Bible Study for the 16th Week in Ordinary Time

  • 7/21 – Romans 4:20 – Lord, help me to trust in You. Grant that all doubt may be cast out of my life. Strengthen my faith through Your word so that my life may be for Your glory.
  • 7/22 – Hebrews 3:12,19 – Lord Jesus, I believe in You. Help me overcome my unbelief.
  • 7/23 – Psalm 23:1 – Lord, I trust in You as my Shepherd. Grant me Your constant care and protection. When I wander off, bring me back.
  • 7/24 – Ephesians 4:30-31 – Lord Jesus, help me to confess my sinfulness before You in Your Holy Church. Grant that I may do my penance worthily, intent on grieving Your Holy Spirit no longer. Save me through the grace of Your forgiveness.
  • 7/25 – 1 Thessalonians 5:23 – Lord Jesus, I pray for Your coming in glory. Help me to stand before You prepared so that You might find me worthy to enter Your new and eternal Jerusalem.
  • 7/26 – Galatians 6:2 – Lord Jesus, You asked us to live as Your brothers and sisters, to model Your life before the world. Help me to do Your will in serving all people, especially those who belong to the family of believers.
  • 7/27 – James 1:19 – Lord, open my ears to Your word and Your presence in all so that my life will be free of anger and malice. Grant that my words be few and filled with love.

Pray the week: Lord Jesus, Grant that I may practice sitting each day to listen to Your word so I may dwell in its promise forever.

Free Lunch on Sunday – July 28th

Please come and join us for Free Lunch on Sunday, this Sunday, July 28th, from 11:30am till 1:30pm. This event is always free and open to all. Enjoy family friendly summer foods, dessert, coffee/drinks, and more. Free Lunch on Sunday is held at Holy Name of Jesus in our parish hall located at 1040 Pearl St., Schenectady (CDTA Route 353 – Pearl Street stop).

Free Lunch on Sunday Flyer

Call to Crafters – Holiday and Seasonal Craft Fair

Holy Name of Jesus will be holding a Holiday and Seasonal Craft Fair on Saturday, October 12th from 9am till 4:30pm at the Rotterdam Senior Citizens Club, 2639 Hamburg Street, Rotterdam, NY.

We are issuing a Call to All Crafters — Woodworkers; Jewelry, Glass or Metal Artists; Painters; Photographers; Sewers; Beaders; Quilters; Knitters and Crocheters; Needlepointers; Candle and scent decor; Floral Designers; Ceramics; Sign makers; Holiday decorations; Soap Makers; etc.

Spaces and services are available as follows:

  • 5×8 and 6×8 spaces $25
  • 8’x 30” table (additional $5)
  • limited electric (additional $10)

Click here to see the proposed floor plan [pdf]. Availability of spaces is first come/first serve. Call Gayle for a registration form and details at 518-588-0908 after 5:30pm on weekdays and any time on weekends. You may also sign up on-line here…

Also, you may download a copy of our crafters registration form, complete it, and mail it in with payment.

craft fair, Schenectady NY, October 12, 2013, Rotterdam

Reflection for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time


I rejoice in my

Brothers and sisters: Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ on behalf of his body, which is the church, of which I am a minister in accordance with God’s stewardship given to me to bring to completion for you the word of God

Is Paul saying that Jesus’ sufferings were not enough to save us? We might misunderstand him that way, but what Paul really means is that Jesus’ suffering does not deliver us from having to suffer.

Paul was the perfect example of the fact that Christ’s people have to endure suffering so His word might be prclaimed. Paul labored, was beaten many times, continually faced death, and was imprisoned. He had been lashed, shipwrecked, had been put in danger from Jews and Gentiles alike, was threatened in the city and the country; went hungry, thirsty, cold, and exposed. Besides all this, he had the daily pressure of the Churches; he was weakened by every weak member, and was intensely concerned with every Christian who fell led into sin.

We might think that Jesus endured pain and anguish so that our lives would be easy and painless, but Paul says the opposite. Jesus didn’t die and rise to rescue us from the messy inconvenience of dying and rising. Jesus died and rose so that we could share in His death and resurrection. So too with His afflictions: The Head suffered so that the Body and each member can participate in His sufferings.

Paul didn’t think that his sufferings had any innate value. Rather he rejoiced in the fact that his suffering, all the afflictions he endured were for the sake of the Church. They resulted in spreading Jesus’ gospel far and wide. He was bringing the world what Mary longed for – the ability to sit at the feet of Jesus and hear His word.

Some people deal with trouble and pain in twisted ways. Some boast of their pain. The reason is not hard to find. When you’ve lost your health, and your marriage, and your kids, and your dignity, and your job, and your friends – when you have nothing else, at least you have your pain. You can still cling doggedly to your loss. Pain sometimes seems to be the only thing we can call our own. Paul won’t let us have that.

Whatever we suffer, Jesus has claimed that too. It all belongs to Him. Jesus doesn’t just want the best parts of us, the strong and healthy members. Jesus claims every last bit of us, even – especially – our weaknesses. Let us give our all to Him and proclaim Him even in our afflictions. Let others sit at our feat to hear His word in our good and bad times.

Bible Study for the 15th Week in Ordinary Time

  • 7/14 – Isaiah 43:1 – Father, thank You for making me in Your image and for calling me by name. I am Yours and love You for Your Fatherly care over me.
  • 7/15 – Psalm 27:1 – Lord, I trust in Your constant care over me. Thank you for Your abiding presence and protection.
  • 7/16 – Psalm 46:1 – Lord, when I am faced with struggles and trouble I know You stand ready to help and protect me. Increase my faith.
  • 7/17 – Psalm 34:7 – Lord, thank You for sending forth Your messengers and protectors. Help me to take Your help seriously and to respect Your angels.
  • 7/18 – 1 John 4:4 – Lord, help me to see that the temptation to sin and the glories of the world are all passing and can never last, but that Your promises are eternal. Save me from sin.
  • 7/19 – 1 Samuel 17:37 – Lord, give me the confidence of David so that I may serve You with certainty and proclaim Your glory.
  • 7/20 – 2 Chronicles 20:9 – Lord, draw me into Your community, the Holy Church, each week. You have promised that those who worship, honor, and respect You will live in Your favor and dwell with You forever.

Pray the week: Lord Jesus, You are my refuge and my constant companion. Bless me with Your favor this day.

Reflection for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Thank You for
…Your constant support

Or who ever knew your counsel, except you had given wisdom and sent your holy spirit from on high? And thus were the paths of those on earth made straight.

Last week we discussed whether Jesus’ directions were too hard to follow. They might seem difficult, but nevertheless we are to go out; reach out. We are to trust that God will provide for us while we exercise our mission of loving others, living the life Jesus showed us, and leading everyone we can to Jesus.

This week we reflect on the theme of God’s refuge. Webster defines refuge as: shelter or protection from danger or distress; or something to which one has recourse in difficulty.

With all the storms and flooding that has surrounded us we can easily relate to the idea of refuge, that safe place one can go in the midst of a storm.

Unfortunately, we tend to think of refuge, including God’s refuge only in times of distress or persecution.

The Book of Wisdom shows us that God fills us with His wisdom, and fills us with His spirit. We are created to be one with Him. If we understand and feel the way God dwells in us we know that we can rely on Him for more than just refuge in a storm, but everyday, at every moment.

God reveals himself through Holy Scripture and the Tradition and teaching of the Holy Church. These are the tools of His refuge. He infuses us with His grace everyday as long as we work in accord with His will. This is the dynamism of His refuge that constantly surrounds and protects us.

God is the “Covenant maker” and continues to provide us with the refuge of His providence.

His refuge is more than a place, more than a moment of respite in times of trouble. It is an on going giving that shapes the way we live, think, read, do theology, provide respite for others, and serve the Church.

Paul writes to Philemon on behalf of Onesimus. Onesimus was Philemon’s runaway slave and Paul was sending him back. It could have been scary for Onesimus even though he was carrying Paul’s letter. But Onesimus wasn’t scared. He was confident because he had the constant refuge of God’s presence in his life. As Paul points out: Perhaps this is why he was away from you for a while, that you might have him back forever, no longer as a slave but more than a slave, a brother, beloved especially to me, but even more so to you, as a man and in the Lord.

We are all in the Lord and we have the confidence of His refuge. He is our constant support everyday as we journey to heaven.

** Note: Readings for this Sunday are taken from the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. **

Bible Study for the 14th Week in Ordinary Time

  • 7/7 – Joshua 1:9 – Father, grant me the gifts of strength and courage. Help me in facing every challenge with sure trust in You.
  • 7/8 – Psalm 31:14 – Lord, You are my God. I praise and thank You for the grace which drew me to You. Grant me continual renewal and strengthen my trust.
  • 7/9 – Psalm 56:3 – Heavenly Father, You know that my cross is sometimes difficult for me and that I face many challenges. Grant me trust particularly when I am afraid or wavering.
  • 7/10 – Daniel 6:23 – Father, grant me the grace to set aside fear, to stand strong in the face of challenges that seem impossible. I know that all things are possible for those who trust in You.
  • 7/11 – John 14:1 – Lord Jesus, I believe in You. Help my unbelief.
  • 7/12 – Romans 15:13 – Holy Spirit, You are my joy and happiness. Your gifts fill my heart and energize me for the work You have set before me. Grant me an abundance of trust in Your life giving power.
  • 7/13 – Revelation 21:5 – Lord Jesus, come!

Pray the week: Lord Jesus, I thank You for all Your promises. Continually renew my trust in You.

July/August 2013 Newsletter

What!?! only one newsletter for July and August? Check it out, stay informed all summer long, remember that God is constant and never leaves us for vacation, want to go to a Valley Cats game?, see our action packed schedule, and be entertained. You may view and download a copy right here — July/August 2013 Newsletter.


Reflection for the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Your directions are
…hard to follow.

“Go on your way; behold, I am sending you like lambs among wolves. Carry no money bag, no sack, no sandals; and greet no one along the way. Into whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace to this household.’ If a peaceful person lives there, your peace will rest on him; but if not, it will return to you.”

We know this story. Having spent the month of June reflecting on and praying for the gift of vocations to the Diaconate and Holy Priesthood we hear Jesus’ words echoing, “The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few.”

There are several ways we might reflect on today’s gospel.

There is the obvious – we need to listen for God’s call and go out to do His work. God’s field awaits workers. We have to be the ones who listen to Him and set out to do His work, to bring His good news to those who are unaware of His marvelous promises. We have to be the ones willing to sacrifice what everyone else thinks is “normal” to follow His call to serve our brothers and sisters.

The other part, the less obvious, is the aspect of trust we must exhibit in following Jesus.

The seventy-two who were called to go out and spread the good news might well have been shocked by Jesus’ directions: “Carry no money bag, no sack, no sandals…” Think how those words might sound to us today: “Carry no cell phone, suitcase, wallet, purse, shoes or sneakers.” Just go out, march down the road to the next suburb, knock on a door, and see if you are welcome. Whatever house you go to, say “Peace to this household.”

If we reflect on the picture at the top of today’s bulletin, this is what Jesus asks us to do, to first love. Wish peace upon everyone, in every encounter, at every doorstep. Place our trust that Jesus will fulfill our wish for peace and give that peace to those who accept Him.

Next, live. We cannot just exist. With Jesus in our lives we have purpose and reason – a beautiful existence, a wonderful life, and most importantly a life that will never end.

Finally, lead. Knock on those doors and live life based on trust in Jesus. The cell phone, suitcase, wallet, purse, shoes or sneakers are just things. We have to show what we truly value by our example. We have to show others that our trust is in the One who makes money bags, sacks, and sandals of far lesser importance. Then we have to lead by loving, living, and speaking that trust, helping them to see beyond perceived importance to true importance, true vitality, change we can believe in: true life with Jesus.

Bible Study for the 13th Week in Ordinary Time

  • 6/30 – Luke 16:10 – Lord Jesus, help me in being faithful and committed with the small things in life. Train me for the larger challenges that will face me. Save me from the temptation to be dishonest.
  • 7/1 – Hebrews 13:5 – Lord, You have blessed me with so many gifts. Help me to be thankful for all the blessings that surround me, particularly Your constant care and commitment.
  • 7/2 – 2 Peter 2:21 – Lord, help me to see the responsibilities I have in being Your follower. Give me the grace to stay committed and faithful to all the Holy Church has taught me.
  • 7/3 – Romans 8:5 – Lord Jesus, protect me from the lure of material things. Grant me the grace to live a committed life in Your spirit each day.
  • 7/4 – Matthew 10:38 – Lord Jesus, You bore the cross for love of me. Help me to remain committed when my cross becomes heavy. Grant that I may not despair.
  • 7/5 – Acts 2:44-45 – Lord, show me the way to charity of heart and spirit. Allow me to commit all my resources and gifts to doing Your word. Give me a spirit of trust that I may know that You will never leave me in need.
  • 7/6 – 2 Timothy 2:1-2 – Lord Jesus, I thank You for Your Holy Church. You have entrusted Her with Your graces that She may show me the way I must go. Grant Her success in drawing many to know, love, and serve You. Shower Your blessing on Her leaders and teachers.

Pray the week: Lord Jesus, I thank You for Your love and commitment to me. Give me the grace to commit totally to You.