Reflection for the 4th Sunday of Advent

Don’t look in there… What are they hiding in there away?

St. Paul is writing to the Church at Rome. He tells them:

…the revelation of the mystery kept secret for long ages but now manifested through the prophetic writings and, according to the command of the eternal God, made known to all nations

Children wonder, especially at this time of the year, what might be hidden in the closet or basement; perhaps under mom and dad’s bed. We are like children, children of faith. Paul is speaking to us. He’s letting us know that nothing is hidden. God has revealed everything to us. What was once a mystery is now plain. Everything became plain in the life of Jesus.

God isn’t into mystery, or spooky miracles, or suddenly appearing saints. What He is about is clearly understood – He is about relationships founded in deep love, generosity, caring, and the deep desire that we, His people, live in community with Him and each other.

Rather than searching the closets or the basement, let’s search our hearts for the plain meaning in the Gospels. Jesus’ coming has given us all we need to know.

Armed with His gospel of love and community we join in His holy mission – making His Father’s message available to all people.

The miracle is this – there are no secrets – Jesus has opened heaven’s store of dignity and love for all people. He really loves us. Knowing that, we can say with Paul:

to the only wise God, through Jesus Christ be glory forever and ever.

Reflection for the 3rd Sunday of Advent

Bang, bang, bang… Is that Santa on the roof, or St. Paul?

St. Paul is writing to one of the Churches he founded. He’s rattling off a whole bunch of instructions in short order at the very end of his letter:

Keep awake and be sober. Encourage one another. Build one another up. Respect those who labor among you. Be at peace among yourselves. Admonish idlers, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all. Do not repay evil for evil. Always seek to do good to one another and to all. Rejoice always. Pray constantly. Give thanks in all circumstances. Do not quench the Spirit. Test everything. Hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil.

Paul is literally banging out instructions. If he had a typewriter, we could hear him pounding the message home.

During this time of preparation we need to hear Paul’s message and to share it.

These instructions are not just wise sayings, good things to live by, or smart. They are urgent and necessary for us in our relationships with each other, our Church, and the world. They are the foundation for our journey to heaven.

Jesus’ coming changed life from a series of misfortunes and mishaps that ended in the emptiness of death to a path of holiness, righteousness, and faith that ends in eternal joy.

As we hear the doorbells ring and the guests knock, let us remember Paul banging away at these instructions. Paul ends by blessing us for following these instructions:

May the God of peace himself sanctify you wholly; and may your spirit and soul and body be kept sound and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus’ coming is near. Let us renew ourselves so that we may be part of the joy that is forever.

May our Lord bless you and yours,

Deacon Jim

A wonderful Sunday (in church)

What a glorious Sunday morning (in church) last week:

In church) because like some of you, Father Stan experienced the icy roads. Turning onto Pearl Street, the car did not comply, missing a stop sign, a fire hydrant, and a light pole, all by mere inches. God did not want him to miss the blessings the morning had to offer.

First, was the humbling experience of leading the congregation in penitential devotions, seeking God’s absolution for sins. Coupled with the many of our family that had come forward to receive the holy anointing was additionally humbling but yet faith-filled. Emotions began to build.

Next, we were all joyfully entertained by such energy and presence bringing the Christmas story into much focus and wonderful song and statement. All new songs were taught and learned and presented with such energy, but that was said already. The talent of our veterans, Megan, Loryn, Adam, Victoria, Claudia, Hannah, and rookie, Jayson, brought such beauty and energy (yes, it is said again) to the presentation. Many thanks and much appreciation go out to Deborah Bilinski for producing the presentation, and to Liz Battaglia, for leading the learning of the songs.

And the blessings kept on coming: Up to last Friday, there were three dishes listed on the chart leading to a possibly sparse “wigilia” / vigil dinner. But true to the Lord’s blessings of the day, two tables were filled with offerings to offer us sustenance and tradition. Such a variety and range of flavors we have come to anticipate, and, once gain, we were not disappointed.

And despite the icy roads, many of you had come to share in these blessings, and to you, a heartfelt thank you and Bóg Zapłac is offered.


As we look forward to the beginning of a new liturgical year, we look at the season of Advent as a time of preparation and expectation.

There are those around in our community, however, that have little to prepare for or expect.

As we approach this new liturgical year and this penitential season, let us re-new our efforts to provide for those in need: We shall begin our food drive collection, our mitten tree collections, blankets, and various other ways to lend a hand.

Please look with anticipation to this new liturgical year with the hope and peace of Christ, and see how much you can give of yourself this upcoming preparatory season. Thank you.

On Sunday, November 28th, the First Sunday in Advent, we will be holding the blessing of Opłatki (Christmas Wafers), our Advent Wreath, and our Jesse Tree prior to Holy Mass.