Consecration of Bishop Elect Flemstead of the Nordic Catholic Church Announced

We have a rather momentous occasion to take place on the last Monday of July, July 25, 2011 the Feast of St. James the Greater, Apostle.

Through the ministry of Bishop Thaddeus Peplowski (Buffalo-Pittsburgh Diocese), a number of churches in the Nordic countries have accepted the practice and norms of the Polish National Catholic Church and have developed into the Nordic Catholic Church, coming under the umbrella of the Union of Scranton.

At the synod held in Oslo, Norway late last year, a priest of the Church, the Rev. Roald Nikolai Flemestad, was elected as a candidate for bishop. This in one way will bolster the churches looking for stability and focus as it looks to serve its people in the future.

Father Flemstad’s consecration to the episcopal office will take place on the Feast of Saint James the Greater at Saint Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr cathedral in Scranton. What a joyous occasion it will be!

Father Flemstad addressed our Holy Synod in October 2010. He so looked forward to visiting the American church, and now will serve as the leader of the Nordic congregations.

Members of the churches in Norway, Sweden, Germany, and Italy will travel to Scranton to take part in the service. The readings and liturgy will be celebrated in both languages. The bishops of our Church will serve as co-consecrators, with, Most Rev. Anthony Mikovsky, our Prime Bishop serving a principal consecrator.

Bible Study for the Sixth Week of Easter

  • 5/29 – Numbers 1,2 – Where am I in relationship to God at this time; near or far, facing toward or away? Prayer starter: Lord, keep us from placing anything but you at the center of our hearts. May your will always be at the center of our values.
  • 5/30 – Numbers 2,3 – How do I respond when favored, or slighted, among my peers? Prayer starter: Lord Jesus, you preferred the path of humility to any mortal honor: Help us to be humble whether appreciated or disregarded.
  • 5/31 – Numbers 5 – Have I ever felt unworthy to be in the presence of God in the assembly of faith? Prayer starter: Holy God, you are the source of love, grace, and mercy. By your compassion heal us of our sinfulness and find us worthy of your company.
  • 6/1 – Numbers 6:1-21 – When and how have I made private commitments to God that involved sacrifice? Prayer starter: Lord, every day is another opportunity for a closer walk along the path of your grace. Help us to keep our feet on this path always.
  • 6/2 – Numbers 6:22-27 – How often do I bless my family, friends, and loved ones? Prayer starter: God of every grace and blessing, pour out the fullness of your kindness upon our families. May your face continue to shine upon the whole human race.
  • 6/3 – Numbers 7 – What offering do I make when I enter the house of God? Prayer starter: Eternal God, your presence is not limited to a single place or generation. Yet we finite creatures must seek you in places consecrated for your service.
  • 6/4 – Numbers 8 – How do I live up to, or hide behind, public rituals of religion? Prayer starter: Lord God, bless the assembly of the faithful as we gather in your name. What we profess in our assembly may we live out in the world around us.

The 66th Annual YMS of R/PNCC Bowling tournament news and results

The 66th Annual YMS of R/PNCC Bowling tournament was again a great success.

Eighty-six bowlers bowled in three events covering four divisions. There were, in the team event, 16 teams in both the open and womens’ divisions. There were no youth teams for the youth that were present bowled with the adults making for a truly “family affair.”

Deacon Jim bowled on a team made up of mates from around the church, Hannah and Josh bowled on teams made up of family and other parishioners. Father Stan bowled with the regular team once again. Deb, although under the weather, kept the cheering going as best she could.

As for accomplishments achieved: Hannah and her cousin Lauren finished first in the Youth division in doubles, Father Stan placed fifth in singles in the Spójnia division, and the team he bowled on took first place in the Spójnia division.

The Central Guiding Committee, at its meeting on Friday evening, accepted the plans for the 67th Annual Tournament to be hosted by our parish during the days of 18-20 May 2012 – our 90th Anniversary year.

May we ready ourselves to once again welcome our brethren from across the Church to join us for that weekend.

Bible Study for the Fifth Week of Easter

  • 5/22 – John 3:1-21 – Who do I know who needs the gift of faith? Prayer starter: Spirit of Faith, I thank you for my ability to believe. Keep all those who do not believe in your care.
  • 5/23 – John 20:19-23 – Where can I be an agent of reconciliation in my family, work, or community? Prayer starter: Holy Spirit, through your power the world can be renewed. Conform my heart to God’s will so that I might become you agent of peace.
  • 5/24 – Acts 2:1-21 – What has God given to me? How well do I use it? Prayer starter: Holy Spirit, enkindle your fire in my heart. Lead me to use the gifts you have given me in God’s service.
  • 5/25 – Acts 5:1-11 – Have I ever tried to give a false impression for my own benefit? Prayer starter: Spirit of Truth, help me live in the truth. Allow me to live as the person I truly am – a child of God.
  • 5/26 – Romans 8:12-27 – Have there been times when I have been unable to pray in words? Prayer starter: Holy Spirit, you ground my relationship to the Father. Speak to God for me, when I can find no words to say.
  • 5/27 – 1 Corinthians 12:1-31 – Do I consider the gift I have been given necessary for the Iife of the church? Prayer starter: Spirit of God, you create unity from the variety of gifts. Lead me to use my gift for the common good.
  • 5/28 – Revelation 22:12-21 – What role does hope in Christ’s return play in my spiritual life? Prayer starter: Holy Spirit, you are my guarantee that Jesus will return. Let me burn with the hope that God’s love will rule the earth.

Bible Study for the Fourth Week of Easter

  • 5/15 – Mark 1:9-11 – When do I end to forget my dignity and worth as a child of God? Prayer starter: Spirit of Truth, you reveal my true identity. Allow me to believe that I am a beloved child of God and celebrate the wonder of your gift.
  • 5/16 – Mark 3:20-30 – When have I opposed God’s will, not out of weakness but willfulness? Prayer starter: Spirit of God, you are the presence of God in every time and place. Help me realize that I have the freedom to accept your light or to live in darkness.
  • 5/17 – Mark 13:1-13 – Have I ever been surprised by effectiveness in my actions that exceeded my intentions? Prayer starter: Creating Spirit, you are always at work shaping the world according to God’s plan. Use me as your instrument. I open my heart to your will.
  • 5/18 – Luke 1:26-38 – Do I believe that God is able to achieve what to me seems impossible? Prayer starter: Holy Spirit, you are the power of God. Help me to measure my future not by my strength but yours.
  • 5/19 – Luke 4:14-30 – How would I define oppression? How could I be Christ to those who experience it? Prayer starter: Spirit of God, you are opposed to whatever is contrary to God’s will. Allow me to build justice, hope, and freedom today.
  • 5/20 – Luke 10:21-22 – In what ways is it possible for me to simplify my life? Prayer starter: Spirit of truth, you know well the things that matter. Allow me to see your truth and live in your joy.
  • 5/21 – Luke 11:9-11 – Have I ever been surprised by the way in which God has responded to my prayer? Prayer starter: Holy Spirit, even when I do not receive what I have asked for in prayer, make me thankful for the gift of you.

Bible Study for the Third Week of Easter

  • 5/8 – Ezekiel 11:14-25 – In what area of my life should I ask the Spirit to change my heart? Prayer starter: Transforming Spirit, change me. Where I am selfish, allow me to give; where there is hurt, allow me to forgive; where I hate, allow me to love.
  • 5/9 – Ezekiel 37:1-14 – Where in my life do I find it difficult to hope? Prayer starter: Spirit of God, you guide me into the future. Help me to see that there is no sorrow you cannot turn to joy, no dying you cannot transform into life.
  • 5/10 – Joel 2:18-29 – Do I recognize that God’s care extends beyond myself and includes all that God has made? Prayer starter: Holy Spirit, your life will be poured out on all creation. Help me to witness to your presence by the manner in which I respect the earth.
  • 5/11 – Wisdom 9:9-18 – Where do I require the guidance of the Spirit in my life today? Prayer starter: Breath of the power of God, breathe on me. Fill me with God’s wisdom so that I might choose rightly how to live this day.
  • 5/12 – Sirach 39:1-11 – What steps can I take not only to read the scriptures but also to pray them? Prayer starter: Holy Spirit, you inspired the human authors of the scriptures to express God’s word. Inspire me to understand that word and live it.
  • 5/13 – Matthew 3:1-12 – Where do I experience evil holding me back from growth and service? Prayer starter: Holy Spirit, you destroy all that is contrary to God’s will. Destroy whatever hinders me from the holiness to which I am called.
  • 5/14 – Matthew 28:16-20 – What weaknesses should I ask the Holy Spirit to help me address? Prayer starter: Spirit of Strength, I will not come to you with excuses of why I cannot serve. Christ has called me and you are with me. I will help build God’s kingdom.

Directed Lenten Denial – your generosity

For each week of Lent this year, you were asked to bring in specific items for the needy, as a part of your denial in this penitential season. May the Lord bless your denial!!! We had more bags than last year (52!!!), and were still able to provide for many.

May you be blessed for your sacrifice!! God’s people, some of whom we may never meet, have been nourished and sustained through your donations. May the Lord bless you!!! As the Lord has been gracious to us during our Lenten journey, may He continue to bless us as we continue to sacrifice and give unto Him. To those of you who have allowed this parish to heed the Lord’s command to feed the hungry, God love you all.

Also four bags of toiletries were taken to the Albany City Rescue Mission (the facility where the “famine” participants went to serve lunch). The administrator welcomed the donation, which will allow them to serve needs on an individual basis.

Bible Study for the Second Week of Easter

  • 5/1 – Numbers 22:36-41, Numbers 23, Numbers 24:1-20 – Am I conscious of any truths within me which I am afraid or unwilling to express? Prayer starter: Holy Spirit, you instill God’s love and truth in my heart. Allow me to reveal God’s love in what I do and express God’s truth in what I speak.
  • 5/2 – 1 Samuel 10:1-13 – Have I ever experienced an ecstatic moment? Am I open to accept one? Prayer starter: Spirit of Mystery, rule my life. Let me experience your presence in the usual and the extraordinary, in the commonplace and the ecstatic.
  • 5/3 – 1 Samuel 16:1-13 – Do I permit my shortcomings to discourage me in God’s service? Prayer starter: Holy Spirit, the Father calls me in your grace. Let your power compensate for my weakness and enable me to serve you.
  • 5/4 – Psalm 139 – When is it difficult for me to remember that God is near? Prayer starter: Spirit of God, your presence fills my life. Help me to remember both in joy and in sorrow that I am never alone.
  • 5/5 – Psalm 143 – Have I ever felt too unworthy to ask for God’s help? Prayer starter: Holy Spirit, guide my life today, not because I deserve your love but simply because you are God.
  • 5/6 – Isaiah 11:1-10 – What gift have I been given to build peace in my family and in the world? Prayer starter: Spirit of peace, preserve me from discouragement in face of the violence of the world. Make me a peacemaker according to God’s will.
  • 5/7 – Isaiah 42:1-9 – What concrete choice can I make today to promote the justice of God? Prayer starter: Spirit of Justice, change my heart. Allow me to let go of the possessions I do not need and share them with those who struggle.

Bible Study for Bright Week

  • 4/24 – Matthew 27:27-44 – Am I giving enough consideration to prayers and symbols reminding me of Jesus’ Passion and death on the Cross? Prayer starter: O God, you couldn’t go any further than the ignominy of the Cross to show us your love. May we worship you with total gratitude and unrestricted love.
  • 4/25 – Matthew 27:45-66 – How does the kind of death Jesus died impact my faith in him as the true Son of God? Prayer starter: Lord Jesus, you remained true and faithful to God until the end. We praise you for gaining for us, at such a high price, access to resurrected life.
  • 4/26 – Matthew 28:1-15 – Who are the living witnesses who best helped me to believe in the resurrection of Jesus? Prayer starter: Lord Jesus, we acclaim you in your victory over death and evil, and we acknowledge you as the Lord of our lives.
  • 4/27 – Matthew 28:16-20 – What am I prepared to do to bear witness to the Jesus I have come to know through the gospel of Matthew? Prayer starter: Jesus Emmanuel, we know and we truly believe that you are with us forever and that you give us the inspiration and the strength to proclaim to the world the good news of your resurrection.
  • 4/28 – Genesis 1:1-31 and Genesis 2:1-3 – Is there any place in my life where I face fear and chaos? Prayer starter: Holy Spirit, you gave form to the world around me. Give form to my life; give me confidence in God’s love.
  • 4/29 – Numbers 11:1-30 – Is it possible to ask someone to share in my responsibilities? Prayer starter: Spirit of God, help me to see that your work can be done even by other hands than mine.
  • 4/30 – Numbers 22:36-41 and Numbers 24:1-20 – Am I conscious of any truths within me which I am afraid or unwilling to express? Prayer starter: Holy Spirit, you instill God’s love and truth in my heart. Allow me to reveal God’s love in what I do, and express God’s truth in what I speak.

The Pastor’s Easter Message

Lent 2011 was different.
The Triduum this year was different.
Even this morning things are different.

There have been years wherein Easter didn’t click; Easter was just a time to pass through, or pass over, as would use the terminology from this time. Tradition plays a deep part in our reckoning of times that we pass over in our lives. Tradition brought me to a point this Lent, this Triduum, which I’ve never been to before.

This morning, we have a choice before us. Jesus didn’t stay in Gethsemane. He walked through, walked to Calvary, and walked out of the tomb. Our choice is where we want to be this morning: staying in Gethsemane, still waiting by the Cross, or walking with Jesus, yea, even skipping with Jesus through the garden on a day of Resurrection.

Personally, without all of you here this morning, my choice would be more difficult; but because we have walked through Gethsemane, I can’t look back; I want to continue to walk with Jesus through Calvary and from the tomb – the tomb of doubt and worry, the tomb of confusion, the tomb of the unknown. Jesus did it all in three days; I’m not sure how long it will be for each of us. But what I do know is that Jesus will be waiting up ahead, speaking our name, calling to us, and waiting to take us forward, wherever that may be. Whatever path you take from the garden this morning, please believe that Jesus is there waiting for you. There’s no need to look back at the garden; what was done there is done – there are exciting and new adventures ahead. There may be other Gethsemanes, but, hey, once you’ve walked through one, it’s hard not to remember the recipe.

My friends, may His Holy Resurrection give us the power to walk on, to persevere, to apply ourselves to the challenges ahead! Praise Jesus! Hallelujah! Christ is Risen!

Fr. Stan