Reflection for the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity


Let’s bungee jump…
for faith.

“I beside him as his craftsman, and I was his delight day by day, playing before him all the while, playing on the surface of his earth; and I found delight in the human race.”

In the Book of Proverbs we hear Jesus speaking about the creation of the world. Genesis tells us creation was an act of the Holy Trinity, God created the heavens and the earth… the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters. Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…”

This act of creation was an act of love and a joy for God. We were created to live in relationship with Him and with each other.

This is because God understands relationship. Relationship is His very essence. He is One and three Persons. He lives in a relational unity and created us so that we would be part of that unity; so that we would reflect unity in the way we live.

Jesus says that as He played on the surface of the earth He found delight in the human race. His delight was to uphold us, to reveal the truth of God to us, to take on our nature, and to redeem and save us.

Because God delights in us, because we are His joy, He offered Himself to reveal the truth of Who He is. For our sake He draws us into relationship with the Trinity. For that unity He broke down the barrier of sin by offering Himself on the Holy Cross. So that we will not forget or be lost He sent forth His Spirit to live with us, to guide us, and to lead us to unity with Him and each other.

We have an ongoing opportunity and call to live a life of love and unity; to live the revealed and absolute truth of God.

This weekend we recall how many sacrificed all and offered their lives for us, for our freedom and wellbeing. These men and women exhibited the reality of the God of relationships; the God that lived within them, and lives in us. They chose to care about their relationship with their brothers and sisters, and to do their utmost to protect those they could never know or meet.

We could spend this weekend theologizing about the Holy Trinity and frustrating ourselves in the process. We could spend it thinking of ourselves, and how we might relax, find a good sale, or party. Instead, let’s take that bungee jumping risk, that leap of faith and decide on a life that reflects God’s truth – unity.

The leap of faith is to recognize the reality of the God of relationships; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He delights in us and calls us to live by His example – in mutual love, support, and sacrifice. In doing so He delights in us.

Reflection for the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity

Can you explain?
Ummmmm, maybe?

“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”

It is amazing that on the day we consider the greatest mystery of mysteries – the Holy Trinity, we are confronted with the Jesus’ command to go and do the most simple and straightforward of things – baptize.

We recall from catechism class that anyone can baptize. In an emergency, any person can take some water, pour it over a person’s head, and with the words “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit” they have baptized that person.

In ages past, this was quite necessary. Unfortunately, many children died shortly after being born. People were caught up in wars and other tragedies. Christians in many places were the subject of persecution and martyrdom. Healthcare, safety, and religious freedom were a far cry from what they are today. Still to this day, every Christian has the right and duty to baptize when necessary.

Today’s Christians in the Middle East, North Korea, and China still baptize in emergencies, in prisons, whenever and wherever necessary. Soldiers in harms way baptize their brothers and sisters. Healthcare workers baptize in urgent situations.

In baptizing, in this simple act, we join the newly baptized to the Holy Trinity, to this great mystery, and to the Christian community.

The key is that in baptism, in regeneration into people of God, we come to recognize that our wisdom and intelligence are not enough. We realize that we are participants in God’s life. We must listen to and understand God’s mystery as a child would; accepting God’s greater wisdom.

Jesus praised His Father in saying: “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent, and revealed them to little children.”

We cannot explain the mystery of the Trinity. We can however explain what He has revealed to us and what we have accepted in baptism as His children. It is this simple fact: The Father loves us so much that He offered up His Son so that we might have eternal life. He loves us so much that He gave the gift of the Holy Spirit to sustain, instruct, strengthen, and enlighten us; to join us together.

That’s a mystery we can all explain – love, A.K.A. God.