Åš + P Helen Jakubiak

It has pleased the Lord to call our sister, Åš.P. Helen Jakubiak, home to eternal life … Following a valiant health struggle, our sister Åš.P. Helen answered the call of her Lord and passed on to eternity on Monday of this past week.

A Funeral Holy Mass was celebrated at Lasak & Gigliotti Funeral Home in Albany. Internment was at Albany Rural Cemetery.

Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and may the perpetual light shine upon her.
May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen.

Wieczne odpoczynek racz jej dać Panie, a światłość wiekuista niechaj jej świeci.
Niech odpoczywajÄ… w pokoju, Amen.

Great Lent/Wielki Post – Devotion, prayer, sacrifice

This season of intimate reflection and time alone with the Lord comes each year in our faith walk. Within the forty days of this journey, the Church allows for communal prayer time.

The “Stations of the Cross” will be celebrated on Fridays, at 7 pm, to allow those who wish to meditate and reflect upon the sacrifice of our Lord to do so, again with respect to personal schedules.

Please consider adding your devotion to these weekly reflections.

It is the tradition of the Church that Wednesdays and Fridays are days of fasting and abstinence.

May We choose to walk with Jesus these forty days, and may His sacrifice lead us to greater glory with Him.

Septuagesima / Czas Przedpoście

Pre-Lent, or Septuagesima, began with the ninth week before Easter and includes the Polish names for the weeks dating from around 1248.

The liturgical period is a prelude to Lent and a remote preparation for Easter. It serves as a time of transition from Christmas joy to Lenten sobriety. The Gloria/Chwała is omitted.

Let this time cause you to focus on your journey with Jesus.

Prayer service on the Sunday within the Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity

For the third year, St. Adalbert’s R.C. Parish and Holy Name of Jesus PNC Parish joined together on the Sunday within the Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity to jointly offer our petitions and prayers for Christian unity. Fr. Carl Urban of St. Adalbert’s and Fr. Stanley Bilinski Jr. of Holy Name jointly planned the service. They invited His Grace, the Most Rev. Howard Hubbard, Bishop of the R.C. Diocese of Albany to join in prayer and to be the guest homilist.

The theme of this year’s service was: “You are witnesses of these things.” (Luke 24:48). The Gospel reading was Luke 24. This year’s service fell on the centenary of the Edinburgh Mission Conference which began the Ecumenical movement. Fr. Bilinski and Fr. Urban offered prayer during the service using the texts adapted and published for use in the United States by the Graymoor Ecumenical and Interreligious Institute. Deacon James Konicki offered the Gospel, and Mr. Lawrence E. Panfil and Mrs. Claudia C. Bertasso, the Chairman and Treasurer of Holy Name Parish, offered the petitions. Music was offered by Holy Name organist and choir director Liz Battaglia.

Bishop Hubbard’s well elucidated talk focused on the centrality of prayer and local action as the starting points for ecumenism. He noted that unity will not be achieved by a forced unanimity in prayer and organization, but by a mutual sharing of the gifts, liturgical life, and organizational structures found in the Churches.

Following the service, Fr. Bilinski led the congregation in the Exposition and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament according to the Rites of the Polish National Catholic Church. Bishop Hubbard offered a blessing.

A festive repast was held in the Parish hall following the service where a large selection of delicacies, pastries, and drinks was served. As Fr. Bilinski noted, this event has now become part of our shared experience and something that stands along major events in our yearly calendar. We look forward to joining with the congregation of St. Adalbert’s at their Parish in 2011.

More photos are available in our Parish Photo Gallery.

Praying for Christian Unity

Coming January 2010:

For the third year, we shall be sharing a prayer service on the Sunday within the Octave and prayer for Christian Unity. The parish community of St. Adalbert’s R.C. will be joining us here in our humble parish. We shall be further humbled to receive His Grace, Most Rev. Howard Hubbard, Bishop of the Albany R.C. Diocese, as our guest and homilist. Let us gather together for this time of prayer.

All Saints and All Souls Day

Holy Mass for All Souls Day (a Catholic Holy Day of Obligation) will be celebrated according to the normal Sunday schedule with Matins at approx. 9:20am and Holy Mass at 9:30am.

16The Observance of All Souls, at which we will remember our dearly departed, will take place in the evening on Monday, November 2nd.

Prayer list envelopes are available in the back of the church to place the names of your dearly departed for All Souls Day/Dzień Zaduszny. The reading of the Rote of the Departed/Wypominki will take place the evening of November 2nd and every Sunday morning throughout the month of November.

May our gracious Lord continue to bless the souls of whom He has brought to eternal life.

Åš + P Lillian Lazinski

Our oldest parishioner has answered the call of her Lord to come home … Åš.P. Lillian Lazinski, age 96, received the crown of eternal life on Thursday, October 15th. On that day Åš.P. Lillian answered her call to come to the banquet of eternity with her Creator God and Father. A Funeral Holy Mass was celebrated on Tuesday, October 20th.

Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and may the perpetual light shine upon her.
May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen.

Wieczne odpoczynek racz jej dać Panie, a światłość wiekuista niechaj jej świeci.
Niech odpoczywajÄ… w pokoju, Amen.


Commemoration of St. Francis of Assisi and Blessing of Animals

Błogosławieństwa zwierząt, za wstawiennictwem świętego Franciszka z Asyżu
La Bendición de los Animales recordando y honrando a San Francisco

St. Francis and the catAs you may have heard, There have been many pets and animals that remain abandoned in the fires of last year and those of this year. Various agencies in and around our area have taken up the search and rescue and rehabilitation of those animals found homeless.

Although we could not be involved with the agencies that are trying to match up the animals with their owners, we could be helpful in those plans that will help to provide care until that reunion may take place. Therefore, we are asking that if you have a pet or not to stop by and add your prayers during the short service on Saturday, October 7th, 10 am. Also, if you could bring along some items To donate: dry or canned pet food, cat litter, leashes, or other items (no perishable food) you would like to donate. Some early contact with these agencies has been made.

Our prayer again this year will have special import since there are a number of animals we will ask St. Francis to intercede for and ask God to protect and re-unite with their caregivers. Please add your voice and donation.

In advance, THANKS!