The on-time (sorry, but not early) newsletter streak continues.

January – a time of new beginnings. What better way to start the new year than with circumcision? St. Paul told us that works like circumcision in the flesh are meaningless. What is required is a true dedication – a circumcision of the heart. We get there by faith. We cannot do things for God or achieve heaven by works, but we can dedicate ourselves by faith, and from that flows great deeds born out of joy and heaven.

January – the midst of the Christmas season. Tons of events and a real quick turn-around into the pre-Lenten season. It is going to fly by. Get updates on the work of the Church’s Future Direction Committee. Read about a new year dedicated to reverence, and a local theme focused on joy. Important information on our Church’s democratic process (yes, we really do need your help to keep it alive) is included too. Read up and remember – be joy filled in Jesus.

You may view and download a copy of our January 2016 Newsletter right here.

The on-time/early newsletter record goes on… Well sort of, posted here a few days later but delivered in church on the 29th.

December – that time for going to church for Christmas. St. Paul told us that through the Church something amazing will happen in our lives. Going to church is great,but becoming through Church is so much more. Check it out.

December continues our Advent journey of preparation and expectation. Tons of news on so many great events (2 dinners, Christmas preparation, St. Nicholas, Parish Committee nominations – get your name in. Get clued in by reading through the newsletter.

You may view and download a copy of our December 2015 Newsletter right here.

The on-time/early newsletter record goes on…

In November we offer up prayers for all of our dearly departed, those who have proceeded us in holy death. This process of praying in holy memory of our beloved must serve some purpose, correct? It is right to ask, what are we praying for? If everyone goes straight to heaven (as so many think today) there really is no purpose in praying for them. They certainly don’t need our prayers – we need their’s. If we are praying just to keep them in memory, we should pray for ourselves. If, however, our loved ones journey goes on, prayer for them is necessary. Read more about prayer for our departed in our newsletter. Remember, The Lord is patient toward us, and does not wish that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.

November also brings Thanksgiving, a continuation of our Holy Masses for Healing and our Bible study, and lots of other news.

You may view and download a copy of our November 2015 Newsletter right here.

An on-time newsletter again. The record is unbroken…

Fall is here and we take a look at prayer. For whom and for what do we pray? Do we dare to pray big? We are encouraged to trust in God’s promises and to lay before Him more than our most immediate needs. We should be praying big – for all the saints, for the Church, and for the wealth of blessings God offers to His elect. Let’s trust in Him.

This month we will celebrate another one of our Holy Church’s great Solemnities – the Solemnity of the Christian Family. October also brings our Seasonal Craft Fair and Polish Food Kitchen, our Rummage Sale, a continuation of our Holy Masses for Healing and our Bible study, and many other events.

Also in our newsletter – congratulations to our young people who made their First Holy Communion.

You may view and download a copy of our October 2015 Newsletter right here.

An on-time newsletter once again. The record continues…

Summer is coming to an end and Fall is around the corner. We look to one of the greatest Feasts established by our Holy Church – the Solemnity of Brotherly Love. September brings the first ever national webinar on Brotherly Love (register here), a continuation of our Holy Masses for Healing, Back to Church Sunday, a new Bible study, and prayerful recollection of the 14th Anniversary of the Tragedy of 9/11, and many other events.

Also in our newsletter – congratulations to our young people who won music scholarships, the start of Sunday School classes, and a report on our summer activities. Get updates on Church-wide events for this year of regeneration and much more.

You may view and download a copy of our September 2015 Newsletter right here.


We are building a record of on-time newsletters. This one is four days early. Well, technically it is both 4 days and 45 days early because is covers both July and August.

July and August and summer is here. We look at God’s word through the prophet Isaiah – Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be Discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. God is ever present. He’s not just an on-call handyman, but ever present with you, strengthening and caring for those who place their trust and faith in Him. As we take time to vacation, it is good to take a moment and refresh ourselves by recollecting the great gift of abundant care that God offers us.

Also in our newsletter – We wish all a safe summer and extend congratulations to our young people who are moving onto the next stage of their school careers. Our Healing Holy Masses and Anointing for Healing continue on July 13th and August 10th at 6:15pm. Read the story of an individual faced with a major life change and how our parish responds to all those who face these difficulties. Ever meet a convert and say Oh No!?! See what you and they can do for each other and together. Get updates on Church-wide events for this year of regeneration and much more.

And one more important event – our Parish and Community Picnic on August 16th. Put it on your calendar and please join us at church as we enjoy a great Sunday afternoon.

You may view and download a copy of our July/August 2015 Newsletter right here.

June – and the newsletter is on-time (even a day-and-a-half early).

June marks Sacred Vocations month in our Holy Church. Take time this month to pray for the Church’s faithful and dedicated bishops, priests, and deacons. They daily kneel and pray for all of us in submission to God and as true servant leaders. They make sacrifice and oblation for the needs and good of all of us. They don’t want to be raised up on pedestals, but only wish to raise all of us up to God.

Pray too for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and diaconate – for strong, determined, brave, and faithful men to set to work for the Kingdom of God:

O Almighty God, look mercifully upon Thy Church and incline the hearts of many of Her sons to offer themselves for the work of the sacred ministry, so that by their labors Thy light may shine in the darkness of the world and the coming of Thy kingdom may be hastened by the perfecting of Thine elect. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

June also marks Father’s Day and the start of our summer series of programs. Please join us for our new monthly Holy Mass and Anointing for Healing to be held on June 15th at 6:15pm. Read more and reflect on what it means to be Church and get updates on Church-wide events for this year of regeneration.

You may view and download a copy of our June 2015 Newsletter right here.


May is here and our thoughts turn to Mary and Mom. They are not mythological creatures or goddesses – but rather true witnesses to commitment and dedication. Let’s pray together and ask Mary’s intercession for our moms while reflecting on what their commitment and dedication say to us.

Our newsletter arrives as warmer days have finally arrived in New York’s Capital District. Get out there, tend to the garden and do not forget about God’s garden – help your spiritual life grow too. Our schedule is jam packed with great events – please join us. We have added a new monthly Holy Mass and Anointing for Healing. The first will be May 18th at 6:15pm. Read more and reflect on what it means to be PNCC, get updates on Church-wide events for this year of regeneration, and check out the summer schedule.

You may view and download a copy of our May 2015 Newsletter right here.

Mothers by Martin Creed

March is here and we begin to think about Easter. It is getting close and we wonder, will I go back there (to church). We reflect on the fact that Jesus welcomes us and opens His arms to us regardless of our mess-ups. This March we go deeper into our Lenten experience. We also have news about our Holy Week and Easter schedule, our Outrageous Valentine’s Raffle winner, and answer more Church Questions (should’t we read the Passion on Passion Sunday?). Remember too that we now have an expand Holy Mass schedule and find tons of great information in our Newsletter. Come be welcomed by Jesus no matter the mess-up – right here in Schenectady.

You may view and download a copy of our March 2015 Newsletter right here.


February tends to remind us of our loves and our obligation to love. It presents an opportunity to renew our love toward God and to give thanks for the abundant unconditional love we receive from Him. This February we enter into the Pre-Lenten season of Septuagesima, hold our Outrageous Valentine’s Raffle, and begin the season of Lent. Remember too that we now have an expand Holy Mass schedule and find tons of great information in our Newsletter. Come be lavished with abundant love in your church – right here in Schenectady.

You may view and download a copy of our February 2015 Newsletter right here.
