Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.

Welcome! We continue in the forty-day celebration of Christmas.

Today, we are called to reflect upon Jesus Who was born into the human family through a human family – the family of Joseph and Mary.

It might be easy to think of God being with us always, but it is much more important for us to realize the very real connection God has with us in all things.

In taking on our humanity, Jesus, the Son of God, agreed to take on ALL of our humanity with its joys and pains, celebrations and sorrows. He chose to be with us always and through the knowing experience of our struggles is, as St. Paul writes, interceding for us at the right hand of God (cf. Romans 8:34).

Consider even what Jesus faced as we observe these few short weeks between Christmas and the Presentation.

Jesus’ mother Mary is found with child, not by the man she is engaged to. She risked not only ridicule, but also being stoned to death, with her baby, for adultery. Joseph saved her from that but also chose to divorce her. Jesus, except for God’s intervention with Joseph, risked being killed or at least being born into a broken family.

The family had to take on unexpected journeys. While pregnant, Mary traveled 100 miles to take care of her cousin Elizabeth. Similarly, the pregnant Mary with Joseph traveled 90 miles over a week to Bethlehem. Those are walks of eight hours a day.

They arrived and had to stay in a barn with the animals and in those conditions, Mary gave birth. God enters through the meagerest of accommodations. The poorest of the poor come to adore Him that night.

The next threat came from Herod, and they had to flee into Egypt. They traversed the places we are familiar with today, Rafah, Gaza, the Sinai, across the Nile, to a village near Cairo. This over 600-mile journey was alone – not as typical in a caravan – and without protection or provision on a weak beast. 

Today’s gospel relates Jesus staying behind in the Temple. Imagine His parents panic when they found He was lost.

We know at some point they faced the death of Joseph and its natural sadness. The Child and His now widowed mother had to rely on family and strangers for provision.

As we face the numerous challenges in our lives let us breathe in the God Who is with us. He, Who is part of our families, feels our pain, knows our struggles, and intercedes for us constantly.

So they went off in the boat by themselves to a deserted place.

Last week Jesus sent out His twelve Apostles as disciples for some on-the-job training in every village and town. They were to proclaim repentance for forgiveness of sins as well as the immanence of the Kingdom which was at hand. They had also been empowered to heal.

Today we hear of the Apostles return. They were filled with real joy from all they experienced, and the amazing results realized through the grace of God that accompanied them. They were also exhausted.

To set context, the Apostles were sent out when they were at the southern end of the Sea of Galilee. In today’s account they regather at the northern end of the Sea and then sail across it.

While no specific timeline for the Apostles mission is given, we could posit that it probably lasted about six months.

Now imagine that we are on that mission from Jesus. We have walked the highways and byways of Galilee. We have also covered the thirteen miles from the south to the north of the Sea. We have done this with no visible means of support or supplies, relying completely on the kindness of those we are evangelizing. About two thousand square miles of Galilee, heights from one to four thousand feet. We would be completely exhausted. They were.

We should also remember that Jesus was not sitting still. He traveled on His own to preach, teach, and heal. Now came the moment, rest was ahead.

We know what scripture tells us, but better for us to understand what Jesus and His Apostles were feeling.

Here they are, sailing cross the Sea, ready to rest, pray, refresh themselves. We can imagine the anticipation, the thoughts in their minds, the feelings in their heart – and there they are, huge crowds; large numbers of people spiritually lost and alone and seeking guidance. Sheep without a shepherd.

The fact is, we all face this conundrum. We work hard, volunteer, care for family and friends, run, shop, do chores and as soon as that moment of rest comes – here’s the next thing. The old saying: ‘No rest for the weary’ comes from those experiences.

This is not just a lesson on daily life and perseverance, it is a call to go on and on in our Christian witness and evangelization no matter what. People remain hungry and need us to feed them now. People need us to be like Jesus for them, to see their need and set ourselves aside to bring them to Christ and His salvation. Remember that the sheep will not know where to go unless we shepherd them.

Reflection for the Third Sunday of Lent


Cut it off!
Give it a bit.

“‘For three years now I have come in search of fruit on this fig tree but have found none. So cut it down. Why should it exhaust the soil?’ He said to him in reply, ‘Sir, leave it for this year also, and I shall cultivate the ground around it and fertilize it; it may bear fruit in the future. If not you can cut it down.’”

We have all felt like the orchard owner. We try at things and put a lot of effort into them. It seems some are an uphill battle; we don’t seem to be getting anywhere for our effort. We’d like to cut that failure out of our lives and start over; put it behind us.

This experience can happen on lots of levels. Perhaps it is that plant that just won’t flourish on our windowsill, perhaps it is bigger things: our job, friendships, education, or our marriage.

Today’s first lesson is about perseverance. Jesus tells us the story of the orchard owner who has invested a lot to get this tree to grow, and it has failed him every year. He’s ready to cut it off, cut it down, get that failure out of his life, start over, or just put it behind him. The gardener tells the orchard owner and us that we need to give it more time.

Imagine that you’ve had a couple tough years in a marriage, or at work. You’re ready for that divorce or to quit. Then this parable comes to mind and you relent, you give it another year. A year later you look back and…

Hopefully you look back at your marriage and find that it has settled down, flourished, and produced fruit – love, a deeper relationship, and respect. You look back at your job and find good productivity, a promotion and success.

Our Lenten message is that that we cannot just leave the fix to itself for a year. The gardener didn’t just tell the orchard owner and us to give it more time. He understood that the owner needed to “cultivate the ground around it and fertilize it.” In other words, time alone is not enough – we have to put the work in.

That marriage, job, education, friendship, plant on the windowsill all need work and commitment to flourish. Our investment in our faith in Jesus, our love for Him and His Church take commitment and work. Our sinfulness doesn’t end by itself. Things don’t fix themselves.

Thankfully, we don’t work at any of this alone. The gardener by our side is Jesus. He offers us those graces of forgiveness, fellowship in faith, communion with Him and each other. He cultivates and fertilizes our work with His grace that heals perfectly. The next time we’re ready to cut it off, don’t. Turn instead to Him and get to work.