But there are some things that you cannot be sure of. You must take a chance. 

Ecclesiastes 11:4 goes on to tell us: If you wait for perfect weather, you will never plant your seeds. If you are afraid that every cloud will bring rain, you will never harvest your crops.

This past May brought us some pretty awesome weather. We had quite a bit of August in May.  Did we expect that? Perhaps not. On Memorial Day we expected cold and rainy weather, but we persevered and held Holy Mass at the parish cemetery. The rain stopped, the sky cleared, and the sun came out. It was perfect. Every cloud did not bring rain.

In our faith lives – which should define the entirety of our lives – Ecclesiastes advises us that taking a chance, setting aside worry, is worth it. In fact in Matthew 6.25-34 Jesus commands his followers not to worry. He even goes so far as to say that worrying is a characteristic of an unbeliever. We are called to be the same kind of risk takers the Apostles and saints were because if we take those risks we build the Kingdom.

Setting fear aside and taking chances in small things leads to doing so in bigger ways. We realize that even if we make a few mistakes or get rejected once and awhile God will work it all out for good. Indeed, God makes good use of us if we only trust and move forward with Him. Moses had a speech impediment and told God, “I can’t talk.” Gideon told God, “I’m too young.” Abraham said, “I’m too old.” Yet look at what God accomplished with them once they trusted in Him and accepted His call.

What is God saying to us right now? What dreams has God placed in our hearts? What steps have we been hesitant to take? Now is the time to hear Him, pursue those dreams, take those steps, and watch as God opens doors, provides resources, and works miracles in our lives. Today, choose faith over fear. Trust that God’s plans for us are good, even if the path ahead seems uncertain. There are some things that you cannot be sure of. You must take [the] chance God offers.

Welcome to our June 2024 Newsletter. This beautiful month is filled with celebrations of God’s goodness. We pray especially for His gift of vocations to the priesthood and diaconate. We celebrate dads. Join us for worship, thanksgiving, and a wonderful breakfast on Father’s Day. We consider our offering to support our retired priests and bishops. It Men’s spiritual Retreat time — be there. We also prepare for all the wonderful summer events ahead of us. Take a look at some great offers from the PNA (IRAs, insurance, and annuities); the rates are really good. Also, how do you speak truth in love when it comes to admonition? Take a look at God’s advice. All this and more in our June 2024 Newsletter.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

I have been thinking about joy, about that state of life where one is at ease no matter what, where one is confident and secure so we might be positive no matter what. No matter what…

This year’s celebration of Easter was perfectly joyful for me. This was a year where I seemed to connect really well with what the apostles and disciples must have felt when they encountered the risen Lord. In June we transition out of the Easter Season into Pentecost, the Solemnities of the Holy Trinity and Corpus Christi, and at the very end of the month into Ordinary Time carried forward by celebrating Word of God Sunday. Further joy for sure and we revel in the wonderful presence of the Holy Spirit and God’s total giving for us. But…

It has also been a weird time for me. I suppose part of it has been my allergies. For some reason my black car is always yellow by the next morning. The pollen seems the worst it has ever been. This has me feeling tired, run down. Then too, our children are getting older and are transitioning in their lives, moving to the next stage which is a happiness, but at the same time a change which is not always easy emotionally. I suppose the worst thing – I’m turning sixty this year!

Here’s where the Word of God and the action of the Holy Spirit steps in. We have a God of hope – which was confirmed on Easter – where even death no longer holds sway. Hope actually does spring eternal. With hope eternal, the Holy Spirit in us as a people, we can take hold of joy, we can have peace no matter what we face. It comes down to this: Do we place our all in the state of life where one is at ease no matter what, where one is confident and secure so we might be positive no matter what. No matter what… or do we dwell in the But what about… If we dwell in the ‘but if only’ things we face we will never find the truth of joy that is our faith. So be filled with hope and joy and believing which overcomes all things.

Welcome to our June 2022 Newsletter. At the start of the month we are busy celebrating the Church’s birth at Pentecost where we live the Kingdom life. We will then mark the Octave of Pentecost with our reflection on the mystery of the Holy Trinity closely followed by the Solemnity of Corpus Christi (our month long discipleship focus).

This summer ahead is jam packed with activities including this month’s Men’s Retreat, July’s Kurs Camp, Convo, our summer picnic, the annual Golf Tourney at the start of September and so much more.

In June we doubly focus our prayer efforts on vocations – for those in discernment, those in formation, and those called that they may respond generously. We celebrate Father’s Day and the growth in our parish’s ministries including a new Women’s Group and CarePortal.

Read about all this and more in our June 2022 Newsletter.