Blessing of Pets – Next Sunday, October 6th

October 4th is the Commemoration of St. Francis of Assisi. If you wish, please bring your pets to church on Sunday, October 6th during our regular worship at 9:30am. We will hold a special blessing for our furry, feathered, and scaled friends. If you wish, you may also bring in some pet supplies for donation to local pet shelters.


Blessed are you, Lord God, Maker of all living creatures, On the fifth and sixth days of creation you called forth fish in the sea, birds in the air and animals on the land. You inspired St. Francis to call all animals his brothers and sisters. We ask you to bless this animal. By the power of your love enable it to live according to your plan. May we always praise you for all your beauty in creation. Blessed are you, Lord our God, in all your creatures! Amen.

Ellis Hospital Seeks Volunteer

The Pastoral Care Office at Ellis Hospital is seeking a volunteer to assist with administrative duties: answer phones, notify pastors a parishioner is in the hospital, greet visitors to the office, deliver religious materials to the chapel and other areas of the hospital, and help keep the office clean and organized. To inquire please contact the Rev. Tony Green by E-mail or telephone at 518-243-4064.

News and Opportunities from the New York State Alliance for Arts Education

Public Review of the Draft High School Core Arts Standards

Please join the public review of drafts of the High School national core arts standards for Dance, Media Arts, Music, Theatre and Visual Arts beginning September 30 and ending October 21, 2013. Draft high school music standards for secondary ensembles will be included in the September 30th release; standards for additional music course sequences (guitar/keyboard and composition/theory) will be released later. Watch for details and information on their wikispace or Facebook page.

October 1 Deadline: Art Education Grants

The National Art Education Foundation (NAEF) annually invites applications for the Ruth Halvorsen Professional Development Grants, Mary McMullan Grants, NAEF Research Grants, SHIP Grants, and Teacher Incentive Grants. Grants range from $500 to $10,000 depending on the grant category. The Foundation was established as an independent, sister organization to the National Art Education Association (NAEA) to provide support for a variety of art education programs. Foundation grants are made only to NAEA members, including student and retired members, state/province associations, and recognized affiliates. Full info can be found here.

October 11 Deadline: NYSCA’s Musical Instrument Revolving Loan Fund

The loan program is competitive and allows access to eligible non-profit symphonies, ensembles and music organizations to apply for a low interest loan to support the purchase of musical instruments and certain equipment related to presentation and teaching of music. The purpose of the funds is “to stimulate the professional growth of musicians and symphony orchestras which provide a vital educational and cultural service to the citizens of the state. To review the MIRLF guidelines and application visit the dedicated web page.

November 1 Deadline: Award to School Board Providing “Outstanding Support”

Online nominations are now being accepted for the Kennedy Center Alliance for Arts Education Network and National School Boards Association Award (KCAAEN and NSBA Award). This award recognizes a local school board for outstanding support of the arts in education. The winning board receives a plaque presented at the NSBA Annual Conference, along with a cash award of $10,000 to use for their arts education programs. Full details and nomination materials can be found online.

November 14 Deadline: Grants for Dutchess, Orange & Ulster Counties

Projects can be in any artistic discipline and may include (but are not limited to) workshops, exhibitions/studio tours, performances, community music festivals, multi-discipline collaborations and public programming whose central focus is the arts. The maximum funding request for an organization is $5,000. Arts Education Grants support residencies by artists and/or cultural organizations in a public school, and focus on sequential, skill-based knowledge. These awards are administered by the Dutchess County Arts Council. Please see their website for the complete 2014 application, guidelines and list of informational seminars.

December 15 Deadline: Inspirational Teacher Award Nominations

The Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts is seeking nominations for the 2014 Kennedy Center/Stephen Sondheim Inspirational Teacher Awards, a series of annual grants that recognize inspiring teachers in the United States.The awards were created in honor of American composer and lyricist Stephen Sondheim, who frequently attributes his success to the teachers in his life. The awards are presented each year on Sondheim’s birthday, March 22, to a handful of teachers, kindergarten through college, who are nominated via the Kennedy Center Web site.

Opportunities for Professionals

CRAVE Creators Conclave & Festival weekend, September 20-21, 2013, Syracuse, NY

Join artists in all disciplines, arts administrators, educators and students, presenters, curators, economic development stakeholders and the public for this statewide gathering. CRAVE is a unique creative gathering to inspire, explore and reward new ideas for audience engagement and empowerment. Sample Syracuse’s Connective Corridor cultural district, learn from national leaders, share best practices from your community, and see global artists like DJ Spooky. For more info and to register, please click here.

NYSTEA Educators Conference, October 4-6, 2013, Queens, NY

Register here for the annual NYSTEA Educators Conference “Making Connections: From School to School.” Enjoy 5 different workshops, welcome reception at the Roundabout Theatre Company with guest speaker writer/composter Joe DiPietro, awards luncheon, vendors and networking with like-minded professionals from across the state.

Municipal Art Society 2013 Summit, October 17-18, 2013, New York, NY

Taking Place at Jazz at Lincoln Center, the fourth annual MAS Summit for New York City will explore the themes of Innovation and Leadership. Participants will discuss the challenges that face New York, and topics will explore new and innovative ways to continue the city’s role as a global urban leader, while also covering issues of resilience and the city’s livability. Please see their website for more information.

National Guild’s annual Conference for Community Arts Education, October 30 – November 2, 2013, Chicago, IL

This gathering will bring together more than 500 arts education leaders from 350+ organizations nationwide. Join this dynamic learning community of staff, faculty, trustees, and teaching artists to forge the future of arts education in America. The conference will feature nationally renowned speakers and dozens of professional development and networking opportunities designed to help you increase participation and impact, raise more money, sustain and grow key programs, and advocate for equitable access to arts education. Register online.

National Artist Teacher Fellowship Program

The Center for Arts in Education invites arts teachers from public arts high schools to apply for funding for artistic development through its National Artist Teacher Fellowship Program (NATF). The NATF program provides grants of $5,500 to enable selected arts teachers from all disciplines to rejuvenate their own art-making. A complementary grant of $1,500 is awarded to each Fellow’s school to support post-fellowship activities in the classroom. Applications will be available online by September 27.

Opportunities for Students

October 2 Deadline: Student Entries for Rochester Student Showcase

The Arts & Cultural Council for Greater Rochester announces the Student Showcase 2013 call for entries, an opportunity for its student members to submit their original work to a juried exhibition at The Gallery at the Arts & Cultural Council. Students from all visual art disciplines are encouraged to submit their work for consideration. Exhibition dates will be November 1–26. Use this on-line entry form.

October 18 Deadline: Young Arts Award

YoungArts provides emerging artists (ages 15-18 or grades 10-12) with life-changing experiences with renowned mentors, access to significant scholarships, national recognition, and other opportunities throughout their careers to help ensure that the nation’s most outstanding young artists are encouraged to pursue careers in the arts. Support is offered in ten artistic disciplines: cinematic arts, dance, design, jazz, music, photography, theater, visual arts, voice and writing. Students should apply here.

By applying to the YoungArts program, winners are eligible for:

  • Up to $10,000 monetary award (total awarded each year is over $500,000)
  • Exclusive eligibility for recognition as a U.S. Presidential Scholar in the Arts
  • Master classes with world-renowned artists
  • Access to scholarships, career opportunities and professional contacts

Job Opportunities

Access the newest and freshest jobs available to professionals seeking employment through NYSAAE’s JOBlink.

Evening Prayer on the 12th Anniversary of 9/11

Prayer911Please join us tomorrow, September 11th at 7:30pm, for evening prayer as we remember together on the 12th Anniversary of the tragedy of 9/11/2001.

Almighty God, by Whom our fathers won their liberties of old; grant that we and all people of this land may be strong to maintain our freedom against the assaults of those who by aggression seek to enslave us to their will. Guide, we beseech Thee, our President and all to whom has been committed the government of this nation, giving them special gifts of wisdom and understanding, that in defense of our liberties they may be instruments of lasting peace for all mankind. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. — A Prayer for the Nation from A Book of Devotions and Prayers According to the Use of the Polish National Catholic Church.

The Polish National Union and Our Church – A Partnership in Service and Love

On the fourth Sunday of September our Church offers prayers for our sister organization, the organized the PNU in 1908 when members of our Church were denied insurance coverage because they were in the PNCC. Over the years the PNU has contributed millions of dollars for our PNCC and her many programs and endeavors. Did you know that our General Synod passed the following resolution: “It shall be the moral obligation of the clergy and the laity of the PNCC to belong to the Polish National Union of America” (PNCC Constitution, page 65)?

Today the PNU needs the support of all PNCC members to continue the excellent fraternal benefits they have been providing for more than a century. For additional information on the life insurance and annuity products offered by the PNU please call them at (800) 724-6352 or visit their website.

Call to Crafters – Registration Ongoing

Thank you to all the wonderful crafters who have responded and signed-up so far for our Holiday/Seasonal Craft Fair to be held on Saturday, October 12th from 9 AM to 4:30 PM at the Rotterdam Senior Citizens Club, 2639 Hamburg St, Rotterdam NY 12303.

If you are a crafter, and have not reserved your space, there is still time to register. You can find more information here, sign up on-line, or download a copy of our crafters registration form, complete it, and mail it in with payment.

Availability of spaces is first come/first serve. Call Gayle for a registration form and details at 518-588-0908 after 5:30pm on weekdays and any time on weekends.

Call to Crafters – Holiday and Seasonal Craft Fair

Holy Name of Jesus will be holding a Holiday and Seasonal Craft Fair on Saturday, October 12th from 9am till 4:30pm at the Rotterdam Senior Citizens Club, 2639 Hamburg Street, Rotterdam, NY.

We are issuing a Call to All Crafters — Woodworkers; Jewelry, Glass or Metal Artists; Painters; Photographers; Sewers; Beaders; Quilters; Knitters and Crocheters; Needlepointers; Candle and scent decor; Floral Designers; Ceramics; Sign makers; Holiday decorations; Soap Makers; etc.

Spaces and services are available as follows:

  • 5×8 and 6×8 spaces $25
  • 8’x 30” table (additional $5)
  • limited electric (additional $10)

Click here to see the proposed floor plan [pdf]. Availability of spaces is first come/first serve. Call Gayle for a registration form and details at 518-588-0908 after 5:30pm on weekdays and any time on weekends. You may also sign up on-line here…

Also, you may download a copy of our crafters registration form, complete it, and mail it in with payment.

craft fair, Schenectady NY, October 12, 2013, Rotterdam

July/August 2013 Newsletter

What!?! only one newsletter for July and August? Check it out, stay informed all summer long, remember that God is constant and never leaves us for vacation, want to go to a Valley Cats game?, see our action packed schedule, and be entertained. You may view and download a copy right here — July/August 2013 Newsletter.


Soup on Sunday, this Sunday at 11:30am

Please come and join us for Soup on Sunday, this Sunday, June 30th, from 11:30am till 1:30pm. Soup on Sunday is always free and open to all. Enjoy soup, sandwiches, special food for kids, dessert, coffee, and more. Soup on Sunday is held at Holy Name of Jesus in our parish hall located at 1040 Pearl St., Schenectady (CDTA Route 353 – Pearl Street stop).

Soup on Sunday Flyer 3

Jesus, Bread of Life

As your love has called us

As your love has held us

As your love has blessed us

Prayer (c) Kathy Galloway, Christian Aid