Reflection for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Lazarus and the Rich Man

Where are you

They drink wine from bowls and anoint themselves with the best oils; yet they are not made ill by the collapse of Joseph! Therefore, now they shall be the first to go into exile, and their wanton revelry shall be done away with.

Did you ever drink wine out of a bowl? Did you ever really feast without caring? Have you partied, partied, partied without thought of the consequences?

The situation in Israel was like that. They were living large, lying on beds of ivory, stretching comfortably on couches, eating tender lamb and veal, playing music they improvised, drinking wine from bowls, and anointing themselves with the best oils. They gave no thought to their suffering kinsmen.

Jesus was drawing on this parallel in His parable of Lazarus and the rich man. The rich man lived large, enjoyed his life, went from success to success, and ignored Lazarus as he walked by him every day. He was indifferent, inhuman. On the other hand, Lazarus begged, but while begging he did not bemoan his situation. He was humble and even the dogs tried to comfort him. In his poverty he maintained his humanity.

The conclusion of Jesus’ parable is the outcomes for Lazarus and the rich man. This should prompt us to consider our humanity, where will our way of life lead us?

Today’s Psalm begins: Blessed he who keeps faith forever. This is what we are called to do, to keep faith and to keep it forever. Listen again to Paul’s call to Timothy:

But you, man of God, pursue righteousness, devotion, faith, love, patience, and gentleness. Compete well for the faith. Lay hold of eternal life, to which you were called.

The question isn’t whether doing a “bad thing” will send us to eternal damnation or punishment. It is bigger than that. Jesus’ parable and the story of Israel are stories of people who have lost their humanity. They didn’t just do “bad things,” they lived lives that totally alienated them from life in God. They wiped the idea of God from their minds and hearts. They made themselves cold, self-centered, selfish and self-righteous, inhuman.

We know we fall in sin, but we have taken hold of the salvation Jesus offers us. We listen to His call to be more and more human, to repent of our sin, to make amends, to accept His grace and live lives in tune with His way. We see our humanity as a gift – and we focus on living humanly as God’s people.

It is not up to us to judge anyone’s destination. We must simply remember that lives lived habitually away from God will lead to an eternity away from Him.

Reflection for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

parable of the shrewd manager the_t

We are called to be
shrewd stewards

And the master commended that dishonest steward for acting prudently. “For the children of this world are more prudent in dealing with their own generation than are the children of light.”

Today’s story is an intriguing tale of master and servant, and money and sly dealing. A steward who is about to be fired curries favor with his master’s debtors by forgiving some of their debts. Jesus seems to be commending dishonest behavior.

Jesus’ target audiences are two groups of people who he had been addressing over the three passages from Luke we have listened to over the past three weeks – one that was despised and frowned upon by society and another that enjoyed much honor and respect. Both shared this common love– amassing wealth.

The openly corrupt tax collectors Jesus had been spending time with are referred to as ‘children of this world;’ the Pharisees who fanatically kept the Law, believing it to be the ‘Light of Life,’ are described as ‘children of light.’

The taxmen had no qualms about adopting dishonest means but were known for their liberal spending habits and for using ill-gotten wealth freely to gain favors and friends. The Pharisees amassed wealth through legally right ways but were known to be tightfisted with their hard-earned money.

The tax collectors are commended for their worldly shrewdness. Jesus is speaking to them about giving up dishonest ways – to be shrewd in a new way, so they would receive heavenly treasures. The latter are commended for their honesty and advised to freely use money to gain the friendship of saints who would welcome them into ‘eternal dwellings,’ when their legalistic righteousness fails to gain them salvation.

Jesus calls both groups to break free from the love of money and seek God with an undivided heart. The Pharisees who loved money heard all this and were sneering at Jesus. Though there is no mention of how the taxmen responded, we have reasons to believe that the likes of Matthew and Zacchaeus, both tax collectors, were converted by this teaching.

The lesson is clear. The servant who is about to lose his job knows exactly what he needs to do to get himself into another job and a secure his future.

The steward was shrewd in taking care of himself. Jesus commends his shrewdness to us.

We are to be shrewd in taking care of our faith. We need to reflect on our failings, our sin, and be shrewd in doing what is necessary to gain heavenly treasure. We need to avoid legalism and scrupulosity and truly live generously in the light of Christ.

Reflection for Back to Church Sunday

A place for you

Welcome to

Indeed, the grace of our Lord has been abundant, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. This saying is trustworthy and deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Of these I am the foremost. But for that reason I was mercifully treated, so that in me, as the foremost, Christ Jesus might display all his patience as an example for those who would come to believe in him for everlasting life.

Welcome! We are happy that you joined us on Back to Church Sunday! Whether you attend church on a regular basis or accepted an invitation from a family member or friend today, we hope that you will feel comfortable and enjoy spending this day with us.

Many of us have perceptions about church that make us wonder, “Is this the place for me? Will I fit in? Why does church make a difference? Who is Jesus?” You may want to learn more about who God is and what He has to say about your life. Others of you may have been involved in a church at one time, but for a variety of reasons stopped attending; now you feel it’s time to reconnect with God and others like you. And still others of you may already be involved in church and want to grow deeper in your relationship with God and as part of this community.

Wherever you are in your spiritual journey and whatever your connection to your local church, we would like you to know we care about you and the things that concern you. Our hope is to come alongside you and share what God says in Scripture—most importantly that He loves and cares for you deeply.

St. Paul gives us a telling example of the greatness and generosity of God’s love. Paul was a sinner struggling to do right – as he perceived it. On the road to Damascus he encountered the overwhelming light of Jesus’ love. He was commissioned to do right as God sees right.

In recalling all that, he hopes that we will see how much we are offered. Church helps to bring us into relationship with Jesus. We experience His patience, kindness, and forgiveness. We find God’s way of living life – a life without end. We find community in which we encourage each other and do good for the wider community – not just because, but because we have a hope that goes beyond the here and now. We live a compelling over-arching story. It is God’s story and we fit into it; it supports our lives.

We pray that you will be encouraged after you hear today’s message and walk away inspired to become part of Church, part of an amazing relationship with God, His Son Jesus, and a beautiful community that lives His life.

Reflection for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time


O Lord, it’s so hard
to be humble.

My child, conduct your affairs with humility, and you will be loved more than a giver of gifts. Humble yourself the more, the greater you are, and you will find favor with God. What is too sublime for you, seek not, into things beyond your strength search not.

The Book or Sirach has been used throughout the history of the Church to present moral teaching to catechumens (those preparing for baptism) and to the faithful.

The Book’s author was a sage, and was filled with love for wisdom, the law, and divine worship. As a wise and experienced observer he spoke to his contemporaries, and speaks to us, about maintaining faith and integrity.

Sirach organized his book by subject matter including: the individual, family, and community in their relations with one another and with God. It discusses friendship, education, poverty and wealth, laws, religious worship, and many other matters that are important to us even today.

Jesus was calling the people he was dining with to recall the wisdom Sirach offered centuries earlier. They had forgotten. He reminds them of the humility they were to exercise.

God calls us to live humbly, to be poor in spirit and meek as so well recorded in the Sermon on the Mount. All of Jesus’ teachings were focused on calling us to recognize where true treasure and greatness lay.

Jesus calls us into a relationship with God who is perfect while we are to acknowledge our imperfection and sin. We must be humble enough to see our shortcomings and rely on God for the forgiveness and redemption we need.

Jesus calls us to live with each other and our wider community as servants, and not just servants, but servants open enough to welcome all as our brothers and sisters.

Jesus calls us to live simply and without reliance on the things or the honors the world offers. We must remember what God offers us is far greater. He is our treasure and greatness. St. Paul reminds us that living in relationship with God, being members of His community, the Holy Church, gives us entry into real greatness – the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, the company of angels, the assembly of our brothers and sisters in glory, and God Himself. We come to Him through Jesus, our mediator who covers us in the blood – the blood He shed in humility to the Father’s will.

It is hard to be humble, meek, poor in spirit, and simple. Let us set forth with the humility to recognize that and to know by God’s grace we will work diligently to gain humility.

Reflection for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time and Youth Sunday


Lord, what about

Jesus passed through towns and villages, teaching as he went and making his way to Jerusalem.

People were asking Jesus a lot of questions as He made His way to Jerusalem. They questioned their future. They wanted assurance about their future as a nation and as individuals. It is a question we have all asked – ‘what about me?’

We all want to be sure. The youth in our midst, in our families and in our community are asking that very question.
Jesus wasn’t giving easy assurances. He is God and God cannot help but be honest. He told them: “Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I tell you, will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough.”

Jesus was telling them and is telling us that our future is dependent on our aligning ourselves with God’s will and God’s way. He is saying that it takes work, commitment, dedication, faithfulness, and often treading the rocky narrow path.

Our young people will be returning to school in the weeks ahead, and some are already off to college. As they return they will be facing those tough roads. They either have, or will come to realize that school takes work, commitment, dedication, and faithfulness.

The question before us this Youth Sunday is whether we are equipping our youth with the commitment, dedication, and faithfulness needed to reach eternal life. Are we bringing them to Jesus, training them in God’s will and God’s way, and making them strong enough to enter through the narrow gate?

Young people have a deep-seated desire to know God. They wonder what He is all about. They hear His call faintly, and they thirst for Him. They want the water that will quench their thirst, water the world cannot offer. They instinctively know that there is a way that leads to inner peace and a contentment that lasts forever. They wish to align themselves with the One who offers that way – but who is it? Where is it? Where can they find the assurance that will secure their future?

We cannot spend Youth Sunday simply praising our youth. We have to resolve to do our very best to help them enter through the narrow gate, and be strong enough. They are asking the question – maybe unspoken, maybe without even consciously knowing it – but yearning. Their hearts and souls seek Jesus. They ask – ‘what about me?’ We must take action and show them the way, not just by pointing, but by taking them by the hand as parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and friends. Showing them – This is the way to go.

Reflection for the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

set me afire

That’s one tough

Jesus said to his disciples: “I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing!”

Jeremiah was one tough prophet. He made everyone angry – but not for the purpose of inducing anger.

Jeremiah was a priest born in Israel around 650 BC. The Lord spoke to him and told him that he would be His prophet. Jeremiah was afraid, but the Lord promised to make him strong. God gave Jeremiah the words he was to use.

Jeremiah did as God asked. Afraid as he was, and knowing God’s message wouldn’t be well received, he went and told the people what the Lord was asking of them. He did this for 40 years among great difficulty. Jeremiah was attacked by his brothers, beaten and put into the stocks by a priest and false prophet, imprisoned by the king, threatened with death, as we saw today – thrown into a cistern by Judah’s officials, and was opposed by a false prophet. The people mocked him.

God’s words to the people called them back to faithfulness – they needed to worship God, and only God. God asked them to express sorrow for their unfaithfulness. If they would do this God would bless them once again.

We wish there might have been a happy ending, but there wasn’t. The people continued to worship false gods. They world not listen to Jeremiah or God’s other prophets, choosing instead to listen to false prophets because they gave the people what they wanted. Because of this continuing unfaithfulness, Jerusalem fell.

Jeremiah’s experiences made him lament. The key to understanding how Jeremiah felt is in understanding how much he loved God. He suffered primarily because of this love. He not only said what God wanted said, but felt God’s anguish at the people’s unfaithfulness. Jeremiah knew that even if he wanted to, he couldn’t stop speaking out. He said: “If I say, ‘I will not mention him, or speak any more in his name,’ there is in my heart as it were a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I am weary with holding it in, and I cannot.”

Jesus asks us to have that kind of closeness to Him, that deep and passionate love. God indeed is a burning fire – and Jesus wants us to be filled with His fire. This isn’t just perseverance in faith, it isn’t even a life dedicated to God – it is more. It is a life that is so in tune with God that we cannot hold it in. It is a life that has to bring God’s fire into other’s lives. It is a fire that burns away the words of today’s false prophets. Faithfulness to God can be tough. We have to be that kind of tough.

Reflection for the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Is it ok,
to be different?

All these died in faith. They did not receive what had been promised but saw it and greeted it from afar and acknowledged themselves to be strangers and aliens on earth, for those who speak thus show that they are seeking a homeland. If they had been thinking of the land from which they had come, they would have had opportunity to return. But now they desire a better homeland, a heavenly one. Therefore, God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them.

St. Paul speaks of Abraham and the Prophets. They lived lives of faith – holding onto the promise of what was to come, the fulfillment of God’s promises in the coming of the Christ, the Messiah. Paul refers to these men and women as aliens and strangers on earth.

Alien, stranger, and foreigner all carry the same connotation: being outside of or distinct from a group; one who does not belong to the group; a person with an emphasized difference in allegiance or citizenship.

All those who held unto faith in the coming of the Christ were that: aliens, strangers, and foreigners. They did not long for the place they had come from – looking back with regret and loss – but rather they looked forward to what was to come. They desired a better homeland, a heavenly one.

Of course God blessed them for their faith. It may not even have been a blessing they saw – for some certainly suffered. Rather He blessed them with the promise of what was to come and how their names would be held in earthly and heavenly esteem for their part in bringing it all about. God promised to prepare a place for them in the kingdom where they would sit around Him in everlasting glory and joy. We saw this last week in celebrating the Transfiguration – Moses and Elijah appear with Jesus resplendent in glory.
How does this apply to us? It applies in that it is more than ok to be different. We can and should live as aliens, strangers, and foreigners even among those who are closest to us. We are to set ourselves apart in the carrying out of God’s will, in living the life Jesus asks us to live.

We have God’s promise like the prophets and patriarchs did, plus something even greater – knowledge of the promise fulfilled in Jesus’ coming. We have the Christ with us. He lives in our bodies – from hearts that love and welcome to hands that serve, minds that ponder, voices that sing, pray, and praise. Fitting in with the world is for those who place their faith and citizenship here. Be different – only in being different do we show our faith and allegiance to God and gain His promise.

Reflection for the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time


I can’t help myself.
Isn’t it ok?

“Take care to guard against all greed, for though one may be rich, one’s life does not consist of possessions.”

The theme of our readings and gospel all center on doing things for the right reason, having the right priorities. They obviously focus on avoiding greed as the antithesis of proper living, “…the things you have prepared, to whom will they belong?”

As Christians we are to guard against placing our priorities wrongly. As we reflect on Carson’s baptism, we should recall our baptism. We descended into the waters of baptism, dying to the world and buried. Emerging we came into new life in the resurrected Christ. As people living in the resurrected Christ we have new priorities.

St. Paul says this plainly: For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. He reminds us that our focus must be changed – and we need to be reminded because we forget: If you were raised with Christ, seek what is above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Think of what is above, not of what is on earth.

The problem we face in setting priorities as Christians is how far and how fast we need to go in re-ordering our reasons, focus and priorities.

Can we find a word that simply expresses the overwhelming love and dedication we are supposed to have for Jesus Christ? It has to be a word that describes a love and dedication that is more than something that just bubbles under the surface, but rather radiates out of us, making our lives evidently different to all those we meet. Perhaps the right word is “crazy?” Crazy can mean mentally deranged; demented; insane; senseless; impractical; totally unsound. It can also mean intensely enthusiastic; passionately excited.

So how do we get to the kind of crazy that shows an enthusiastic and passionate life with Christ? It starts with commitment and practice. Baptism is the first step in commitment and dedication. From there, with the help of our parents, we practice – in Church, by reading scripture, and in regular prayer – learning Jesus’ way, focusing on educating ourselves about Jesus’ direction for our life, and working in community to do His will. With that education and practice we learn to live the right way and with the right priorities.

When we get to the kind of crazy that radiates passions in line with Jesus’ priorities we become restorers of hope in the midst of our families, workplaces, neighborhoods, and in the wider world. We find that we cannot help ourselves in a way that is absolutely ok – more that ok – it is wonderful. It is crazy right.

Reflection for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Let me say this…
But what if?

Then [Abraham] said, “Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak again but this once. Suppose ten are found there.” [The Lord] answered, “For the sake of ten I will not destroy it.”

Today’s first reading from Genesis is the story of Abraham’s negotiations with God. Abraham didn’t know what was coming in his discussions (prayer) with God. He was, however, open to listening to God. Abraham’s ears were open to what God had to say. This is an essential aspect of prayer. Prayer is more than just words. We have to put ourselves in God’s presence and be open to His promptings and invitations. Being he was open, God invited Abraham to the negotiating table.

The Lord was looking on the extreme wickedness of Sodom and Gomorrah and was getting ready to judge them. But before he did, he said; “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am doing?” God was giving Abraham the chance to be a great diplomat, negotiator, and arbiter.

We all know someone who can get the best deals. They can dicker at yard sales; resolve disputes; get a new car at a great price; negotiate contracts and come out on top. They have the gift of words – and for some reason people just seem to say yes to whatever they ask. Weather or not we are good with those things; God gives all of us an opportunity to be great negotiators in our prayers.

Abraham started by listening to what God was saying. He considered God’s voice, and thought out its implications. Abraham had self-interest in saving the city – his nephew Lot lived there. Abraham wanted Lot and his family to be protected and he could have asked for their safety – but he never mentioned it to the Lord. Instead, his relationship with God gave him a heart of compassion, a heart that cried out for ANY person who was righteous and who would perish along with the wicked.

Abraham’s relationship with God also helped him to understand God’s character. He appealed to God’s character – His justice: He said: “Would You also destroy the righteous with the wicked?”

Prayer is most effective when we listen and understand the God we serve – knowing His nature and character. It is effective when it comes from a heart of love built up through prayer, worship, and service. It is effective when we keep pressing. Like Abraham we have to stay on it. The degree to which we press God for something reveals our heart. How much do we want God’s will done upon the earth? Finally, like Abraham we must be willing to be used of God. Pray by listening to God, being loving, knowing Him, pressing Him, and doing what is needed. This is great negotiation – prayer!

Reflection for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time


I rejoice in my

Brothers and sisters: Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ on behalf of his body, which is the church, of which I am a minister in accordance with God’s stewardship given to me to bring to completion for you the word of God

Is Paul saying that Jesus’ sufferings were not enough to save us? We might misunderstand him that way, but what Paul really means is that Jesus’ suffering does not deliver us from having to suffer.

Paul was the perfect example of the fact that Christ’s people have to endure suffering so His word might be prclaimed. Paul labored, was beaten many times, continually faced death, and was imprisoned. He had been lashed, shipwrecked, had been put in danger from Jews and Gentiles alike, was threatened in the city and the country; went hungry, thirsty, cold, and exposed. Besides all this, he had the daily pressure of the Churches; he was weakened by every weak member, and was intensely concerned with every Christian who fell led into sin.

We might think that Jesus endured pain and anguish so that our lives would be easy and painless, but Paul says the opposite. Jesus didn’t die and rise to rescue us from the messy inconvenience of dying and rising. Jesus died and rose so that we could share in His death and resurrection. So too with His afflictions: The Head suffered so that the Body and each member can participate in His sufferings.

Paul didn’t think that his sufferings had any innate value. Rather he rejoiced in the fact that his suffering, all the afflictions he endured were for the sake of the Church. They resulted in spreading Jesus’ gospel far and wide. He was bringing the world what Mary longed for – the ability to sit at the feet of Jesus and hear His word.

Some people deal with trouble and pain in twisted ways. Some boast of their pain. The reason is not hard to find. When you’ve lost your health, and your marriage, and your kids, and your dignity, and your job, and your friends – when you have nothing else, at least you have your pain. You can still cling doggedly to your loss. Pain sometimes seems to be the only thing we can call our own. Paul won’t let us have that.

Whatever we suffer, Jesus has claimed that too. It all belongs to Him. Jesus doesn’t just want the best parts of us, the strong and healthy members. Jesus claims every last bit of us, even – especially – our weaknesses. Let us give our all to Him and proclaim Him even in our afflictions. Let others sit at our feat to hear His word in our good and bad times.