March 2013 Newsletter

We start March with Lent and end (well not really end) with Easter. Read our March 2013 newsletter and check out our calendar available right here. Tons of events: Passiontide, Our Annual Penitential Service, Palm Sunday, Holy Week, EASTER, Soup on Sunday, and more. You may view and download a copy right from this website.

March 2013 Newsletter.


Bible Study for the Third Week of Lent

  • 3/3 – Romans 7:4 – Lord Jesus, I belong to You, devote myself to Your word. Grant me the grace to do Your will and produce abundantly.
  • 3/4 – John 15:2 – Father, correct me when I err, teach me the way to go. Grant that being corrected I may bear abundantly for You.
  • 3/5 – Proverbs 12:12 – Lord, make me righteous by Your grace. Keep me from evil. Grant that my life may show forth the abundance that comes from faith in You.
  • 3/6 – 2 Timothy 2:25-26 – Lord Jesus, You are patient and full of mercy. Free me from the snares of sin. Being freed, aid me in growing further in knowledge and love of You.
  • 3/7 – 1 Peter 4:19 – Lord Jesus, as I face trials and suffering, grant me the grace of assurance and perseverance. Trusting in You may I produce much good.
  • 3/8 – 2 Peter 3:9 – Lord Jesus, You love me so much and seek me out when I am lost. Continue to bring me back to Your way through the grace of penance and repentance.
  • 3/9 – Mark 1:15 – Lord Jesus, You proclaimed the coming of the kingdom. Bring me to the fulness of life in You.

Pray the week: Lord Jesus, grant me the time and grace to repent, change my ways, and in so doing produce abundantly for You.

Reflection for the Third Sunday of Lent


Cut it off!
Give it a bit.

“‘For three years now I have come in search of fruit on this fig tree but have found none. So cut it down. Why should it exhaust the soil?’ He said to him in reply, ‘Sir, leave it for this year also, and I shall cultivate the ground around it and fertilize it; it may bear fruit in the future. If not you can cut it down.’”

We have all felt like the orchard owner. We try at things and put a lot of effort into them. It seems some are an uphill battle; we don’t seem to be getting anywhere for our effort. We’d like to cut that failure out of our lives and start over; put it behind us.

This experience can happen on lots of levels. Perhaps it is that plant that just won’t flourish on our windowsill, perhaps it is bigger things: our job, friendships, education, or our marriage.

Today’s first lesson is about perseverance. Jesus tells us the story of the orchard owner who has invested a lot to get this tree to grow, and it has failed him every year. He’s ready to cut it off, cut it down, get that failure out of his life, start over, or just put it behind him. The gardener tells the orchard owner and us that we need to give it more time.

Imagine that you’ve had a couple tough years in a marriage, or at work. You’re ready for that divorce or to quit. Then this parable comes to mind and you relent, you give it another year. A year later you look back and…

Hopefully you look back at your marriage and find that it has settled down, flourished, and produced fruit – love, a deeper relationship, and respect. You look back at your job and find good productivity, a promotion and success.

Our Lenten message is that that we cannot just leave the fix to itself for a year. The gardener didn’t just tell the orchard owner and us to give it more time. He understood that the owner needed to “cultivate the ground around it and fertilize it.” In other words, time alone is not enough – we have to put the work in.

That marriage, job, education, friendship, plant on the windowsill all need work and commitment to flourish. Our investment in our faith in Jesus, our love for Him and His Church take commitment and work. Our sinfulness doesn’t end by itself. Things don’t fix themselves.

Thankfully, we don’t work at any of this alone. The gardener by our side is Jesus. He offers us those graces of forgiveness, fellowship in faith, communion with Him and each other. He cultivates and fertilizes our work with His grace that heals perfectly. The next time we’re ready to cut it off, don’t. Turn instead to Him and get to work.

Bible Study for the Second Week of Lent

  • 2/24 – 2 Peter 1:4 – Lord Jesus, I am so grateful for Your promises. Grant me the grace of faith so that in acknowledging You as my Lord and Savior I may be transformed.
  • 2/25 – Colossians 3:1-2 – Lord Jesus, grant me the grace to count the things of this world as nothing and a singular focus on transforming myself to love in light of the life to come.
  • 2/26 – Romans 12:2 – Lord Jesus, enlighten me to discern what is right and good. Transform my mind and heart to do Your will.
  • 2/27 – Psalm 46:10 – Heavenly Father, You are my God, I long for You and I praise Your name. Thank You for the promise of eternal life in Your presence.
  • 2/28 – 2 Corinthians 3:18 – Lord Jesus, I recall the glory and joy that I experienced in accepting You into my life. Bring me from joy to joy, glory to glory, until I am transfigured fully into Your image.
  • 3/1 – 1 Thessalonians 2:13 – Lord Jesus, thank You for the sacramental grace that transforms me in hearing Your word. I also praise and thank You and all who proclaim Your word. Grant that by being transformed I may witness to Your word in all I do.
  • 3/2 – Romans 8:29 – Lord Jesus, transform and conform me to You.

Pray the week: Lord Jesus, transfigure me. Grant that my membership in Your body brings me to transformation and regeneration.

Reflection for the Second Sunday of Lent


What do I look like?

“But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we also await a savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. He will change our lowly body to conform with his glorified body”

Our theme for this year is You + Jesus + Community = Success.

Today we recall Jesus’ transfiguration. In this moment we see the glory of Jesus, which is also the promise of our glory in Him.

When we join ourselves to Jesus in faith and baptism we are made part of all that He is. This includes every aspect of what Jesus is: priest, king, servant, healer, prophet, light, teacher, and so many more things. He is everything good, wonderful, and righteous.

The world looks at us and tries to discern in our words and actions what Jesus might be for the world. As such, they will only know Him, and what they can be, if they see Him in us.

It is said that six out of every ten people do not know Jesus, what He truly represents. Certainly, many might think Jesus was a nice person who gave us wise words. They may look at Him as a teacher on par with their favorite teacher or philosopher. How is He any different from those others?

They will only know His difference and the value of His promises if we proclaim and model what oneness with Him is.

We must take on all that He is and represent that before the world. We are to be Jesus as priest, king, servant, healer, prophet, light, and teacher to everyone we encounter.
In the transfiguration we see Jesus as more than just Moses – who delivered the law to the Jewish people and led them out of captivity. We see He is more than the prophets, represented by Elijah, who offered wise teachings and guidance to the Jewish people when they were going astray. He is what Moses and Elijah represent, but so much more too. He is God. We hear the Father acknowledge and state that from the cloud, “This is my Son, my Chosen; listen to him!

When we join ourselves to Jesus we obtain the fullness of His promises, including the fact that we will share in His glory as citizens of heaven – the glory we observe today. As St. Paul tells the Philippians: He will change our lowly body to conform with his glorified body.

By joining ourselves to Jesus, by being Him before the world, we proclaim His truth. He is God who has joined Himself to us, and asks us to join ourselves to Him. In union with Him we offer the truth of His promises – that by joining with Him we will achieve eternal glory and true success.

11th Annual Basket Social in Schenectady

Our 11th Annual and ever popular Basket Social will be held on Sunday, April 7th at the VFW Hall at 1309 Fifth Avenue in Schenectady. Doors open at noon. Besides our usual wide array of baskets, there will be door prizes, homemade afghans, and our traditional Polish kitchen serving all your favorites. Homemade desserts too… Come by and enjoy an afternoon of fun, good food, and plenty of chances to win one or more amazing baskets.

Basket Social

Bible Study for the 1st Week of Lent

  • 2/17 – Acts 7:29-30 – Lord Jesus, appear to me at all times, and grant that Your word and way may be ever before me. With my vision fixed on You may I do all to fulfill Your will.
  • 2/18 – Genesis 39:20-23 – Lord Jesus, whenever I am troubled and feel confined, grant me the grace to take charge and carry out Your will. May all I do bring honor to Your Holy Name.
  • 2/19 – 1 Samuel 23:13-17 – Lord Jesus, whenever I am pursued and set upon, set Your hope and promises before me. Grant that I may find peace and confidence in Your promises.
  • 2/20 – Judges 11:3-6 – Lord Jesus, You prepare me for every challenge. Grant that when called upon I may show forth Your power and love in all I accomplish.
  • 2/21 – Galatians 1:15-18 – Lord Jesus, grant me the patience needed to properly prepare for the work You have given me, and to learn well Your way.
  • 2/22 – Exodus 3:1-10 – Lord Jesus, send me forth from my time of preparation to lead Your people to knowledge of You. Grant that through my work all may find Your land of joy and peace, flowing with the milk and honey of Your way.
  • 2/23 – Revelation 1:1-11 – Lord Jesus, in these times grant that I may be a partner in the persecutions facing all Christians. Allow that I may endure and persevere. May my witness bring many to know, love, and serve You in Your Holy Church.

Pray the week: Lord Jesus, send me out in the desert. Purify me and show me Your way that I may better decide for You.

Reflection for the First Sunday of Lent


Choices, choices…
Decisions, decisions…

“If you are the Son of God, command this stone to become bread.”
“I shall give to you all this power and glory; for it has been handed over to me, and I may give it to whomever I wish. All this will be yours, if you worship me.”
“If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down from here”

Lent is a time for choices. What will we do to discipline our lives, to follow Jesus more closely, to reach for perfection in the Christian way of life? More than those choices, we face the choice of how hard we will work at what we choose. How will our choices affect our decisions?

Jesus was drawn into the desert to undergo the discipline of fasting and prayer and in doing so to draw closer to His Father. He chose to follow His Father’s will and decided to do all the things His Father required.

The desert or wilderness was the place in which the Prophets such as Elijah, Elisha, Moses, and John the Baptist, as well as Jesus, the Son of God, lived for at least a time, if not most of their lives. The rugged, arid conditions of the wilderness became their molding ground. Alone, they wandered through deserts, forests and mountains, awaiting God’s command. In the rugged desolate country they were set apart for God’s special work. In the wilderness God fashioned their character, making them obedient vessels, who then went forth to carry out God’s will.

For most of us the wilderness (dense forests, deserts and mountains) are only for the adventurous in spirit. It can be vicious to all forms of life – human, animal and plant. Only the most hardy can survive. No soft disguises of civilization can survive here. Wilderness life hones the nature of those who venture there. In the wilderness our true substance is exposed, and we are purified to do God’s will. It is not a place for the foolhardy, or the faint-hearted.

At the end of Jesus’ desert time He was tempted, put to the test in a very severe way. He is offered everything the world might think would fill a person after forty days of fasting and loneliness – food, power, and security. Having been purified and made one with His Father through the desert experience He was able to make the right decisions in the face of these very strong temptations.

Our Lent is a time in the wilderness, to withdraw a bit and draw closer to God. Our Lenten choices and practices, and our choice of how hard we work at them, prepare us to make right decisions when faced with temptation. They mold us, set us apart, and make us obedient servants who decide for God’s way.

Next Soup on Sunday – Free Food

Holy Name of Jesus Parish in #Schenectady is continuing its “Soup on Sunday” ministry on Sunday, February 24th and on the last Sunday of every month from 11:30am until 1:30pm. This ministry is free and open to all who would like to partake of a hot meal in a safe location on these Sundays. Food is also available to take home.

Soup on Sunday will be held in our parish hall at 1040 Pearl Street in Schenectady, located between Crane and Chrisler Avenues near the CDTA Route 354 Pearl Street stop.

Soup on Sunday Flyer3

Bible Study for Quinquagesima

  • 2/10 – 2 Corinthians 13:4 – Lord Jesus, join me to Yourself. Take up my weakness and grant me the grace to overcome all things by living in You.
  • 2/11 – 2 Corinthians 9:6 – Lord Jesus, grant me the strength to be wholehearted in doing Your will. Take all I have to offer and bring about an abundant harvest.
  • 2/12 – 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 – Lord, Grant me the power to look beyond the weakness of my flesh to the true strength and truth that are in You. May my faith shine forth to break down barriers so many may come to learn about, know, love, and worship You.
  • 2/13 – Ephesians 6:16-17 – Lord, grant that I may live in and proclaim Your word. Grant me the grace, through my Lenten observances, to persevere and prevail against all temptation.
  • 2/14 – 2 Corinthians 13:5 – Lord Jesus, arm me to increase my prayer, sacrifice, charity, forgiveness, and faith this Lent. Grant me the grace to live up to and overcome the tests put before me.
  • 2/15 – Revelation 21:7 – Lord Jesus, all my hope is in You. Bring me to the promise of everlasting life in Your Kingdom.
  • 2/16 – Revelation 22:14 – Lord Jesus, wash me of my failings. Grant that whatever the sacrifice, I may be ready to give my all for You so that I may enter the heavenly Jerusalem through its gates.

Pray the week: Lord Jesus, grant that I may work to overcome my weakness always trusting in the victory I have in You.