- 12/30 – 1 Timothy 3:1 – Lord Jesus, You have called men from among us to shepherd Your people. Grant them Your every grace as they undertake the noble cause of responding to Your call.
- 12/31 – 1 Peter 2:25 – Lord Jesus, Your shepherds follow in Your footsteps. Grant them the strength to protect the souls entrusted to their care.
- 1/1 – Isaiah 40:11 – Lord Jesus, grant Your grace to Your shepherds as they lead us in this new year. Assist them in imitating Your heart as they care for, gather, carry, and gently lead Your people.
- 1/2 – John 10:4 – Lord Jesus, grant Your shepherds a heart for their people. May they, through Your grace, treat each of their people as family to be cared, sharing in their victories and defeats, successes and struggles.
- 1/3 – Hebrews 13:17 – Lord Jesus, grant Your people loving hearts toward those responsible for our souls. Provide us with the temperament, resources, and spirit to work side-by-side with Your chosen ones in joy.
- 1/4 – 1 Peter 5:1-2 – Lord Jesus, grant Your Holy Church many vocations, for the need for shepherds among us is great. May many men respond generously to Your call willingly and eagerly.
- 1/5 – 1 Thessalonians 5:13 – Lord Jesus, grant that Your people may carry great love and esteem for the shepherds among us, and for all who serve in Your Holy Church.
Pray the week: Lord Jesus, I praise and thank You for sending us good shepherds to lead Your Holy Church.