For the Solemnity of the Holy Name of Jesus – our Parish Feast

Truly, truly, I say to you, if you ask anything of the Father, he will give it to you in my name. (John 16:23)

Our Patronal Feast is the occasion on which we annually celebrate and honor the Holy Name of Jesus as our protector and special benefactor. As you well know, and see among our faithful, every time we pronounce the Name of Jesus we bow our heads. This is significant, because the honor we give to Jesus’ Holy Name, and our prayer on behalf of each other and the parish before the Lord, is not in vain. Already, wonderful things are happening. We have much to be grateful for, and much that we must yet pray for.

So, let us gather on Monday, January 2nd at 7pm for Holy Mass on the occasion of the Solemnity of the Holy Name of Jesus. Let us offer prayer and supplication, and give great thanks by praising Jesus’ Holy Names:

Son of God, Jesus, Yeho-shua, Yeshua, Yahweh saves, Yahweh is my help, Ἰησοῦς, ΙΗCΟΥC, IESVS, Christ, Χριστός, Christus, King, Prophet, High Priest, Messiah, Anointed One, Lord, Son of man, King of the Jews, King of Israel, Rabboni, Master, Rabbi, Emmanuel. Divine, Redeemer, Liberator, Savior of the World, Teacher, The new Adam, Logos, The Word, Head of the Church, Star from Jacob, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, Man of Suffering, Son of Mary, Nazorean, Word of God, Lamb of God, Messiah, Anointed One, Bread of Life, Gate of the Sheep, Good Shepherd, Holy and Just One, Apostle and High Priest, Alpha and Omega, Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Root of David, Lamb Slain, Lord of Lords, King of Kings.

Christmas at Holy Name in Schenectady

Our doors and hears are open to the Lord which means that our doors and hearts are open to you. Whether you attend services once-in-a-while or every week, come join us in greeting Jesus’ coming and the joy of the Christmas season. Our service schedule is as follows:

  • Sunday, December 11th: 3rd Sunday of Advent/3a Niedziela Adwentu, Holy Mass followed by our youth sing-along and Parish Vigil/Wigilia Dinner starting at 10:30am
  • Sunday, December 18th: 4th Sunday of Advent/4a Niedziela Adwentu, Service of Worship and Holy Communion, Greening of the Church starting at 9:30am
  • Saturday/Sunday, December 24th-25th: Solemnity of the Nativity of our Lord – Shepherd’s Holy Mass/Pasterka at Midnight.
  • Sunday, December 25th: Solemnity of the Nativity of our Lord/ÅšwiÄ™tego Bożego Narodzenia – Service of Worship and Holy Communion for Christmas Day starting at 9:30am.
  • Monday, December 26th: Feast of St. Stephen the Proto-Martyr – please keep the persecuted Church in your prayers this day.
  • Tuesday, December 27th: Feast of St. John the Apostle and Evangelist/ÅšwiÄ™tego Jan, apostoÅ‚ i ewangelista – Service of Worship and Holy Communion and Blessing of Wine at 7pm.
  • Wednesday, December 28th: Commemoration of the Holy Innocents/Uroczystość Å›wiÄ™tych MÅ‚odzianków – please keep all children subject to abuse and bullying in your prayers.
  • Saturday, December 31st: Solemnity of the Holy Family/Uroczystość ÅšwiÄ™tej Rodziny – please pray for God’s blessings upon all families, that they may model the life of the Holy Family.
  • Sunday, January 1st: Solemnity of the Circumcision of our Lord/Uroczystość Obrzezania Pana naszego Jezusa Chrystusa – Service of Worship and Holy Communion starting at 9:30am.
  • Monday, January 2nd: Solemnity of the Holy Name of Jesus/Uroczystość NajÅ›wiÄ™tszego Imienia Jezus – Service of Worship and Holy Communion starting at 7pm.
  • Friday, January 6th: Solemnity of the Epiphany of our Lord/Uroczystość Å›wiÄ™tych Trzech Króli – Service of Worship and Holy Communion with blessing of chalk, charcoal, and incense starting at 7pm.
  • Sunday, January 8th: Solemnity of the Humble Shepherds/Uroczystość Ubogich Pasterzy – Holy Mass starting at 9:30am.

A celebration of ministry and service

Our Pastor, the Rev. Stanley Bilinski, recently celebrated his thirtieth year of ministry in New York’s Capitol Region. On Sunday, November 13th,. the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Fr. Stan will be celebrating his final Holy Mass as Pastor of Holy Name of Jesus Parish prior to taking on Pastoral duties at St. Mary’s Polish National Catholic Church in Parma, Ohio.

In celebration of Fr. Stan’s long time ministry in the area and fourteen year pastorship at Holy Name, thanksgiving for his work and service, and to bid him the fondest and most heartfelt of farewells, the Parish will hold a Farewell Breakfast following Holy Mass that morning. It is hoped that current and past parishioners, as well as those who have been blessed through Fr. Stan’s ministry, may come to share in both prayer and this meal.

The Consecration of the Very Rev. Paul Sobiechowski

By determination of the Prime Bishop, with the concurrence of the Supreme Council, the Consecration of the Very Rev. Paul Sobiechowski to the Office of Bishop in the Holy Polish National Catholic Church will take place on the Feast of St. Luke the Apostle and Evangelist, Tuesday, October 18th.

Fr. Senior Paul was elected to the Office amidst the work of the Church’s 26th General Synod last fall.

Very Rev. Paul Sobiechowski was born in Detroit, Michigan’s East Side. His father was an autoworker and his mother was a homemaker. Fr. Senior Paul spent his formative years at All Saints Polish National Catholic Church. He graduated from Wayne State University with a degree in history and Polish Language, completed his studies at Savonarola Theological Seminary, and was ordained to the priesthood in 1979. Father Paul served All Saints Cathedral Parish in Chicago for 4 1/2 years as assistant to Bishop Joseph Zawistowski.

From December 1983 through March 2011 Father Paul served as Administrator of the Bishop Kardas Memorial Home and continues to serve as Pastor of St. Joseph’s Polish National Catholic Church, Davie, Florida. The administrative senior of PNC parishes in Florida, he has served the general church as a member (past chair) of the Commission on Mission and Evangelism and as a member of the Supreme Council. For many years he has been a member of the Liturgical Commission and the PNC/RC Dialogue. He is chair of the PNC/Anglican Dialogue. Additionally, Father Paul has been the chaplain for the Polish Legion of American Veterans (state of Florida) and has coordinated an ecumenical chaplaincy program at a local hospital in South Florida for more than 20 years. Father Paul has embraced the challenges and joys of serving a culturally diverse congregation, preparing and celebrating liturgies in Polish, English, Spanish, and most recently Haitian Creole.

Following his consecration, Bishop Paul becomes the Diocesan Ordinary of the Eastern Diocese of the PNCC. Please continue to pray for him, his family, and his ministry.

Observance of The Feast-day of St. Francis of Assisi and the Blessing of Animals

As you may have heard, there have been many pets and animals that were abandoned in the flooded areas around us and in our state’s southern tier. Various agencies in and around our area have taken up the search and rescue and rehabilitation of those animals found homeless. Although we could not be involved with the agencies that are trying to match up the animals with their owners, we could be helpful in those plans that will help to provide care until that reunion may take place.

Therefore, we are asking that if you have a pet or not, to stop by and add your prayers during a short service on Saturday, October 1st (the actual Feast-day is the 4th), at 10am. Also, if you could bring along some items to donate: dry or canned pet food, cat litter, leashes, or other items (no perishable food) you would like to donate. Some early contact with these agencies has been made.

Our prayer this year will have special import since there are a number of animals we will ask St. Francis to intercede for and ask God to protect and re-unite with their caregivers. Please add your prayer, voice, and donation. In advance, THANKS!

Rummage and Bake Sale

We will be holding our annual rummage and bake sale on Saturday, October 22nd.

Members of the parish have been stockpiling items that are going to be offered to our friends, neighbors, and local community.

Parishioners can start bringing in additional items now and place them on the parish hall stage.

In all things, we give hearty thanks for your kind consideration of these efforts we put forth in our parochial experience together.

Convo 2012: Confirmed to Walk on Water

The Buffalo-Pittsburgh Diocese of the PNCC will be hosting Convo 2012: Confirmed to Walk on Water from July 23rd-27th, 2012 at Niagara University in Niagara Falls, NY. As we hit the one year count-down to Convo 2012, keep all of the youth of the PNCC in your collective prayers.

For more information, visit the Convo website on Facebook or the Convo 2012 website.