I formed you, and set you as a covenant of the people, a light for the nations… to bring out prisoners from darkness.

Welcome as we continue in the forty-day celebration of Christmas.

Today, we are called to reflect upon Jesus born into the human family through a human family and with the purpose of making us His Father’s family by adoption.

Throughout this past week and until tomorrow which is the Octave of the Epiphany, we have read from the First Letter of St. John wherein he speaks of the totality of God’s love. Our first reading today from Isaiah speaks of God’s purpose, set forth in His Son Jesus, to make Him the covenant of love.

That love’s purpose is to free us from a cheapness of life, any thought or feeling, any impression that our lives are unworthy of intimacy with God. Jesus came to connect us to the reality that His Father is our loving Father.

In His baptism Jesus confirms and gives sacramental affect to our adoption into the family of God. His Father confirms this adoption, sets forth His love for us, through the decent of the Holy Spirit and His verbal acclimation of His Son’s work for our salvation.

There is no doubt, brothers and sisters, that we easily fall into the trap of downplaying our place and role in the God’s family. We often fall into fear – wondering what will happen to us for the ways we fall short. Unfortunately, we concentrate more on that than on the power of God’s love and our adoption that is intended to drive out all fear.

St. Peter reminds those in the house of Cornelius, and us, that Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit and power to do good – good for us.

That good is not just some kind deed or a healing here and there. It is a good meant to overcome fear, imprisonment, darkness, and deafness and to replace it by making us strong. He assures us of our acceptance and adoption, our beauty and inclusion as His brothers and sisters.

At a practical level we must be very careful to remind ourselves of our position and stature in the family of God. We can accomplish this in the simplest of ways – put a note on your bathroom mirror saying ‘God adopted me in love. I am His. He is mine.’ 

We can do this by reading the story of Jesus’ baptism through which He entered His public ministry solely focused on bringing us in. We are the ultimate insiders in God’s family.

So let us take the word of our opening prayer to heart: May the brightness of His presence shine in me, and may His glory be set forth in me.

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.

Welcome! We continue in the forty-day celebration of Christmas.

Today, we are called to reflect upon Jesus Who was born into the human family through a human family – the family of Joseph and Mary.

It might be easy to think of God being with us always, but it is much more important for us to realize the very real connection God has with us in all things.

In taking on our humanity, Jesus, the Son of God, agreed to take on ALL of our humanity with its joys and pains, celebrations and sorrows. He chose to be with us always and through the knowing experience of our struggles is, as St. Paul writes, interceding for us at the right hand of God (cf. Romans 8:34).

Consider even what Jesus faced as we observe these few short weeks between Christmas and the Presentation.

Jesus’ mother Mary is found with child, not by the man she is engaged to. She risked not only ridicule, but also being stoned to death, with her baby, for adultery. Joseph saved her from that but also chose to divorce her. Jesus, except for God’s intervention with Joseph, risked being killed or at least being born into a broken family.

The family had to take on unexpected journeys. While pregnant, Mary traveled 100 miles to take care of her cousin Elizabeth. Similarly, the pregnant Mary with Joseph traveled 90 miles over a week to Bethlehem. Those are walks of eight hours a day.

They arrived and had to stay in a barn with the animals and in those conditions, Mary gave birth. God enters through the meagerest of accommodations. The poorest of the poor come to adore Him that night.

The next threat came from Herod, and they had to flee into Egypt. They traversed the places we are familiar with today, Rafah, Gaza, the Sinai, across the Nile, to a village near Cairo. This over 600-mile journey was alone – not as typical in a caravan – and without protection or provision on a weak beast. 

Today’s gospel relates Jesus staying behind in the Temple. Imagine His parents panic when they found He was lost.

We know at some point they faced the death of Joseph and its natural sadness. The Child and His now widowed mother had to rely on family and strangers for provision.

As we face the numerous challenges in our lives let us breathe in the God Who is with us. He, Who is part of our families, feels our pain, knows our struggles, and intercedes for us constantly.