Beloved, we are God’s children now

On All Saints Day he heard the line above taken from the First Letter of St. John (1 John 3:1-3). What a wonderful statement of assurance for us who are His faithful people.

A primary emphasis for us on the road to sainthood is understanding the type of relationship we have with God. Our relationship is naturally centered on God’s love toward us, and His desire for a familial relationship with us. This relationship needs to be built up – which takes time – and relies on our growing into the image of Jesus. St. John is telling us that the more we resemble Jesus, the more the Father loves us as His sons and daughters.

We know the saints did their utmost to resemble Jesus. Perhaps they did not accomplish that in every way, but each saint took his or her talents and worked to grow those talents into a reflection of how Jesus showed forth that aspect of Himself. Those talents may have been compassion, community building, charity, care, gentleness, discipline, teaching, feeding, holding people accountable for their behavior, and in so many other ways. The natural consequence of our growth into Jesus’ image, and using our talents to reflect Him in our world today, is the gift of hope for eternal life and eventual glorification alongside Jesus. St. John tells us that we shall be like Him.

We know God loves us and wants relationship with us. We know we are called to respond to His love with a commitment to grow into the image of Jesus and by using our talents to reflect Him in our own unique ways. Our promised outcome is living in hope for eternal life and glory. Becoming a saint is this process of knowing, growing, and living – but it always starts in one place – that is desire. Desire for God is not something we can manufacture. Rather, it is a call within ourselves, prompted by the Holy Spirit, to love God abundantly and to move toward Him with an overwhelming yearning to be His saint. Drawn to Him, let us continually grow in desire for God and to reflect Him in every way.

Welcome to our November 2024 Newsletter. We enter into prayer this month for our faithful departed loved ones. We begin our various drives to provide comfort and assistance through the cold months to come. This includes our YMSofR Clothing Drive, Food Drive, and the support we give to families in crisis. We remember our longtime pastor Rt. Rev. śp. Stanley Bilinski. Raffles are also underway – get your tickets now. They are great gifts for a loved one or friend. We focus on thanksgiving – the holiday, personal and corporate thankfulness, prayer, and great Thanksgiving hymns. Our participation in the Pierogi 5k was a success. Study up on some background on the importance of voting and exercise your right on November 5th. Also, check out what is upcoming as we enter Advent on December 1st. All that and more in our November 2024 Newsletter.

We know that our old self was crucified with him, so that our sinful body might be done away with, that we might no longer be in slavery to sin.

As I’ve noted in my past few reflections, the end is near! Well, the beginning of the end. As Christians we are to be always prepared for the end times, for the last things, as well as for our own personal end at the time of our death. We will be called to account for how we have carried out our lives, how totally on-board with Jesus we were. 

Throughout November we will pray for those who have died and are awaiting entry into heaven, who are going through a time of purification. Are we absolutely certain of where they are? Did we know the state of their soul or how on-board with Jesus they were? Absolutely not! That is between each individual, their confessor, and God. Because we cannot know, it is proper and charity to offer prayers for them. This is not something invented, rather it is scriptural from the Second Book of Maccabees:

He also took up a collection, man by man, to the amount of two thousand drachmas of silver, and sent it to Jerusalem to provide for a sin offering. In doing this he acted very well and honorably, taking account of the resurrection. For if he were not expecting that those who had fallen would rise again, it would have been superfluous and foolish to pray for the dead. But if he was looking to the splendid reward that is laid up for those who fall asleep in godliness, it was a holy and pious thought. Therefore he made atonement for the dead, that they might be delivered from their sin.

2 Maccabees 12:43-45

Your prayers, and offering of the Holy Mass, for departed loved ones helps them get into the Lord’s presence, it helps to atone for their sin, and is thus a worthy thing to do.  It is, in fact, a Spiritual Works of Mercy we should all be doing each day.

Unfortunately, the world, and sometimes the Church, avoids the topic of sin and its consequences. Accountability is a rare focus. Factually however, people sin, and sin a lot. They go forward, not thinking of the consequences, or of the need for purification and perfection before entering heaven. We certainly trust in the salvation won us from the cross of Christ Jesus. We know that He has atoned for our sins, but we must also stay on point, living lives that are pure and holy. We cannot cheapen Jesus’ sacrifice by failing to live the way He requires while sitting in our sins.

There are some important lessons for us to take from this: Take seriously the call to holiness and the gospel path; Do not judge others – no one can know a person’s inner soul but God; and Let us hold ourselves accountable. The call to holiness and to walk in the way of the gospel is absolute for the baptized believer. Hebrews 12:14 tells us: Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord. We must all answer for how we lived this out. Let us get as close as possible right now while we have the opportunity and help those who have preceded us to do so by our prayers.

Second Corinthians tells us:

For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.

2 Corinthians 5:10

Judgment is a dreadful prospect, isn’t it? Being called to account for how I have carried out my life, how totally on-board with Jesus I was worries me. That is why what we do today, throughout November communally, at Holy Masses offered for deceased loved ones, and by our personal prayer and sacrifice is so important.  That is why it is so very important that we remain realistic and ask others to be realistic about us. Don’t canonize me at my funeral and pray for me.

I know I am not worthy of heaven, that I, as St. Paul told the Church at Rome (Romans 3:23): “have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” My sins stand in the way and I pray that my sinful body be done away with, that I no longer remain in slavery to sin and I work to get better. I place my hope in what Paul says next (Romans 3:24): That I am justified freely by His grace through the redemption in Christ Jesus. 

I am accountable and I am in need of purification. That is why I must work now. That is why I beg my children and ask my friends to pray for me when I die, each day, each November, and to offer as many Holy Masses as possible.

All Souls Remembrances/Wypominki

238Of blessed memory:

All souls entrusted to our prayer by their families

All who have perished in natural disasters and tragedies over the past year
All who gave their lives in service to our Country
All departed Servicemen and women
All departed Civil Servants

Of blessed memory:
Most Rev. Francis Hodur
Most Rev. Dr. Leon Grochowski
Most Rev. Thaddeus Zieliński
Most Rev. Francis Rowiński
Rt. Rev. Joseph Padewski
Rt. Rev. Dr. Casimir Grotnik
Rt. Rev. John Misiaszek

All deceased Bishops of the Holy Polish National Catholic Church

Of blessed memory:
Rev. Augustyn Krauze
Rev. Bolesław Szepczyński
Very Rev. Roman Pawlikowski
Rev. E. Brzozowski
Rev. Joseph Michalski
Rev. J. Jakubowski
Rev. E. Wożniak
Rev. John Toporowski
Rev. E. Kozłowski
Very Rev. Joseph L. Zawistowski
Rev. Joseph Klimczak
Rev. Roman Jasiński
Rev. Walter C. Poposki
Rev. Marian Góra
Rev. Stephen Krawiec
Rev. John Neyman
Rev. Dr. Jonathan Trela

All deceased Priests, Deacons, Sub-deacons, and Orders of Clerics of the Holy Polish National Catholic Church

Of blessed memory:
Deceased members of St. Joseph’s/Holy Name of Jesus Parish of the Holy Polish National Catholic Church
The souls of all those interred in Holy Name of Jesus Cemetery
Deceased members of the Society for the Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament
Deceased members of Branch 50 of the YMS of R
Deceased members of the Concordia Choir
Deceased members of the Harmonia Choir
Deceased members of our Spójnia Branch
Deceased members of the St. Joseph Society
Deceased members of the Maria Konopnicka Society
Deceased members of “Ognisko”
Deceased members of the Children of Mary
Deceased members of the Defender’s Society,
Deceased members of the Mother’s Club

Our Father…
Hail Mary…
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord
and may the perpetual light shine upon them.
May their souls, and the souls of all the faithful departed, rest in peace. Amen.

Ojcze nasz…
ZdrowaÅ› Maryjo…
Wieczne odpoczynek racz im dać Panie,
a światłość wiekuista niechaj im świeci.
Niech odpoczywajÄ… w pokoju, Amen.

All Saints and All Souls Day

Holy Mass for All Souls Day (a Catholic Holy Day of Obligation) will be celebrated according to the normal Sunday schedule with Matins at approx. 9:20am and Holy Mass at 9:30am.

16The Observance of All Souls, at which we will remember our dearly departed, will take place in the evening on Monday, November 2nd.

Prayer list envelopes are available in the back of the church to place the names of your dearly departed for All Souls Day/Dzień Zaduszny. The reading of the Rote of the Departed/Wypominki will take place the evening of November 2nd and every Sunday morning throughout the month of November.

May our gracious Lord continue to bless the souls of whom He has brought to eternal life.