Month of All Souls – remember the souls of your family and friends

As the days of October pass the days grow shorter, the colors of autumn take hold, and our thoughts turn to the Commemoration of All Souls. The Holy Church sets aside the month of November to commemorate those who have preceded us in holy death.

As Christians we recognize that death is not an ending, but rather a change. We pass through death into everlasting life. We remain joined with all those who have died. We rely on them for their intercession on our behalf. They rely on our prayers and intercession to ease their transition, their journey into the glory of heaven.

We will remember our dearly departed during the month of November according to age old Catholic custom of commemoration and prayer…a custom known as “wypominki.”

If you would like the souls of loved ones to be remembered during the Commemoration of All Souls and at all services throughout the entire month of November, please send the names of these loved ones to Deacon Jim by Sunday, October 28th. Alternately, you can E-mail the names of those you wish commemorated by E-mail to Deacon Jim.

We will celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints on Thursday, November 1st at 7:30pm followed by the the reading of the names of all the faithful departed.

Rap with us on Back to Church Sunday – September 16th

Join and rap with us as we explore our relationship with Jesus.

Yes, Jesus who loves us.
Jesus, who is our friend.
Jesus, who doesn’t care how we dress or look, who doesn’t care whether we are rich or poor, who only longs to welcome us.

Back to Church Sunday at Holy Name – September 16th, 9:30am.
Breakfast served after services.

School of Christian Living – time to sign up

We have an active and on-going Confirmation class. We are now signing students up for our School of Christian living, which will begin mid-September. It is every parent’s duty and obligation to see to the spiritual education of their children. Godparents are similarly obligated toward their godchildren. We are here to assist in delivering knowledge of the faith through our School of Christian Living (SOCL). Also remember, no one is too old to learn or make one’s confirmation. We welcome all students.

At our church – not better than any other church… here for you…

In 1904, at the First Synod of our Church, we declared: “Referring to other Christian communities, we state that we do not condemn any one of them. We sympathize with every Church whose object is to ennoble and sanctify man and bring the Gospel of Jesus and peace to humanity.” In a nutshell, that statement captures the aim and vision of a member of our Church, the desire for unity with and for God, God who lives and works among us in raising up humanity to its ultimate destiny. We won’t say we are better than any other Church because the key purpose of Church is to connect to Jesus in a community of faith.