A Prayer for the Unemployed on Labor Day

Almighty God,

As we reflect on this Labor Day in fellowship and in hope we call ourselves a people committed to following You to serve the well-being of others. We commit to one another’s dignity and welfare. We know that our creativity is a gift from You; and we commit the work of our hearts and hands and minds to Your service and to Your glory in all that we do.

We see in one another and in those whom we serve Your divine signature, and we honor it. We know that You are present among us as we offer this prayer in one voice to You, Lord God of compassion and mercy. We ask that You remain with us and strengthen us as we endeavor to ensure that Your justice is served.

We remember particularly today those among our brothers and sisters who are without meaningful and sustaining work, those who struggle to provide for themselves and their families. We ask that You guide us and grant us the wisdom to address the problem of unemployment and underemployment in our community and in our nation.

Encourage us now, Lord, as we seek to find solutions to these challenges. Lord, in Your presence and filled with hope; guided by Your grace we are determined to preserve the well-being and dignity of working people and their families across this country. Grant that we persevere with faith and hope, and in the sure knowledge that justice will certainly triumph. Amen.

Bible Study for the 22nd Week in Ordinary Time and on the theme of Labor

  • 9/2 – John 5:17 – Lord Jesus, You came among us not to be master, but to be servant. You came to labor in Your Father’s vineyard. You and Your Father stand with us as a co-workers. Grant us the strength to carry on in our mutual work.
  • 9/3 – Matthew 20 – Lord Jesus, grant sight to those who oppress workers and turn their hearts. Grant the blessing of work to all who are unemployed or under-employed. Grant that no one lord their authority over others, but that employers and their managers act with the generous and open heart of a servant. Grant accord among all workers and strengthen their collective effort for justice.
  • 9/4 – Deuteronomy 24:14-15 – Lord God, grant justice to all workers who have had their wages withheld or have been underpaid for their work. Open the minds and hearts of their employers to the decrees and blessings that come from carrying out Your Holy law.
  • 9/5 – Jeremiah 22:1-5 – Heavenly Father, guide us by Your Holy word and grant that all may abide in it, doing justice, righteousness, and delivering all who are oppressed. Provide Your abundant blessings to those who follow Your will, and bring back those who reject Your way.
  • 9/6 – Jeremiah 22:11-17 – Lord of Heaven and earth, grant that all may build upon justice and right. May no one build by unrighteousness, by making a neighbor work for nothing; stealing wages. Send forth Your Spirit to judge the cause of the poor and needy and grant them restoration. Set the ways of those practicing oppression and violence to naught.
  • 9/7 – Luke 7:1-10 – Lord Jesus, grant that all employers may act as the centurion, for the good of their workers. Grant that we may break down the barriers of class and nationality and focus instead on the good of everyone. Grant all workers access to healthcare and paid sick leave. Heal all those injured in their work.
  • 9/8 – Isaiah 58:6-12 – Lord Jesus, bring us to restoration and healing. Grant that all our work and effort be one with Your gospel By the justice we do may Your light may shine forth and our communities may become the home of peace, generosity, light, strength, and vindication.

Pray the week: Lord Jesus, bless our work and all who labor. Provide justice for those oppressed.

Reflection for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

You confuse me!
I know, but it’s not that tough.

“Be doers of the word and not hearers only, deluding yourselves.”

Do we find it confusing to do God’s will, or is it easy? Unfortunately, there is not one easy answer. It comes down to our personality, learning, spirit, and skills.

I was reading a story, and it mentioned a character whose personality was completely charitable. He couldn’t be anything other than charitable. His faith life dictated his actions. He would go out of his way to do extraordinary things, just to help, to be there. It could be a ride, a shoulder, helping hands, or a kind and supportive world. He did God’s will through the way he helped in an outward and demonstrable way.

For others that type of direct action might be more difficult. They may provide support through donations of food and treasure. They may respond through prayer for peoples’ intentions.

It is important that none of us rate the works of others. What they do, and how they do it, is part of the way they carry out God’s will. Their lives follow a particular path founded upon the way God’s message resonates within them.

There are so many misconceptions among Christians in relation to what God wants us to do. Some think that becoming a Christian is enough. You are going to heaven and all problems are automatically solved. Some will tell you that God will tell us what He wants though some amazing miraculous vision or voice – and not only that – He will give us step by step directions. Others will say that faith is just a force, a vehicle for us to get what we want and need at the moment. Faith and God is just a tool we can use. It is no longer God’s desire for us, but God acting on our desires.

St. Paul laid out the answer to living in accord with what God wants from us. We are to believe in God, internalize His word, and take action. Listen to His word and take action.

If we just listen, its like water rolling off a rock. The outside might get wet, but nothing happens inside. We cannot be like rocks. The word has to penetrate us and change us. Then, as changed people we carry out the direction of God’s word in a particular way.

That is Jesus’ message. It is not how we look, what we eat, any outward measure, but how much we absorb and are changed by God’s will. Will we accept His will and be changed, or will we remain just a wet rock? Jesus makes it easy, listen – makes God’s will our center – then act on it.

Bible Study for the 21st Week in Ordinary Time

  • 8/26 – Joshua 24:14-27 – Lord God, grant that I may always choose You, You above all. I know that my heart and my commitment to You will stand in witness against me if I let You down. May my words and actions be true to my Christian commitment and may I not be found a hypocrite.
  • 8/27 – Jeremiah 31:31-34 – Lord, Your Son came to teach me Your way and to write Your commandment of love in my heart. Continue to be generous with me when my actions fall short of my commitment to You.
  • 8/28 – Jeremiah 31:35-37 – Lord God, You gave me Your everlasting commitment and the promise that I will never be separated from You. Grant that I may grow each day in my commitment to You. Keep me close and teach me to rely on Your promises.
  • 8/29 – Matthew 16:24-26 – Lord Jesus, You call me to complete and total commitment to You and Your way. Grant me the strength to live that commitment, never counting anything above my promise to You.
  • 8/30 – Romans 12:1-2 – Lord Jesus, grant that I may offer myself up as a living sacrifice acceptable to You. Transform my mind, so that I may discern Your will.
  • 8/31 – John 10:1-10 – Lord Jesus, grant that I may enter into life through You, and that I may dedicate my life and my all to follow You. I know that in committing I will find eternal life.
  • 9/1 – Matthew 4:19, Matthew 9:9 – Lord Jesus, You call us to follow You, to set aside our nets and our counting table to walk in Your way. Grant me all I need to stand up and follow You. Grant too the gift of many vocations to the priesthood and diaconate.

Pray the week: Lord Jesus, grant that I may commit to You, for there is no one else to whom I can go.

School of Christian Living – time to sign up

We have an active and on-going Confirmation class. We are now signing students up for our School of Christian living, which will begin mid-September. It is every parent’s duty and obligation to see to the spiritual education of their children. Godparents are similarly obligated toward their godchildren. We are here to assist in delivering knowledge of the faith through our School of Christian Living (SOCL). Also remember, no one is too old to learn or make one’s confirmation. We welcome all students.

Prayer for Youth Sunday

Our Holy Church marks this last Sunday in August as Youth Sunday. Let us take time this Sunday and everyday to pray for our youth.

May our Lord bless and protect our young people, our children. May He always guide and protect them so that they will not fall into danger. May He protect their steps, their studies, their play, and their travels. May the Holy Spirit guide their minds and their hearts, so they grow in knowledge and wisdom. May Jesus stand as their light and way of life, with His gospel as their guide. May they always be cognizant of their baptismal commitment and their place in the community of faith – the Holy Church. May their parents and the adults in their lives be right and worthy examples of Christian life. We ask all this in Jesus name. Amen.

Reflection for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Figure it out!
Is it math?

Simon Peter replied, “Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words that give eternal life.”

Jesus has the answer.

When we are confronted by struggles, by conflicts, by different paths that might pull us away from God’s path, that is the mantra we should focus on – Jesus has the answer.

We have been hearing about the Bread of Life for several weeks. We veered off from Mark’s Gospel, which is the standard gospel for Sunday’s this year, and focused on John 6 – Jesus speaking of Himself as the Bread of Life – for five weeks. I thought to myself – is anyone sick of bread yet. Well, some of the disciples were. They found Jesus’ word hard, too much; they decided to veer off into other paths. Maybe they went to look for the doughnuts of life, or the Doritos of life, or whichever pursuit might better fulfill their lives. Maybe they thought they could figure it out on their own, rely on themselves, and maybe even – not be so accountable.

As the disciples slip away we find the moment where Judas began to doubt, where the seeds of betrayal were set.

Jesus’ teaching, and its emphasis on whole-hearted, personal commitment to Him, antagonized people, and fewer supported Him. Remember after feeding the 5,000 the people wanted to make Jesus an earthly king. Judas, a member of the Zealot party wanted that too. He wanted Israel to regain earthly power under an earthly king. He thought Jesus would be that charismatic and dynamic king, and would use His miracles to achieve those ends. Judas’ commitment was to the politics of life. He saw Jesus’ earthly attraction and power slipping away, and his heart never really figured out that Jesus has the answer.

Peter and the other disciples stand in stark contrast. They were the exception. They repeated to themselves, and here publically their whole-hearted personal commitment to Jesus.

They knew that there was no better place to go. Commitment to family, politics, Doritos, any other attraction would never outshine their commitment to Jesus. Every one of them proved it with lives dedicated to Jesus.

Jesus is life and has all we need – the answers, the bread, the water, and the light. His words of life are words that carry life with them. In the same way, His bread, light, and water carry life with them. He gives everything we need to truly live – and live forever. When we are confronted with figuring it out, finding our way, we find the answer in Jesus. Jesus is not just an answer; He is the answer.

Bible Study for the 20th Week in Ordinary Time

  • 8/19 – Proverbs 1:2-6 – Lord, grant me the commitment to learn wisdom from You, from the guidance offered by Your word and Your Holy Church.
  • 8/20 – Job 28:12,20 – Lord, grant that when questions arise I may find be found relying on Your word to guide me. You are the font of all wisdom and understanding.
  • 8/21 – Job 28:28 – Lord, may I be found standing in awe of You and Your wisdom. May my actions, words, and thoughts never veer from reliance on Your way.
  • 8/22 – Proverbs 9:10 – Lord, grant me the insight to see past the allure of sin, and the commitment to never let You down.
  • 8/23 – Psalm 111:10 – Lord, may I revere You always, not standing in fear of punishment, but motivated to surrender to Your wisdom.
  • 8/24 – James 3:13 – Lord, grant me humility and meekness. May I see You, and not myself or the world, as the source and summit of all wisdom.
  • 8/25 – Luke 2:52 – Brother Jesus, You came to us in meekness and humility. You grew in every way, human like us, and dedicated Yourself to the will and wisdom of Your Father. Grant that I may find comfort and reassurance so as to follow Your way, growing in dedication to the will and wisdom of our Father.

Pray the week: Lord Jesus, grant me wisdom to follow in Your way.

Refection for the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Wasn’t it painfully obvious?

“Brothers and sisters: Watch carefully how you live, not as foolish persons but as wise, making the most of the opportunity”

Wisdom lies in our ability to admit the obvious. To do what we know is right, and in so doing avoid the mistakes and pain that destroy us.

We know that we cannot fathom God’s wisdom. God is God, incomprehensible to the human mind, eternal. His wisdom goes from eternity past to eternity future. No one has ever instructed Him and never will.

God knows that too. He knows our frailty and our inability. That’s why He comes to us over and over throughout salvation history – right to this day. That’s why He is with us right now.

God comes to us for the purpose of making things plain and simple for us. Doing that He paves our way back to Him.

Proverbs tells us that God sets forth everything we need. It is a banquet of knowledge and wisdom. It is a banquet that is open to all. He sends out His messengers to call everyone to the banquet. There aren’t any requirements, just come and feast – and learn.

St. Paul makes it more obvious – no metaphor. Don’t be stupid; watch how you live, be wise, take advantage of opportunity. What are the opportunities – they are simple: live in the Spirit of God, know Him, love Him, live together as His body and be saved.

Jesus delivers some difficult words today, Eat my flesh, drink my blood, and live forever. The Jewish people, for the most part, couldn’t accept that – it was crazy talk to them. The Romans couldn’t understand anyone offering their flesh and blood to another because they would die in the process. Yet God makes it easy for us to be wise and accept His way. The light of faith gives us the wisdom to know Jesus is God. We know we can trust His truth and His word. In doing that, in following Him we gain true wisdom.

God’s wisdom is easily obtained and knowable. It is this, that He loves us, gave His all for us, has made us one, and wants us to live the way He showed us.

The way of God is pretty simple because it is the way of life. In following God’s wisdom, the right paths He has pointed to, we won’t be led off a cliff and into pain.

Following what Jesus has made painfully obvious, in His taking up the painful punishment we deserve for our failings, keeps us from eternal pain and loss. So let’s be wise, and follow Him.