30 hour famine

We undertook the direction of the National United Youth Association and worked through our starving for this Lent. From 11pm on Friday, March 25th until 5am this morning, March 27th, a group of people in our parish hall starved. Yes, starved. The experience will be akin to those who are going hungry in our world not just for 30 hours, but for days on end.

We visited the Albany City Mission to offer some volunteer help during the morning hours yesterday. We returned to the parish hall for some further fellowship, some homework completion, and, yes, continued starving. We planned to supply a light “breaking of the fast” this morning.

We didn’t have a chance to tally up the monetary donations as yet, but the participants would like to thank you and all the others that had offered their help to the group. Teachers, parents, and other concerned individuals outside our parish offered some help to raise funds for World Vision.

We anticipated a life-changing experience, not only for those who starved, but also for those who will be helped by the starving. Thanks for your support.

Only Two Weeks Away – Basket Social, April 3rd

Please join us for our annual Basket Social on Sunday, April 3rd at the VFW Hall – Fifth Avenue, Schenectady (Crane St. to 6th Ave. then
right on Webster to 5th Ave.).

  • Doors open at Noon
  • Admission $2
  • 50+ Themed baskets to be raffled
  • Door Prizes
  • and Polish Food!!!

Come out and enjoy Spring, socialize, have a good time, and try your luck. Everyone is welcome! Please call 518-372-1992 for more information.

Basket Social in Schenectady NY, theme basets, raffle, Polish kitchen

Bible Study for the Second Week of Lent

  • 3/20 – Proverbs 24:23-34 – How do I practice responsibility toward my family, friends, and fellow workers? Prayer starter: Gracious God, you have blessed me with the ability to work. Help us to treasure this ability in a responsible way.
  • 3/21 – Proverbs 25 – What wisdom have I gained in learning to practice self-control? Prayer starter: God, you know me and search my innermost being. Help me to practice self-control so as to better relate you and others.
  • 3/22 – Proverbs 26 – How does telling lies and gossiping about others hurt them and me? Prayer starter: God, you are the source of all truth. Help me to be a truth teller and to witness to you who are “the way and the truth.”
  • 3/23 – Proverbs 27 – Do I value honesty in my friends even when they may rebuke me? Prayer starter: God of all truth, help me to relate to everyone without pretense. Give me the eyes to see honestly and a tongue to speak tenderly and an open heart.
  • 3/24 – Proverbs 28 – Am I willing to share my “wealth” with those who have less? Prayer starter: Generous God, thank you for all the gifts you give me. Free me from greed so as to be as generous to others as you are to me.
  • 3/25 – Proverbs 29 – Do you have a vision that you live by? Who is the keeper of your vision? Prayer starter: God of all consolation, help me to discipline all of my actions in such a way as to give glory to you. Help me to keep your vision ever before me.
  • 3/26 – Proverbs 30 – Do I trust God to give me what I need? Prayer starter: God of all truthfulness help me to always tell the truth and to be a true witness to you in the world. Help me to trust in your love.

Bible Study for the First Week of Lent

  • 3/13 – Proverbs 17 – With whom and over what do I quarrel? Prayer starter: God, you who are the source of all peace, help me to avoid quarrelling with others. Help me to choose words wisely and use them lovingly.
  • 3/14 – Proverbs 18 – Do I eagerly listen to and spread gossip? Prayer starter: God, you who by your word created all things and hold them to existence, I thank you for the gift of speech. Teach me to use my words to give life.
  • 3/15 – Proverbs 19 – Have I treated properly, and cared for, the poor? Prayer starter: God, you have been generous to me. Help me to be generous to others.
  • 3/16 – Proverbs 20 – How do I practice moderation in all I do? Prayer starter: O God, open my eyes to see you, my ears to hear you, and my heart to feel you. Help me to remain ever faithful to you.
  • 3/17 – Proverbs 21:1-31 and Proverbs 22:1-16 – How do I understand the difference between fearing God and holding him in awe? Prayer starter: God, bless me with the ability to open to and care for the poor since we are all made to your image and likeness. Teach us to share with one another.
  • 3/18 – Proverbs 22:17-29 and Proverbs 23:1-35 – What does trusting in God mean for the way I live my life? Prayer starter: Loving God, help me to always trust in you. Teach me your ways so as to always walk in your presence.
  • 3/19 – Proverbs 24:1-22 – How can I be kind to someone who has offended or wounded me? Prayer starter: Gracious God, help me to forgive others as you have forgiven me. Help me trust that you will care for me in my troubles.

114th Anniversary of the Organization of the PNCC

The Confession of Faith of the P.N.C.C.
(accepted at the Second Synod ofthe Church in 1907 and confirmed at every Synod hence)

I believe in one God, the Father, the cause of all
existence, Eternal truth, Love and Justice.

I believe in Jesus Christ, the Savior and
Spiritual Regenerator of the world, who was the
Emissary of God, of one substance with Him; and as
to humanity born of the humble woman Mary.

I believe that this Nazarene Master through His
Divine Life, Work, Teaching and Sacrificial Death,
became the glowing ember of a new life of
humankind, taking its beginning and deriving its
strength and fullness in knowing God, loving Him
and fulfilling His Holy Will.

I believe that the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God
rules the universe, that from the Holy Spirit flows
grace, which brings it to pass that, when one
cooperates with it in life, eternal joy in God shall be

I believe in the Holy Church of Christ,
Apostolic and Universal.
I believe that this Church is the
true teacher, both of the individual and humankind,
that it is a steward of Divine graces and a light in our
temporal pilgrimage to God and salvation.

I believe in the necessity of hearing the Word
of God and the receiving of the Holy Sacraments.

I believe that all people, as children of God are
equal in themselves. I believe that all people have
equal rights to existence, but also sacred
obligations toward God, themselves, their nation,
and all of human society.

I believe in the ultimate justice of God, life
beyond the grave, immortality and eternal bliss in
union with God of all people, generations and times.

Your Lenten Journey in Schenectady

Come visit and pray with us throughout these 40 days. Our doors are open and you are welcome.

  • Ash Wednesday, March 9th, Litany and Imposition of Ashes on your lunch break at noon.
  • Ash Wednesday, March 9th, Reflection on the Seven Last Words of Christ and Imposition of Ashes on your lunch break at 7pm.
  • Traditional Stations of the Cross, Every Friday in Lent at 7pm.
  • Matins and Holy Mass, Every Sunday starting at 9:20am.
  • Youth – 30 Hour Famine sponsored by the National United Youth Association
  • Directed Lenten Denial for Charity

Directed Lenten Denial

Each week of Lent this year, we will be asked to bring in a specific item that is needed for those who have not. Although each week is a different item, you may either “catch up” or plan ahead, whichever is better for you. (Note: for those of you who will need to document your donations, simply list what items you have donated and the list will be verified after the Easter season.)

  • FIRST WEEK OF LENT, (3/13): Pasta products: any type of pasta can be donated; boxed or bagged.
  • SECOND WEEK OF LENT, (3/20): Baby Formula: any type of formula may be offered; ready-mix, concentrated, powder, etc. Please be sure it contains iron. Also powdered milk, canned milk, as well.
  • THIRD WEEK OF LENT, (3/27): Baby Food: any type of canned or jarred baby food may be donated for any age group. This donation may include all vegetables, fruits, meats, etc.
  • FOURTH WEEK OF LENT, (4/3): Canned vegetables: any type of canned vegetables may be offered. Soups may be here included.
  • FIFTH WEEK OF LENT, (4/10): Canned fruits: any type of canned fruits may be donated. Fruit sauces are also included here.
  • HOLY WEEK, (4/17): Protein Products: peanut butter, nuts, canned meats (tuna, ham, chicken, etc.), dried cheeses.

The distribution of donations will be done on Maundy Thursday.

This type of donation schedule will allow us to meet specific needs of those in our community. Any other items than these above listed may also be brought in.

May God bless this Lenten Season.

Bible Study for Quinquagesima

  • 3/6 – Proverbs 11 – What or who in my own life provides me with good sense? Prayer starter: God, you who created me in your image, help me not to worry about how I look in my own eyes or the eyes of others. Help me to always remember that in your eyes I am your very image.
  • 3/7 – Proverbs 12 – Examine yourself on being foolish or playing the fool with the important things of life. Prayer starter: O God, help me to remember that only a fool says in his own heart there is no God. Help me to develop that discipline to listen to others and to be open to the myriad of your wisdom.
  • 3/8 – Proverbs 13 – How do you make use of the bible in justifying your behavior toward others? Prayer starter: Gracious God, help me to be a purveyor of your peace. Help me to avoid all forms of violent and abusive behavior toward everyone.
  • 3/9 – Proverbs 14 – Are the poor only those who are economically poor? How am I both rich and poor? Prayer starter: God, help me to embrace the needs of the poor with dignity and responsibility. Help me to be thankful for all I have.
  • 3/10 – Proverbs 15 – To whom do I listen and take counsel, and whose instructions do I heed? Prayer starter: Compassionate God, give me a quiet heart and gentle words. Help me to listen to you and to those you send into my life so as to remain close to you.
  • 3/11 – Proverbs 16:1-15 – How do I live with God as the center of my life? Prayer starter: O God, help me to never forget that you are the reason for my being. Help me to stay focused on you and your guiding presence.
  • 3/12 – Proverbs 16:16-33 – How do I maintain civility in my daily discourse with those around me? Prayer starter: O God, help me to control my tongue and in every word I speak may I meditate on your compassionate presence to others. May you always be in my heart and on my tongue whenever I speak.

Bible Study for Sexagesima

  • 2/27 – Proverbs 2 – With whom will I walk and whose path will I follow as I journey through life? Prayer starter: Gracious God, origin of all wisdom, open my ears to hear your voice, open my eyes to see your presence, and open my heart for you to dwell there. Help me to walk with you throughout this day.
  • 2/28 – Proverbs 3 – What does “life” mean to me? Who gave life to me? How do I live wisely? Prayer starter: Precious Lord, help me to remain ever faithful to my commitment to you. Help me to find that peace which only you can give.
  • 3/1 – Proverbs 4-5 – When was the last time I had a heart-to-heart talk with God? Prayer starter: Create in me a new heart, O Lord, so as to be open to your activity in my life. May I feel and know your presence in every beat of my heart.
  • 3/2 – Proverbs 6-7 – Whose advice and warnings do I listen to as I pilgrimage through life? Prayer starter: O God, you who always provide me with good advice and healthy warnings, help me to heed them. Help me to develop a healthy custody of my eyes, tongue, and heart.
  • 3/3 – Proverbs 8 – Do I discover Lady Wisdom when I play? Does she bring me good life? Prayer starter: God you who gave us Lady Wisdom, help us to receive the blessings you gave her. Help us realize that she is a bridge to you.
  • 3/4 – Proverbs 9 – At Whose table do I dine? With whom do I share meals? Is it life giving? Prayer starter: Nurturing God, you prepare food for us and feed us daily. May we always realize that your food is food for life of the spirit and may we learn to share it generously.
  • 3/5 – Proverbs 10 – Do I make wise choices in the words I pick to speak to others? Do my choices reveal who I am? Prayer starter: God, help me to speak your words and to have them ever on the tip of my tongue. Help me to remember that what I say reveals both you and me to everyone.

Bible Study for Septuagesima

  • 2/20 – 2 Corinthians 6 – Is there something among the old and familiar that prevents me from giving and receiving love the way I want to? Why? Prayer starter: Come, Lord Jesus, and take possession of my heart.
  • 2/21 – 2 Corinthians 7-8 – Where in my life do I feel stuck in a hopeless situation? Can I find any evidence to the contrary? Prayer starter: O God of new beginnings, stop me from writing a premature ending.
  • 2/22 – 2 Corinthians 9 – Have I, in the words of Jerry Herman, “grown a little Ieaner, a little colder, grown a little sadder, grown a little older”? Prayer starter: Create in me a generous heat, O Lord.
  • 2/23 – 2 Corinthians 10 – How much of my respect for others is based on reputation? How much is based on the good they actually do? Prayer starter: Help me stay connected, Lord Jesus, to the source of all truth.
  • 2/24 – 2 Corinthians 11 – How well have I been weeding my personal wheat field? Prayer starter: Lord of the harvest, help me to feed and nurture the seeds of truth you have planted in my life.
  • 2/25 – 2 Corinthians 13-14 – Whose work am I doing? God’s or mine? Prayer starter: Loving Jesus, may I come to trust in your grace first and my works second.
  • 2/26 – Proverbs 1 – Who are the wise people in my life and how do they relate to God? Prayer starter: O God of Wisdom, let me see you in your wise design of every good thing. O God of Wonder, help me to be awestruck in your presence.