Special Holy Mass this Friday, November 12th

A word about the special mass scheduled for this Friday evening –

In years past, we had placed our parish concerns before the Lord within the prayers of Holy Mass. Since each Sunday Mass is specifically celebrated for the congregation, this intention is more focused.

We are facing once again some uncertainty is our near future: financially, organizationally, and ministerially. In years past, we have presented these concerns before the Lord, especially those of our financial needs, and He has been faithful. The despair and uncertainty were erased and we were able to carry on in His overwhelming grace.

Facing these uncertain times for our parish, as well as many other concerns as a nation and world, it is time, once again, to kneel before the Lord as a parish family to make these petitions. As The Lord has been faithful in those other times we have placed our concerns before Him, there is no reason to expect Him not to heed our pleas, and He will show us what lies ahead. If there are changes to be made, we must be courageous enough to accept them and apply them.

In whatever resolution to our payers that will come from our communal time together, we must truly believe that it is His Will for us.

Let us gather this coming Friday evening, November 12th and place ourselves within the presence and mercy of our gracious Lord. Holy Mass is scheduled for 6:30 pm.

A historic event: Installation of the 7th Prime Bishop of the PNCC

On Sunday, November 21st, the seventh Prime Bishop of the Polish National Catholic Church will be formally installed for service in a solemn ceremony prior to Holy Mass concelebrated by all the Bishops of our Church. (we currently have 2 Prime Bishops Emeritus, 1 retired bishop, 6 active bishops and 1 bishop-elect).

The Ceremonies shall begin at 3pm, with a dinner following at the Scranton Hilton Hotel. The Supreme Council of the Church is hosting this dinner at no charge to the attendees.

Ecumenical dignitaries have been invited to participate as well as local governmental officials. Local television coverage has been arranged, with the possibility of the ceremony being carried into the national broadcast venue.

We will need to let the National Church Office know of the number of attendees by November 5th. Again, there is no cost to attend the dinner.

We won’t have to consider the planning of an event like this for another eight years; and, since our new Prime Bishop is only 44 years old, we may not have to consider this event for another 16 years. So it is of importance that we consider witnessing this great event in the life of our Holy Church.

Please let Father Stan know of your intentions to represent our parish for this important time in the life of our Holy Church.

Congratulations to Adam Konicki & Hannah Bilinski

These are our National United Choirs Music Scholarship recipients for 2010. The announcement of the Scholarships was made during Convo 2010 in July. Of the 18 Scholarships awarded this year, eight were in attendance at the Convo and were able to receive the accolades of their peers.

Adam, a first-time recipient, received the Polish National Union Award. This Award is endowed by our fraternal organization and is given to a member of both the Church and Spójnia. We congratulate Adam for this accomplishment and look forward to his sharing his God-given talent with us here in church sometime in the future.

Hannah received the George J. Balcar Award. George was a lifetime member of the Church. His home parish was SS. Cyril and Methodius in Chicago, IL. He was a dedicated churchman seriously devoted to his parish and his Church. George was also intricately involved in the United Choirs, being both the Treasurer of the Western Diocesan Circle Choirs and of the National Board. After his passing, and in recognition of his fierce love for the Choirs and the Church, this Fund was established to honor those of the same mettle.

Our heartfelt congratulations are extended to our 2010 recipients.

Applications for 2011 Scholarships will be available in February. Let us have all our parish musicians apply to be so honored.

Upcoming Parish Events

SOCL: Our School of Christian Living sessions begin next Sunday, October 17th. Registration for these sessions continues. Children who have reached the necessary age for sacramental preparation will be enrolled for those session. We’re looking forward to another great year!

Music Scholarships: We will recognize and congratulate all Music Scholarship recipients from our Parish next Sunday, October 17th. In honor of their accomplishment we will share in coffee and cake following Holy Mass.

Semi-Annual Rummage Sale: Our Fall edition of our semi-annual rummage sale will take place on Saturday, October 23rd. Have something that needs a good home, a good home looking for something, make the connection.

Donations to Help Pets: Our annual tradition of gathering items for pets in need and pet rescue organizations continues. Please drop items off at the Parish.

Operation Christmas Child: We will be collecting shoeboxes during the last two weeks of October and the first two weeks of November. Let us once again help Samaritan’s Purse bring the love of Jesus to a child somewhere on our plant once again this year.

Pampered Chef: Stay tuned for further details on our Pampered Chef party following Holy Mass on Sunday, November 7th. Will Father Stan and Deacon Jim put on another edition of “Cooking with Clergy?”

A special celebration, this September

Sunday, September 19th will mark a special celebration in our parish family…

This year our parish family will get stronger — Stronger by the presence of the Holy Spirit being strengthened in five of our young people.

As we all (those old enough, of course) have the power of the Spirit within our lives through our Confirmation, so shall it be true for this class.

We will welcome our Diocesan Bishop, Rt. Rev. Anthony Mikovsky, making his second visit to our parish within his short tenure as Ordinary. In so doing, we also need to plan for the days’ response. The parishes of our Seniorate have been invited to participate, gracing us with their presence and prayer.

Please keep this afternoon open and partake of the grace, ecclesiology, and witness we will have to share.

This summer’s youth events

Registration forms and information have been received for the youth events happening this year.

Diocesan Acolyte Retreat – June 27-30 – Bishop Hodur Retreat and Recreation Center, Waymart, PA.

All of our acolytes are encouraged to attend this year’s Retreat. Hopefully, We will be able to participate in the entire schedule this year. The parish covers the registration fee and travel expenses. Please see Father Stan for more information.

Even though this year’s Retreat is not being hosted by our seniorate, Father Stan has nonetheless been asked to provide a talk for one of the days.

“KURS” Church Camp

The 2010 edition of KURS will be held from July 1 – July 10, also at the Retreat Center. Fees for this Camp have not yet been posted, but will be so in the near future.

CONVO 2010

The deadline for registration is June 1. We are a bit short in the necessary funding to send all who would like to go, as always has been the practice of this parish to pick up the registration fees for its youth. We still need, however, to honor the closing date. Your generosity and ideas in this regard are appreciated.

The list of the anticipated attendees for the CONVO includes our Confirmation class of seven students, four parish youth, and three chaperones. If there are any additions or deletions from this list, we need to make them in the next week for $285.00 for each on the list is due by June 1st.

CONVO 2010 – Governed by God

CONVO 2010 is nearing; 5 days on the theme Governed by God: 10 Commandments and the 2 Commandments of Love for the youth of the PNCC ages 12 to 21. Applications are available from Fr. Stan if you have not gotten yours yet, through the CONVO site, or here [pdf]. The CONVO Facebook Page has tons of additional info.

CONVO 2010 will be held July 26-30, 2010 at Monmouth University in West Long Branch, NJ, one mile from the beaches along the Atlantic shore and one hour from NYC and Philadelphia. There will be a trip to Liberty and Ellis Island as well as a beach bonfire.

Cost will be $285. All payments must be postmarked no later than June 1st. After June 1st, a $25 late fee will be required to be paid in addition to the initial $285. All late payments must be in by June 25th. Our Parish has taken up a soup pot collection to assist financially with the cost of attendance.

Holy Week at Holy Name Parish

Holy Tuesday

At 10am, the Clergy Conference of the Central Diocese will meet for its spring meeting. Following the close of the meeting, our diocesan ordinary and all the diocesan clergy will celebrate the Holy Mass of Chrism at St. Stainslaus Bishop & Martyr Cathedral in Scranton, Pennsylvania. The holy oils that are used throughout the year in our parish are blessed and consecrated by the bishop during this liturgy.

Holy Wednesday

– Fast and Abstinence

Maundy Thursday

– Fast and Abstinence

At 7 pm, Institution of the Eucharist celebrated with Holy Mass, Communion, and the Procession with the Blessed Sacrament to the Repository, and the stripping of the Main Altar. The Church will remain open following Mass for meditation.

O 1900 wiecz. Msza święta, Komunia; Procesja z Naj. Sakramentem do bocznego ołtarza Ciemnicy i obnażenie głownego ołtarza. Kościól będzie otwarty aby Iudzie mogli modlić i Adorować.

Traditionally, historically and liturgically, this night begins the Paschal Triduum (three days). It was on this night that our Lord Jesus instituted the Holy Eucharist, which we all share whenever we come to Mass. Following the Mass on this night, the Blessed Sacrament will be taken to a place of Repose until Easter Sunday. The faithful should consider the liturgies of the next two days as a continuation of this night’s, hence, the Triduum.

This is an important liturgy for all of us who revere and worship Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament for it was on this night that Jesus gave us the Sacrament of the Altar, of which some are preparing to receive for the first time. Students should endeavor to attend all of the Holy Week services.

Good Friday

– Fast and Abstinence

Noon – The Parish Church will be opened.
1 pm – Stations of the Cross
2 pm – Bitter Lamentations, parts 1-3
3 pm – Opening of the Grave
7 pm – Mass of the Pre-Sanctified

1200 po pod., Kościól będzie otwierać.
1300 po pod., Droga Krzyżowa
1400 po pod., Gorzkie Żale, czesci 1-3
1500 po pod., Otwarcie grobu Pańskiego;
1900 we wiecz., Obrządek Piatkowej Mszy i Adorować Krzyża;


The second day of the Triduum, the day our Lord died, begins with the time our Lord was nailed to the cross, re-tells the story, and ends with the symbolic opening of the tomb. The “pre-sanctified” liturgy is so described for no consecrations of bread and wine can take place on this day. A host consecrated the night before is used at this liturgy. The third will be placed in the Monstrance and carried in procession Easter Sunday morning. The evening service will be recited, and contains an ancient Lenten devotion, once more re-telling the events of the day.

Holy Saturday

– Fast and Abstinence

4 pm, Liturgy of Holy Saturday. Blessing of New Fire, also Paschal Candle and Baptismal Water. Easter foods will be blessed concluding the liturgy; and in homes by appointment.

1600 po pod, Liturgia Wielkiej Soboty; poświecenie ognia, świecy Paschalnej, wody chrzcielnej z świeconej.
Święcenie pokarmów Wielkanocnych będzie w kościele; aby ksiądz przybył do domu, to prosze zatelefonować do domu księdza.

The third and last day of the Paschal Triduum contains many historic blessings. The Church, at one time during each year, blesses all of the items she uses during the year; hence, the fire, baptismal water, holy water, and the Paschal Candle are all prepared during this liturgy. The traditional blessing of Easter food will be offered to any and all who desire. The traditional foods for the Eastern Europeans are meats, eggs, bread, and any other foods that will be eaten on the day of Resurrection. However, whatever foods any of our families will be sharing on Easter day can also be blessed for our use in this special ceremony. Please try to keep the tradition handed to us, or begin an old new family tradition in your homes this Eastertide. You may bring your basket to church on Holy Saturday or please call Father Stan to make a visit to your home for this blessing. The Parish Church will be dressed for the Easter holyday following the close of this liturgy.

Resurrection Sunday/Niedziela Wielkanoc

8 am – Resurrection Procession and Resurrection Mass of Easter Day.
0800 w rano, uroczysta Suma Wielkanocna.

10:30 am – Solemn Mass of Easter Day
1030 w rano – Msza Niedziela Wielkanocna

(Following each liturgy, there shall be a festive repast. Please plan to join the celebration!!!)

Two Mass times are offered this Easter. The 8am will have the Resurrection Procession and Mass of Resurrection celebrated. The 10:30am Mass will be a solemn celebration for Easter Sunday. Please make sure you attend and celebrate the Lord’s victory together with your family.

Baranek/Butter Lambs for Easter

Share a taste of the season with a Baranek/Butter Lamb offered by our youth. The Youth Group of Holy Name of Jesus Parish is asking for a donation of $3 for each lamb ordered. Orders will be filled on Palm Sunday, March 28th.

To order, please print out the order form and mail it to the Parish, 1040 Pearl St., Schenectady, NY 12303 or call 518-372-1992.

Our youth thanks you for your support!