Bible Study for the 16th Week in Ordinary Time

  • 7/17 – Ephesians 3:1-13 – How actively do I seek unity within the Church and between the Church and the world? Prayer starter: Help me to remember this day, Lord Jesus, that whenever two or more are gathered in your name there you are, too.
  • 7/18 – Ephesians 3:14-21 – When was the last time I was simply aware of God’s loving presence? Prayer starter: Today, my loving Father, I place myself within your loving hands.
  • 7/19 – Ephesians 4:1-6 – Where is the connection between inner peace and outer peace most clearly manifested in my life? Prayer starter: Lead me, Lord Jesus, on the worthy adventure of a life of discipleship.
  • 7/20 – Ephesians 4:7-16 – How have I been the instrument of Christ’s love in the flesh today? Prayer starter: To Loving God, who knit me together in my mother’s womb, knit me today more tightly into the Body of Christ.
  • 7/21 – Ephesians 4:17-24 – How clearly do I perceive the presence of God in my life and in the world? Prayer starter: You call us, O Lord, to be partners with you in the new creation. Help us to respond to that call with all of our hearts, souls, and minds.
  • 7/22 – Ephesians 4:25 – 5:2 – Did I give way to “bitterness and wrath” in any way today? Why? Prayer starter: Lord Jesus, not even the smallest act of kindness escapes your notice. Let it not escape mine either.
  • 7/23 – Ephesians 5:3-20 – Was there ever a time I was more afraid of scandal than sin? Prayer starter: Open my eyes, Lord. Help me to see your light in all its glory.

Convo 2012: Confirmed to Walk on Water

The Buffalo-Pittsburgh Diocese of the PNCC will be hosting Convo 2012: Confirmed to Walk on Water from July 23rd-27th, 2012 at Niagara University in Niagara Falls, NY. As we hit the one year count-down to Convo 2012, keep all of the youth of the PNCC in your collective prayers.

For more information, visit the Convo website on Facebook or the Convo 2012 website.

Bible Study for the 15th Week in Ordinary Time

  • 7/10 – Galatians 5:13-15 – Am I moving towards deeper relationship or deeper isolation? Prayer starter: Come, Holy Spirit, and consume me in the fires of love.
  • 7/11 – Galatians 6:1-10 – How many of these virtues are present in my faith community? in my own efforts? Prayer starter: Nurture the seeds of gentleness, compassion, patience, and humility within my community and my heart, Lord Jesus.
  • 7/12 – Galatians 6:11-18 – If today I were to die, would the overwhelming experience of my life be love? Prayer starter: Let not the trees of our imperfections and failings, Lord Jesus, blind us to the forest of God’s love.
  • 7/13 – Ephesians 1:1-14 – How clearly do I see God’s plan Unfolding in my life? Prayer starter: Thank you, gracious God, for all the riches of grace you have lavished upon us.
  • 7/14 – Ephesians 1:15-23 – What is the world that I see when I look out of my window? Prayer starter: Open my eyes, Lord, to the manifestations of indescribable beauty in the ordinary events and encounters of my life.
  • 7/15 – Ephesians 2:1-10 – In what ways has my faith and experience of the presence of the risen Christ changed the Way I live? Prayer starter: Lead us, Lord Jesus, from the stifling confines of a life apart from you to the golden country of your presence.
  • 7/16 – Ephesians 2:11-22 – In what ways have I been an instrument of peace? Prayer starter: Come, O Spirit of Peace. Fill my heart with your presence that I might go out and transform the world.

Bible Study for the 14th Week in Ordinary Time

  • 7/3 – Galatians 2:15-21 – Am I more aware of the difference or the similarities between myself and those whom I will meet today? Prayer starter: I surrender today, Lord Jesus, to the vitality of your presence in my life.
  • 7/4 – Galatians 3:1-14 – Am I doing good things to make God love me, or is it God’s love that compels me to do good things? Prayer starter: May I make the prayer of the father of the possessed boy my own today: “I believe, O Lord, help my unbelief.” (Mark 9:24)
  • 7/5 – Galatians 3:15-27 – In what ways has the Law (my spiritual upbringing) been a good custodian for me? Prayer starter: Thank you, Lord, for making me your daughter/son. Help me through my actions to show the family resemblance to others.
  • 7/6 – Galatians 3:28-29 and Galatians 4:1-7 – Do I really believe that God knows me better than I know myself? How does it feel? Prayer starter: Loving Daddy, cradle me today in the bosom of your merciful presence.
  • 7/7 – Galatians 4:8-20 – Am I ready for the demands of a freely chosen relationship with God and neighbor? Prayer starter: Lead me, O Holy Spirit, beyond the prison walls of my fears toward the limitless horizons of God’s love.
  • 7/8 – Galatians 4:21-31 and Galatians 5:1 – For me, is the Word of God alive or trapped within the words? Prayer starter: Guide me, Holy spirit, beyond the words on the page to the Word through which all that exists has been created and is sustained.
  • 7/9 – Galatians 5:2-12 – When was the last time I really rested in God’s presence? Prayer starter: Lord Jesus, take from me my compulsion to be busy. Replace it with a hunger and thirst for righteousness.

Bible Study for the Corpus Christi Week

  • 6/26 – Numbers 35 – When have I played the role of avenger in my dealings with others? Prayer starter: Lord of justice and mercy, you alone are the final judge between the innocent and the guilty. In your compassion, forgive us our trespasses.
  • 6/27 – Numbers 27:12-23 – Am I Willing to sacrifice my interests for the sake of the common good? Prayer starter: Holy God, you invest your church with authority, charisma, and every spiritual gift necessary to fulfill its earthly mission. Help us to be the holy people of a holy God.
  • 6/28 – Numbers 27:1-11 and Numbers 36:1-12 – Which aspects of my identity were given to me and which did I forge for myself? Prayer starter: Loving God, you did not create a race of robots to serve you, but free beings made in your likeness and capable of choice. Teach us to use our freedom wisely.
  • 6/29 – Numbers 28-29 – How do I acknowledge daily, and seasonally, the sacred character of time? Prayer starter: Ever-living God, your Son Jesus entered into time and history to open for us the gates of eternity. We praise you for your great and generous love.
  • 6/30 – Numbers 30 – Under what circumstances are vows necessary or useful? harmful? Prayer starter: Almighty God, all authority belongs to you on earth as in heaven. Strengthen us to live up to our promises commitments and obligations.
  • 7/1 – Numbers 31 – How do I see God: angry and punishing, merciful and loving, or all of the above? Prayer starter: In your justice, Lord your will cannot be denied. Help us to conform to your will day by day.
  • 7/2 – Numbers 33-34 – How does my past shape my present? How can my decisions today shape the future? Prayer starter: You created us little less than gods, O Lord, endowing us with the freedom to choose. Help us to repent the wrong in our pasts and create a better future.

Bible Study for Trinity Week

  • 6/19 – Numbers 25 – How does my desire for the way things were keep me from embracing the present? Prayer starter: God of hope and possibility, you make all things new. Heal us from our adherence to the past and free us for what you have in store for us.
  • 6/20 – Numbers 26 – How do I promote the new generation, and how do I stand in its way? Prayer starter: What is, what was, and what will be are in your hands, O Lord. Give us the courage to change what must be changed and to step aside when our time is done.
  • 6/21 – Numbers 27:1-11 & Numbers 36:1-12 – Which aspects of my identity were given to me, and which did I forge for myself? Prayer starter: Loving God, you did not create a race of robots to serve you, but free beings made in your likeness and capable of choice. Teach us to use our freedom wisely.
  • 6/22 – Numbers 28-29 – How do I acknowledge daily, and seasonally, the sacred character of time? Prayer starter: Ever-living God, your Son Jesus entered into time and history to open for us the gates of eternity. We praise you for your great and generous love.
  • 6/23 – Numbers 30 – Under what circumstances are vows necessary or useful? harmful? Prayer starter: Almighty God, all authority belongs to you on earth as in heaven. Strengthen us to live up to our promises, commitments, and obligations.
  • 6/24 – Numbers 31 – How do I see God: angry and punishing, merciful and loving, or all of the above? Prayer starter: In your justice, Lord, your will cannot be denied. Help us to conform to your will day by day.
  • 6/25 – Numbers 33-34 – How does my past shape my present? How can my decisions today shape the future? Prayer starter: You created us little less than gods, O Lord, endowing us with the freedom to choose. Help us to repent the wrong in our pasts and create a better future.

Bible Study for Pentecost Week

  • 6/12 – Numbers 16:1-50 and Numbers 17:1-15 – When has greed consumed my peace and swallowed my happiness? Prayer starter: All authority comes from you, Almighty God. May we exercise the power given to us in your name and always for your purposes.
  • 6/13 – Numbers 17:16-28 and Numbers 18:1-32 – How do I show responsibility for the “much” that has been give to me? Prayer starter: Lord, how we long to be possessed by you alone! Many cares and false gods work to dominate our lives, but help us to surrender only to you.
  • 6/14 – Numbers 19:1-13, Numbers 20:1,22-29 – Do I place human beings, even privileged ones, before my devotion to God? Prayer starter: Lord God, you are the source of life and your kingdom the frontier beyond death. Teach us to know the difference between the realms of the sacred and the profane.
  • 6/15 – Numbers 20:2-13 and Numbers 21:4-9 – When have my own words betrayed the dangerous pride hidden in my motives? Prayer starter: Your’s alone is the power and the glory, Lord God of Hosts. Grant us the humility to know who we are, and who we are not.
  • 6/16 – Numbers 19:14-21, Numbers 20:1-3,10-35 and Numbers 22:1 – What’s more important, accuracy or effect, when telling a teaching story? Prayer starter: The journey of faith takes a lifetime to walk, and our steps may falter. Faithful and true God, be our guide and companion on the way that leads to you.
  • 6/17 – Numbers 22:2-35 – Do I speak and act routinely for God’s purposes or for personal gain? Prayer starter: Lord, you gave us with your Son, Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh to live among us. May this Word speak in the example of our lives.
  • 6/18 – Numbers 22:36-44 and Numbers 23-24 – How do I cooperate with, and how do I resist, the word of God spoken to me? Prayer starter: God of truth, your Son Jesus provides the way, the truth, and the life for those who believe. Break our resistance to His life-giving word.

The Solemnity of Pentecost

The day of Pentecost is the Church’s festival of the Holy Spirit. It is the third principal festival of the church year, the day on which we remember how the Holy Spirit came powerfully to a gathering of Jesus’ followers in Jerusalem.

In Polish, this Feastday is called “ŚwiÄ™to Zielonych ÅšwiÄ…tki” or, literally, the “Holiday of Green.” Green, in the Church, is the color of hope. We’d like to “green up” the Church in a feeling of hope. If you have any green plants that you would like to decorate the church, window sills, sanctuary area; please bring them – thereby we shall emphasize the season of hope; for us, and for the Church to which Jesus promised the Holy Spirit.

Bible Study for the Seventh Week of Easter

  • 6/5 – Numbers 9:1-23 and Numbers 10:1-10 – How do I discern when God wants me to change, or to remain as I am? Prayer starter: Generous God, you send your people priests, prophets, and kings to lead them in every generation. Give us the wisdom to choose and to follow good leaders.
  • 6/6 – Numbers 10:11-36 – How might chaos be a threat to the integrity of Iife? Prayer starter: Loving God, you provide the songs that dictate when it’s time to grow, change, and choose a new direction. May your Holy Spirit provide us with the wisdom to see and the courage to act.
  • 6/7 – Numbers 11 – When has a poor attitude affected my ability to be grateful? Prayer starter: Gracious God, you are the only source of true freedom. Keep us from settling for security at the cost of genuine liberty.
  • 6/8 – Numbers 12 – Have I resented the success of a family member or peer? Prayer starter: In infinite variety your created me, O Lord, not making one the same as another. Help us to respect and defend the gifts of each unique person.
  • 6/9 – Numbers 13:1-33 and Numbers 14:1-10 – When has fear robbed me of my trust in God? Prayer starter: You are a God worthy of absolute trust and confidence, for you have proven your love throughout salvation history. Free us from every fear that haunts our generation.
  • 6/10 – Numbers 14:10-45 – When have you spoken damaging words that could not be taken back? Prayer starter: Lord of history and eternity, you give humanity the freedom to determine its fate. Teach us wisdom so that we may choose the path of life.
  • 6/11 – Numbers 15 – How do my actions and choices affect the lives of those around me? Prayer starter: Father, Son, and Spirit, yours is the perfect union of heart, mind, and will. Imbue your Church with the spirit of unity so that we may bear witness to your truth.

The lnstallation of the Eighth Bishop Ordinary of the Central Diocese

The lnstallation of the Rt. Rev. John Mack as Eighth Bishop Ordinary of the Central Diocese and Pastor of Saint Stanislaus, Bishop & Martyr Cathedral will take place on Sunday, June 5th.

The Holy Rite of lnstallation will be celebrated during a Holy Mass scheduled for 4 pm. A celebratory reception will be held in the Cathedral Youth Center following Holy Mass.

Bishop Mack has been serving as Bishop Ordinary since February 1, 2011.

Please join in formally welcoming Bishop Mack by your presence, and if unable to attend, through your prayers.