Working to change.

Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the gospel of God: “This is the time of fulfillment. The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.”

On Ash Wednesday we heard that Lent calls us to change, to reform. 

Lenten discipline presupposes that we need reform at different levels. Perhaps we need to reform because we lack an understanding of God’s call. Perhaps our religious practice has become habit rather than challenge. Perhaps we are still doing things because mom or dad said so. Maybe, just maybe, we are comfortable and just do not want to change and reform.

Here we are and now is the time to convert, to change and reform. But how do I get there and do it?

Throughout the Lenten journey we are sharing together we will study the means and methods by which we will achieve conversion, change and reform. This study will help us to reset our lives, right set our expectations, and get to the change and reform necessary to be ardent and faithful livers of Jesus’s gospel way.

Here is what we will study – the disciplines of the season: fasting, giving (sacrifice), praying, study, and proclamation – and how though these disciplines we come to conversion, change and reform.

Each of the Lenten disciplines are work. If any were easy to us, we need to find a way to make them a challenge. It may not be just in doing more of x, but in doing x in a different way.

Let’s say we love fasting; it is never that hard. Well, let’s fast in a different way, from a thing other than food, from a thing that pulls us away from living the gospel way.

Today we focus on the fast. As the hymn proclaims, these forty days of Lent O Lord, with You we fast (and pray).

Fasting is a means by which we rend (i.e., break) our hearts, tearing them away from the attractions that trap us and hold us back and refocusing our time and attention on Jesus’ gospel path. In fasting we separate ourselves from the things that distract us from the gospel cause.

There is so much that tries to distract us, pull us away from the gospel way. Here is a great question to ask ourselves in relation to our fasting: I would be sitting here reading scripture or praying or doing good works except that I am _______. I would be reading scripture or praying or doing good works far more often if I wasn’t _______. There is our stop doing that.

As we fast from what distracts and pulls us away from the gospel way, we will feel Jesus filling that cleared space with new longing to live the gospel and the power to do so. 

Are You Observing Lent in Schenectady?

If you are, come and join with us and we can increase our Lenten prayer, sacrifice, fasting, charity, and forgiveness together.

ash_wednesdayThe season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, March 5th with our Service of Worship at 7:30pm at which ashes will be blessed and distributed. On this day we consciously receive ashes on our heads to symbolize penitence, humility and mortality. The powerful reminder in these ashes calls us into a Lent filled with sacred opportunities to return to a right relationship with Jesus.

We offer the Lenten Devotion of Stations of the Cross every Friday at 7:30pm – a great opportunity to add to your prayer life this Lent.

During Lent our Directed Giving program helps us to focus on sacrifice and charity as we gather food for those in need locally. Bring canned and dry goods each Sunday as an offering for those in need.

We also fast and abstain from meat every Wednesday and Friday in Lent and from Holy Wednesday through Holy Saturday. This practice helps us to remember Jesus’ sacrifice every time we sit down to eat a meal. By this small sacrifice we train with the easy stuff (but it seems so hard) so we can better fight the really tough things that try to draw us away from Jesus.

We hope and pray that you will join with us as we use these 40 very special days to the greatest possible good.

Lent at Holy Name in Schenectady

All are welcome to come and join in our Lenten observances at Holy Name of Jesus. Located at 1040 Pearl Street in Schenectady, we are your small church on a small street with a big and welcoming heart.

Ash Wednesday

We begin Lent this Wednesday, February 14th with Holy Mass along with the blessing and imposition of Ashes at Noon and 7pm.

Stations of the Cross

Journey along with Jesus as we pray through the Stations of the Cross every Friday at 3pm.

Bitter Lamentations / Gorzkie Żale

A sung devotion originating in Poland in the 18th century. The devotion is a reflection and meditation on the Passion of Christ from the perspective of and through the sorrows experienced by the Blessed Virgin Mary. The devotion consists of a three-part cycle. One part of the cycle is held on each Sunday at 3pm. The entire devotion is sung on Good Friday.

Sunday Holy Mass

Come join in weekly worship every Sunday at 10am or Noon. Jesus’ community gathers each week to learn about His life and mission, His teachings, and to show Him proper worship. We also have weekly School of Christian Living classes for children and youth. Investigate the claims of Jesus with us as we strive to know and serve him better. Whether you are working, studying or living in the Schenectady area or throughout New York’s Capital Region, we look forward to welcoming you.

Lenten Charity

The practice of Lent motivates us to expand our charity towards our brothers and sisters. Holy Name is participating in a Directed Giving program for Lent. Food and gathered items are delivered to Schenectady area food programs:

Our Directed Giving Program suggested offerings:

  • Ash Wednesday Week, Feb. 14-17, LET’S DO LUNCH Tuna and Mayonnaise, Peanut Butter and Jelly, Soup and Crackers.
  • 1st Week of Lent, Feb. 18-24, FEELING FRUITY Canned Peaches, Pears, Fruit Cocktail, Pineapple or Applesauce, 100% Juice in Cans.
  • 2nd Week of Lent, Feb. 25 – Mar. 3, VEGGIE MANIA Canned Corn, Canned Peas, Canned Beans, Canned Potatoes, Canned Sweet Potatoes.
  • 3rd Week of Lent, Mar. 4-10, DINNER IS SERVED Canned Beef Stew, Canned Pork and Beans, Instant Potatoes/Stuffing Mix, Macaroni and Cheese, Spaghetti or other Pasta, Canned Spaghetti Sauce.
  • 4th Week of Lent, Mar. 11-17, SCHOOL NEEDS Pencils and Pens, Folders and Notebooks, Crayons,
    Tape and Elmer’s Glue.
  • Passion Week, Mar. 18-24, BABY MAKES THREE Disposable Diapers, Baby Wipes, Liquid Formula, Jars of Baby Food.
  • Holy Week, Mar. 25-30, SPECIAL NEEDS DIET Low Sodium Soups, Canned Fruit in Juices (not syrup), Canned Tuna in Water, Low Sodium Crackers, Natural Applesauce.

Fast and Abstinence

During Lent we also abstain from meat on Wednesdays and Fridays. This small practice of denial helps us in regulating our minds and bodies. We need to practice for all endeavors, whether sports or hobbies. So too spiritually. If we practice small denials we are better prepared to reject things that are truly damaging to our lives.

30 hour famine

We undertook the direction of the National United Youth Association and worked through our starving for this Lent. From 11pm on Friday, March 25th until 5am this morning, March 27th, a group of people in our parish hall starved. Yes, starved. The experience will be akin to those who are going hungry in our world not just for 30 hours, but for days on end.

We visited the Albany City Mission to offer some volunteer help during the morning hours yesterday. We returned to the parish hall for some further fellowship, some homework completion, and, yes, continued starving. We planned to supply a light “breaking of the fast” this morning.

We didn’t have a chance to tally up the monetary donations as yet, but the participants would like to thank you and all the others that had offered their help to the group. Teachers, parents, and other concerned individuals outside our parish offered some help to raise funds for World Vision.

We anticipated a life-changing experience, not only for those who starved, but also for those who will be helped by the starving. Thanks for your support.

Directed Lenten Denial

Each week of Lent this year, we will be asked to bring in a specific item that is needed for those who have not. Although each week is a different item, you may either “catch up” or plan ahead, whichever is better for you. (Note: for those of you who will need to document your donations, simply list what items you have donated and the list will be verified after the Easter season.)

  • FIRST WEEK OF LENT, (3/13): Pasta products: any type of pasta can be donated; boxed or bagged.
  • SECOND WEEK OF LENT, (3/20): Baby Formula: any type of formula may be offered; ready-mix, concentrated, powder, etc. Please be sure it contains iron. Also powdered milk, canned milk, as well.
  • THIRD WEEK OF LENT, (3/27): Baby Food: any type of canned or jarred baby food may be donated for any age group. This donation may include all vegetables, fruits, meats, etc.
  • FOURTH WEEK OF LENT, (4/3): Canned vegetables: any type of canned vegetables may be offered. Soups may be here included.
  • FIFTH WEEK OF LENT, (4/10): Canned fruits: any type of canned fruits may be donated. Fruit sauces are also included here.
  • HOLY WEEK, (4/17): Protein Products: peanut butter, nuts, canned meats (tuna, ham, chicken, etc.), dried cheeses.

The distribution of donations will be done on Maundy Thursday.

This type of donation schedule will allow us to meet specific needs of those in our community. Any other items than these above listed may also be brought in.

May God bless this Lenten Season.

Holy Week at Holy Name Parish

Holy Tuesday

At 10am, the Clergy Conference of the Central Diocese will meet for its spring meeting. Following the close of the meeting, our diocesan ordinary and all the diocesan clergy will celebrate the Holy Mass of Chrism at St. Stainslaus Bishop & Martyr Cathedral in Scranton, Pennsylvania. The holy oils that are used throughout the year in our parish are blessed and consecrated by the bishop during this liturgy.

Holy Wednesday

– Fast and Abstinence

Maundy Thursday

– Fast and Abstinence

At 7 pm, Institution of the Eucharist celebrated with Holy Mass, Communion, and the Procession with the Blessed Sacrament to the Repository, and the stripping of the Main Altar. The Church will remain open following Mass for meditation.

O 1900 wiecz. Msza święta, Komunia; Procesja z Naj. Sakramentem do bocznego ołtarza Ciemnicy i obnażenie głownego ołtarza. Kościól będzie otwarty aby Iudzie mogli modlić i Adorować.

Traditionally, historically and liturgically, this night begins the Paschal Triduum (three days). It was on this night that our Lord Jesus instituted the Holy Eucharist, which we all share whenever we come to Mass. Following the Mass on this night, the Blessed Sacrament will be taken to a place of Repose until Easter Sunday. The faithful should consider the liturgies of the next two days as a continuation of this night’s, hence, the Triduum.

This is an important liturgy for all of us who revere and worship Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament for it was on this night that Jesus gave us the Sacrament of the Altar, of which some are preparing to receive for the first time. Students should endeavor to attend all of the Holy Week services.

Good Friday

– Fast and Abstinence

Noon – The Parish Church will be opened.
1 pm – Stations of the Cross
2 pm – Bitter Lamentations, parts 1-3
3 pm – Opening of the Grave
7 pm – Mass of the Pre-Sanctified

1200 po pod., Kościól będzie otwierać.
1300 po pod., Droga Krzyżowa
1400 po pod., Gorzkie Żale, czesci 1-3
1500 po pod., Otwarcie grobu Pańskiego;
1900 we wiecz., Obrządek Piatkowej Mszy i Adorować Krzyża;


The second day of the Triduum, the day our Lord died, begins with the time our Lord was nailed to the cross, re-tells the story, and ends with the symbolic opening of the tomb. The “pre-sanctified” liturgy is so described for no consecrations of bread and wine can take place on this day. A host consecrated the night before is used at this liturgy. The third will be placed in the Monstrance and carried in procession Easter Sunday morning. The evening service will be recited, and contains an ancient Lenten devotion, once more re-telling the events of the day.

Holy Saturday

– Fast and Abstinence

4 pm, Liturgy of Holy Saturday. Blessing of New Fire, also Paschal Candle and Baptismal Water. Easter foods will be blessed concluding the liturgy; and in homes by appointment.

1600 po pod, Liturgia Wielkiej Soboty; poświecenie ognia, świecy Paschalnej, wody chrzcielnej z świeconej.
Święcenie pokarmów Wielkanocnych będzie w kościele; aby ksiądz przybył do domu, to prosze zatelefonować do domu księdza.

The third and last day of the Paschal Triduum contains many historic blessings. The Church, at one time during each year, blesses all of the items she uses during the year; hence, the fire, baptismal water, holy water, and the Paschal Candle are all prepared during this liturgy. The traditional blessing of Easter food will be offered to any and all who desire. The traditional foods for the Eastern Europeans are meats, eggs, bread, and any other foods that will be eaten on the day of Resurrection. However, whatever foods any of our families will be sharing on Easter day can also be blessed for our use in this special ceremony. Please try to keep the tradition handed to us, or begin an old new family tradition in your homes this Eastertide. You may bring your basket to church on Holy Saturday or please call Father Stan to make a visit to your home for this blessing. The Parish Church will be dressed for the Easter holyday following the close of this liturgy.

Resurrection Sunday/Niedziela Wielkanoc

8 am – Resurrection Procession and Resurrection Mass of Easter Day.
0800 w rano, uroczysta Suma Wielkanocna.

10:30 am – Solemn Mass of Easter Day
1030 w rano – Msza Niedziela Wielkanocna

(Following each liturgy, there shall be a festive repast. Please plan to join the celebration!!!)

Two Mass times are offered this Easter. The 8am will have the Resurrection Procession and Mass of Resurrection celebrated. The 10:30am Mass will be a solemn celebration for Easter Sunday. Please make sure you attend and celebrate the Lord’s victory together with your family.

Holy Week and Easter at Holy Name

Remember to plan your week so that you may be able to attend all the services scheduled for Holy Week. To truly celebrate Easter we must hear, feel, and experience the entire Passion. This is brought out in all the services of Holy Week. Then, the great and glorious celebration of the Resurrection will be as fulfilling as it needs to be.


At 10 am, the Clergy Conference of the Central Diocese will meet for its spring meeting. Following the close of the meeting, our interim diocesan ordinary and all the diocesan clergy will celebrate the Holy Mass of Chrism. The holy oils that are used throughout the year in our parish are blessed and consecrated by the bishop during this liturgy.


Fast and Abstinence


Fast and Abstinence

At 7 pm, Institution of the Eucharist celebrated with Holy Mass, Communion, and the Procession with the Blessed Sacrament to the Repository, and the stripping of the Main Altar. The Church will remain open following Mass for meditation.

o 1900 wiecz. Msza święta, Komunia, Procesja z Naj. Sakramentem do bocznego ołtarza, Ciemnicy i obnażenie głównego ołtarza. Kościół będzie otwarty aby ludzie mogli modlić i adorować.

Traditionally, historically and liturgically, this night begins the Paschal Triduum (three days). It was on this night that our Lord Jesus instituted the Holy Eucharist, which we all share whenever we come to Mass. Following the Mass on this night, the Blessed Sacrament will be taken to a place of Repose until Easter Sunday. The faithful should consider the liturgies of the next two days as a continuation of this night’s, hence, the Triduum.

This is an important liturgy for all of us who revere and worship Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament for it was on this night that Jesus gave us the Sacrament of the Altar.


Fast and Abstinence

  • Noon – The Parish Church will be opened
  • 1 pm – Stations of the Cross
  • 2 pm – Bitter Lamentations, parts 1-3
  • 3 pm – Opening of the Grave
  • 7 pm – Mass of the Pre-Sanctified
  • 1200 po pod., KoÅ›ciół bÄ™dzie otwierać
  • 1300 po pod., Droga Krzyżowa
  • 1400 po pod., Gorzkie Å»ale, części 1-3
  • 1500 po pod,, Otwarcie grobu PaÅ„skiego
  • 1900 we wiecz., ObrzÄ…dek PiÄ…tkowej Mszy i adorować Krzyża



The second day of the Triduum, the day our Lord died, begins with the time our Lord was nailed to the cross, re-tells the story, and ends with the symbolic opening of the tomb. The “pre-sanctified” liturgy is so described for no consecrations of bread and wine can take place on this day. A host consecrated the night before is used at this liturgy. The third will be placed in the Monstrance and carried in procession Easter Sunday morning. The evening service will be recited, and contains an ancient Lenten devotion, once more retelling the events of the day.


Fast and Abstinence

4 pm, Liturgy of Holy Saturday. Blessing of New Fire, also Paschal Candle and Baptismal Water.

Easter foods will be blessed concluding the liturgy; and in homes by appointment

1600 po pod., Liturgia Wielkiej Soboty; poświecenie ognia, świecy Paschalnej, wody chrzcielnej i święconej. Świecenie pokarmów Wielkanocnych będzie w kościele; aby ksiądz przybył do domu, to proszę zatelefonować do domu księdza.

The third and last day of the Paschal Triduum contains many historic blessings. The Church, at one time during each year, blesses all of the items she uses during the year; hence, the fire, baptismal water, holy water, and the Paschal Candle are all prepared during this liturgy. The traditional blessing of Easter food will be offered to any and all who desire. The traditional foods for the Eastern Europeans are meats, eggs, bread, and any other foods that will be eaten on the day of Resurrection. However, whatever foods any of our families will be sharing on Easter day can also be blessed for our use in this special ceremony. Please try to keep the tradition handed to us, or begin an old new family tradition in your homes this Eastertide.

You may bring your basket to church on Holy Saturday or please call Father Stan to make a visit to your home for this blessing. The parish Church will be dressed for the Easter holyday following the close of this liturgy.


8 am – Resurrection Procession and Resurrection Mass of Easter Day.

0800 w rano, uroczysta Suma Wielkanocna.

10:30 am – Solemn mass of Easter Day

1030 w rano – Msza Niedziela Wielkanocna

Following each liturgy, there shall be a festive repast. Please plan to join the celebration.

Two Mass times are offered this Easter. The 8 am will have the Resurrection Procession and Mass of Resurrection celebrated. The 10:30 am Mass will be a solemn celebration for Easter Sunday. Please make sure you attend and celebrate the Lord’s victory together with your family.

Great Lent – Wielki Post

This season of intimate reflection and time alone with the Lord comes each year in our faith walk. Within the forty days of this journey, the Church allows for communal prayer time. The “Stations of the Cross” will be celebrated on Fridays, at 7 pm, to allow those who wish to meditate and reflect upon the sacrifice of our Lord to do so, again with respect to personal schedules.

It is the tradition of the Church that Wednesdays and Fridays are days of fasting and abstinence.

May we choose to walk with Jesus these forty days, and may His sacrifice lead us to greater glory with Him.

Have a blessed and reflective Lent!