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Voiced by Amazon Polly

Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.

As the new year begins it behooves us to take account of our lives. Certainly, there is personal stuff we should address. It may be our weight, health issues, and so on. Our concerns also extend to our families – am I spending enough time and paying attention to their needs. This includes the parish family and its needs as well. All of these concerns add up, don’t they? They become a sort of whirlwind which appears impossible. How do I succeed?

Recently, I attended a class given by a former Marine pilot who had served in Iraq. His duty station was the Al-Anbar province. This was the worst place on earth. It was so bad that most, including American commanders, wrote it off as unsalvageable and unwindable; there was no way out. The overall campaign took four years. 1,335 Americans were killed, 8,205 injured. When one faces a significant challenge as the U.S. did in Al-Anbar, or even our own personal whirlwinds, we need to search deeply for keys to success. In the end Al-Anbar became a success for its people because leaders took initiative to succeed. But, who were those leaders?

It is not as many suspect, a few top people, but rather a wholesale change in dynamic – the key – everyone had to be a leader. For our Church and for our parish let us take these lessons to heart. Each of us is called to be a leader in every situation. Each of us is called to learn leadership – because it is a learned trait, not just something that happens (and we will focus on that in the year ahead). The first key is to recognize and focus on our why. If our why is focused inwardly, if all is about me, we will be unhappy and fail; we will miss on the commandment of love. If our why is focused on others, on our fellow parishioners, church members, and community we can be anywhere, in any role, and be truly happy. Let us then take on leadership from our why in this new year and so overcome the whirlwind with victory.

Welcome to a new year and happy 2025. We began our discussion in this Newsletter focusing on the subject of leadership. We pause at the start of the year and assemble for our annual parish meeting (February 2nd) where we exercise our responsibilities in our ecclesial democracy. Can you step up and serve? Truthfully, we would love to have you on the Parish Committee as we undertake the various projects ahead pf us this year. We give thanks for everyone’s generosity with clothing and food donations over the holidays. We are also grateful to all those who did so much to make Advent and the start of the Christmas Season beautiful. The SouperBowl of Caring is here once again and the soup pot is out. Let’s fill it with kindness.

It is Epiphany season, so see or call Fr. Jim if you would like your home blessed. This is also the month for supporting our church musicians on Music Scholarship Sunday. Looking further forward, you can now get your tickets for the Outrageous Valentine’s Raffle. Our Basket Social is approaching so start thinking about the basket themes for this year’s donations.

2025 also marks an important anniversary. Can you believe it’s only been 1700 years since the Council of Nicaea? Read up on this important moment in faith history and join us in professing the Creed each Sunday as the Council intended, without adulteration or theological error.

All this and more in our January 2025 Newsletter.