Directed Lenten Denial

For each week of Lent this year, you were asked to bring in specific items for the needy, as a part of your denial in this peniteniial season. May the Lord bless your denial!!!

We had more bags than last year (46!!! 426 lbs), and were still able to provide for many. Also, if you remember the donation made from the ecumenical service and some individual donations, we also donated $238, of which the Pantry can buy food at 6 cents to the pound; your monetary donations will be purchasing a lot of food for many more families! May you be blessed for your sacrifice!!

God’s people, some of whom we may never meet, have been nourished and sustained through your donations. May the Lord bless you!!! As the Lord has been gracious to us during our Lenten journey, may He continue to bless us as we continue to sacrifice and give unto Him. To those of you who have allowed this parish to heed the Lord’s command to feed the hungry, God love you all.

Directed Lenten Denial

Each week of Lent this year, we will be asked to bring in a specific item that is needed for those who have not. Although each week is a different item, you may either “catch up” or plan ahead, whichever is better for you. [Note: for those of you who will need to document your donations, simply list what items you have donated and the list will he verified after the Easter season.]

  • FIRST WEEK OF LENT, (2/21): Pasta products: any type of pasta can be donated; boxed or bagged.
  • SECOND WEEK OF LENT, (2/28): Baby Formula: any type of formula may be offered; ready-made, concentrated, powder, etc. Please be sure is contains iron. Also powdered milk, canned milk, as well.
  • THIRD WEEK OF LENT, (3/7): Baby Food: any type of canned or jarred baby food may be donated for any age group. This donation may include all vegetables, fruits, meats, etc.
  • FOURTH WEEK OF LENT, (3/14): Canned vegetables: any type of canned vegetables may be offered. Soups may be here included.
  • FIFTH WEEK OF LENT, (3/21): Canned fruits: any type of canned fruits may be donated. Fruit sauces are also included here.
  • HOLY WEEK, (3/28): Protein Products: peanut butter, nuts, canned meats (tuna, ham, chicken, etc.), dried cheeses.

The distribution of donations will be done on Maundy Thursday.

This type of donation schedule will allow us to meet specific needs of those in our community. Any other times than these above listed may also be brought in.

May God bless this Lenten Season.

“Souper Bowl” Sunday, February 7th

“Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help us be mindful of those who are without a bowl of soup to eat” — Souper Bowl of Caring founding prayer.

Even though this has become a “national” holiday in our American tradition, it has also become a kind of tradition in our parish as well. Our youth asks us to participate in this important way again this year: to consider a donation for the “Souper Bowl”.

This is a national effort wherein funds are collected and given to local agencies to help in some type of relief. A “soup pot” will be available this Sunday for your loose change, folding money, or even canned goods.

Thanks in advance for your consideration and help!

Do you have a Serendipity Calendar?

We have already had one winner in December! Registration for 2010 continues. Calendar numbers are available at $20 per year. Your donation supports the Parish and provides the opportunity to play along throughout the year. Consider picking up an unreserved number for an opportunity to win! Call the Parish for more information at 518-372-1992.

Rules for participation!

  1. Upon registration you will be asked to choose a three digit number. Three choices per registration will be asked for and will be granted/filled on a first-come, first served basis.
  2. Only one thousand (1000) registrations will be taken.
  3. If your chosen number matches the three-digit number (straight) for the New York State evening daily lottery, you will win the prize amount for that day.
  4. Winners’ names will be posted in the Parish Hall (1040 Pearl Street, Schenectady, NY 12303) at the end of every month.
  5. Checks will be issued at that time and mailed to winners at the addresses given upon registration.
  6. Serendipity calendar donations are not tax deductible.
  7. Proceeds from this serendipity calendar shall be used towards parochial educational programs and expenses.
  8. If less than 500 calendars are registered prior to 1/31/2010, the Holy Name of Jesus Parish reserves the right to cancel the program for the year. Registrants will be informed of any decision made and will be given the opportunity to have their registration donation returned.

Further information can be received either by mailing Holy Name of Jesus National Catholic Church – PNCC, 1040 Pearl Street, Schenectady, NY 12303, by telephone at (518) 372-1992 (Office/Fax) or via E-mail.

Helping local emergency shelters

We will be collecting toiletry items (shampoos, soaps, razors, shaving creams, deoderants) for various Emergency Shelters in our area. To give not only a warm and safe place for the night, but to care for the personal hygiene is a blessing to those in need. You may bring items on Sundays and they will be distributed immediately.

Caring for God’s creation

Our Parish family came together to assist Hannah Bilinski in her Scouting project. Her work and the Parish’s generosity are on display at the Spring Farm CARES website.

Food and homemade flannel blankets were delivered to Spring Farm CARES a not-for-profit organization that goes well beyond the typical definition of a shelter or animal resure organization. They are the world’s first “public center for animal communication.”

Thank you!

Sincere thanks and deep appreciation are extended to the parish family concerning the collection of items during the Advent season. The economic recession had not diminished your giving:

  • Thirty-one (31!!!) (2.5x the amount of last year) bags of food were donated and collected. These were taken to the Schenectady Inner City Ministry.
  • Twenty-two (22!!) (more than double of last year) pairs of mittens, gloves, and hats (mostly child size) were collected. These were taken to the Northeast Parent and Child Association.
  • Two (2!!!) blankets and two toys were collected. These were also taken to the Northeast Parent and Child Association.

There are many needy families in our area that are being blessed this holyday season. May God bless you for your kind concern and gracious generosity!!!

And too, with sincere and heartfelt recognition of offerings and God-given talent…

  • to all those who had stayed to prepare the parish church for the Nativity holydays; and to those preparing the hall for the “coÅ› do chÅ‚eba” and to Marilyn for providing the food with David and Rose Petrosky (Deborah’s parents) for providing the kielbasa for the after mass repast;
  • to our choir director/organist, Liz, for her work in preparing for the Nativity liturgies and for her invaluable help in preparing our parish youth for the musical part of their presentation in the Nativity production; for all the voices aiding our prayers to praise God’s gift, Jesus;
  • to the acolytes, veteran and novice, for their service in God’s House.
  • to our SOCL teachers and students providing the Christmas keepsake we have traditionally come to treasure; and
  • to all who have gathered to worship and praise the Father for sending to us His most precious Gift, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Volunteers needed

Once again, we turn to the parish family and ask for assistance in the liturgical and parochial tasks we share as a community:

  • Altar Servers- This ministry is open to all who have made their First Holy Communion. If you would like to begin training for this ministry, please give your name to Father Stan.
  • Lectors- This ministry is open to all adult members of our parish, including those who have made their Confirmation. Additionally, if you would like to enter into this ministry, please give your name to Father Stan.
  • Women’s Society for The Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament – We are always looking for more of our parish women to join this long-standing organization. We thank the women thus organized for their ministry thus far in the service of our Lord and to this Parish. Please consider this invitation.
  • Saturday Night Workers – We are entering into a new chapter in our efforts on Saturday evening. We could always use some extra help, even if you can only give a few hours between 5-7 pm. If you can offer these or a few more, please see Father Stan.

Project Heifer – help us buy an ark

On Sunday, November 15th, we ask for your support to complete a project of the National United Youth Association.

Our parish generously contributed to the “Project to assist Heifer International” last year. Given the response from across the Church, we came up about $2,200 short of the $5,000 needed to purchase an ark of animals.

Therefore, on 11/15, the youth of our parish will be holding a BAKE SALE for this purpose. With these combined funds we will help the NUYA pursue the goal of helping a village somewhere on our planet to attain self-sufficiency. Please mark this on your calendar and plan your support!


Commemoration of St. Francis of Assisi and Blessing of Animals

Błogosławieństwa zwierząt, za wstawiennictwem świętego Franciszka z Asyżu
La Bendición de los Animales recordando y honrando a San Francisco

St. Francis and the catAs you may have heard, There have been many pets and animals that remain abandoned in the fires of last year and those of this year. Various agencies in and around our area have taken up the search and rescue and rehabilitation of those animals found homeless.

Although we could not be involved with the agencies that are trying to match up the animals with their owners, we could be helpful in those plans that will help to provide care until that reunion may take place. Therefore, we are asking that if you have a pet or not to stop by and add your prayers during the short service on Saturday, October 7th, 10 am. Also, if you could bring along some items To donate: dry or canned pet food, cat litter, leashes, or other items (no perishable food) you would like to donate. Some early contact with these agencies has been made.

Our prayer again this year will have special import since there are a number of animals we will ask St. Francis to intercede for and ask God to protect and re-unite with their caregivers. Please add your voice and donation.

In advance, THANKS!