The lnstallation of the Eighth Bishop Ordinary of the Central Diocese

The lnstallation of the Rt. Rev. John Mack as Eighth Bishop Ordinary of the Central Diocese and Pastor of Saint Stanislaus, Bishop & Martyr Cathedral will take place on Sunday, June 5th.

The Holy Rite of lnstallation will be celebrated during a Holy Mass scheduled for 4 pm. A celebratory reception will be held in the Cathedral Youth Center following Holy Mass.

Bishop Mack has been serving as Bishop Ordinary since February 1, 2011.

Please join in formally welcoming Bishop Mack by your presence, and if unable to attend, through your prayers.

Consecration of Bishop Elect Flemstead of the Nordic Catholic Church Announced

We have a rather momentous occasion to take place on the last Monday of July, July 25, 2011 the Feast of St. James the Greater, Apostle.

Through the ministry of Bishop Thaddeus Peplowski (Buffalo-Pittsburgh Diocese), a number of churches in the Nordic countries have accepted the practice and norms of the Polish National Catholic Church and have developed into the Nordic Catholic Church, coming under the umbrella of the Union of Scranton.

At the synod held in Oslo, Norway late last year, a priest of the Church, the Rev. Roald Nikolai Flemestad, was elected as a candidate for bishop. This in one way will bolster the churches looking for stability and focus as it looks to serve its people in the future.

Father Flemstad’s consecration to the episcopal office will take place on the Feast of Saint James the Greater at Saint Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr cathedral in Scranton. What a joyous occasion it will be!

Father Flemstad addressed our Holy Synod in October 2010. He so looked forward to visiting the American church, and now will serve as the leader of the Nordic congregations.

Members of the churches in Norway, Sweden, Germany, and Italy will travel to Scranton to take part in the service. The readings and liturgy will be celebrated in both languages. The bishops of our Church will serve as co-consecrators, with, Most Rev. Anthony Mikovsky, our Prime Bishop serving a principal consecrator.

The 66th Annual YMS of R/PNCC Bowling tournament news and results

The 66th Annual YMS of R/PNCC Bowling tournament was again a great success.

Eighty-six bowlers bowled in three events covering four divisions. There were, in the team event, 16 teams in both the open and womens’ divisions. There were no youth teams for the youth that were present bowled with the adults making for a truly “family affair.”

Deacon Jim bowled on a team made up of mates from around the church, Hannah and Josh bowled on teams made up of family and other parishioners. Father Stan bowled with the regular team once again. Deb, although under the weather, kept the cheering going as best she could.

As for accomplishments achieved: Hannah and her cousin Lauren finished first in the Youth division in doubles, Father Stan placed fifth in singles in the Spójnia division, and the team he bowled on took first place in the Spójnia division.

The Central Guiding Committee, at its meeting on Friday evening, accepted the plans for the 67th Annual Tournament to be hosted by our parish during the days of 18-20 May 2012 – our 90th Anniversary year.

May we ready ourselves to once again welcome our brethren from across the Church to join us for that weekend.

Only Two Weeks Away – Basket Social, April 3rd

Please join us for our annual Basket Social on Sunday, April 3rd at the VFW Hall – Fifth Avenue, Schenectady (Crane St. to 6th Ave. then
right on Webster to 5th Ave.).

  • Doors open at Noon
  • Admission $2
  • 50+ Themed baskets to be raffled
  • Door Prizes
  • and Polish Food!!!

Come out and enjoy Spring, socialize, have a good time, and try your luck. Everyone is welcome! Please call 518-372-1992 for more information.

Basket Social in Schenectady NY, theme basets, raffle, Polish kitchen

Your Lenten Journey in Schenectady

Come visit and pray with us throughout these 40 days. Our doors are open and you are welcome.

  • Ash Wednesday, March 9th, Litany and Imposition of Ashes on your lunch break at noon.
  • Ash Wednesday, March 9th, Reflection on the Seven Last Words of Christ and Imposition of Ashes on your lunch break at 7pm.
  • Traditional Stations of the Cross, Every Friday in Lent at 7pm.
  • Matins and Holy Mass, Every Sunday starting at 9:20am.
  • Youth – 30 Hour Famine sponsored by the National United Youth Association
  • Directed Lenten Denial for Charity

Directed Lenten Denial

Each week of Lent this year, we will be asked to bring in a specific item that is needed for those who have not. Although each week is a different item, you may either “catch up” or plan ahead, whichever is better for you. (Note: for those of you who will need to document your donations, simply list what items you have donated and the list will be verified after the Easter season.)

  • FIRST WEEK OF LENT, (3/13): Pasta products: any type of pasta can be donated; boxed or bagged.
  • SECOND WEEK OF LENT, (3/20): Baby Formula: any type of formula may be offered; ready-mix, concentrated, powder, etc. Please be sure it contains iron. Also powdered milk, canned milk, as well.
  • THIRD WEEK OF LENT, (3/27): Baby Food: any type of canned or jarred baby food may be donated for any age group. This donation may include all vegetables, fruits, meats, etc.
  • FOURTH WEEK OF LENT, (4/3): Canned vegetables: any type of canned vegetables may be offered. Soups may be here included.
  • FIFTH WEEK OF LENT, (4/10): Canned fruits: any type of canned fruits may be donated. Fruit sauces are also included here.
  • HOLY WEEK, (4/17): Protein Products: peanut butter, nuts, canned meats (tuna, ham, chicken, etc.), dried cheeses.

The distribution of donations will be done on Maundy Thursday.

This type of donation schedule will allow us to meet specific needs of those in our community. Any other items than these above listed may also be brought in.

May God bless this Lenten Season.

History of the National United Choirs Music Scholarship Program of the PNCC

The Music Scholarship Program was instituted on August 8, 1964 by the Sixth General Convention of the National United Choirs of the Polish National Catholic Church held in Carnegie, PA. The program was implemented at the Seventh General Convention, held in Cleveland, OH, on August 6, 1966, when the first awards were presented. The XII General Synod of the PNCC established the last Sunday in January as “Music Scholarship Sunday.”

The Music Scholarship program was instituted and tailored to develop musicians within the Polish National Catholic Church. The program was further expanded to establish a Chair of Music at the Savonarola Theological Seminary of our Church in Scranton, PA, and to also make scholarships available in other areas of music to enrich the musical life of the Church.

The Scholarship Program awards are divided into 2 categories: general scholarships and endowed scholarships.

General Scholarships

  • The Bishop Francis Hodur Award
  • The Bishop Francis Bonczak Awards
  • The Bishop Francis Bonczak Youth Awards
  • Church Music Award for Clergymen
  • The Bishop Thaddeus Zielinski Awards
  • Junior Incentive Awards

Endowed Scholarships

  • The Polish National Union Award
  • The Adam P. Pikulski Award
  • The Cecelia Shumlas Award
  • The Bishop Walter A. Slowakiewicz Award
  • The Emil Swantkowski Award
  • The George J. Balcar Award
  • The Bishop Eugeniusz W. Magyar Awards
  • The Edward and Frances Bialoglowicz Award

The Deadline to apply for any of these Scholarships is April 1st. Applications for any of these awards may be received from the Music Scholarship Administrator by writing to:

Mrs. Cathy Bilinski, Administrator
4051 Washington Crescent
Troy, MI 48085

Or by E-mail.

A few questions to test your personal knowledge of music history within the PNCC (answers will be posted February 1st):

The chant style of the PNCC is based upon _________ Chant.
The new hymnal of the PNC will be published in 20__.

Work in a democratic Church

To sustain our democratic Church, its members are encouraged to be involved, and to exercise their right to a voice and a vote.

Call to Volunteer Ministries

Once again, we turn to the parish family and ask for assistance in the tasks we share as a community:

Altar Servers – This ministry is open to all who have made their First Holy Communion, especially those of this past year’s class. If you would like to share in this ministry, please give your name to Father Stan.

Lectors – This ministry is open to all adult members of our parish, including those who have made their Confirmation. Additionally, if you would like to enter into this ministry, please give your name to Father Stan.

Womens’ Society for the Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament – we are always looking for more of our parish women to join the long-standing organization. We thank the women thus organized for their ministry thus far in the service of our Lord and to this parish. Please consider this invitation.

Saturday Night Bingo Workers – we are entering into a new chapter in our efforts on Saturday evening. We could always use some extra help, even if you can only give a few hours between 5-7 pm. If you can offer these or a few more, please see Father Stan.

Nominations and our Annual Congregational Meeting

Please remember that nomination forms found in the December Newsletter are due next Sunday, January 2, 2011. This will give the Nominations Committee some time to fill any positions which have no names suggested for them. Please interact with this democratic aspect of our parish government.

Our Annual Congregational Meeting will be held following Holy Mass on Sunday, January 30, 2011.

The Christmas Season at Holy Name – Schenectady

Vigil of the Nativity and the Solemnity of the Nativity of our Lord

Midnight Holy Mass/Pasterka (Mass of the Shepherds) will be celebrated on Friday/Saturday, December 24/25, beginning at midnight with the procession to the manager and the reading of the Christmas proclamation.

The Holy Mass for Christmas Day will be celebrated on Saturday, December 25th at 10am.

Solemnity of the Humble Shepherds

Holy Mass will be celebrated on Sunday, December 26th at 9:30am. The blessing of wine in honor of St. John the Evangelist will take place following Holy Mass. Blessed wine will be distributed and shared.

Solemnity of the Circumcision of our Lord

Holy Mass will be celebrated Saturday, January 1st at 10am.

Solemnity of the Holy Name of Jesus

Holy Mass will be celebrated Sunday, January 2nd at 9:30am. This Solemnity marks the Feast Day of our Parish.

Solemnity of the Lord’s Epiphany

Pastoral Epiphany visitations begin.
Holy Mass will be celebrated Thursday, January 6th at 6:30pm.

Solemnity of the Baptism of the Lord

Holy Mass will be celebrated Sunday, January 9th at 9:30am.

Solemnity of the Presentation of the Lord

Candlemas Day, End of the Christmas Season.