Prayer for Wednesday before the Holy Synod

Hear my prayer, O God;
give ear to the words of my mouth. (Psalm 54:2)

Come Holy Spirit, enkindle the hearts of Thy faithful with the fire of Thy love!

Come, Father almighty! Open our minds to see your way, believe in your word, and know you.
Come, Lord Jesus Savior! Open our lips to speak your truth, proclaim the word, and praise you.
Come, O Holy Spirit! Open our hearts to feel your life, to act on the word, and love you.

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, prepare us for your blessing; guide our Synod, and bless Your Holy Polish National Catholic Church that we may do your will, for you are one God living and true, now and forever. Amen.

Our Father…
Hail Mary…
Glory be…

Prayer for Tuesday before the Holy Synod

Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. (Matthew 18:19)

Come Holy Spirit, enkindle the hearts of Thy faithful with the fire of Thy love!

Come, Father almighty! Open our minds to see your way, believe in your word, and know you.
Come, Lord Jesus Savior! Open our lips to speak your truth, proclaim the word, and praise you.
Come, O Holy Spirit! Open our hearts to feel your life, to act on the word, and love you.

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, prepare us for your blessing; guide our Synod, and bless Your Holy Polish National Catholic Church that we may do your will, for you are one God living and true, now and forever. Amen.

Our Father…
Hail Mary…
Glory be…

Prayer for Monday before the Holy Synod

Come Holy Spirit, enkindle the hearts of Thy faithful with the fire of Thy love!

Come, Father almighty! Open our minds to see your way, believe in your word, and know you.
Come, Lord Jesus Savior! Open our lips to speak your truth, proclaim the word, and praise you.
Come, O Holy Spirit! Open our hearts to feel your life, to act on the word, and love you.

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, prepare us for your blessing; guide our Synod, and bless Your Holy Polish National Catholic Church that we may do your will, for you are one God living and true, now and forever. Amen.

Our Father…
Hail Mary…
Glory be…

Pray to the Holy Spirit – Special Synod of the PNCC

Our Holy Church, in its democratic tradition, and honoring the practices of the Church as they existed from the time of the apostles, has called a special synod to elect two new candidates for the office of Bishop.

Our Church has two unfilled offices, the Bishop of the Buffalo-Pittsburgh Diocese and the Bishop of the Western Diocese.

Delegates from across the Church will gather in Scranton, Pennsylvania on Friday, June 22nd, to elect two priests as candidates. Our former pastor, Fr. Stanley Bilinski as well as Fr. Raymond Drada, and Fr. Jerzy Rafalko have been nominated as candidates and were accepted by the review commission.

Please, please, pray during the month and the days leading up to the Special Synod, that the gifts of the Holy Spirit be poured out generously on our Holy Church.

Come, O Holy Ghost, the Lord and Life-giver; take up Your dwelling within my soul, and make of it Your sacred temple. Make me live by grace as an adopted child of God. Pervade all the energies of my soul, and create in me a fountain of living water springing up into life everlasting.

Especially allow our Special Holy Synod to gather and deliberate all the while having wonder in Your Presence. Allow them to depend on Your interaction in the election of candidates to the Office of Bishop in Your Church.

Bible Study for Pentecost Week

  • 5/27 – Romans 8:9 – Holy Spirit, thank You for Your presence in my life and Your wonderful gifts that join me to Jesus. Grant that I may remain free from the allures of the world remaining loyal to His word.
  • 5/28 – 1 Peter 1:4 – Holy Spirit, grant that Your presence in my life may continuously draw me to the goal of eternal life.
  • 5/29 – Romans 1:4 – Holy Spirit, grant me the gift of holiness so that I may draw ever closer to heavenly perfection.
  • 5/30 – Genesis 1:2 – Holy Spirit, Creator blest, continue to create me anew each day. Grant that I may ever honor and preserve Your creation as a good steward.
  • 5/31 – John 3:5-6 – Holy Spirit, I praise and honor You for the gift of regeneration, begun in me at baptism. Grant that my life may ever be consistent with my baptism and regeneration.
  • 6/1 – 1 Corinthians 6:11 – Holy Spirit, without You in my life I would be without hope. I praise and honor You for the gifts of regeneration, justification and sanctification.
  • 6/2 – Titus 3:5 – Holy Spirit, grant that I may live the life I have been called to by Jesus who saved me. May everything I do be drawn from free gift of salvation You began and sustain in me.
  • Pray the week: Holy Spirit, pour out Your gifts upon us to do Your work in the world.

    Reflection for Pentecost Sunday

    The Father, the Son, and Who?
    I really dislike fill-in-the-blanks…

    “Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit.”

    In preparing the bulletin this week I came across a picture. The image of God the Father and of Jesus. The third frame showed and empty picture frame. Above it says Father, Son, and Who? Our automatic reaction is to fill in the blank. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The empty picture frame is filled up with the picture of a dove or a flame, like the tongues of flame that came to rest on those in the upper room. The picture complete, we feel a sense of completeness. But are we done?

    Truly, the Holy Spirit filled those in the upper room. They burst out onto the balcony above the street, and Peter gave the very first homily. The Apostles were filled, and so we think the blank is filled. The Spirit is in the picture frame; the bishops are there to lead our faith journey. Aren’t we set? They were committed, committed to the mission that Jesus passed onto them. Committed to filling in the blank. Isn’t that enough?

    We often think that God will take care of everything. Certainly He will. He fills the blanks in our lives. But God also needs us to fill in the blank space. Jesus needed the Apostles to step up, to follow the instructions He gave them, to go out into the world and preach the Word, to baptize, to proclaim salvation through the forgiveness of sins.

    Jesus calls us to the same mission. He needs us to do exactly those things. To do what the Holy Spirit prompts us to do. To fill in the blanks.

    God Has taken care of the courage, energy, and determination we need. As He empowered the Apostles through the gift of the Holy Spirit. He empowers us through our baptism and confirmation. The Holy Spirit is more than an empty frame. The blank is filled in by those called to do God’s work in the world.

    Consider those picture frames. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Then fill in the last picture frame with a picture of you. Don’t just put a dove in the frame and walk away satisfied. Put a picture of yourself in there because every Christian must fill in the blank. The Holy Spirit fills us. The dove won’t do God’s work or carry our Jesus’ instructions. We have been filled with the Holy Spirit for a reason. He gives us all we need to do His work.

    The Solemnity of Pentecost

    The day of Pentecost is the Church’s festival of the Holy Spirit. It is the third principal festival of the church year, the day on which we remember how the Holy Spirit came powerfully to a gathering of Jesus’ followers in Jerusalem.

    In Polish, this Feastday is called “ŚwiÄ™to Zielonych ÅšwiÄ…tki” or, literally, the “Holiday of Green.” Green, in the Church, is the color of hope. We’d like to “green up” the Church in a feeling of hope. If you have any green plants that you would like to decorate the church, window sills, sanctuary area; please bring them – thereby we shall emphasize the season of hope; for us, and for the Church to which Jesus promised the Holy Spirit.

    Welcome and thank you

    The Congregation of the
    Holy Name of Jesus
    National Catholic Church
    welcomes and thanks all present for this glorious
    invoking the Holy Spirit
    especially upon our newly confirmed,
    upon all of us.

    On behalf of the Parish Committee and the Congregation of the Holy Name of Jesus National Catholic church, I, as administrator, would like to welcome our diocesan shepherd, His Excellency, the Rt. Rev. Anthony Mikovsky, to our parish. We welcome our gracious neighbor, the Rev. Fr. Carl Urban. And we also welcome the fine dedicated clergy of our Mohawk Valley Seniorate, and for any and all of their parishioners they have encouraged to share our worship this afternoon.

    It is indeed an honor to have the bishop confirm our newest soldiers for Jesus, and through which action, has ensured a continual blessing on our parish from our gracious God. The results of God’s abundant grace and our participation with it have allowed our humble parish to be made more holy through this ministry.

    May this day be for all of us here gathered a true day of renewal, of the Pentecost experience, and for a day of sharing and fellowship, celebration and thanksgiving, one with another.

    May I gratefully affirm all those who had assisted in the many varied tasks in allowing this day to be glorious.

    As we look to the future, filled with hope by the grace of God, the inclusion of these new adults in the faith, and the fellowship of us all, may we give hearty thanks for all of God’s blessings, given and yet to be given.

    — Fr. Stan

    Novena to the Holy Spirit – Day 9

    Come, O Holy Comforter, and grant me a relish
    for heavenly things. Produce in my soul the
    fruits of virtue, so that, being filled with all
    sweetness and joy in the pursuit of good, I may
    attain unto eternal blessedness. As we will
    gather tomorrow for the Rite of Confirmation,
    allow our confirmation candidates: Celena,
    Hannah, Jenna, Mark, Sebesany to feel Your
    confirmation within them, and allow Your gifts
    to be ever-present in their life.

    Novena to the Holy Spirit – Day 8

    Come, O Spirit of Wonder, penetrate my inmost
    heart, that I may set You, my Lord and God,
    before my face forever; and shun all things that
    can offend You so that I may be made worthy to
    appear before the pure eyes of Your divine
    Majesty in the heaven of heavens, where You
    live and reign in the unity of the Ever-blessed
    Trinity, world without end. Especially allow
    our confirmation candidates: Celena, Hannah,
    Jenna, Mark, Sebesany to always have wonder
    in Your Presence, and allow them to depend on
    Your interaction in their life.