April 2014 Newsletter – Holy Week, Easter, and more

It is April and our newsletter has arrived. It is filled with information on so many holy and exciting events. We start by looking at Low Sunday and what fellowship really means. We invite you to take part in this wonderful and holy season, to connect and enter into fellowship with Jesus and us right here in Schenectady. Lots of other news too including new movies, our Basket Social, and legends. You may view and download a copy right here — April 2014 Newsletter.


March 2014 Issue of God’s Field Published


The latest issue of God’s Field is now available online

Reflect on deepening our year long efforts at prayer and sacrifice, check out the agenda for this Fall’s Holy Synod, and enjoy news from throughout our Church.

Articles for the April issue are being accepted now through April 1, 2014. You may E-mail items and photos or send them to:

God’s Field
Polish National Catholic Church
1006 Pittston Avenue
Scranton, PA 18505

Annual Basket Social in Schenectady – Sunday, April 6th

Our annual and ever popular Basket Social will be held on Sunday, April 6th at the VFW Hall at 1309 Fifth Avenue in Schenectady. Doors open at noon. Besides our usual wide array of baskets, there will be door prizes and great food and homemade desserts from our traditional Polish kitchen. Come by and enjoy an afternoon of fun, good food, and plenty of chances to win one or more amazing baskets.


Are You Observing Lent in Schenectady?

If you are, come and join with us and we can increase our Lenten prayer, sacrifice, fasting, charity, and forgiveness together.

ash_wednesdayThe season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, March 5th with our Service of Worship at 7:30pm at which ashes will be blessed and distributed. On this day we consciously receive ashes on our heads to symbolize penitence, humility and mortality. The powerful reminder in these ashes calls us into a Lent filled with sacred opportunities to return to a right relationship with Jesus.

We offer the Lenten Devotion of Stations of the Cross every Friday at 7:30pm – a great opportunity to add to your prayer life this Lent.

During Lent our Directed Giving program helps us to focus on sacrifice and charity as we gather food for those in need locally. Bring canned and dry goods each Sunday as an offering for those in need.

We also fast and abstain from meat every Wednesday and Friday in Lent and from Holy Wednesday through Holy Saturday. This practice helps us to remember Jesus’ sacrifice every time we sit down to eat a meal. By this small sacrifice we train with the easy stuff (but it seems so hard) so we can better fight the really tough things that try to draw us away from Jesus.

We hope and pray that you will join with us as we use these 40 very special days to the greatest possible good.

March 2014 Newsletter (almost a full day early)

This month we enter the Lenten season and consider how Jesus stands by us through all the ups and downs of life. We seek to use this walk through Lent to strengthen our faith and reliance on Jesus, on His word, on His grace, and on our family in faith. We invite you to take part in increased prayer, sacrifice, fasting, charity, and forgiveness. We offer you the opportunity to attend Stations of the Cross every Friday at 7:30pm and to take part in our directed giving program. Lots of other news too including the March 2014 Newsletter.

John 4:13-14.  Life Giving Water

Labor-Religion Coalition Announces Moral Mondays

Throughout the month of March, clergy, community, and labor allies will come together to call for a faithful New York State budget that values every member of society, prioritizes the common good, and lifts the burdens of poverty. Our many faiths call us to reject tax breaks for the wealthy and demand a budget that serves the people.

screenshotIn Albany- March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 at 12 PM – Gather at the War Room on the 2nd floor of the NYS Capitol for a vigil led by clergy and faith leaders as well as those directly impacted by cuts to education and the social safety net as well as reductions in wage theft enforcement. More details at the Coalition’s Facebook page here.

In NYC – March 3, 10, 17, 24 at 11 AM – Gather in silence at the lobby of the Millenium UN Plaza Hotel, 44th St. and First Ave, proceed to the governor’s office at to protest and to pray.

Additional events are shaping up for Binghamton, Rochester and other New York cities starting March 10th. For more information or for help setting up a Moral Monday event near you, please contact Joy Perkett.

February 2014 issue of God’s Field now available


The latest issue of God’s Field is now available online

Reflect on preparing for the Lenten period of preparation, get involved by volunteering for national commissions, check out news from the ecumenical community, and read about the life and work of our parishes and people.

Articles for the March issue are being accepted now through March 1, 2014. You may E-mail items and photos or send them to:

God’s Field
Polish National Catholic Church
1006 Pittston Avenue
Scranton, PA 18505

It’s cold, it’s snowing, and we’re planning for our next Holiday and Seasonal Craft Fair

Yes, it is only February, but we are planning for our next Holiday and Seasonal Craft Fair to be held on Saturday, October 4, 2014 from 10 AM-5 PM at the Rotterdam Senior Citizens Club, 2639 Hamburg St, Rotterdam NY 12303.

We welcome all crafters — Woodworkers; Jewelry, Glass or Metal Artists; Painters; Photographers; Sewers; Beaders; Quilters; Knitters and Crocheters; Needlepointers; Candle and scent decor; Floral Designers; Ceramics; Sign makers; Holiday decorations; Soap Makers; etc. — to add us to their Fall 2014 schedule and to reserve spaces early.

Spaces and services are available as follows:

  • 8×6 or 8×8 Space: $30.00
  • 8’ Table (Additional $5.00)
  • Limited Electricity: (Additional $10)

Availability of spaces is first come/first serve. You may download a copy of our crafters registration form, complete it, and mail it in with payment or use our on-line registration form to reserve your space.

February 2014 Newsletter is here

This month we leave the Christmas season and begin our walk toward Lent, yet this is not a time to be somber because as the family of faith we attain a glimpse of heaven. Check out the latest parish newsletter to see how you can get that glimpse of heaven. Plus, our newsletter is chock full of announcements, good reading, community events, the Souper Bowl, and other worthy information. You may view and download a copy right here — February 2014 Newsletter.

glimpse of heaven