“What is written in the Law? How do you understand it?”

For seven Sundays we journeyed with Jesus and His apostles coming to understand that we receive Him. For the rest of Ordinary Time and the special Solemnities of our Church, Jesus will discuss the practical application of being in Him. How do we do it?

Last week we covered the nature of the Law Israel was to follow. Unfortunately, what Jesus encountered was the Law reduced to a series of dos and don’ts modified with unimportant additions. What was meant to be about Israel’s special relationship with God and with each other had been corrupted.

Jesus tells us that the Law’s true nature is about a community in relationship with God and each other. More importantly for us who receive Jesus, who are in His living presence right now, our way of life must be about growing toward God, having our hearts close to God, and always keeping our worship directed to God.

Today the Law scholar questions Jesus exactly about the way God’s people are to live. What encompasses the nature of relationship with God and others as contained in the Law. After covering the basics and getting the passages right, the scholar asked for more and Jesus responded with one of His more known parables, that of the Good Samaritan.

So, for us today. In just a bit we will offer our sacrifices – which we all give – the bread and the wine. In their offering and the repetition of Jesus’ words at the Last Supper, we will all be pulled into eternity with Christ. We will be in His presence, in heaven, for the briefest of moments. He will return with us providing us His gift of His Body and Blood.

In that moment, and in receiving Him, let us practice asking the same question, ‘What do I do with Him in me? How do I understand and enact Him?’

The response we will get is Jesus repeating His closing words to the scholar: “Go and do likewise.”

We must take Jesus and take up His way of life as we walk the gospel path in our everyday lives. Our receiving Him is an awesome meeting with eternal love, but if we just keep it for ourselves, we fall short.

How to do it, what to take on? There are million plus ways to enact the example of the Good Samaritan. Visit a friend, talk with someone about Jesus, sing a hymn with someone, volunteer, encourage a young person in their journey, console the sick, comfort a mourner.

Like the Samaritan, we will come across the moment we are needed – the Holy Spirit will put it right there. Then answer the question: “What is written in the gospel? How do I understand it?”

In Christ.

“Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”

Welcome and thank you for joining us this day in our worship of, and dedication to, the Lord.

Today we celebrate a very special Solemnity. If we look up the definition of liturgical solemnity, we will see the following: A solemnity is a feast day of the highest rank celebrating a mystery of faith.

From the practical side of things, we know that this Solemnity was instituted in the Church at a time when we faced persecution for our beliefs. No, this wasn’t in the first centuries, the time of the martyrs, but rather in the early 1900’s. We decided as Church, the Body of Christ, His new creation, to emphasize Christ’s teaching on love, whether it be toward one another or toward those who hated us.

It remains sad, even to this day, that those who wish to come into our Church face castigation and persecution. So, we must remain steadfast in our love of these enemies. As St. Paul tells us, our love of them will heap burning coals on their heads. In Biblical language that means that our goodness will embarrass those who hate, and who knows, may convert them to ways of love.

The scholar of the Law knew the answer when he approached Jesus. To him, there was no mystery of faith. The scholar knew he was to love his fellow Israelites. Those were his neighbors, no one else.

Now the scholar wished to justify himself. That meant that he wanted to proclaim a legal verdict (as in a courtroom) of his righteousness and faithfulness, his innocence in the way he treated his fellow countrymen. The scholar wanted to be judge and jury over himself.

Jesus was having none of that and goes on, through the parable of the Good Samaritan, to open the mystery of faith to this scholar and those around him, and in turn to us. Our love is to be unlimited in relation to God and others, and that ‘others’ includes both friend and enemy.

Our love is to be such that it makes those closest to us and enemies uncomfortable. We are to bear an overwhelming love – a love I know we practice here so beautifully – which points to the fact that we are Christ’s new creation. We are fully in Christ.

We are indeed Christ’s new creation. Our lives have been taken out of this world and have been placed in the Kingdom. We have been severed from the ways of sin and death to eternal life in the love of Christ, the Kingdom of love.

While there are many ways to shine forth in the Kingdom – through prayer, worship, and fellowship – the premier way is to shine forth love. All those others – prayer, worship, and fellowship exist in support of the building up of the love of Christ in, and out of, us. So, as people in Christ, His new creation, let us be the Kingdom’s brightness of love always and everywhere.