Census 2010

As we will be receiving the Census 2010 packets in the mail shortly, a suggestion has come from the Polish American Congress: when filling out the census, the PAC would like all Polish-Americans to indicate the same when describing their family unit.

Of course, many ethnic groups represent us in our parish – the same would hold for you. This way a more accurate count of the ethnic heritage in our country would he determined. Thanks!

Great Lent/Wielki Post – Devotion, prayer, sacrifice

This season of intimate reflection and time alone with the Lord comes each year in our faith walk. Within the forty days of this journey, the Church allows for communal prayer time.

The “Stations of the Cross” will be celebrated on Fridays, at 7 pm, to allow those who wish to meditate and reflect upon the sacrifice of our Lord to do so, again with respect to personal schedules.

Please consider adding your devotion to these weekly reflections.

It is the tradition of the Church that Wednesdays and Fridays are days of fasting and abstinence.

May We choose to walk with Jesus these forty days, and may His sacrifice lead us to greater glory with Him.

Basket Social — Sunday, March 21st

Holy Name’s 8th Annual Basket Social will take place on Sunday, March 21st at VFW Post 357, 1309 Fifth Avenue, Schenectady NY 12303 (map). Doors will open at noon. Raffle tickets will be available for themed baskets. There are door prizes and Polish food will be available.

This wonderful fellowship event features variously themed “baskets” created by our parishioners. Attendees from far and wide are amazed at the creativity found in the various themes, finding everything from children’s baskets to a baseball, movie, or chocolate lovers’ paradise.
Once again, the Social features a Polish Kitchen headed up by Marianne Weglinski. Marianne highlights a wonderful cross-section of homemade Polish food.

Everyone is welcome to come enjoy the food and have a good time.

For more information call 518-587-0299.

Please mark your calendars and plan to join us.

National United Choirs Music Scholarships and Choir Sunday

Our National United Choirs (NUC) is asking every choir throughout our church to sing a common hymn next Sunday, January 31st, on its annual observance of its ministry to our Church. The National United Choirs is one of the oldest organizations we have in our history.

The Music Scholarship program has at its core a ministry to the musicians studying in all disciplines. There is a scholarship and category for instrumental, vocal, conducting, and study of sacred music. If anyone of our congregation is eligible to apply for a scholarship, please see Father Stan for an application. He can also fill you in on the details of the application and its process.

The Scholarship program was begun in 1967 at a convention in Cleveland, OH, and has been highly prolific in its years of operation. Father Stan was a two-time recipient back in the last century. We are also blessed to have a multiple-year recipient in Hannah, and singular year winners in Jenna, Melissa, and Claudia.

If you have read the articles in the church papers, you would have seen the notices to purchase the CD’s and/or tapes that were made of the concerts performed at the bi-ennial gatherings of the Choirs. And, God being kind, the long-anticipated bi-lingual hymnal will soon see the light of day.

Again, if anyone is taking lessons in any of the music disciplines and would like to apply for a scholarship this year, the application request must be mailed soon to meet its completion deadline of 1 April.

We thank our good Lord for the ministry of the Choirs, and pray that they will continue to serve our Church in the years to come.

Do you have a Serendipity Calendar?

We have already had one winner in December! Registration for 2010 continues. Calendar numbers are available at $20 per year. Your donation supports the Parish and provides the opportunity to play along throughout the year. Consider picking up an unreserved number for an opportunity to win! Call the Parish for more information at 518-372-1992.

Rules for participation!

  1. Upon registration you will be asked to choose a three digit number. Three choices per registration will be asked for and will be granted/filled on a first-come, first served basis.
  2. Only one thousand (1000) registrations will be taken.
  3. If your chosen number matches the three-digit number (straight) for the New York State evening daily lottery, you will win the prize amount for that day.
  4. Winners’ names will be posted in the Parish Hall (1040 Pearl Street, Schenectady, NY 12303) at the end of every month.
  5. Checks will be issued at that time and mailed to winners at the addresses given upon registration.
  6. Serendipity calendar donations are not tax deductible.
  7. Proceeds from this serendipity calendar shall be used towards parochial educational programs and expenses.
  8. If less than 500 calendars are registered prior to 1/31/2010, the Holy Name of Jesus Parish reserves the right to cancel the program for the year. Registrants will be informed of any decision made and will be given the opportunity to have their registration donation returned.

Further information can be received either by mailing Holy Name of Jesus National Catholic Church – PNCC, 1040 Pearl Street, Schenectady, NY 12303, by telephone at (518) 372-1992 (Office/Fax) or via E-mail.

Helping local emergency shelters

We will be collecting toiletry items (shampoos, soaps, razors, shaving creams, deoderants) for various Emergency Shelters in our area. To give not only a warm and safe place for the night, but to care for the personal hygiene is a blessing to those in need. You may bring items on Sundays and they will be distributed immediately.

Schedule of Services for Christmas

  • Thursday, December 24th, Vigil if the Lord’s Nativity: Pasterka/Shepherd’s Holy Mass at Midnight with a festive repast to follow.
  • Friday, December 25th, Solemnity of the Lord’s Nativity: Holy Mass of the Solemnity at 10am. Festive repast to follow Holy Mass.
  • Sunday, December 27th, Solemnity of the Humble Shepherds, Holy Mass at 9:30am.