 – Lord Jesus, save me from dead works and reliance on mere laws so that I may live and serve in the spirit of the new covenant in Your blood.
  • 3/26 – Isaiah 49:1-7 – Lord, You have chosen me, set me apart to carry Your word and way throughout my community. Grant that I may be Your faithful servant, ever mindful of the purposes You set before me.
  • 3/27 – Hebrews 12:1-3 – Lord, grant me the graces of endurance and perseverance so that I may run the race You set before me, moving in Your way as a witness before the world.
  • 3/28 – Jeremiah 31:31-34 – Lord, put Your law within me, write it on my heart. Grant that I may know You more fully each day and the strength to share You with all I meet.
  • 3/29 – Hebrews 4:14-16 – Lord Jesus, I approach You in confidence. Grant me forgiveness and have mercy so that being freed I may proclaim this great hope to all.
  • 3/30 – Job 14:1-14 – Lord Jesus, keep me mindful of the limits of my days, and grant that they be renewed, productive, and fruitful in Your service.

Pray the week: Lord Jesus, grant that I may walk with You this week. Help me bring good to my family and faith community by my participation.

Reflection for Palm Sunday


Who is that?
It is the Messiah! Hosanna!

And when he drew near and saw the city he wept over it, saying, “Would that even today you knew the things that make for peace! But now they are hid from your eyes.”

Scripture tells us that Jesus reacted emotionally to the things He witnessed: When He saw the poor, the hungry, the ill, and people sinning. Scripture says repeatedly that “…He had compassion on them.

There are only two references, however, to Jesus crying, once at the grave of His friend Lazarus along with Mary & Martha. Jesus wept with them. He wept for them. He entered into their grief with compassion and He identified with their sorrow and despair.

This was the 2nd time, as He looked at the city of Jerusalem. He saw the faces, the mass of humanity crowding there and realized the emptiness of their lives. They had not heard the message of peace. They did not understand the purpose of His coming. The people had eyes, but they didn’t see. They had ears, but they didn’t hear. They missed the whole point of the message that God had given to them.

Certainly they waved palm branches, because that is exactly what their great-grandparents had done when the Maccabees overthrew the Syrian oppressors and reestablished worship in the temple. By waving palm branches they were showing that they expected Jesus to be another warlord, another general of the armies one who would lead them to overthrow the Romans. They were saying that they were ready to pick up their swords and shields. They were ready to go to war if He would lead them!

That wasn’t Jesus way. His was the way of love, not of war. The nation of Israel had completely misunderstood Jesus’ mission. He wept over them because these were His chosen people but they did not recognize or understand His as He walked in their midst. They saw His healing as sinister, His words as a challenge to their authority.

Both Matthew & Luke tell us that earlier Jesus had looked down upon the city crying out, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem… How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not!”

Today, like Jerusalem, we find ourselves in the presence of Jesus. If Jesus sees us as worried about ourselves, our lives and our fixes to every problem, He would have to cry. If Jesus sees people who recognize Him for who He is – The Messiah, the Christ, the Son of God, He would rejoice.

What’s all the commotion – here we are, waving branches, because we recognize You Jesus, our Lord and God. Hosanna in the highest!!!

Bible Study for Passion Week

  • 3/17 – 2 Timothy 1:7 – Lord Jesus, as I walk with you and contemplate Your passion, grant me the gifts of strength, love, and self control so that I may always stand by You.
  • 3/18 – John 15:18 – Lord Jesus, in contemplating Your passion I contemplate the world’s opposition to You. Grant me the grace to confront hatred with love and self-sacrifice.
  • 3/19 – Acts 4:27 – Lord Jesus, grant that I may see past the roar of the crowd and the pull of what is popular to Your truth.
  • 3/20 – Ezra 4:4-5 – Lord Jesus, grant me protection from intimidation, strength to stand fast in the face of opposition, and courage to carry out Your will.
  • 3/21 – 2 Corinthians 6:2 – Lord Jesus, I greet the salvation You have purchased for me with joy. Thank You for making me part of Your life, for listening to my prayer, for helping me.
  • 3/22 – 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 – Holy Spirit, enlighten me, live within me, and keep me in the freedom Jesus has delivered me into. Grant me continual growth from glory to glory.
  • 3/23 – Zechariah 9:9 – Lord, as I walk with You into the holiest of weeks grant that my voice may continually praise Your glory; a proclamation of faith in You.

Pray the week: Lord Jesus, strengthen me in every challenge; prepare me to proclaim You in the face of all opposition.

Passiontide, Holy Week, and Easter in Schenectady

The schedule below notes all services for Passiontide, Holy Week, and Easter at Holy Name of Jesus in Schenectady. Please also remember that Holy Week is a week of fasting.

  • Sunday, March 17th – Passion Sunday: Lenten Penitential Service, Holy Mass, Anointing of the Sick, 11am
  • Friday, March 22nd – Stations of the Cross, 7:30pm
  • Sunday, March 24th – Palm Sunday: Blessing and Distribution of Palms. Service of Worship and Holy Communion, 9:30am
  • Tuesday, March 26th – Holy Tuesday: Clergy Conference and Holy Mass of Chrism, St. Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr Cathedral, Scranton
  • Thursday, March 28th – Maundy Thursday: Holy Mass of the Lord’s Supper, Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament, 7pm
  • Friday, March 29th – Good Friday: Church opens at noon, Stations of the Cross at 1pm, Bitter Lamentations/Gorzkie Å»ale at 2pm, Opening of the Tomb at 3pm, Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified at 7pm.
  • Saturday, March 30th – Holy Saturday: Holy Saturday Liturgies – Blessing of new fire, holy water, baptism of Karina Leigh Weglinski, renewal of baptismal promises, blessing of food, 4pm
  • Sunday, March 31st – Solemnity of the Resurrection: Procession and Solemn High Holy Mass, 8am, Service of Worship and Holy Communion at 10:30am, Soup on Sunday and Easter Breakfast 10:30am

Our hearts and doors are open to all who wish to walk with Jesus through His trial, suffering, death, and burial so as to share in His resurrection.

Reflection for Passion Sunday


Should we hide?
No, go out and…

“Your father Abraham rejoiced that he was to see my day; he saw it and was glad.” The Jews then said to him, “You are not yet fifty years old, and have you seen Abraham?” Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.” So they took up stones to throw at him; but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple.

An excerpt from the traditional Gospel for the beginning of Passiontide is above. The Jews confronted Jesus, saying He was evil. Jesus boldly proclaimed the reality of who He is, God. He called Himself “I AM,” the name of God given to Moses from the burning bush. Because of this the Jews sought to stone Jesus, to kill Him on the spot.

Jesus knew that this was not the end He was to endure. The time was not right. Now hunted, Jesus was forced into hiding to avoid a premature execution. The shrouds covering His images in the Sanctuary symbolize the fact that Jesus was forced out of the public eye. This is a very solemn and important Sunday in our Lenten journey. The covering of sacred images is somber; we feel the tension build as we move toward of the Lord’s passion and death.

As we walk through our daily lives we face tensions, decisions, contemplating whether the time is right to proclaim Jesus. We have to consider, in our current, so called post-Christian age, whether we can boldly proclaim that Jesus is “I AM,” that He is God.

We know too that proclaiming is not enough because so many are distanced from the concept or idea of what God really is. Jesus is God, YES! But, what does that mean for those who are hearing of it for the first time?

Simply put, God is all knowing, all-powerful, all just, and most important to us, all loving. He came to us with one purpose – reconciliation. In His death He reconciled us to Himself. We have a new and wonderful relationship with God – and all are welcome to join in that relationship. That’s the message we need to send in our words and actions.

Might we get “stoned” if we declare these words? Perhaps. Some people won’t like it, or may wish to impose their view of what God is – an unjust and mean judge, a magic genie, a wish granter, a nice guy who lets us decide for ourselves what is right and wrong. It is not that easy. Never is. A relationship with God takes more work, as we must strive to meet God’s expectations: that we love Him and each other.

The statues are veiled. Our faith cannot be. The message of God and His love is ready for the telling. No “stoning” should stop us because love and His promises are ours – far more powerful than any opposition.

Bible Study for the Fourth Week of Lent and the Institution of the PNCC

  • 3/10 – John 8:32 – Lord, I thank You for Your Word, and the grace I receive in hearing it proclaimed. Thank You for freeing me through the truth of Your holy gospel.
  • 3/11 – John 8:36 – Lord Jesus, I praise You for the complete freedom I have in You and in Your Holy Church.
  • 3/12 – Romans 7:6 – Lord Jesus, You blessed me with membership in the Holy Polish National Catholic Church where I may worship You in spirit, freedom, and truth; no longer subject to man-made rules and written codes.
  • 3/13 – Romans 8:1 – Lord Jesus, by Your grace the Holy Polish National Catholic Church was organized. In Your Church I stand regenerated by faith in You and am free from condemnation.
  • 3/14 – Colossians 1:13 – Lord Jesus, You have delivered me from all darkness and the clutches of those who grasp for worldly power. Grant that I may stand fast in the freedom You purchased for me with Your blood.
  • 3/15 – 1 Corinthians 16:13 – Lord Jesus, thank You for the example of Your blessed confessor, Bishop Francis Hodur. Grant that I may follow his example as a leader, servant, evangelist, freedom fighter, and man. Grant me further the gifts of strength and surety in faith.
  • 3/16 – 2 Thessalonians 2:15 – Holy Spirit, I thank You for the example and leadership of the Bishops of our Holy Church. Grant them the grace to abide in the apostolic tradition and the strength to continue to teach by word and example.

Pray the week: Lord Jesus, thank You for making us free to worship You without fear. Grant that we continue to work in accord for Your gospel.

Reflection for the Institution of the PNCC


Who are you?
God’s children.

“Then the righteous man will stand with great confidence in the presence of those who have afflicted him, and those who make light of his labors. When they see him, they will be shaken with dreadful fear, and they will be amazed at his unexpected salvation. They will speak to one another in repentance, and in anguish of spirit they will groan, and say, ‘This is the man whom we once held in derision and made a byword of reproach — we fools!’”

In the coming week we will enter the Passiontide. We will recall our Lord riding triumphantly into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. We will walk with Him from the upper room to the garden, to His arrest, imprisonment, trial, torture, execution, and death. He is that Man that was afflicted, whose labors were mocked and thought of as folly by His accusers.

Our Holy Church has walked with Jesus in His suffering. We have such closeness to all He experienced because we too have been mocked and accused. Our organizers, men and women, were beaten, imprisoned, spit at, and mocked. Many today still recall being called names as they went to church. The brothers and sisters of our Church in Poland were prevented from organizing and driven out of towns. During the Second World War they were placed in concentration camps and were martyred for their faith. The communists martyred Bishop Padewski for his witness to Christ.

Through it all, and into these days, often called the post-Christian era, we continue to stand in confidence, the confidence we have because of our faith in Him who assures our salvation.

We hold to the hope we have in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We know that as we have walked with Him in His suffering so too will we stand with Him in His glory.

Today we celebrate the institution of our Holy Church. 116 years ago we chose to live in Jesus, in His righteousness and freedom. We rejected the attitude of the mockers, the powers, the lords of the world and worldly power; the controllers and masters who used fear against the people rather than teaching His truth.

Those who seek Him will find Him here. The persecutors, the fear mongers, and those who claim “sole ownership” of God cannot hurt them or us. Those who, in anger, stand against God cannot affect them or us. We have His confidence.

The world looks at us now, and they ask, “Who are you?” We reply with joy, “The children of God.” We rejoice and know that we will never be accounted fools for we live in Him.