“…you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.”Â
Matthew 1:21
I AM, Savior, Redeemer, Christ, Lord, Master, Messiah, Logos (the Word), Son of God, Son of man, Son of David, Lamb of God, New Adam, Light of the World, Bread of Life, King of the Jews, Rabboni or Rabbi, Teacher, Chosen One, High Priest, Way, Truth, and Life, Prophet, Priest and King, Gate, Gatekeeper, Emmanuel, Almighty, Alpha and Omega, Bridegroom, Cornerstone, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, True God, Good Shepherd, Head of the Church, Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Morning Star, Our Righteousness, Resurrection and Life, Root of David, Rock, True Vine, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Prince of Peace, Refuge of sinners, All.
Today we begin the celebration of one-hundred years of faithful service here in Schenectady. For one-hundred years the people of this parish have carried the Holy Name of Jesus before them in song, prayer, and praise. For one-hundred years we have fallen on our knees before the Holy Name of Jesus and bowed at the mention of His Holy Name.
In good and bad times, in celebration, baptisms, weddings, and anniversaries; in war, poverty, social discord, sickness, and death the Holy Name of Jesus has been on our lips and in our hearts.
All of those names of Jesus listed have comforted, consoled, taught, and strengthened us. When we faced confusion, He was the Way, Truth, and Life. When we sought knowledge, He was our Wonderful Counselor, Teacher, and Rabbi. When we evangelized, He opened the Gate to those who listened. When we saw the mighty hand of God at work among us in healings, He was Mighty God and Good Physician. When we felt lost, He was Good Shepherd, Light, and Rock. When there was conflict, He was Prince of Peace. When we worshiped, He was the Word, High Priest, and Bread of Life. He is all that today and more. He will be that in the next moment and forever.
We, His people, here in Schenectady, have the privilege to bear His Holy Name within our community and before the world. We have the obligation to assume, in different ways and through varied ministries, Jesus’ Holy Name by carrying it to the lost, the poor, the sick – to all who do not know the Holy Name but deep in their hearts are called to know, love, and serve Him. We have the obligation by the blessings we have received, and continue to receive, through our calling on the Holy Name of Jesus to let others know that they may call upon Him.
Looking through the history of this parish, from the first five hundred individuals who founded this place to all who have been touched by this holy endeavor, we see a list of those who stood fast in Jesus and found in Him all that they needed.
Indeed, the Holy Name of Jesus is powerful to save and so in this year let us celebrate and recommit ourselves to lifting high the Holy Name of Jesus. Let us set to work in making Him known. In doing so, in honoring and respecting the power of His Name, we will continue to be abundantly blessed.
May the Holy Name of Jesus be praised! Now and forevermore.