Prayers for Boston

Our community joins in prayer for all those injured in today’s terrorist attack in Boston, for the families of those killed, and for all responders.

Almighty God, by Whom our fathers won their liberties of old; grant that we and all people of this land may be strong to maintain our freedom against the assaults of those who by aggression seek to enslave us to their will. Guide, we beseech Thee, our President and all to whom has been committed the government of this nation, giving them special gifts of wisdom and understanding, that in defense of our liberties they may be instruments of lasting peace for all mankind. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Prayers for Newtown

Seeing the crowds, he went up on the mountain, and when he sat down his disciples came to him. And he opened his mouth and taught them, saying: “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” — Matthew 5:1-2,4

We join with people across the country and around the world in offering up prayers for those horrifically and tragically killed in Newtown, Connecticut today. We stand in sorrow and fellowship with the families of those killed, and the aid workers, first responders, and everyone so affected by this sorrow.

Let us resolve to love more greatly as Jesus asked, to grow in community, in fellowship, and in our resolve to help those who are damaged and in need of help.

O Merciful God, Father of the Crucified Christ! In every sorrow which awaits us may we look up to Thee without doubt or fear, persuaded that Thy mercy is ever sure. Thou cannot fail us. There is no place or time where Thou art not. Uphold us in our grief and sorrow, and in our darkness visit us with Thy light. We are Thine; help us, we beseech Thee, in life and in death to feel that we are Thine. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. — A Prayer In Time of Sorrow — from A Book of Devotions and Prayers According to the Use of the Polish National Catholic Church, Published by the Mission Fund of the PNCC, 7th edition, May 1, 1984.


Reflection for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

What did you do for me?
I served you.

“You know that those who are recognized as rulers over the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones make their authority over them felt. But it shall not be so among you. Rather, whoever wishes to be great among you will be your servant; whoever wishes to be first among you will be the slave of all.”

Jesus’ disciples came to Him looking for special favors. They wanted to have positions of power, authority, and glory in the kingdom. They even offered to sacrifice a little today if they could have that promise.

Jesus turned the tables on them and used their request to teach them the true message of the kingdom. We aren’t to seek glory, honors, power, and notoriety. Instead, we are to give all we have, even our lives, in service and sacrifice for others. Only then will we come to know the glory of the kingdom. It is a glory where we give completely of ourselves for others. In turn, we are made rich through their giving, serving, and sacrificing for us. Mutual sacrifice is the way of life in the kingdom.

Our first two readings point to the fact that this type of sacrifice, this kind of giving, is not something our Lord and God demand of us as subjects. It is all captured in the key phrase – You know how it is with those who are recognized as rulers…

We do know how it is, right down to this day. Leaders demand obedience, work for personal enrichment, and do favors for “friends” who do favors for them. Money fuels power, and power rewards money.

God came to us, God who has absolute power, glory, and authority, and emptied Himself completely. He was made low, served all, and was completely crushed. In giving His life – He brought us to eternal life. He lost everything so that we might have everything.

The Letter to the Hebrews reminds us that we have a high priest, Jesus, who sympathizes with our weaknesses, because He faced the same weaknesses – facing them without sin.

Because of this there is no barrier between us and the ultimate power, authority, and glory of God. We may fully and confidently approach the throne of grace, because God will lower Himself from that throne to lift us up. He will serve us, heal us, have mercy on us, forgive us, wash our feet and feed us. He will do it all for us because we are worth that much to Him.

We must follow His example, and lower ourselves, serving and lifting others in sacrificial love.

Reflection for the Solemnity of Brotherly Love

And who is my…

“you yourselves have been taught by God to love each other.”

The exercise of brotherly love takes two forms.

The first is exercising love toward our family in the faith. Within the Church, and with fellow Christians, we are to live as joined together in tender affection, such as the love between parents and children. This means that Christians should have similar feelings toward each other, as belonging to the same family, and as united in the same principles and interests.

The second is exercising love toward all of humanity. As the Good Samaritan, we must look at every person with love and compassion, treating them as brothers and sisters.

This might seem easy when a person we do not know is in need. We still feel the tug to help, to do something for them – we are following Christ’s teaching. But, what happens when a person we do not know is cruel toward us, toward the Church in general, or toward all Christians?

We may never be able to turn their hearts of our own accord, but with Christ’s help we must love. Here is how:

First, we need to trust in Jesus’ word. Hearing it is one thing, but carrying it out is another. That’s harder – we have to admit that. But, pause for a moment and think, how would Jesus want me to respond. We will always come back to responding with love.

Next, we need to express that love. The best way to start is in prayer. Pray for that person, that whatever troubles them may be removed, that their heart may be healed and turned. Follow up by expressions of brotherly love. This could be as simple as not responding in kind.

Do not return a bad word for a bad word. Do not return a scowl with a scowl. Rather, return love, a smile, an expression of kindness and empathy.

Throughout the history of faith, Christians have been know as doing crazy things – things the world does not understand. The hardest thing for the world to understand is love toward strangers and most especially toward those who are not kind to us.

If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic.

God taught us how to love. It is not always easy, both within our family of faith and toward all of humanity. Therefore, let’s exercise our brotherly love at all times – and grow strong in love.

Reflection for the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Can you just stop about Him?

“…they shall know that a prophet has been among them.”

Mark Bocinsky writes to teens and discusses Holy Boldness. He says: Being bold is more than acting without thinking. Being bold is much more than being close-minded, pretending to be tough, and never backing down.

I want to be bold, but I want to live in holy boldness (Acts 4:13). The Apostles, after being filled with the power of the Holy Spirit were bold with the leaders, elders, and scribes as they preached the Gospel even when being told to shut up. “Observing the boldness of Peter and John and perceiving them to be uneducated, ordinary men, [the leaders, elders and scribes] recognized them as companions of JESUS” There was something different about them. They didn’t seem like exceptional people, but the leaders knew, through their boldness, that they were companions of Jesus. Do people see how we are living and speaking and acting and know that we must be followers of Christ?

Now, so often in the past I have tried to imitate this boldness and fallen flat on my face. You see, in the past I have translated boldness as acting without thinking, and that certainly isn’t boldness: that’s stupidity. If our boldness isn’t united with love, then we’re just being rebels. We must have a reason for our boldness. If we are striving for holy boldness, than we must be united with Christ. The way to holiness is to remain in Him.

Being bold is taking that next step in speaking the truth. Holy boldness, combined with love while being rooted in Christ, will change the world.

Today we hear of Ezekiel’s calling, to go and be a prophet. We see Jesus scorned by the townsfolk He knew since childhood. They couldn’t recognize Him as prophet and Messiah.
Like Ezekiel, we are called to be bold prophets, to speak of God and His way to all we meet. In doing that we provide them with the opportunity to know Jesus. Like Jesus, we must go out and speak the way of life, the Gospel, boldly knowing that some will not accept us.

The key to holy boldness is to be faithful to Jesus’ way. Go out relying on His promises. Be bold and filled with love. In our love we show Jesus’ way and open the door to people’s understanding and acceptance of Him. If told to shut up, respond with the love of Jesus, because that’s the best and boldest way to be His prophets and change the world. Doing all this, they will know a prophet has come.