Our Patronal Feast

Congratulations to the Clergy, Parish Committee, members, and friends of Holy Name of Jesus Parish on this our Patronal Feastday, the Solemnity of the Holy Name of Jesus.

Now that Jesus is born among us, may we always trust is the power of His name. – from the Preface for the Solemnity of the Holy Name of Jesus

We also offer up our prayers for those who served the Parish in love and honor of our Savior’s Holy Name, who have been called home to their eternal reward.


As we look forward to the beginning of a new liturgical year, we look at the season of Advent as a time of preparation and expectation.

There are those around in our community, however, that have little to prepare for or expect.

As we approach this new liturgical year and this penitential season, let us re-new our efforts to provide for those in need: We shall begin our food drive collection, our mitten tree collections, blankets, and various other ways to lend a hand.

Please look with anticipation to this new liturgical year with the hope and peace of Christ, and see how much you can give of yourself this upcoming preparatory season. Thank you.

On Sunday, November 28th, the First Sunday in Advent, we will be holding the blessing of Opłatki (Christmas Wafers), our Advent Wreath, and our Jesse Tree prior to Holy Mass.

Special Holy Mass this Friday, November 12th

A word about the special mass scheduled for this Friday evening –

In years past, we had placed our parish concerns before the Lord within the prayers of Holy Mass. Since each Sunday Mass is specifically celebrated for the congregation, this intention is more focused.

We are facing once again some uncertainty is our near future: financially, organizationally, and ministerially. In years past, we have presented these concerns before the Lord, especially those of our financial needs, and He has been faithful. The despair and uncertainty were erased and we were able to carry on in His overwhelming grace.

Facing these uncertain times for our parish, as well as many other concerns as a nation and world, it is time, once again, to kneel before the Lord as a parish family to make these petitions. As The Lord has been faithful in those other times we have placed our concerns before Him, there is no reason to expect Him not to heed our pleas, and He will show us what lies ahead. If there are changes to be made, we must be courageous enough to accept them and apply them.

In whatever resolution to our payers that will come from our communal time together, we must truly believe that it is His Will for us.

Let us gather this coming Friday evening, November 12th and place ourselves within the presence and mercy of our gracious Lord. Holy Mass is scheduled for 6:30 pm.

Veterans’ Day

On Veterans’ Day, observed this coming week, we pause to give thanks for those who had given in their time in service to our country. We rejoice that they had had a successful campaign and are here living with us. Although some may be disabled, we give great thanks to all those who had survived their tour of duty and had ensured for us the freedom we live each day.

There is one thing we could consider: in the list of those receiving Christmas cards from us, perhaps we include one to:

A Recovering Soldier
c/o Walter Reed Hospital
Washington, DC.

On the subject of the Holy Synod

One more word about our Holy Synod this week —

First, thanks to all of you who participated in the discussion concerning the Synod during Coffee Hour last week. It is hoped that all your questions were answered.

It cannot be lightly said that this upcoming week is not one of vacation and/or relaxation. The very life of the Church is at stake; its future; its structure; and its program.

Although we all cannot be there to listen to the deliberations, we can be of support through prayer. Please do not let this week go by without committing
some of your prayer time for the Synod. Thanks!!!

Novena to the Holy Spirit – Day 9

Come, O Holy Comforter, and grant me a relish
for heavenly things. Produce in my soul the
fruits of virtue, so that, being filled with all
sweetness and joy in the pursuit of good, I may
attain unto eternal blessedness. As the Holy
Synod will gather tomorrow to begin its
historical deliberations and planning for the
next four years, allow Your gifts to be ever-
present in all that is said, done, prayed for,
believed in, and accomplished until
adjournment. Allow also that all that is decided
upon be for the praise of Your Holy Name and
for the benefit of all the members of the Polish
National Catholic Church.

Novena to the Holy Spirit – Day 8

Come, O Spirit of Wonder, penetrate my inmost
heart, that l may set You, my Lord and God,
before my face forever; and shun all things that
can offend You so that I may be made worthy to
appear before the pure eyes of Your divine
Majesty in the heaven of heavens, where You
live and reign in the unity of the Ever-blessed
Trinity, world without end. Especially allow
our Holy Synod to gather and deliberate while
all the while having wonder in Your Presence,
and allow them to depend on Your interaction
in all the deliberations that shall take place
during the time of Holy Synod.

Novena to the Holy Spirit – Day 7

Come, O Spirit of Piety, possess my heart;
incline it to a true faith in You, to a holy love of
You my God, that with my whole soul I may
seek You, and find You my best, my truest joy.
Especially give this gift to our Seminary, its staff,
program, and those who shall answer the call to
ordained ministry. Allow our Seminary to stand
with holiness in Your presence, as it prepares
shepherds of Your Holy Church.

Novena to the Holy Spirit – Day 6

Come, O Spirit of Knowledge, and make me
understand and despise the emptiness and
nothingness of the world. Give me grace to use
the world only for Your glory and the salvation
of Your creatures. May l always be very faithful
in putting Thy rewards before every earthly gift.
Especially give this gift to our fraternal
organization, the Polish National Union Spójnia.
Allow this organization to promote fraternalism
and concord within its membership and its
interaction with our Holy Church.

Novena to the Holy Spirit – Day 5

Come, O Spirit of Fortitude, and give courage to
my soul. Make my heart strong in all trials and
in all distress, pouring forth abundantly into it
the gifts of strength, that I may be able to resist
the attacks of the devil. Especially give this gift
of strength to those who shall comprise the
Supreme council of our Holy Church. Allow
them to always be strong within You as they
deliberate for the good of the Church for the
next four years.