I formed you, and set you as a covenant of the people, a light for the nations… to bring out prisoners from darkness.

Welcome as we continue in the forty-day celebration of Christmas.

Today, we are called to reflect upon Jesus born into the human family through a human family and with the purpose of making us His Father’s family by adoption.

Throughout this past week and until tomorrow which is the Octave of the Epiphany, we have read from the First Letter of St. John wherein he speaks of the totality of God’s love. Our first reading today from Isaiah speaks of God’s purpose, set forth in His Son Jesus, to make Him the covenant of love.

That love’s purpose is to free us from a cheapness of life, any thought or feeling, any impression that our lives are unworthy of intimacy with God. Jesus came to connect us to the reality that His Father is our loving Father.

In His baptism Jesus confirms and gives sacramental affect to our adoption into the family of God. His Father confirms this adoption, sets forth His love for us, through the decent of the Holy Spirit and His verbal acclimation of His Son’s work for our salvation.

There is no doubt, brothers and sisters, that we easily fall into the trap of downplaying our place and role in the God’s family. We often fall into fear – wondering what will happen to us for the ways we fall short. Unfortunately, we concentrate more on that than on the power of God’s love and our adoption that is intended to drive out all fear.

St. Peter reminds those in the house of Cornelius, and us, that Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit and power to do good – good for us.

That good is not just some kind deed or a healing here and there. It is a good meant to overcome fear, imprisonment, darkness, and deafness and to replace it by making us strong. He assures us of our acceptance and adoption, our beauty and inclusion as His brothers and sisters.

At a practical level we must be very careful to remind ourselves of our position and stature in the family of God. We can accomplish this in the simplest of ways – put a note on your bathroom mirror saying ‘God adopted me in love. I am His. He is mine.’ 

We can do this by reading the story of Jesus’ baptism through which He entered His public ministry solely focused on bringing us in. We are the ultimate insiders in God’s family.

So let us take the word of our opening prayer to heart: May the brightness of His presence shine in me, and may His glory be set forth in me.

And a voice came from the heavens, “You are My beloved Son; with You I am well pleased.”

Today we begin a transition into two short Ordinary Time weeks. After that we will notice a stark change as we enter the Pre-Lenten season. 

In this transition the moments of Jesus’ Nativity get closed out (excepting February 2nd – the Solemnity of the Presentation, forty days after Jesus’ birth) and His public ministry is begun.

If there is a word to bridge these times, and one that is self-contained in each season of the Church year, it is the word ‘announcement.’

Consider the times we have encountered and will encounter ‘announcement.’

The angels announce the Messiah’s birth. The humble shepherds announce what they have seen and heard. The Maji announce the coming of the Messiah to King Herod and all of Jerusalem hears of it. John the Baptist had been announcing the coming of “One mightier than I.” The decent of the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove and the voice of the Father from heaven announce Jesus as the Son of God.

Setting forth after His baptism Jesus will call His disciples, turn water into wine, and most importantly announce the immanence of the Kingdom – a charge equally given to every disciple: The Kingdom of heaven is at hand (note in Mark’s gospel account only four verses after His baptism).

Jesus emphasizes the work of announcement. It is the work we each must take up. It is a work that can be carried out in various ways, we don’t all need to be broadcasters using words – it may also be done in acts. It is anything we do that opens the kingdom to others.

Our work as announcers must also be evident in the attitudes we carry. That was the lesson Peter experienced before going to the house of Cornelius. Before going there – to the house of a Gentile Roman Centurion – considered unclean, God showed Peter that his attitudes had to change, that announcing the Kingdom was for those God intended, not only those Peter considered worthy by his own judgment.

With open hearts let us then be those announcers, broadcasters, proclaimers, trumpeters God asks us to be. The more we announce the Kingdom the more people will accept Jesus. 

Called to Live Anew

After all the people had been baptized and Jesus also had been baptized and was praying

Anew – it is a word we will focus on for years to come. We together have spent the last decade in a lot of hard work building up this parish, strengthening it, readying it. Now is the time for the next great step, to call people anew to knowing, loving, and serving the Lord and His Holy Church.

Today we are called to situational awareness and the actions we must take.

The gospel passage from St. Luke paints a picture of what occurred on the day of Jesus’ baptism. However, in this account, the discussion between Jesus and John is missing. Also, the actual moment of baptism is missing. We must infer what happened by starting at the after-the-baptism moment.

What we can take from this account is the fact that John baptized a lot of people that day. Jesus, like the rest, stood in line and entered the Jordan to be baptized. Afterward, He, like the rest, filed out of the river and went to the riverbank to pray.

The rest of the gospel focuses on the revelation of Jesus as the Son of God and the revelation of the God as Holy Trinity – Father, Son, and Spirit.

This short gospel snippet, about three-quarters of a single sentence, and awareness of our situations, is a call to action for us.

Now imagine that line at the Jordan. Can you picture yourself standing there in line with Jesus? It would be so cool, so excellent to be there with Him. Many were, perhaps not realizing Who stood in line with them.

We are called to be situationally aware, alert wherever we venture. The bank, shows, movies, the supermarket, work, social events, and even theme parks. In many of those places we face the prospect of standing in line. As such, we who are baptized are called to be Jesus in that line. We represent Him and that carries a responsibility to help the people around us find life anew in Jesus.

You know how it is. In line everyone has eyes cast down, perhaps hoping no one will notice them. Let’s just get the task done and get out. We have the power to turn feelings of apartness and separateness into moments with Jesus. Simply, say hello, how are you. Pass a smile and offer a simple blessing – ‘May God bless you today.’ Then let Jesus take over. Try it!

What happens as we stand in line bearing the image of Jesus, or in whatever situation we find ourselves, is the offering of our time to God in accord with our after-the-baptism call. Let us be situationally aware, not in fear and apprehensiveness, not in trepidation, but in the hopefulness and joy of being born anew as we call others to the same newness of life in Jesus.