Their daily food

bag-groceries-foodRemember… We are using the month of August to remember those in need of daily food. Please bring non-perishable food items through this month so that we can minister to those in need. It is not just during the Penitential times of the year that we collect food items or that those who are hungry are in need. It is throughout the year that this is true. Please make sure you bring in some items that can fill a table with necessary nourishment.

Remember, any amount will be helpful.

May God bless your sacrifice!

Directed Lenten Denial

For each week of Lent this year, you were asked to bring in specific items for the needy, as a part of your denial in this penitential season. May the Lord bless your denial!!! We had the same number of bags as last year (38!!!), still able to provide for many. May you be blessed for your sacrifice!! God’s people, some of whom we may never meet, have been nourished and sustained through your donations. It was bittersweet to learn, however, that we are the only church in the city that has a Lenten collection!!! We are the only contributing congregation in the Spring!!! May the Lord bless you!!! As the Lord has been gracious to us during our Lenten journey, may He continue to bless us as we continue to sacrifice and give unto Him. To those of you who have allowed this parish to heed the Lord’s command to feed the hungry, God love you all.

Whatsoever you do…

And the King will answer them, `Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.’ (Matthew 25:40)

Thanks to your care and concern, we were able to report a $108 collection on “Souper Bowl” Sunday. ($36.00 of that was in change!) To date, over $3 million has been collected nationwide. Our donation went to the Capital Area Council of Churches. The CACC operates an emergency overflow shelter through the month of April.