July/August 2014 Newsletter – What’s Happening Tomorrow…?

July 1st and our newsletter is here on-time once again. It is just before midnight, so we barely made it.

July offers us the opportunity to think of the days of relaxation ahead and how Jesus fits in with those days. Summer is also filled with many Solemnities, Feasts, and Commemorations of particular importance. Read all about them. We consider our response to a neighborhood tragedy and pray for our youth and graduates. We invite you to remain in the Lord this summer, right here in Schenectady, and wherever you travel. You may view and download a copy right here — July/August 2014 Newsletter.


Orchard Park Summer Program Kick-Off

Free Cook-Out and Co-Ed Basketball Sign-Ups for all Schenectady K-8 Kids & Families on Saturday, July 5th 11 A.M. – 1:30 P.M. at Orchard Park. For more information, please contact Oron Tucker, President, Schenectady Basketball Club, Inc. at 518-878-6177

Coaches will be available for the Basketball Clinic & Scrimmage (First game night: Monday, July 9th at 4 p.m.)

Directions to Orchard Park: Crane St. to Third Ave., right on Orchard St., take first right down driveway across from the Fire Station #3 parking lot.

“2BA” Orchard Park volunteer: Contact Sharron-Linn Schmidt, Pres., Mont Pleasant Neighborhood Association, 518-393-2116 or by E-mail.


June 2014 Newsletter – Led by the Spirit, Called by God

June 1st and our newsletter is here on-time. June offers us the opportunity to specially recognize our being filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit and to respond to those gifts in very special ways (do you have a vocation?). This month we particularly honor our dads and our spiritual fathers. We invite you to stand and recognize the Spirit’s call to faith and to join in growing in faith, worship, and service right here in Schenectady. You may view and download a copy right here — June 2014 Newsletter.


May 2014 Newsletter – The Easter Season, Mom, and more…

It is May and our newsletter has arrived. It is filled with information on so many holy and exciting events as we continue to celebrate the fifty days of Easter. We start by visiting the upper room and study the witness of those who were there, including Mary, the mother of Jesus. We invite you to stand with your family in faith as we celebrate mom and worship together right here in Schenectady. You may view and download a copy right here — May 2014 Newsletter.


Stella & Dot Trunk Show and Wine Tasting Party this Sunday, May 4th

This Sunday, May 4th we are hosting a Tasting party by WineShop At Home starting at 10:30am.

Stella & Dot gives every woman the means to style her own life through irresistible jewelry, accessories, and bags. This is a great way to find something for Mother’s Day.mixedwineandstems__0388

WineShop At Home provides a tasting of limited production, artisan wines handcrafted by award winning winemakers in Napa Valley. These wines are not sold in stores or in any other winery tasting room. They are utterly exclusive. Best quality wines at the best price.

Join us for Holy Week and Easter in Schenectady


Please come and join us during Holy Week and Easter. Jesus looks forward to our company during Holy Week as we commemorate His passion and death for us. Having stood by Him through these trials we hold unto the promise that we will rise again with Him.

The schedule below notes all services for Passiontide, Holy Week, and Easter. Please remember that Holy Week is a week of fasting.

  • 4/13 – Palm Sunday: Blessing and Distribution of Palms. Service of Worship and Holy Communion, 9:30am
  • 4/15 – Holy Tuesday: Clergy Conference and Holy Mass of Chrism, St. Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr Cathedral, Scranton
  • 4/17 – Maundy Thursday: Holy Mass of the Lord’s Supper, Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament, 7pm
  • 4/18 – Good Friday: Good Friday Cross-walk at 10am. Church opens at noon for private devotions. Services at 1pm (Stations), 2pm (Lamentations), and 3pm (Opening of the Tomb), Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified at 7pm
  • 4/19 – Holy Saturday: Holy Saturday Liturgies – Blessing of new fire, holy water, renewal of baptismal promises, blessing of Easter baskets and food, 4pm
  • 4/20 – Solemnity of the Resurrection (Easter): Procession and Solemn High Holy Mass, 8am, Service at 10:30 Free Lunch on Sunday/Easter Breakfast 10:30am

Basket Social in Schenectady This Weekend

Our annual and ever popular Basket Social will be held this Sunday, April 6th at the VFW Hall at 1309 Fifth Avenue in Schenectady. Doors open at noon. Besides our usual wide array of baskets, there will be door prizes and great Polish food and homemade desserts from our traditional Polish kitchen. Come by and enjoy an afternoon of fun, good food, and plenty of chances to win one or more amazing baskets.
