Reflection for the 4th Sunday of Advent and Confirmation


Called to make the
Good News known

Brothers and sisters: To him who can strengthen you, according to my gospel and the proclamation of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery kept secret for long ages but now manifested through the prophetic writings and, according to the command of the eternal God, made known to all nations to bring about the obedience of faith, to the only wise God, through Jesus Christ be glory forever and ever. Amen.

Jesus Christ has given us His Gospel – that is the Good News necessary for us to recognize the truth of salvation. This Good News tells us two things: God desires a relationship with us, that He wants to be more than just part of our lives, but in total union with us throughout our lives; and that He loves us so much that He was willing and did sacrifice Himself to make that love and unity real forever. Truly, He came to both preach the Good News and deliver its promise.

As Claudia, Justyne, and Adam complete the sacrament of Baptism-Confirmation with their reception of Confirmation today, they acknowledge and accept as adults what St. Paul tells us: Our redemption and salvation brought about by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, are without controversy. They are true facts that they fully accept and believe in. Claudia, Justyne, and Adam take up the challenge to proclaim this Good News in an adult way. They stand before us in potential and will clearly state: Yes, this is what I want to do. I know that Jesus did this for me, for my family in the faith, and I want to invite all I meet and know to also accept this Good News.

Their potential must now come to realization. They are like bread dough. The Holy Spirit and our family in the faith have filled them with the yeast of the Good News. This has been and remains the yeast of knowing, loving and serving the Lord and each other. But if this dough remains unbaked it will spoil. The baking will come through their witness to Jesus Christ in His Holy Church and in the community. They will face trials (the baking) – for the world either ignores or hates the Good News. The Good News gets in the way of self-centered lives. It requires submission and obedience. We cannot go our own way, we must be obedient and go the way God intends in order to share in the Good News. We must become one in the great family of faith, not just in our minds and homes, but also in Church and on the street.

God’s mystery has been made known to us. This is not just the word of prophets and preachers, but the very Word of God come among us. Today Claudia, Justyne, and Adam are anointed to make the Good News known to all they meet. Christ is salvation to all who believe. Come share in Him.

Reflection for the Third Sunday of Advent 2014


God is sending

The spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me; he has sent me to bring glad tidings to the poor, to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and release to the prisoners, to announce a year of favor from the LORD and a day of vindication by our God.

John the Baptist appears in the dessert preaching a baptism of repentance. The beautiful beginning of the Gospel according to St. John notes: A man named John was sent from God. He came for testimony, to testify to the light, so that all might believe through him. John came with a purpose based on a call from God. We too are sent to testify to the light, so that all might believe [in Jesus] through us. This call comes to us and this commission is given us at the moment of Baptism. We publically declare our acceptance of God’s call and commission as adults in Confirmation. We are strengthened and fed for this work in receiving Holy Communion. When we fail at our task we are renewed in the Sacrament of Penance.

It is hard to think that the Lord has anointed us. Really – Who, me? That seems like such a solemn and important thing. Think anointed and we may picture (as recent events indicate) the ordination of a priest, the consecration of a bishop, or the crowning of a king or queen. Prophets were anointed, King David was anointed – and yes we are anointed. As Christians we are anointed into the royal priesthood and into the family of God, the body of Christ. We are anointed as prophets, evangelists and leaders. The gifts of the Spirit are poured out on us – wisdom, understanding, right judgment, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. They are the tools given to us so we can fulfill our great commission, to proclaim the Lord’s favor to all and to baptize them into Christ.

Our anointing is solemn, it is important, and it is joyful and life-giving. That is why Jesus left us every tool and grace we need to carry out our commission. He continually calls us into unity with Him, complete unity with His eternal life-giving love and power.

Advent gives us the opportunity we need to reconnect to our anointing, our call and commission. It allows us to recollect and re-recognize the wonderful gifts God has graciously given us. It slows us to give Advent witness to a world that might think Christmas Day is the end of the season rather than the beginning of forty days and an eternity of rejoicing.

Yes, God is sending us with power and conviction. Let us bring glad tidings to the poor, heal the brokenhearted, and proclaim liberty to the captives and release to prisoners. Let us announce a year of favor from the LORD.

Advent and Christmas Holy Mass and Event Schedule


Keeping Advent and the forty days of Christmas at your neighborhood church. All are welcome to join in prayer and celebration as we come to know, love, and serve the Lord and each other. He came to give us abundant life!


  • December 14: 3rd Sunday of 
 Advent: Holy Mass at 9:30 am. Parish Vigil Pot-luck dinner and Youth Christmas Performance
  • December 21: 4th Sunday of 
 Advent: Holy Mass and Confirmation at 9:30am. Greening of the Church and Free Lunch on Sunday


  • December 24: Vigil of the Nativity
  • December 25: Nativity of the Lord, Holy Mass at Midnight and Morning Holy Mass at 10:30am. Festive Repast follows each Holy Mass
  • December 26: Feast – St. Stephen, Proto-Martyr
  • December 27: Feast – St. John, Apostle & Evangelist. Holy Mass at 5pm with the Blessing of Wine
  • December 28: Solemnity of the Humble Shepherds. Holy Mass at 9:30am
  • December 31: New Year’s Eve
  • January 1: Solemnity of the Circumcision. Holy Mass at 9:30am. Happy 2015
  • January 2: Solemnity of the Holy Name of Jesus. Holy Mass at 7pm
  • January 4: Feast of the Holy Family. Holy Mass at 9:30am
  • January 6: Solemnity of the Epiphany of our Lord. Holy Mass with blessing of chalk, charcoal, and incense at 7pm.
  • January 11: Solemnity of the Baptism of the Lord. Holy Mass at 9:30am

Prayers for our Bishop

When the crowds learned it, they followed him; and he welcomed them and spoke to them of the kingdom of God, and cured those who had need of healing. — Luke 9:11


Eternal Father, in Whose hands are hidden the ultimate mysteries of life, we call upon Thee in this hour of Thy servant and bishop’s affliction. Thou art concerned for the physical welfare of Thy children, for Thy Son did not hesitate to show compassion to those who were weighed down with physical ills and suffering. Our minds do not understand why some must endure such hardships while others escape them, but we pray that a lack of understanding will not cause faith to grow less. Instead, may this illness cause us to realize more surely our frailty and need for utter dependence upon Thee.

It is Thou who has made us and not we ourselves, and therefore we place all trust and confidence in Thy loving care and mercy. We ask that if it be thy will, this servant of Thine, +Bernard, may be healed of this present affliction and that he may continue to be a blessing to Your Holy Church and his fellow men. We beg these bequests in the name of Him, Who was Himself the great Physician. Amen.

PHADA Scholarship Program


In order to encourage academic excellence and community responsibility among high school students, Public Housing Authorities Directors Association (PHADA) has implemented a scholarship program for graduating seniors who are preparing to enter college. PHADA will award three (3) scholarships to deserving youth currently residing in a PHADA member agency.

Stephen J. Bollinger Memorial Scholarship (One scholarship available: $7,000)

Steve Bollinger (April 11, 1948-June 18, 1984) was a taskmaster to himself, a human dynamo to those who knew him. He was a natural leader, a person who could rally people around him with wit, satire, and vocal exercises. Steve’s knowledge of and dedication to housing those in need was never absent, especially after he was appointed Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development at HUD. His experience at the Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority and the associations he had with colleagues, mayors, and others afforded him the opportunity to deal with the bureaucracy in a style that we strive to attain. To the members of PHADA, he was a friend. His belief in the housing profession motivated him to become a founding member of PHADA, for which he served as Vice President. He accomplished much in a short time and we are all thankful for his achievements. PHADA created this scholarship to memorialize Stephen J. Bollinger.

Freedom & Civil Rights Scholarship (One scholarship available: $5,000)

In 2005, PHADA’s Board of Trustees met in Montgomery, AL. Inspired by historical sites they chose to give personal donations for the inception of a PHADA scholarship to honor the work of Rosa Parks and the achievements of the civil rights movement. PHADA’s Annual Commissioners’ Conference Golf Outing was established in 2007 to provide continuous funding to the Freedom Scholarship.

NOTE: To be considered for the Freedom & Civil Rights Scholarship include a personal essay (350 – 500 words) demonstrating your efforts and achievements in furthering the values of the civil rights movement. Explain why the cause is still relevant in communities today and how they relate to your educational goals. Include any relevant volunteer experiences and community involvement activities relating to advancing the cause of civil rights.

SACS Software/Scott Accounting & Computer Services, Inc. Scholarship (One scholarship available: $5,000)

SACS Software/Scott Accounting & Computer Services, Inc. has offered significant financial support to PHADA’s scholarship program and has elected to reward one deserving youth with a $5000.00 scholarship. PHADA appreciates their committment to serving the needs of public housing residents and the community.

The scholarship fund will be administered by the PHADA Scholarship Committee. The money will go directly to the school that the recipient will be attending. The school will deposit the money into the student’s account. The money may only be used to pay for tuition, books, and activities directly related to the student’s education. If the student discontinues his or her education, the unused portion of the scholarship will be returned to PHADA. For further information, contact PHADA at (202) 546-5445.

Click here to download the scholarship brochure.

Job Opportunities for the week of December 7, 2014


Nutritionist/Registered Dietician

The Southern Saratoga Branch of the Capital District YMCA is looking to fill the part time position of a Nutritionist/Registered Dietician. Under the general direction of the Wellness Director and/or Wellness Coordinator, the Nutritionist/ Registered Dietician provides excellent customer service through guiding, supporting and motivating members through nutrition.

Job Requirements (Include education, experience and specific competencies): BA/BS in Physical Ed, Recreation, Sports Mgt, Health Ed or a related field or equivalent experience preferred. Previous experience (minimum one year) in the nutrition field. Current National Certification in Nutrition/Registered Dietician is required. Current CPR certification. Excellent human relation skills and communication skills. Knowledge of and commitment to the mission of the YMCA and its capacity to build strong kids, families and communities. The ability to articulate and model YMCA’s four core values of Caring, Honesty, Respect and Responsibilities are essential.

Principal Responsibilities: Customize nutrition plan for the specific member based on an analysis of their specific needs and health and body requirements. Conduct an individual assessment. Develop and maintain client base. Provides a high level of personalized attention during nutritional counseling sessions. Ensures that each client is satisfied with his/her nutrition program and stays motivated to achieve his/her personal dietary goals. All other duties, as assigned.

Pay range: $25
Scheduled Shift: part time, 1st shift, evenings, 5-15 biweekly, weekends (occasional) Deadline: 12/10/14

Please submit your resume to:

Julie Fariello, Wellness Coordinator
Capital District YMCA-Southern Saratoga
1 Wall Street
Clifton Park, NY 12065

Or via E-mail.

Before and After School Care Programs Site Supervisor

The Albany Area YMCA is looking to fill a part time Site Supervisor positions for before and After School Care programs. Under the general direction of the Childcare Director, the Site Supervisor is responsible for planning and supervising a developmentally appropriate childcare program.

Job Requirements: Minimum one year in a supervisory capacity preferred. Two years direct experience with children under age 13. BA/BS in Child Development (Elementary Ed, Physical Ed, Recreation Ed or related field) OR School Age Child Care Credential. OR Two years of College with 18 credits in Child Development, Elementary Ed, Physical Ed, recreation or related field. OR AAS in Child Development, Elementary Ed, Physical Ed, Recreation or related field.

Candidates must submit a NYS Medical Statement of Childcare Staff Form documenting physician clearance to work in a childcare setting. TB Test which meets Health and Social Service requirement. Clearance from a Criminal Background check. First Aid and CPR certifications. Preferred candidates must possess excellent human relation skills, good organizational and communication skills.

Principal Responsibilities: Plan, implement and supervise a developmentally and academically appropriate curriculum for the assigned site. Maintain positive working relationship with school personnel in coordination of the building site and
related issues. Develop and maintain weekly and monthly calendar of activities for display to parents. Maintain daily schedules of activities, etc. Maintain an organized, clean and safe learning and recreational environment for all program areas. Develop and consistently maintain appropriate and professional communication with parents. Supervise all site staff and provide input and written evaluations as requested. Establish and train staff, children and parents on emergency procedures in compliance with OCFS regulations. Manage and control inventory of equipment and supplies, in accordance with budget. Ensure all applicable OCFS regulations are followed. Maintain all required records and logs. Maintain cleanliness of facility as a member of Clean Team. All other duties, as requested.

Pay Range: $10.00-11.00 per hour
Scheduled Shifts: Part time, 2:00-6:00 Monday-Friday (approx. 25 hrs. weekly)

Please forward all resumes and applications to:

Kelly Sturgis, Director of Operations
Albany Branch, Capital District YMCA
616 North Pearl Street
Albany, NY 12204

Or via E-mail.

Universal Pre-K Teacher at Eagle Point

The Albany YMCA Branch of the Capital District YMCA is looking to fill the full time position of Universal Pre-K Teacher at Eagle Point. Under the general direction of the Site Supervisor, the Universal Pre-K Teacher is responsible for planning and implementation a developmentally appropriate childcare program at the site.

Job Requirements: NYS Certified Teacher license required. MUST have Birth – Grade 2 Certification. Submission of NYS Medical Statement of Childcare Staff Form documenting physician clearance to work in a childcare setting. TB Test which meets Health and Social Service requirement. Clearance from Criminal Background check. Excellent human relation skills, good organizational and communication skills. At the Y, our cause is to strengthen community. To fulfill this promise, we require strong cause-driven leaders to effect lasting personal and social change regarding our organization’s three key areas: youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. Our employees are all leaders committed to nurturing the potential of all, promoting healthy living, and fostering a sense of social responsibility.

Principal Responsibilities: In conjunction with teachers in the schools, provide supplemental education to children in the program. Write curriculum as needed for each student. Individualize the homework plans for each child, based on their needs and input from the teachers in the schools. Provide supplemental teaching materials to the children in the program. Maintain clean, neat and organized environment at the site. Creating and maintaining a safe and secure environment for all program participants. Foster appropriate communication with parents. Assist in maintenance of required log and record books. Maintain cleanliness of facility as a member of Clean Team. All other duties, as requested.

Available Shift(s): Full Time; 7:30am-3:30pm Monday-Friday Pay Range: $14.00

Please forward resumes or applications to:

Kelly Sturgis, Director of Operations
Albany Branch, Capital District YMCA
616 North Pearl Street
Albany, NY 12204

Or via E-mail.

Universal Pre-K Teacher at North Albany Academy

The Albany YMCA Branch of the Capital District YMCA is looking to fill the full time position of Universal Pre-K Teacher at North Albany Academy. Under the general direction of the Site Supervisor, the Universal Pre-K Teacher is responsible for planning and implementation a developmentally appropriate childcare program at the site.

Job Requirements: NYS Certified Teacher license required. MUST have Birth – Grade 2 Certification. Submission of NYS Medical Statement of Childcare Staff Form documenting physician clearance to work in a childcare setting. TB Test which meets Health and Social Service requirement. Clearance from Criminal Background check. Excellent human relation skills, good organizational and communication skills. At the Y, our cause is to strengthen community. To fulfill this promise, we require strong cause-driven leaders to effect lasting personal and social change regarding our organization’s three key areas: youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. Our employees are all leaders committed to nurturing the potential of all, promoting healthy living, and fostering a sense of social responsibility.

Principal Responsibilities: In conjunction with teachers in the schools, provide supplemental education to children in the program. Write curriculum as needed for each student. Individualize the homework plans for each child, based on their needs and input from the teachers in the schools. Provide supplemental teaching materials to the children in the program. Maintain clean, neat and organized environment at the site. Creating and maintaining a safe and secure environment for all program participants. Foster appropriate communication with parents. Assist in maintenance of required log and record books. Maintain cleanliness of facility as a member of Clean Team. All other duties, as requested.

Available Shift(s): Full Time; 7:30am-3:30pm Monday-Friday Pay Range: $14.00

Please forward resumes or applications to:

Kelly Sturgis, Director of Operations
Albany Branch, Capital District YMCA
616 North Pearl Street
Albany, NY 12204

Or via E-mail.

Northeast Parent & Child Society – Clinical Case Manager

Northeast Parent & Child Society, one of New York State’s most innovative human service agencies, invites application for a part-time Clinical Case Manager in our Family Outreach Program.

Family Outreach is a home and community-based family preservation program which provides concrete home-based services and support from a trauma-informed approach designed to enhance parental functioning, thus strengthening the family unit and creating a more stable, organized and nurturing home environment for the children. Staff provides services designed to help prevent children from being removed from their homes, works with parents who have children who are currently in placement, helps reunite children with their families, and provides services and support to recently reunified families.
Responsibilities include: The Clinical Case Manager offers ongoing nurturance and support while providing specific clinical case management assistance in the areas of: skill building, crisis management, parent education (individual and classroom), budgeting, emotion regulation, time management, communication, and community linkages. The Clinical Case Manager works primarily with the parent(s).

Education / Experience: Bachelor’s degree in social work, counseling or related field. Two years of relevant experience and/ or skill in the Child Welfare and/or Mental Health field preferred.

Work Schedule: 20 Hours, 3 to 4 days a week; M-F; some early evening hours may be required.

To learn more about and apply for this position, please visit us online.

Northeast Parent & Child Society – Per Diem Waiver Service Provider

Northeast Parent and Child Society’s Bridges to Health program invites applications for Per Diem Waiver Service Provider position in Saranac Lake, NY.

Northeast Parent and Child Society’s Bridges to Health program is an innovative community-based wrap-around service that supports the health and well-being of foster children in Region IV of New York State. The program intends to prevent institutional placement or hospitalization of enrollees.

A successful candidate would be a creative and enthusiastic individual who is committed to helping children with emotional challenges, developmental disabilities, and medical fragility. The role requires travel and providing home and community based work with six children and families in their communities providing a core of services to ensure success in their home and community.

Qualifications/Skills: Bachelor’s degree in Social Work or a related field, two years of experience and Valid NYS Driver’s License required.

Work Schedule: Monday – Friday Evenings and some weekends. Flexibility a must.

Review of applications will begin immediately and continued until the position is filled.
To apply for this position please visit us online.

City of Schenectady – Provisional Executive Secretary

Salary: $33,689 to $ 41,595

There is a full-time opening for a provisional Executive Secretary position in the Law Department. The annual salary range is $33,689 to $ 41,595 commensurate with experience. See attached for job description and minimum qualifications. Applicants must be residents of the City of Schenectady and remain residents throughout employment.

All interested parties should submit completed City of Schenectady Applications or resumes to:

Miriam Cajuste, Affirmative Action Office
620 State Street
Schenectady, NY 12305

Resumes can also be E-mailed.

Completed applications/resumes need to be received by 5:00 PM on December 16, 2014.

This position involves responsibility for performing a variety of complex and confidential secretarial duties for a department head. An incumbent in this position is responsible for typing letters, reports and other confidential materials, and relieving the department head of administrative details by arranging conferences and contacts. The incumbent may be responsible for utilizing a micro-computer, remote computer terminal or similar computer equipment in the performance of daily work-related tasks. The work involves frequent exercise of independent judgment in giving out information regarding departmental policies and practices and in planning the routine of an office. This class differs from that of other clerical positions by virtue of broader project responsibilities. General supervision is received from the department head with leeway allowed for the exercise of independent judgment in carrying out details of the work. General supervision may be exercised over a variety of clerical employees. The incumbent does related work as required.

The position requires a thorough knowledge of office terminology, procedures and equipment; thorough knowledge of business arithmetic and English; good knowledge of the organization, functions, laws, policies and regulations of the agency; ability to handle routine office details independently, including composition of letters and memorandum; ability to plan and supervise the work of others; ability to understand and carry out complex oral and written directions; ability to operate word processing equipment or a microcomputer; ability to interact in a professional manner with the public regarding various concerns; ability to establish effective working relationships with a variety of people at all levels of the organization; personal integrity necessary to maintain confidentiality pertaining to office matters.

Minimum Qualifications: Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered two year college or university with an Associate’s Degree in Secretarial Science or a related field and two years of clerical experience, which shall have involved typing; OR Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma and four years of experience as defined in (A) above; OR Six years of experience as defined in (A) above; OR An equivalent combination of training and experience as defined by the limits of (A), (B) and (C) above.

Special Requirements: Candidates must demonstrate the ability to type at the rate of at least 35 words per minute.

Reflection for the 2nd Sunday of Advent 2014


The power of

John the Baptist appeared in the desert proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. People of the whole Judean countryside and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem were going out to him and were being baptized by him in the Jordan River as they acknowledged their sins.

The power of one is really something.

The singer and musician Bono founded an organization called ONE that campaigns and advocates on an international level to take action to end extreme poverty and preventable disease. More than 6 million people have joined in as ONE. We also know the power of one vote. A look at elections over the past several years reveals that many are won or lost by very close margins. Every vote does count. A little research shows that many elections in the United States and elsewhere are won or lost by an average 449 votes out of an average 771,000 votes cast per election. A good group of those were won or lost by one vote. In mathematics, the number 1 is considered neither prime nor composite but in a class of its own. It is the multiplicative identity, so it is also a unit and a divisor of unity. John the Baptist was only one figure but prepared many for the Lord.

In Greek neo-platonic philosophy, The One is the ultimate reality and source of all existence. The Jewish philosopher Philo of Alexandria regarded the number one as God’s number, and the basis for all numbers. Every Sunday we clearly proclaim that we believe in One God. Advent presents us two ways to look at one and one point of arrival.

The first thing we must look at during Advent is ourselves. Do we see ourselves as ‘the one’ and others as them? In our singleness, our self-identity, our oneness – which is really aloneness – do we fall short of Jesus’ call to be part of His body? Do we serve ourselves and hurt others in the process? Or rather, do we use the gifts God has given us as individuals to build up His one body?

The other thing we must look at this Advent is the One who came into the world and is coming again. Are we letting others know how beautiful it is to be part of the One in the family of faith? Are we preparing to meet Him, not just on Christmas as a single day, but prepared to welcome, live with, and abide in Him for all eternity?

Advent is a time of focus. We will all arrive at one point in time, a single point where we will live in unity or disunity with the One. Are we ready to draw into union as one with Him? The power of the One draws us, calls us, drives us, and gives us a choice. The power of the One is truly beautiful. Let us join as one in preparing worthily for the One.

Job Opportunities as of December 2, 2014


New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU) – Administrative Assistant (Albany)

Salary Range: 30,000 – $39,000 (negotiable), (NYCLU has a generous and competitive benefits package)
Location: 25 Elk Street, 2nd Floor Albany, NY 12207
Applications Accepted through December 15 (or until position is filled)

Description: The New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU) is one of the nation’s leading advocates on behalf of constitutional rights and liberties. Founded in 1951, as the New York affiliate of the American Civil Liberties Union, the NYCLU is a not-for-profit, nonpartisan organization with 48,000 members statewide. In addition to Chapters throughout the State, NYCLU maintains a small office in Albany, NY.

The Administrative Assistant will report to the Assistant Legislative Director and work closely with legislative staff in the Albany office. During the legislative session (January to June), the time commitment will be four days per week; outside of the legislative session, the time commitment will be two to three days per week.

Roles and Responsibilities: The Administrative Assistant will undertake a range of tasks and responsibilities that facilitate, coordinate and support the activities of legislative staff. In this role the Administrative Assistant will: Manage the office, including: Work with vendors to coordinate and complete repairs and set-up of office systems, including phone and internet support and general maintenance; Keep an inventory of office supplies and order new supplies when necessary; Correspond with building landlord regarding office repairs and maintenance; Maintain department staff calendars; assist with scheduling; Assist with answering phone calls, directing calls to appropriate staff, and taking messages; Assist staff in planning and facilitating meetings: scheduling, drafting materials, conducting outreach, and providing general support in conducting meetings, including setting up and taking notes; Manage and maintain a database of professional contacts, which involves entering data and sharing information on a regular basis with Legislative staff; Provide general administrative support to Legislative staff; Maintain confidential records and files; Prepare reimbursement requests and reconciles monthly expenses; Maintain and update files and computer programs; and Coordinate with other staff in NYC and throughout the state.

Experience and Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree preferred or related education/technical training in office management and administrative sciences/technology. Directly related work (paid or volunteer) to the duties of the position or the mission of NYCLU is desirable. We are looking for someone with: Proven organizational, writing and oral communication skills; Excellent interpersonal skills; The ability to work both independently and collaboratively; Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite and related technical skills. A successful candidate must be able to: Show initiative and pay attention to detail; Maintain confidentiality; Work effectively with a diverse and multicultural workforce and constituency; Demonstrate familiarity with or interest in the civil liberties and civil rights issues that form the basis of the NYCLU mission.

How To Apply: Applicants should E-mail a cover letter with “Administrative Assistant” in the subject line that includes: A statement that describes your unique qualifications and interest in the position; Your ability to work the part-time schedule described; and, Your salary requirements.

City of Schenectady – Commissioner of General Services (Permanent)

There is a full-time opening for a permanent Commissioner of General Services. See attached for job description and minimum qualifications. Must possess a P.E. license, have strong leadership qualities, and broad experience with modern technology and computers. Applicants must be residents of the City of Schenectady and remain residents throughout employment.

All interested parties should submit completed City of Schenectady Applications or resumes to:

Tiffany White, Jr. Personnel & Benefits Administrator
City Hall, Room 105
Schenectady NY 12305

Resumes may also be E-mailed.

Completed applications/resumes and salary requirements need to be received in the Personnel & Benefits Administrator’s Office (City Hall, Room 105) by 4:00 PM on December 15, 2014.

City of Schenectady – Civilian Supervisor of Traffic Services (Provisional)

There is a full-time opening for a provisional Civilian Supervisor of Traffic Services position in the Police Department. The annual salary is $38,920. See attached for job description and minimum qualifications. Applicants must be residents of the City of Schenectady and remain residents throughout employment.

All interested parties should submit completed City of Schenectady Applications or resumes to:

Tiffany White, Jr. Personnel & Benefits Administrator
City Hall, Room 105
Schenectady NY 12305

Resumes may also be E-mailed.

Completed applications/resumes need to be received in the Personnel & Benefits Administrator’s Office (City Hall, Room 105) by 5:00 PM on December 15, 2014.

U.S. Census Bureau – Temporary Field Representatives

The U.S. Census Bureau – New York Regional Office is hiring over 100 temporary field representatives in the Albany metropolitan area (Albany, Rensselaer, Schenectady, Schoharie and Saratoga counties) for the American Housing Survey (AHS). This survey is sponsored by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to collect data on the characteristics of the nation’s housing units and households.

Hiring selections will start as early as winter 2014, and work assignments will go from May through August 2015. Applicants must have a car and valid driver’s license, be a U.S. Citizen and pass a written test. Internet access is desirable. They must pass a basic skills test in order to be interviewed and considered for this position. Former Census 2010 employees must reapply and be tested to be considered for these vacancies. Background checks will be conducted as well as reference checks.

To learn more about job requirements and testing sessions in your area send an E-mail with your name, zip code and phone number.

The hourly salary is $12.07 plus $0.56 per mile reimbursement. This is a temporary part-time position.

SUNY System Administration – Vacancies

Vacancies include General Counsel, Graphic Designer, Assistant Financial Analyst – Capital Asset Reporting, SUNY Global Center Lead IT Support Analyst, and SUNY Global Center IT Support Analyst. See the attached posting for details.

St. Catherine’s Center for Children – Position Vacancies

Please indicate the position(s) you are applying for when submitting your resume/application to:

Director of Human Resources
St. Catherine’s Center for Children
40 North Main Avenue
Albany, NY 12203

Or by E-mail.

Overnight Maintenance/Resident Assistant: Needed for our homeless shelter. The position is a temporary position which could become permanent. The duties of the position are: to perform tasks necessary to maintain the physical appearance and functioning of the building and property; serve to ensure a safe, secure, healthy, clean and positive environment for families residing in facility; and maintain respect, support, care, and a family atmosphere for residents of the facility and fellow staff members.

Requirements are: HS diploma or GED equivalent, a valid NYS Driver License and the ability to meet agency driving criteria. Needs to be physically capable of performing heavy work. EOE

Resident Assistant Full-Time: The Resident Assistant assists families as they make their transition from homelessness through after care. The Resident Assistant needs to maintain respect, support, care, and a family atmosphere for residents of the facility and fellow staff members. Also, professional boundaries need to be maintained. Ability to work as a team member is required.
Required: HS diploma or GED & prior experience with similar population; clean and valid NYS Driver’s License; must be willing to work holidays. EOE

Supervisor of Homeless Case Management: St. Catherine’s Center for Children is looking for a Supervisor of Case Management for a new permanent supported housing program. The Supervisor coordinates service provision through close collaboration and coordination with Capital Region Health Connections Care Coordinators. Directly supervises 3 FTE Case Managers/Housing Specialists and .5 FTE Supported Employment Specialist. This position provides services in Albany and Rennsselaer County. Responsibilities include: Provide and monitor outreach and engagement strategies for Case Managers using the evidence based practices Critical Time Intervention, Motivational Interviewing, Supported Employment, Housing First and Permanent Supportive Housing, ensuring best practices are implemented. Coordinate administrative issues in accordance with procedures developed by Capital Region Health Connections. Complete monthly progress reports. Receive referrals and assign individuals to Case Managers. Monitor screening and outreach to eligible individuals assigned to Case Managers maintaining an Outreach & Engagement Log to track activity referred by Capital Region Health Connections. Requirements include: Associates Degree, BSW or Bachelor’s Degree in a related field preferred; Experience working with chronically homeless individuals required; Must be comfortable working in the community to provide outreach and engagement using a client centered approach; Clean and valid NYS Driver’s License required; and Previous supervisory and/or management experience in a human service agency a plus.