
One order of fish
for Jesus.

Then he said to them, “Why are you troubled? And why do questions arise in your hearts? Look at my hands and my feet, that it is I myself. Touch me and see, because a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you can see I have.” And as he said this, he showed them his hands and his feet. While they were still incredulous for joy and were amazed, he asked them, “Have you anything here to eat?” They gave him a piece of baked fish; he took it and ate it in front of them.

Things were happening fast. The stories of Jesus’ appearances were coming back to the apostles. They had found the tomb empty. The apostles and disciples may have recalled Jesus’ words, that He would be raised on the third day, but could it really be true? Could they really have been traveling, praying, working with, and eating with God’s Son? Then He is standing there.

We can imagine the scene, it must have been almost a panic – disbelief coupled with worry and joy. If He was really there they had been following with and living with God’s Son.

Jesus starts slow, look at Me. I’m really here. Look at My wounds, they are real. Touch me, I am warm, living, the future of glorified humanity in flesh and bone. By the way, I’d like an order of fish. We read of Jesus’ love of fish during the Easter season when He prepares a seaside fish fry for the apostles: Afterward Jesus appeared again to his disciples, by the Sea of Galilee. Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, When the [apostles] landed, they saw a fire of burning coals there with fish on it, and some bread. Jesus said to them, “Bring some of the fish you have just caught.”

These are great moments and we can imagine being there. What is the deeper meaning of these encounters? Was Jesus just looking for a good order of fish?

We are meant to know that Jesus’ resurrection is a real event. He wasn’t a ghost or a group hallucination. He was there. People saw Him on multiple occasions and in different contexts and settings. These witnesses testified to the reality of their encounter with the risen Jesus.

Jesus’ resurrection tells us that God lives among us and that He shared our life experience – from joy to sorrow, from birth to death to the resurrection we will all experience. He gets us.

Jesus’ resurrection opened His life to us and is our invitation to share in His life. He gave us a very specific model of life we are to follow. We are to live a spiritual and communal life, not an individualistic and earthly one. We are to make His name known, to be His witnesses. We are to cast His nets rather than our own, witness to His reality, and get one more order of fish for Jesus.


We have true
victory in Jesus.

For the love of God is this, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome, for whoever is begotten by God conquers the world. And the victory that conquers the world is our faith. Who indeed is the victor over the world but the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?

Who is the winner? That is a frequent question in our world. It is also a great worry. We see greater and greater disparity between the rich and the poor. We see working people’s wages remaining the same year-after-year while the very few get more and more. Many may feel like David did at his darkest hour. He recounts in Psalm 13:

How long, O Lord? Will You forget me forever? How long will You hide Your face from me? 
How long shall I take counsel in my soul,
Having sorrow in my heart daily? How long will my enemy be exalted over me?

Jesus knew His followers might feel the world winning, evil overcoming good, especially at His trial and crucifixion. That is why in the hours before His arrest He reclined with them at table and taught them. He said: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” He wanted us to share the peace His victory would win.

John echoes the words he heard Jesus speak at the Last Supper telling us that we are now God’s children, begotten and adopted in the blood of Jesus and fellow conquerors by our faith in Him. We have the strongest of affirmations, that no other person is the conqueror of the world but Jesus. We fully share in that victory by faith. No sports star relying solely on his or her physical abilities is a true conqueror; no rich man or woman relying on their skills and abilities in worldly things alone is a true winner. Wealth, wins, being in the 1% is not mark of real victory, only belief that Jesus is the Son of God and trusting in Him as the only source of life, righteousness, and salvation. The world with its allures and false promises for victory has been overcome.

Today, Heather and Alyson make a decision to believe in and trust in Jesus, to be on the winning team, to be victors in Jesus Christ. Because of this decision they will be regenerated, will be born again and made new in the image of Jesus. They will share in His life and by living in a constancy of faith they will overcome death and conquer the world. They, like Thomas, will say before the world that Jesus is their Lord and God and in reply will hear the words Jesus spoke in today’s gospel being applied to them as it is to us: “Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.” Blessed and victorious!


Highest ever number of jobs at Dr. King Career Fair!

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that this year’s Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Career Fair, to be held on April 16, will be the biggest yet with 150 businesses ready to hire for more than 3,000 available Capital Region jobs.

“Our economy is growing and, especially here in the Capital Region, businesses are expanding and looking for more talented workers,” Governor Cuomo said. “Businesses come back each year because they know they can find good workers here and, with such a wide range of jobs available, I strongly encourage anyone looking to advance their career to attend this event.”

The Career Fair will be held on Thursday, April 16, from 12:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the Empire State Plaza Convention Center in Albany. The event is free for job seekers and businesses. Job seekers are encouraged to pre-register on-line early.

Participating businesses come from 16 industry sectors, including:

  • Manufacturing
  • Finance and Insurance
  • Utilities and Construction
  • Professional, Scientific & Technical
  • Healthcare and Social Assistance

The Dr. King Career Fair is sponsored by the New York State Department of Labor in collaboration with the Office of General Services.

Acting State Labor Commissioner Mario J. Musolino said, “Now in its 16th year, we have expanded our space for the Dr. King Career Fair to allow more businesses in than ever before. This growth of the event is a testament to the success businesses find when they participate in our recruitment events.”

In addition to meeting with businesses, job seekers can attend workshops before doors open, starting at 11 a.m. Workshops offered by career search experts will include “Use Your Resume to Sell Your Skills,” which will teach how to write a strong resume, and “Find Success with Jobs Express,” which will show how to navigate Governor Cuomo’s Jobs Express website to find the best job leads. There will also be resume review services and on-site interviews with several participating businesses.

For more information about career services and hiring events, please call the Department of Labor at 1-888-4-NYSDOL or visit the Department of Labor website.


Albany County Civil Service Exams

New exam announcements have been posted on the Albany County Department of Civil Service website.

New York State Department of Civil Service Exams

Open-Competitive Examination Announcements:

25-970, Compensation Claims Investigator Trainee

25-966, Compensation Investigator 1

25-949, Economic Development Program Specialist 2 and 25-950, Economic Development Program Specialist 3

25-959, Education Director 1 – Office of Mental Health and 25-960, Education Director 1 – Office of Children and Family Services

25-946, Human Rights Specialist 1, 25-947, Human Rights Specialist 1 (Chinese Language), and 25-948, Human Rights Specialist 1 (Spanish Language)

25-937, Labor Standards Investigator Trainee, 25-938, Labor Standards Investigator Trainee (Chinese Language), 25-939, Labor Standards Investigator Trainee (Korean Language), 25-940, Labor Standards Investigator Trainee (Spanish Language), 25-941, Labor Standards Investigator, 25-942, Labor Standards Investigator (Chinese Language), 25-943, Labor Standards Investigator (Korean Language), and 25-944, Labor Standards Investigator (Spanish Language)

25-921, Law Department Investigator 1

25-920, Law Department Investigator Trainee 1

25-881, Maintenance Supervisor 2, 25-882, Maintenance Supervisor 3, and 25-883, Maintenance Supervisor 4

25-860, Public Buildings Manager 1 and 25-861, Public Buildings Manager 2

25-862, Public Buildings Manager 3, 25-952, Public Buildings Manager 4, and 25-953, Public Buildings Manager 5

Open-Competitive Continuous Recruitment Examination Announcements:

20-129, Child Protective Services Specialist 1 and 20-130, Child Protective Services Specialist 1 (Spanish Language)

20-147, Environmental Engineer

20-145, Environmental Engineer 1 and 20-146, Environmental Engineer 2

Schenectady County Department of Public Health – Public Health Nurse

The Schenectady County Department of Public Health has a full-time opportunity available for a Public Health Nurse (BSN) committed to the provision of public health programs based on evidence and best practice.

Salary: $48,561-$57,451
Filing Deadline: April 16, 2015

Minimum Qualifications: Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university or one accredited by the New York State Board of Regents to grant degrees with a bachelor’s degree in nursing.

Special Requirements: License and current registration to practice as a Registered Professional Nurse in New York State Possession of a valid New York State driver’s license and car. Candidates must: Be self-directed, creative and highly motivated. Demonstrate the ability to work independently and as part of a team responsible for the implementation of population based strategies for policy, systems and environmental changes. Have strong writing and oral communication skills. Public Health Nurse Position includes opportunities to work on a variety of agency initiatives including communicable disease surveillance, lead poisoning prevention and chronic disease mitigation. Individualized orientation to all public health programs provided.

Minorities are strongly encouraged to apply, Spanish speaking a plus. Competitive salary, NYS Retirement System, tuition reimbursement, health and dental coverage, gym reimbursement, Flex Spending plan

Application: Civil Service applications or resumes will be accepted from applicants who meet the minimum qualifications. Submit a cover letter with applications/resumes by 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 16, 2015 to:

Please E-mail (preferred) or send resume to: Miriam Cajuste, Schenectady County Affirmative Action Office, 620 State Street, 2nd Floor, Schenectady, NY 12305

Our annual and ever popular Basket Social will be held this Sunday, April 12th at the VFW Hall at 1309 Fifth Avenue in Schenectady. Doors open at noon. Besides our usual wide array of baskets, there will be door prizes and great Polish food and homemade desserts from our traditional Polish kitchen. Come by and enjoy an afternoon of fun, good food, and plenty of chances to win one or more amazing baskets.



There is but one
answer and hope.

On entering the tomb they saw a young man sitting on the right side, clothed in a white robe, and they were utterly amazed. He said to them, “Do not be amazed! You seek Jesus of Nazareth, the crucified. He has been raised; he is not here. Behold the place where they laid him.

A quick check of Google, the Internet Search Engine, points to over 534 million websites that discuss the how, where, why, and when of ‘finding the answer.’ Finding the answer is important to us. Now in those 534 million answers about ‘finding the answer’ there is plenty of information about recipes, fixing things around the house, self-improvement, relationships, job strategies, raising children, and planning for retirement among those about faith, the Bible, and Jesus.

We long for answers to many ordinary things. We long even more for the answer and hope that will save us. What is the answer and hope we can rely on? What can we offer those searching?

Mary Magdalene, the Apostles, the disciples on the Road to Emmaus were all seeking answers and hope. The reign of God, the Kingdom seemed to be so close. It was almost in their grasp while Jesus was with them. Now He was gone, dead. What would happen to them? Where should they turn for the answer now? What hope was left?

They had duties to perform before they moved on or went back. The Body of Jesus needed to be anointed. So off the women went. The tomb is empty – and only more questions, no ready answers. Hope remained elusive.

Jesus came to them and made His resurrection apparent. He helped them to understand that He was the one answer and the fulfillment of all hope. By their witness we have inherited that answer and that hope.

The answer and hope all seek is rooted in the glory of this day. He has been raised. In Jesus’ death we have been reconciled with God. Everything that could possibly separate us from God has been removed. No wall, no curtain, no failing can keep us from God. When we fall the answer and hope is in Him. In Jesus’ resurrection we have a new hope. We too shall rise like Him. We will not just come back from the dead to mortal existence. We, like Jesus, will pass beyond death into everlasting life in God. Death has no claim over us. Like Jesus we have entered into an entirely new existence; an immortal existence in Jesus. Our story is no longer birth, life, death, and corruption. It is now birth, life, death and eternal life.

We have the one answer to every question and perfect hope. It is the resurrected Jesus. Christ is risen! Alleluia!

April begins in a few days. This newsletter arrives as we begin our journey into Holy Week. On Easter morning we will be reminded that we have been chosen by God to be witnesses to all His Son said and did. How will we live out that witness?

Our newsletter discusses that question. It also contains information on our Holy Week and Easter schedule, our upcoming Basket Social (only two weeks away), on those great Easter traditions that connect us to our heritage, and so much more. Come and witness to Jesus along with us right here in Schenectady.

You may view and download a copy of our April 2015 Newsletter right here.
