Midnight Holy Mass in Schenectady

All are welcome, tonight at midnight, to join in celebrating the Shepherd’s Holy Mass at Holy Name of Jesus Parish, 1040 Pearl Street, Schenectady, NY. We will begin with a beautiful and traditional candlelight procession to the manger, there to worship the new born King. This is the place to be, in Schenectady, tonight at midnight.

Following Holy Mass we will offer our festive repast, the “cós do chelba.” In friendship, fellowship, with open doors and hearts, we will continue in the spirit of community that Jesus came to gather.

Christmas at Holy Name in Schenectady

Our doors and hears are open to the Lord which means that our doors and hearts are open to you. Whether you attend services once-in-a-while or every week, come join us in greeting Jesus’ coming and the joy of the Christmas season. Our service schedule is as follows:

  • Sunday, December 11th: 3rd Sunday of Advent/3a Niedziela Adwentu, Holy Mass followed by our youth sing-along and Parish Vigil/Wigilia Dinner starting at 10:30am
  • Sunday, December 18th: 4th Sunday of Advent/4a Niedziela Adwentu, Service of Worship and Holy Communion, Greening of the Church starting at 9:30am
  • Saturday/Sunday, December 24th-25th: Solemnity of the Nativity of our Lord – Shepherd’s Holy Mass/Pasterka at Midnight.
  • Sunday, December 25th: Solemnity of the Nativity of our Lord/ÅšwiÄ™tego Bożego Narodzenia – Service of Worship and Holy Communion for Christmas Day starting at 9:30am.
  • Monday, December 26th: Feast of St. Stephen the Proto-Martyr – please keep the persecuted Church in your prayers this day.
  • Tuesday, December 27th: Feast of St. John the Apostle and Evangelist/ÅšwiÄ™tego Jan, apostoÅ‚ i ewangelista – Service of Worship and Holy Communion and Blessing of Wine at 7pm.
  • Wednesday, December 28th: Commemoration of the Holy Innocents/Uroczystość Å›wiÄ™tych MÅ‚odzianków – please keep all children subject to abuse and bullying in your prayers.
  • Saturday, December 31st: Solemnity of the Holy Family/Uroczystość ÅšwiÄ™tej Rodziny – please pray for God’s blessings upon all families, that they may model the life of the Holy Family.
  • Sunday, January 1st: Solemnity of the Circumcision of our Lord/Uroczystość Obrzezania Pana naszego Jezusa Chrystusa – Service of Worship and Holy Communion starting at 9:30am.
  • Monday, January 2nd: Solemnity of the Holy Name of Jesus/Uroczystość NajÅ›wiÄ™tszego Imienia Jezus – Service of Worship and Holy Communion starting at 7pm.
  • Friday, January 6th: Solemnity of the Epiphany of our Lord/Uroczystość Å›wiÄ™tych Trzech Króli – Service of Worship and Holy Communion with blessing of chalk, charcoal, and incense starting at 7pm.
  • Sunday, January 8th: Solemnity of the Humble Shepherds/Uroczystość Ubogich Pasterzy – Holy Mass starting at 9:30am.

Christmas reflection

Wesołych Świąt, Bożego Narodzenia!
Happiness on the Feast of Christ’s Birth!

As the Church celebrates this Feast and the miracle of the Father’s Great Gift to us, His Son, Jesus Christ, I pray that all of us might share in the manifold blessings of our Almighty God, and come to a full realization of His love for us through this Gift. May the life-giving effects of the Holy Incarnation be upon us all.

As we celebrate this great event in our history, let us renew our efforts to aid one another in their needs and challenges. We have much work to do in allowing our Emmanuel to become fully known on this earth; that true discipleship (bringing others to know the Lord) must be the goal of all our work.

Can you imagine how the Christmas story would have lasted over these 20+ centuries if the shepherds had returned to their flocks, yawning, sleepy, uttering phrases like, “Hey, nice light show,” or “Those angels were really bright!” or “Where did I leave my pillow?” What would have been the lasting glory of a report like that? Where would have been the joy? Where would have been the blessing of everlasting peace?

Because of the Bethlehem miracle, we have the glory; we have the joy; we have the blessing of everlasting peace; but it’s going to be left in a field, if we don’t go out and angelically proclaim!

Let this anniversary of the coming of the Messiah fill you with His joy and peace. And throughout the New Year, I pray God keep you healthy, and may He be ever-present in your lives. May we see our communal work be for the Glory of the Lord. And, as we are united in prayer this Holy Season, may we, our families, and our friends be blessed, strengthened, loved, and united in the King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus Christ.

Share that Good News and see Peace on Earth once again!

Father Stan

Christmas thanks

Sincere thanks and deep appreciation are extended to the parish family concerning the collection of items during the Advent season. The economic recession had not diminished your giving:

  • Seventy-two (72!!!) (2.5x the amount of last year) bags of food were donated and collected. These were taken to the Schenectady Inner-City Ministry.
  • Twenty pairs of mittens, gloves, and hats (mostly child size) were collected. These were taken to the Northeast Parent and Child Association.
  • Two (2!!!) blankets and two toys were collected. These were also taken to the Northeast Parent and Child Association.

There are many needy families in our area that are being blessed this holyday season. And think of those who are enjoying the shoeboxes you prepared For “Operation Christmas Child.”

May God bless you for your kind concern and gracious generosity!!!

With sincere and heartfelt recognition of offerings and God-given talent. . .

  • to all those who had stayed to prepare the parish church for the Nativity holydays and to those preparing the hall for the “coÅ› do chleba” and to Marilyn for providing the food with David and Rose Petrosky (Deborah’s parents) for providing the kielbasa for the after mass repast;
  • to our choir director/organist, Liz, for her work in preparing for the Nativity liturgies; for all the voices aiding our prayers to praise God’s gift, Jesus;
  • to the acolytes for their service in God’s House;
  • to Deb Bilinski, Kim DonVito and our SOCL students providing the Christmas keepsake we have traditionally come to treasure;
  • to all who have gathered to worship and praise the Father for sending to us His most precious Gift, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Boże Narodzenie

Ileż to wspomień łączy się że świętami Bożego Narodzenia. Wracamy myślą do dawnych lat, do czasów naszych młodych latach. Zatarły się okresy smutne i przygnębiający, pozostało jedynie wyrażenia radości powszechnej, jaka się zawszy łączy z tymi pięknymi świętami, przypominającymi nam, że narodził się Chrystus Pan. Który po to przyszedł na świat, aby zbawić ludzkość, aby skierować ja na drogę wiodąca do Królestwo Bożego na poszczególnymi Iudzmi i narodami, opartego na wzajemnym poszanowaniu i na wzajemnej miłości.

Celu tego dotychczas jeszcze nie osiągnięto i nie wkrótce będzie zresliżowany. A jednak patrząc wstecz na ubiegłe wieki, widzimy, że ludzkość kroczy, chociaż powoli, po wskazanej drodzy, wspina się na coraz wysze regiony ducha, buduje, cegiełka po cegiełce, lepsza przyszłość dla siebie i dla następnych pokoleń.

Zasiane ziarno nadzieji przed dwoma prawie tysiącami lat, nie zmarniało, Iecz rozrasta się stała w potężne drzewo wiary, które daje pewność, że idąc za wskazówkami Tego. Który się w Betlejem narodził a potem umarł na nas krzyżu, nie zbłądzimy, Iecz do celu ostatecznego ludzkości dojdziemy.

Dlatego tak radośnie obchodzimy Święta Bożego Narodzenia, ponieważ one przypominają nam to największe, a zarazem zbawienie dla nas wydarzenie, które dało światu całemu światło nadzięki, które zapowiadało że położy kres naszym cierpieniom, naszym obawom i naszym trosko.

W dzisiejszych czasach, wiara ta jest niezbędnie konieczna. Musimy więc mieć nadzieje na lepsze przyszłość i musimy dążyć do tego, aby nowszechna miłość zapanowała na świecie, aby ten Prawdziwy Pokój Chrystusowy mogł być prawdziwa częścią naszego osobistego życia.

ldżmy za Jezusem, a napewno nie zbłądzimy! Błogosławionych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia.

+Ks. Stanisław

The Christmas Season at Holy Name – Schenectady

Vigil of the Nativity and the Solemnity of the Nativity of our Lord

Midnight Holy Mass/Pasterka (Mass of the Shepherds) will be celebrated on Friday/Saturday, December 24/25, beginning at midnight with the procession to the manager and the reading of the Christmas proclamation.

The Holy Mass for Christmas Day will be celebrated on Saturday, December 25th at 10am.

Solemnity of the Humble Shepherds

Holy Mass will be celebrated on Sunday, December 26th at 9:30am. The blessing of wine in honor of St. John the Evangelist will take place following Holy Mass. Blessed wine will be distributed and shared.

Solemnity of the Circumcision of our Lord

Holy Mass will be celebrated Saturday, January 1st at 10am.

Solemnity of the Holy Name of Jesus

Holy Mass will be celebrated Sunday, January 2nd at 9:30am. This Solemnity marks the Feast Day of our Parish.

Solemnity of the Lord’s Epiphany

Pastoral Epiphany visitations begin.
Holy Mass will be celebrated Thursday, January 6th at 6:30pm.

Solemnity of the Baptism of the Lord

Holy Mass will be celebrated Sunday, January 9th at 9:30am.

Solemnity of the Presentation of the Lord

Candlemas Day, End of the Christmas Season.

A wonderful Sunday (in church)

What a glorious Sunday morning (in church) last week:

In church) because like some of you, Father Stan experienced the icy roads. Turning onto Pearl Street, the car did not comply, missing a stop sign, a fire hydrant, and a light pole, all by mere inches. God did not want him to miss the blessings the morning had to offer.

First, was the humbling experience of leading the congregation in penitential devotions, seeking God’s absolution for sins. Coupled with the many of our family that had come forward to receive the holy anointing was additionally humbling but yet faith-filled. Emotions began to build.

Next, we were all joyfully entertained by such energy and presence bringing the Christmas story into much focus and wonderful song and statement. All new songs were taught and learned and presented with such energy, but that was said already. The talent of our veterans, Megan, Loryn, Adam, Victoria, Claudia, Hannah, and rookie, Jayson, brought such beauty and energy (yes, it is said again) to the presentation. Many thanks and much appreciation go out to Deborah Bilinski for producing the presentation, and to Liz Battaglia, for leading the learning of the songs.

And the blessings kept on coming: Up to last Friday, there were three dishes listed on the chart leading to a possibly sparse “wigilia” / vigil dinner. But true to the Lord’s blessings of the day, two tables were filled with offerings to offer us sustenance and tradition. Such a variety and range of flavors we have come to anticipate, and, once gain, we were not disappointed.

And despite the icy roads, many of you had come to share in these blessings, and to you, a heartfelt thank you and Bóg Zapłac is offered.

Upcoming Parish Events

SOCL: Our School of Christian Living sessions begin next Sunday, October 17th. Registration for these sessions continues. Children who have reached the necessary age for sacramental preparation will be enrolled for those session. We’re looking forward to another great year!

Music Scholarships: We will recognize and congratulate all Music Scholarship recipients from our Parish next Sunday, October 17th. In honor of their accomplishment we will share in coffee and cake following Holy Mass.

Semi-Annual Rummage Sale: Our Fall edition of our semi-annual rummage sale will take place on Saturday, October 23rd. Have something that needs a good home, a good home looking for something, make the connection.

Donations to Help Pets: Our annual tradition of gathering items for pets in need and pet rescue organizations continues. Please drop items off at the Parish.

Operation Christmas Child: We will be collecting shoeboxes during the last two weeks of October and the first two weeks of November. Let us once again help Samaritan’s Purse bring the love of Jesus to a child somewhere on our plant once again this year.

Pampered Chef: Stay tuned for further details on our Pampered Chef party following Holy Mass on Sunday, November 7th. Will Father Stan and Deacon Jim put on another edition of “Cooking with Clergy?”

Thank you!

Sincere thanks and deep appreciation are extended to the parish family concerning the collection of items during the Advent season. The economic recession had not diminished your giving:

  • Thirty-one (31!!!) (2.5x the amount of last year) bags of food were donated and collected. These were taken to the Schenectady Inner City Ministry.
  • Twenty-two (22!!) (more than double of last year) pairs of mittens, gloves, and hats (mostly child size) were collected. These were taken to the Northeast Parent and Child Association.
  • Two (2!!!) blankets and two toys were collected. These were also taken to the Northeast Parent and Child Association.

There are many needy families in our area that are being blessed this holyday season. May God bless you for your kind concern and gracious generosity!!!

And too, with sincere and heartfelt recognition of offerings and God-given talent…

  • to all those who had stayed to prepare the parish church for the Nativity holydays; and to those preparing the hall for the “coÅ› do chÅ‚eba” and to Marilyn for providing the food with David and Rose Petrosky (Deborah’s parents) for providing the kielbasa for the after mass repast;
  • to our choir director/organist, Liz, for her work in preparing for the Nativity liturgies and for her invaluable help in preparing our parish youth for the musical part of their presentation in the Nativity production; for all the voices aiding our prayers to praise God’s gift, Jesus;
  • to the acolytes, veteran and novice, for their service in God’s House.
  • to our SOCL teachers and students providing the Christmas keepsake we have traditionally come to treasure; and
  • to all who have gathered to worship and praise the Father for sending to us His most precious Gift, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Christmas reflection

Wesołych Świąt, Bożego Narodzenia!
Happiness on the Feast of Christ’s Birth!

”In the fullness of time, God sent His son“. These words are found in Holy Scripture, announcing the change of earthly rule over to that of the Son of God. We shouldn’t miss this too fine of a point – “fullness of time” – as an indication of God’s plan unfolding for His creation.

Many arguments have arisen over the years – why then? Why in the latter years of a growing Roman Empire? Why at a time when social ills were in no way comparable to those we face today? Why not now?

Intriguing, no? If one would speculate on time itself, what would be a good time for God to appear on earth in human form? Would there be a better time in the future? If one could anticipate a better world, wouldn’t one be able to have a bit more faith in humanity? Wouldn’t there be time to correct some mistakes in preparation for a better time to come?

Do you see the beauty of the plan God devised and carried out in the manger in Bethlehem some two thousand+ years ago? You see, we have the possibility of a better future; we have the opportunity of correcting mistakes in anticipation of a better world. That’s why the plan of God sent His Son to us at a time that would make our day today more hopeful, more blessed, more with the chance to live a life worthy of the Gift.

God knew what He was doing in this plan. Time was of the essence. One could argue that the miracle of Bethlehem set the world on a path that would lead to the more perfect world God had in mind on the day(s) of creation. However, just as strong an argument could be made that all was just setting the stage for the world today!

Presumptuous? Perhaps, but what can one do with the reality of the presence of God on this world, in the form of a human baby, Who for us, in this present day, is the only source of true happiness, blessing, love and grace?

As we are united in prayer this Holy Season, may our families, our friends, celebrate our Messiah; His love shall remain forever. Believe that, and that will bring true “peace on earth“!

–Fr. Stan