Reflection for the Second Sunday In Ordinary Time

Shirt Wording Cutout

Are we going over?
Yes, yes we are.

Jesus did this as the beginning of his signs at Cana in Galilee and so revealed his glory, and his disciples began to believe in him.

Anne Rice, writing about the life of Jesus, describes Cana as follows: “It’s a winter of no rain, endless dust, and talk of trouble in Judea. All who know and love Jesus find themselves waiting for some sign of the path he will eventually take. After his baptism, he is at last ready to confront his destiny. At the wedding at Cana, he takes water and transforms it into wine. Thus, he’s recognized as the anointed one and called by God the Father to begin a ministry that will transform an unsuspecting world.”

We have been following Jesus’ path from His birth, the visit of the shepherds, His circumcision, the visit of the Magi, and His baptism. After His baptism, John pointed out that Jesus was the One everyone expected, the Messiah. He told his followers to follow Jesus. Disciples began to flock to Jesus because some had heard the Father’s voice from heaven and had seen the Spirit descend on Him. Others followed based on John’s word. What a great build-up.

We are at Cana today. We know something amazing is going to happen. This period of build-up has to be fulfilled. We can sense it. It is like being at the top of a rollercoaster, knowing what’s coming next. Yet we are fearful. We might even wonder if we will be stuck without ever going over. Suddenly, we are rushing headlong filled with the thrill of the moment, feeling exhilarated. No fear, only joy.

The disciples were now rushing headlong. They experienced the power of God at work in Jesus. God was among them, what an amazing rush.

Church and the life of faith is more than pretending we were there or sitting on the edge. Each week we live with Jesus by our presence in the community of faith, entered by baptism.

Just as Jesus intervened to help the newly married couple He continues to intervene in our lives. In our weekly worship and Holy Communion we don’t just remember His great deeds, we don’t just retell an interesting story, we become a real and living part of that story. We are there with Him in the very same way His disciples were. We have the same pledge.

We could sit at the top of the rollercoaster with anticipation or fear. Like Ryder, who joins with us in taking that plunge off the edge into the life of faith today, we live a powerful and exhilarating life by going over. Fear is destroyed by joy. Adventure is here. We are transformed and we transform others. We are in the present with Jesus, over the edge, alive.

Feeding those in need on Souper Bowl Sunday

For the 12th year in a row, our parish is participating in the Souper Bowl of Caring. We are providing food help for those in need through the Souper Bowl of Caring and YouGiveGoods. Thank you for your support of our efforts.

ygg_default_image_foodYour monetary donations in church will support the work of Schenectady Inner City Ministry. You can donate food online through our YouGiveGoods donation page. Food donations will be provided to Concerned For The Hungry.

Scripture asks us to be attentive to the needs of others.

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, Matthew 25:35

John answered, “The man with two tunics should share with him who has none, and the one who has food should do the same.” Luke 3:11

If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? 1 John 3:17

  • The Souper Bowl collections go to many charities and so helps many organizations. (Matthew 25:35-36).
  • It follows God’s commands to care of the poor by leaving some of what we have and opening our hearts to them (Leviticus 19:9-10, Deuteronomy 15:7-8).
  • Only asking for a dollar means everyone can participate (2 Corinthians 8:1-4).
  • By doing this in our church, we are setting an example of caring for those in need (1 Timothy 4:12).
  • It is a way we can remember the poor on a day when we are thinking about other things (Galatians 2:10).
  • Since the Souper Bowl does not tell people where to send their collection, it does not exclude anyone (James 2:1-4).
  • It also gives us a chance to trust God when we serve and to see how He blesses us as we do (Phillipians 4:19, Deuteronomy 15:10).

More than 20 years ago, the Souper Bowl of Caring began with a simple prayer from a single youth group:

“Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help us be mindful of those without a bowl of soup to eat.”

Since that day, more than $90 million has been raised for local charities across the country through Souper Bowl of Caring. It has become a powerful movement that is transforming the time around Super Bowl weekend into the nation’s largest celebration of giving and serving.

Be part of this movement that is sharing God’s love with those in need. Please give generously on Super Bowl Sunday.


Bible Study for the Fourth Week of Christmas

  • 1/13 – Matthew 13:52 – Lord Jesus, through my baptism may I bring the knowledge of Your love, that is from of old, as well as the newness of hope found in You, to all I meet.
  • 1/14 – Mark 16:15 – Lord Jesus, through my baptism may I boldly proclaim Your word before the whole world.
  • 1/15 – Luke 24:47 – Lord Jesus, by baptism I have put on new life an have rejected sin. Grant that I may continually repent of the wrong I do, and forgive others as You forgive me. Grant also that others may find, through my example and teaching, the freedom You offer to all.
  • 1/16 – Acts 1:8 – Lord Jesus, I began my journey of faith in baptism and came to fullness of faith in accepting the Holy Spirit in confirmation. Grant me renewal and strength to witness to You before all.
  • 1/17 – Acts 2:38 – Lord Jesus, grant enlightenment and courage to many so that they may die with You in baptism so to be raised with You in glory.
  • 1/18 – 1 Corinthians 1:13 – Lord Jesus, there is one baptism, one faith. Call me to witness to You along with all Christians and renew our unity.
  • 1/19 – Romans 6:3 – Lord Jesus, help me to remember the new and eternal life I have been granted through Your death and resurrection. Grant that I may treasure my baptism into You more than any possession or worldly desire.

Pray the week: Lord Jesus, grant that I may live my baptismal commitment by my life in Your community of faith and by my every action.

Reflection for the Solemnity of the Baptism of our Lord


Why should I join?
What does it mean?

“He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.”

It wouldn’t be unusual to wonder about baptism, what it means. We might also wonder why Jesus was baptized.

For us, baptism is membership in the body of Jesus, the Church – we are made part of Jesus by descending into the water, as He descended into death. With this membership we are promised that we, like Jesus, will rise again.

For us, baptism is washing. We are washed of sin. In baptism we recognize that we fall short of the glory of God. As St. Paul wrote to the Romans “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” We know that we are sinful, no one is perfect and without failings. In baptism we acknowledge our sinfulness and our reliance on God, who through Jesus’ sacrifice washes us of our sinfulness, brings us forgiveness, and welcomes us back – always, no matter what.

For us, baptism is proclamation that Jesus is the Son of God, true God and true man. We proclaim the triune nature of God, Jesus’ sacrificial death, resurrection, and ascension. In baptism we proclaim the Creed – stating definitively what we believe by faith. At Jesus’ baptism the heavens were opened. The Holy Spirit descended in the form of a dove. The Father’s voice is heard: “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” This is God revealed, as He is, plain and simple, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Jesus’ baptism pointed to all these things. At Jesus’ baptism John publicly recognized and declared that Jesus was the One who was awaited, the Messiah, the One who would baptize “with the Holy Spirit and fire.”

Jesus’ baptism also showed that He identified with sinners. His baptism symbolized sinners’ baptism into His righteousness. In addition, Jesus baptism showed His approval of John’s baptism, bearing witness to it, that it was from heaven and approved by God. Later, after His resurrection, He would tell His followers that by baptizing the many they would be made His disciples. In Jesus’ baptism the reality of God was revealed in testimony direct from heaven.

All the glorious truth of the mercy of God found in Jesus Christ is on display at His baptism. We join ourselves to that glory and truth in our baptism.

In the dynamics of baptism we join ourselves to all the truth of Jesus. We proclaim that God has freed us by His grace and our acceptance of that grace. We declare with all the faith that we have – we are members of His body, and that He is our Lord and God. We are His members – and it means this: That we receive His mercy and glory.

Bible Study for the Third Week of Christmas

  • 1/6 – Luke 1:1-4 – Lord Jesus, grant that I may follow all things concerning You closely, and share the joy that knowledge of You brings.
  • 1/7 – 2 Samuel 22:29 – God, You gave us Your only Son to be our light. You have lifted the veil of darkness from our lives. Grant that I may continue to share the light You have given me and dispel darkness wherever it might be found.
  • 1/8 – Job 33:28 – Lord, in times of trouble You rescue Your faithful. Grant that I may be counted among Your faithful. Grant too that when I fall short of Your love, I return to You, confident of Your mercy.
  • 1/9 – Psalm 18:28 – Lord, grant that I may not count intellectual knowledge of You as sufficient, but rather that I seek Your light so that it fill the entirety of my being.
  • 1/10 – John 1:4 – Lord Jesus, from eternity You have been light and life. Grant that I never forsake Your light and Your gift of life.
  • 1/11 – Isaiah 60:19 – Lord, all things will pass away, even the sun and moon. Grant that I may be found among Your children, living in Your eternal light.
  • 1/12 – Romans 13:12 – Lord Jesus, help me in my weakness. Grant me Your grace so that I might repent of my sin, reform my life, and live in Your light.

Pray the week: Lord Jesus, grant that the light of Your star shine in my life. Help me to lead many to Your light.

Epiphany Visitations – KolÄ™da – House Blessings

With the celebration of the Solemnity of the Epiphany, Deacon Jim is available to come to your homes for the traditional Epiphany home blessing. Please see him, write, call, or E-mail to make an appointment. Blessing appointments are available through February 12th (prior to Ash Wednesday).

To prepare your home for the blessing please have the blessed chalk and incense available as well as your blessed candle, gromnica.

Lo, the monarchs of the East now
Wend their way to Bethlehem,
There to find the promised Savior,
There with gifts to greet Him
||: In a manger poor and lowly
Lies the precious Savior,
Born to rule the hearts of mankind
In eternal splendor. :||

Kings and Wise Men note the malice
At the Child directed,
Dreadful tidings and great sadness,
Herod’s plot affected.
||: But the fearless monarchs hurry
Forward unto Bethl’em;
As the star leads to the Savior,
Giving hope unto them. :||

Standing there before the mother,
Precious gifts each bearing,
Bowing low before the Savior,
Kings present their off’ring.
||: O what fortune beyond measure
We cannot but envy,
Who will say what we can offer
To the Holy Baby? :||

Reflection for the Solemnity of the Epiphany


Does God play…
hide and seek?

“Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the East, and have come to worship him.”

Have you ever stopped for directions? The typical joke is that a man will drive around for hours, trying to find a destination, while a woman would immediately stop and ask for directions.

From our reading of the scripture we see that the Wise Men/Kings/Astrologers/Magi did stop and ask directions. They received directions, an answer in response to their search for The Answer, and made their way to Bethlehem.

It seems inconsistent doesn’t it? The Wise Men were following a star. Besides being men, why would they stop for directions if they had the star to guide them?

The lesson here is that something greater was happening. We need to unfold the map, and get our directions by reading between the lines a little.

Certainly, the gospel account is true. The Astrologers saw a sign in the skies and intuited that something wonderful had happened. That intuition isn’t just some human trait, but God’s grace at work in them, asking them to take action. They chose to believe and act on that grace. They decided to believe and follow a light – a star.

The star they followed wasn’t just something in the sky; it was the light glowing in their hearts that drove them onward toward God. That light drove them toward Jesus, the reality of God’s promise to all people.

The Wise Men received a great blessing – from outside of God’s chosen people, God called these men. With the power of His love – that is, His grace – He called Gentile leaders to come to His Son. These representatives of all nations responded. They headed toward Jesus (stopping for directions along the way).

God doesn’t play hide-and-seek. His grace is for all people in the same way as was given to the Magi. The light of His star exists in all hearts as a little flicker, an ember. If we choose to act on that grace and head toward Jesus, that ember will be fanned into a great flame, greater than any star.

When touched by the spark of grace we must not brush it off or put it out. Rather we stop and ask directions. We start in our faith community, our local church. From there, we set out and find Him as fully as we are able. Finding Him we also become His messengers (like the Magi – who as travelers were also bearers of news). With a great light in us we go out and proclaim the Good News. God is not hiding – we only need to fan His many embers into great stars revealing Jesus to all.

January 2013 Newsletter

Happy New Year and a new newsletter! Our January 2013 newsletter and calendar is complete and now available. Tons of events, Soup on Sunday, our annual meeting (yes, we are a democratic church where you have a voice and a vote and can expect accountability) everything you’d ever want to know — all in one place. You may view and download a copy right from this website.

January 2013 Newsletter.

Wise Men Seek Him

Soup on Sunday featured in the local Press

Our first Soup on Sunday event was featured in the Schenectady Gazette and the Albany Times Union. Our thanks to the reporters and photographers that joined us. We look forward to next month’s event on Sunday, January 27th. Hot soup, sandwiches, and good company every last Sunday of the month from 11:30am till 1:30pm.

Soup on Sunday
Victoria Konicki, 11, stirs the pot of soup at the Holy Name of Jesus National Catholic Church during their first Soup on Sunday event on Sunday, Dec. 30, 2012 in Schenectady, NY. Konicki’s father is the Deacon of the church. Deacon Jim Konicki said that “the congregation wanted to offer a place for anyone to come for free nourishment, a safe place where people can gather for fellowship and support for one another”. The church will hold the free Soup on Sunday event the last Sunday of every month from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. The Golub Corporation and Hannaford both gave donations that aid in the running of the program. Deacon Konicki said that for the congregation charity and outreach are very important. (Photo credit: Paul Buckowski / Times Union)

Bible Study for the Second Week of Christmas

  • 12/30 – 1 Timothy 3:1 – Lord Jesus, You have called men from among us to shepherd Your people. Grant them Your every grace as they undertake the noble cause of responding to Your call.
  • 12/31 – 1 Peter 2:25 – Lord Jesus, Your shepherds follow in Your footsteps. Grant them the strength to protect the souls entrusted to their care.
  • 1/1 – Isaiah 40:11 – Lord Jesus, grant Your grace to Your shepherds as they lead us in this new year. Assist them in imitating Your heart as they care for, gather, carry, and gently lead Your people.
  • 1/2 – John 10:4 – Lord Jesus, grant Your shepherds a heart for their people. May they, through Your grace, treat each of their people as family to be cared, sharing in their victories and defeats, successes and struggles.
  • 1/3 – Hebrews 13:17 – Lord Jesus, grant Your people loving hearts toward those responsible for our souls. Provide us with the temperament, resources, and spirit to work side-by-side with Your chosen ones in joy.
  • 1/4 – 1 Peter 5:1-2 – Lord Jesus, grant Your Holy Church many vocations, for the need for shepherds among us is great. May many men respond generously to Your call willingly and eagerly.
  • 1/5 – 1 Thessalonians 5:13 – Lord Jesus, grant that Your people may carry great love and esteem for the shepherds among us, and for all who serve in Your Holy Church.

Pray the week: Lord Jesus, I praise and thank You for sending us good shepherds to lead Your Holy Church.