Let’s hurry

Mary set out and traveled to the hill country in haste to a town of Judah

If there is one thing God really likes, it is journeys. Think of all the journeys in scripture.

Noah took a great boat trip. Abraham journeyed from Ur of the Chaldeans to the Promised Land. Joseph was sold off into slavery and went to Egypt. His brothers journeyed there for food and Jacob eventually moves to settle there. Once enslaved, the Lord frees His people and they journey back to the Promised Land – a journey taking forty years. Ruth journeyed and God accompanied His people in the Ark of the Covenant wherever they went. Israel journeyed into and out of captivity.

All these journeys set the stage for the coming of the promised Messiah – our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We might think that once the stage was set the journeying would cease. Not so! Today we see Mary journey to her cousin Elizabeth. Mary acts as a sign. She shows us how to accept God’s will and how we are to put His will into action through journeying to serve each other. Mary would then journey back home, to her espoused Joseph, and together they would journey to Bethlehem to bear Him who was to shepherd his flock by the strength of the LORD.

The journeying did not end there. Having come to fulfill His Father’s will, Jesus would journey throughout the territories of Judea and Samaria to preach the gospel. He journeyed to call all to repentance – to a change of heart. Finally, He would journey to Jerusalem to His death.

Those without faith see the journey ending there – at the cross, at death. But, thanks to God that death is no longer the end of our journey. Jesus opened the door to the only destination that matters – heaven in the presence of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

In keeping with the Lord’s teaching and direction His followers have journeyed ever since. The Apostles went far and wide as heralds of the message of the risen Christ. Greece, India, Constantinople, Carthage in North Africa, Persia and Ethiopia, Armenia, Syria, Ephesus, Patmos, and Rome heard the Word preached. The Apostles’ journeys and that of their disciples, and their disciple’s disciples spread the gospel across the whole world.

As we near the end of our Advent journey and head to the forty days of the Christmas season, let us journey in haste. Like Mary, let us journey to show forth both our acceptance of God’s will and the great joy that comes from His service. Like the Apostles, let us journey to every end of our community to tell of the Great Shepherd. Let us help people see and realize His greatness, kindness, and peace. Let the urgency of our journey cause us to hurry up for the time is at hand.

A schedule of our Holy Masses and other services during the Christmas season:

  • December 24: Vigil of the Nativity. Children’s Vigil Holy Mass at 4pm.
  • December 25: Nativity of the Lord, Holy Mass at Midnight and 10am
  • December 27: Solemnity of the Humble Shepherds/Feast – St. John, Apostle & Evangelist. Holy Mass at 9:30 and 11:30am with Blessing of Wine (bring a bottle or two to be blessed)

Happy 2016

  • January 1: Solemnity of the Circumcision, Holy Mass at 9:30am. Happy 2016!
  • January 2: Solemnity of the Holy Name of Jesus – Holy Mass at 4pm
  • January 3: Feast of the Holy Family. Holy Mass at 9:30 and 11:30am.
  • January 6: Solemnity of the Epiphany of our Lord. Holy Mass with blessing of chalk, charcoal, and incense at 7pm.
  • January 10: Solemnity of the Baptism of the Lord. Holy Mass at 9:30 and 11:30am.

The on-time/early newsletter record goes on… Well sort of, posted here a few days later but delivered in church on the 29th.

December – that time for going to church for Christmas. St. Paul told us that through the Church something amazing will happen in our lives. Going to church is great,but becoming through Church is so much more. Check it out.

December continues our Advent journey of preparation and expectation. Tons of news on so many great events (2 dinners, Christmas preparation, St. Nicholas, Parish Committee nominations – get your name in. Get clued in by reading through the newsletter.

You may view and download a copy of our December 2015 Newsletter right here.

The on-time/early newsletter record goes on…

In November we offer up prayers for all of our dearly departed, those who have proceeded us in holy death. This process of praying in holy memory of our beloved must serve some purpose, correct? It is right to ask, what are we praying for? If everyone goes straight to heaven (as so many think today) there really is no purpose in praying for them. They certainly don’t need our prayers – we need their’s. If we are praying just to keep them in memory, we should pray for ourselves. If, however, our loved ones journey goes on, prayer for them is necessary. Read more about prayer for our departed in our newsletter. Remember, The Lord is patient toward us, and does not wish that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.

November also brings Thanksgiving, a continuation of our Holy Masses for Healing and our Bible study, and lots of other news.

You may view and download a copy of our November 2015 Newsletter right here.

An on-time newsletter again. The record is unbroken…

Fall is here and we take a look at prayer. For whom and for what do we pray? Do we dare to pray big? We are encouraged to trust in God’s promises and to lay before Him more than our most immediate needs. We should be praying big – for all the saints, for the Church, and for the wealth of blessings God offers to His elect. Let’s trust in Him.

This month we will celebrate another one of our Holy Church’s great Solemnities – the Solemnity of the Christian Family. October also brings our Seasonal Craft Fair and Polish Food Kitchen, our Rummage Sale, a continuation of our Holy Masses for Healing and our Bible study, and many other events.

Also in our newsletter – congratulations to our young people who made their First Holy Communion.

You may view and download a copy of our October 2015 Newsletter right here.

Getting to

And people brought to him a deaf man who had a speech impediment and begged him to lay his hand on him. He took him off by himself away from the crowd. He put his finger into the man’s ears and, spitting, touched his tongue; then he looked up to heaven and groaned, and said to him, “Ephphatha!”— that is, “Be opened!” — And immediately the man’s ears were opened, his speech impediment was removed, and he spoke plainly.

Tomorrow we celebrate Labor Day. Our Holy Church has a long history of support for the Labor movement. Our founders were in tune with the struggles faced by working men and women. They experienced the reality of exploitation by the powerful moneyed interests of our nation. Bishop Hodur spoke out for the respect that was due workers, for fair treatment, payment of proper wages, and a fair share of the profits they produced. He advocated for the same kind of democracy in industry that was part of our Church. All worked against selfish interest and for the collective good of the community.

It would be one thing to advocate for workers from self-interest as an ends, but we well know that advocacy for the rights of workers and for the community comes from and is centered in our love for Jesus’ way of life.

As we see in today’s gospel, Jesus’ healing takes physical form. He works to make the deaf hear and the mute speak. In John 9:5-7 we see Jesus again healing physically: “While I am in the world, I am the Light of the world.” When He had said this, He spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and applied the clay to his eyes, and said to him, “Go, wash in the pool of Siloam ” (which is translated, Sent). So he went away and washed, and came back seeing.

St. Paul reminds us that we cannot forego justice toward the weak, the downtrodden, the worker. We are not to make distinction, but look to the collective good of all – because Jesus showed no partiality: show no partiality as you adhere to the faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ. For if a man with gold rings and fine clothes comes into your assembly, and a poor person in shabby clothes also comes in, and you pay attention to the one wearing the fine clothes and say, “Sit here, please,” while you say to the poor one, “Stand there,” or “Sit at my feet,” have you not made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil designs?

Our faith in Jesus requires that we work faithfully for the collective good. We must be unafraid of working to renew the world – to help those deaf to faith to hear; to help those who fear proclamation to cry out; to open streams of the life giving waters to the entire world; and to show no partiality, treating all as equal before God.

An on-time newsletter once again. The record continues…

Summer is coming to an end and Fall is around the corner. We look to one of the greatest Feasts established by our Holy Church – the Solemnity of Brotherly Love. September brings the first ever national webinar on Brotherly Love (register here), a continuation of our Holy Masses for Healing, Back to Church Sunday, a new Bible study, and prayerful recollection of the 14th Anniversary of the Tragedy of 9/11, and many other events.

Also in our newsletter – congratulations to our young people who won music scholarships, the start of Sunday School classes, and a report on our summer activities. Get updates on Church-wide events for this year of regeneration and much more.

You may view and download a copy of our September 2015 Newsletter right here.

The Guilderland Branch of the Capital District YMCA – Activities Assistant

Under the direction of the Site Supervisor, the Activities Assistant is responsible for assisting with the implementation of all school age child care activities.

Job Requirements: Must be 16 years of age. Prior experience working with children preferred. Submission of NYS Medical Statement of Childcare Staff Form documenting physician clearance to work in a childcare setting. TB Test which meets Health and Social Service requirement. Clearance from Criminal Background check. Maintain 15 hours of childcare related training annually. Excellent human relation skills, good organizational and communication skills. 

Principal Responsibilities: Assist in preparation and implementation of all activities for the site. Assist the site staff with distribution and cleanup of daily snack. Work with the children in small groups with age appropriate activities such as crafts, games, clubs and science. Maintain clean, neat and organized environment at the site. Maintain a safe and secure environment for all program participants. Appropriately communicate with parents. Maintain all applicable state regulations re: school age child care programs. Maintain cleanliness of facility as a member of Clean Team. All other duties, as requested.

Scheduled Shift: Part time; 1:30pm – 6:00pm Approx. 20 hrs. Per week
Hourly Rate: $9.00
Deadline: 8/17/2015

Please forward resumes or applications to: Jenna Graber, Child Care Director, Capital District YMCA – Guilderland Branch 250 Winding Brook Drive, Guilderland, NY 12084 or by E-mail.

The Guilderland YMCA – Site Supervisor, Before and After School Care Programs

Under the general direction of the Childcare Director, the Site Supervisor is responsible for planning and supervising a developmentally appropriate childcare program.

Job Requirements: Minimum one year in a supervisory capacity preferred. Two years direct experience with children under age 13. BA/BS in Child Development (Elementary Ed, Physical Ed, Recreation Ed or related field), OR School Age Child Care Credential, OR Two years of College with 18 credits in Child Development, Elementary Ed, Physical Ed, recreation or related field, OR
AAS in Child Development, Elementary Ed, Physical Ed, Recreation or related field. Candidates must submit a NYS Medical Statement of Childcare Staff Form documenting physician clearance to work in a childcare setting. TB Test which meets Health and Social Service requirement. Clearance from a Criminal Background check. First and CPR certifications. Preferred candidates must possess excellent human relation skills, good organizational and communication skills.

Principal Responsibilities: Plan, implement and supervise a developmentally and academically appropriate curriculum for the assigned site. Maintain positive working relationship with school personnel in coordination of the building site and related issues. Develop and maintain weekly and monthly calendar of activities for display to parents. Maintain daily schedules of activities, etc. Maintain an organized, clean and safe learning and recreational environment for all program areas. Develop and consistently maintain appropriate and professional communication with parents. Supervise all site staff and provide input and written evaluations as requested. Establish and train staff, children and parents on emergency procedures in compliance with OCFS regulations. Manage and control inventory of equipment and supplies, in accordance with budget. Ensure all applicable OCFS regulations are followed. Maintain all required records and logs. Maintain cleanliness of facility as a member of Clean Team. All other duties, as requested.

Available Shift: Part time, 1st shift (approx. 25 hrs. per week)
Pay Range: $12.75
Deadline: 8/17/2015

Please forward resumes or applications to: Jenna Graber, Child Care Director, Capital District YMCA – Guilderland Branch 250 Winding Brook Drive, Guilderland, NY 12084 or by E-mail.

The Troy YMCA – Three Part-time Site Supervisors I Positions for before and After School Care Programs.

Under the general direction of the Childcare Director, the Site Supervisor is responsible for planning and supervising a developmentally appropriate childcare program.

Job Requirements: Minimum one year in a supervisory capacity preferred. Two years direct experience with children under age 13. BA/BS in Child Development (Elementary Ed, Physical Ed, Recreation Ed or related field), OR School Age Child Care Credential, OR Two years of College with 18 credits in Child Development, Elementary Ed, Physical Ed, recreation or related field, OR
AAS in Child Development, Elementary Ed, Physical Ed, Recreation or related field. Candidates must submit a NYS Medical Statement of Childcare Staff Form documenting physician clearance to work in a childcare setting. TB Test which meets Health and Social Service requirement. Clearance from a Criminal Background check. First and CPR certifications. Preferred candidates must possess excellent human relation skills, good organizational and communication skills.

Principal Responsibilities: Plan, implement and supervise a developmentally and academically appropriate curriculum for the assigned site. Maintain positive working relationship with school personnel in coordination of the building site and related issues. Develop and maintain weekly and monthly calendar of activities for display to parents. Maintain daily schedules of activities, etc. Maintain an organized, clean and safe learning and recreational environment for all program areas. Develop and consistently maintain appropriate and professional communication with parents. Supervise all site staff and provide input and written evaluations as requested. Establish and train staff, children and parents on emergency procedures in compliance with OCFS regulations. Manage and control inventory of equipment and supplies, in accordance with budget. Ensure all applicable OCFS regulations are followed. Maintain all required records and logs. Maintain cleanliness of facility as a member of Clean Team. All other duties, as requested.

Available Shift: Part time, 1st and 2nd shift (approx. 25 hrs. per week including planning) 1:30pm-5:30pm
Pay Range: $12.03-12.50
Deadline: 8/19/2015

Please forward all resumes and applications to: Peggy Maliski, Childcare Director, Capital District YMCA, Troy Family Branch, 2500 21st Street, Troy, NY 12180, or by E-mail.

The Bethlehem Branch of the Capital District YMCA – Activities Assistant

Under the direction of the Site Supervisor, the Activities Assistant is responsible for assisting with the implementation of all school age child care activities.

Job Requirements: Must be 16 years of age. Prior experience working with children preferred. Submission of NYS Medical Statement of Childcare Staff Form documenting physician clearance to work in a childcare setting. TB Test which meets Health and Social Service requirement. Clearance from Criminal Background check. Maintain 15 hours of childcare related training annually. Excellent human relation skills, good organizational and communication skills.

Principal Responsibilities: Assist in preparation and implementation of all activities for the site. Assist the site staff with distribution and cleanup of daily snack. Work with the children in small groups with age appropriate activities such as crafts, games, clubs and science. Maintain clean, neat and organized environment at the site. Maintain a safe and secure environment for all program participants. Appropriately communicate with parents. Maintain all applicable state regulations re: school age child care programs. Maintain cleanliness of facility as a member of Clean Team. All other duties, as requested.

Scheduled Shift: Part time; M-F 7 – 9am and /or 3-6pm (Approx. 25 hrs. Per week)
Hourly Rate: $9.00
Deadline: 8/18/2015

Please forward resumes or applications to: Katie Eagan, Childcare Coordinator Capital District YMCA Bethlehem Area Branch, 900 Delaware Avenue, Delmar, NY 12054 or by E-mail.

The Bethlehem YMCA – Group Leader

Under the direction of the Childcare Director, a Group Leader is responsible for assisting with the planning, development and implementation of all classroom activities.

Job Requirements: AAS in Child Development, Recreation or related field, OR HS Degree/GED and two years’ experience working with children under age 13. Submission of NYS Medical Statement of Childcare Staff Form documenting physician clearance to work in a childcare setting. TB Test which meets Health and Social Service requirement. Clearance from Criminal Background check. Maintain 15 hours of childcare related training annually. Excellent human relation skills, good organizational and communication skills.

Principal Responsibilities: Assist in planning, preparation and implementation of all activities for the site. Assist the site staff with distribution and clean-up of daily snack. Work with the children in small groups with age appropriate activities such as crafts, games, clubs and science. Maintain clean, neat and organized environment at the site. Creating and maintaining a safe and secure environment for all program participants. Foster appropriate communication with parents. Maintain all applicable state regulations school age child care programs. Assist in maintenance of required log and record books. Maintain cleanliness of facility as a member of Clean Team and all other duties, as requested.

Scheduled Shift: Part time; M-F 7 – 9am and /or 3-6pm (Approx. 25 hrs. Per week)
Hourly Rate: $9.54
Deadline: 8/18/2015

Please forward resumes or applications to: Katie Eagan, Childcare Coordinator Capital District YMCA Bethlehem Area Branch, 900 Delaware Avenue, Delmar, NY 12054 or by E-mail.

NYS Department of Health – Pharmacy Consultant

Applications Due: 08/15/15
Vacancy ID: 21064
Salary Range: From $75,243 to $94,834 Annually
Employment Type: Full-Time
Schedule: Mon-Fri/37.5 hours weekly/8:30 AM to 4:30 PM

Location: Office of Primary Care and Health Systems Management, Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement, Riverview Center, Menands, NY 12204

Minimum Qualifications: Permanent Transfer Candidates: Current DOH employee with permanent or contingent-permanent service as a Pharmacy Consultant OR current NYS employee with one year of permanent or contingent-permanent service in a title Grade 23 or higher, and meets the Open Competitive qualifications below.

Open Competitive Candidates: Possession of a current license and registration to practice pharmacy in NYS and 2-years of post-licensure experience as a pharmacist.

Preferred Qualifications: Experience in public health programs and/or healthcare project management. Administrative and program experience, including but not limited to: interpretation of Federal and State guidance for program staff, developing guidance, program policy and other documents, and preparing reports and correspondence. Ability to formulate program recommendations based upon data analysis. Development and delivery of presentations, written and verbal communications and reports are preferred

Duties Description: This position will work with internal DOH staff, including Wadsworth Center and ITS staff, as well as external vendors to oversee and participate in the implementation and maintenance of the NYS Medical Marijuana Program. You will analyze medical marijuana certification and dispensing data to detect diversion; provide pharmacological research and consultation on special projects relating to drugs, pharmacy, and public health concerns. You will assist in the review of information concerning serious conditions included in the program and review information from registered organizations concerning products and advertising. You may provide presentations, as well as written and verbal responses, to healthcare professionals, patients, and other external stakeholders; as well as assist in the development of program policies, regulations and laws. You may conduct reviews to identify aberrant utilization patterns or cases and intervene when warranted and assist in Bureau initiatives and programs as assigned.

Additional Comments: Contingent-permanent, full time. Periodic in-state travel is required; including travel to some areas that may not be served by public transportation.

Some positions may require additional credentials or a background check to verify your identity.

Notes on Applying: Please submit resume to Human Resources Management Group, JB/75031/PC, Room 2217, Corning Tower Building, Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York 12237-0012, or by e-mail to resume@health.ny.gov or by fax to (518) 473-3395. Please use a subject line of JB/75031/PC. Resumes accepted until position filled.

Healthcare Association of New York State (HANYS) – Program Manager-NYS Partnership for Patients, Statewide

Experience: Mid-Senior level
Job function: Project Management
Employment type: Full-time
Industry: Hospital & Health Care
Job ID: 62323706

Job description: We are seeking a Full-Time Program Manager for Northeastern New York. This is a great opportunity to use your clinical healthcare experience in a consultative role helping hospitals improve patient safety quality outcomes!

Reporting to the Senior Director, Strategic Quality Initiatives, this newly created position supports the NYS Partnership for Patients (PfP) program through CMS. The PfP is a public-private partnership that will offer support to hospitals to make patient care safer and to support effective transitions of patients from hospitals to other settings.

The role of the Program Manager will be to provide project management, education, materials development, and member support in various assigned quality improvement projects and initiatives including but not limited to:

Primary role: Work with a cohort of hospitals on site and virtually to provide support, technical assistance, quality improvement coaching and observation/evaluative support. Coordination of project plan. Adherence to budget, timeline, and deliverables. Facilitation of positive member impacts. Research on evidence-based and best practices. SME on project topics and sub-tasks. Coordination of data management and analysis. Coordination of programs, events, meetings, and various activities. Written documentation and reports.

As a member of the Quality and Research Initiative (QARI) team, the Program Managers will stay up-to-date in HANYS advocacy and quality programming to ensure full service and support to the members and participate in associated activities when needed.

Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree required (Master’s degree preferred) in a related field or a BS in Nursing with a minimum 2 years of experience in a hospital. Extensive proven clinical knowledge with hospital, physician practice and/or other healthcare environment operations can substitute for nursing degree. Proven track record as a leader in quality improvement, patient safety, hospital and/or physician practice operations best practices and facilitation. Demonstrated proficiency in establishing and maintaining key relationships. Strong project management and organizational skills. Ability to coach and facilitate to maximize the member’s success. Ability to problem-solve and mentor to provide effective problem resolution solutions. Excellent written and verbal communication skills. Ability to understand, apply, and educate on basic quality improvement statistics and reports. Flexibility to travel in the assigned area approximately 3 days per week. Basic skills in Microsoft office, excel and technology systems for data and web conferencing.

Qualified candidates may send a resume and salary history/requirements in confidence via E-mail (preferred) or to: Human Resources, Healthcare Association of New York State, One Empire Drive, Rensselaer, NY 12144.

New York State School Boards Association – Chief Financial Officer

The Position: Serves as Chief Financial Officer of the Association in a senior financial-management role. The CFO will be a seasoned and mature leader with at least 10 years of broad nonprofit finance experience. Candidate must have experience in gathering and evaluating financial information and making actionable recommendations to senior leadership. In addition, the CFO monitors and reports all financial activities. Directs and has immediate responsibility for accounting practices, maintenance of fiscal records and preparation of budget and financial reports.

Your Qualifications: CPA or MBA required. Minimum of 10 years nonprofit experience. Minimum of 5 years as a CFO or equivalent preferably in a nonprofit organization with a budget of at least $5 million. Financial and board reporting experience. Budgeting experience. Dashboard development, design and reporting. Ability to design and recommend increased efficiencies to current accounting system. Excellent written, verbal, presentation and interpersonal communication skills. Excellent analytical, management and organization skills. Proficient with computerized accounting systems, budgeting software and other computer applications including MS Dynamics (or similar accounting software), MS Excel, ADP, PowerPoint, and MS Access (or similar database software).

To apply for confidential consideration, E-mail resume, cover letter, and compensation requirements by August 31, 2015 with the subject line: CFO Position.

New York State Department of Civil Service Exam Announcements

When filing your online application, be aware there is no technical assistance on weekends, or after 5 PM on weekdays.

25-991, Assistant Building Construction Engineer

25-992, Assistant Building Structural Engineer

25-993, Assistant Superintendent of Construction and 25-994, Senior Superintendent of Construction

28-327, Budget Examiner

25-996, Campus Safety Specialist

25-995, Senior Building Structural Engineer

26-028, Fire Protection Specialist Trainee 1 and 26-029, Fire Protection Specialist 1

26-030, Medical Test Assistant

25-998, Park Engineer and 25-999, Senior Park Engineer

26-000, Toll Electronic Systems Technician

28-328, Veterinarian 2

20879, Verbatim Reporter 1

Rensselaer County Regional Chamber of Commerce – President/CEO Position

Reporting to the Chamber’s Board of Directors, the President/CEO serves as a community leader and ambassador for the region, collaborating closely with other business organizations with the goal of improving the business climate across the region. The President/CEO is responsible for working closely with the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors to develop and execute strategic initiatives.

Position requirements include but are not limited to: Exceptional strategic, analytical, judgment and problem-solving skills; possesses strong mental agility. Demonstrated ability to discern and conceptualize present and future trends and communicate options and choices regarding the same to the Chamber’s leadership. A successful track record for engaging, partnering and building alliances with a wide range of constituencies and influencers that include business leaders, entrepreneurs, investors, elected officials and the media; strong relationship-building skills. Proactive advocate for the organization; working knowledge of legislative and political process and environments; economic development experience a strong plus. Ability to motivate others to be champions of the Chamber’s initiatives and key goals. Professional presence and public speaking ability required. Able to align diverse interest groups on issues and opportunities that will benefit the overall business community; a consensus builder with a personal style that engenders confidence. Experience recruiting, developing, motivating and retaining a strong, diverse staff. Evidence of creating strategic directives and turning them into successful tactical programs. Exceptional verbal and written communications skills. Highly skilled leader able to lead in a fast-paced, pressured and changing environment. Proven record of accountability in financial and people development.

Education and Experience: Minimum bachelor’s degree required with an MBA or advanced degree preferred. Fifteen or more years of experience in progressively responsible leadership positions in corporate, political, community or not-for profit management areas. An understanding of leading a not-for-profit is critical. Eight years or more as the president or senior staff leader of a membership-based organization is strongly preferred. Experience in reporting to a Board of Directors and building consensus with diverse constituencies. Proven leadership in program and resource development (fundraising). Demonstration of a strong financial acumen. Experience with public relations and marketing campaigns; expertise in dealing with local and regional media.

Applicants should send a cover letter with salary requirements and resume via E-mail by August 28, 2015.

New York State School Boards Association – Associate Policy Consultant

The Position: Researches and responds to policy-related questions from staff, board members and school administrators. Researches and keeps apprised of issues affecting education policy. Assists with the development, preparation and delivery of quarterly policy update service. Assists in marketing policy services by making presentations to school districts. Provides administrative support to the policy unit.

Your Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree required. Proficient in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. Familiarity with public education issues helpful. Excellent written, public speaking, presentation and interpersonal communication skills.

To apply for confidential consideration, E-mail resume, cover letter, and compensation requirements by August 31, 2015 with the subject line: Policy Position.

College of Saint Rose – Current Job Openings

Descriptions for these jobs are found on our website

  • Coordinator of Veteran Enrollment*
  • Equipment Room Coordinator – Part-time*
  • Security Officer: 4 POSITIONS
  • Assistant Athletic Trainer
  • Assistant Director of Institutional Research
  • Asst. Vice President of Graduate Recruitment and Enrollment
  • Asst. Director of Undergrad Admissions-New England Region
  • Asst. Director of Undergrad Admissions-Long Island Region
  • Technology Support Technician (2 positions)
  • Enrollment Management Analyst
  • Assistant Professor of Chemistry
  • Assistant Professor of Accounting

Albany School District – ESL Teaching Positions

ESL Teaching positions are available in the for this upcoming school year. Applicants must hold a valid NYS Teacher’s Certification for English to Speakers of Other Languages. Application will be accepted through the District’s On-Line Application System.

For further information contact the District’s Office of Human Resources, Academy Park, Albany, New York 12207.

Schenectady County Department of Public Health – Early Education Specialist

The Schenectady County Department of Public Health (Children with Special Needs) has a full-time opportunity available for an Early Education Specialist.

The 2015 salary is $59,954 (grade 19, step 1).

Minimum Qualifications: Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with a Master’s degree in Special Education and five (5) years of experience working as a Special Education teacher with preschool and/or elementary aged children with disabilities. This experience shall have included at least two (2) years of experience conducting special education evaluations and development of individual education plans.

Application: Civil Service applications will be accepted from applicants who meet the minimum qualifications. CSEA bargaining unit members within the department will be given preference in appointment, based on seniority. Submit applications to the County Personnel Department, by 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 18, 2015.

Schenectady County Building
620 State Street, 2nd Floor,
Schenectady, NY 12305

Schenectady County Civil Service Exams

Below is a list of all current exams within Schenectady County. For all exams, please see the General Conditions. At this time, applications are not accepted via the internet. Please follow the application guidelines. Please note, not all exams listed below are for the County of Schenectady. Each exam announcement will identify the jurisdiction the exam is for.

Open Competitive Exams:

City of Schenectady Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator/Operator Trainee, 300-84, file by August 31, 2015

Schenectady County Eligibility Clerk, 60-801, file by August 31, 2015

Schenectady County Motor Vehicle Representative II, 61-688, file by August 31, 2015

Schenectady County Senior Clerk, 61-684, file by August 31, 2015

Continuous Recruitment Exams:

Schenectady County Librarian I, 66825

Schenectady Librarian II, 66827

Schenectady County Public Health Nurse, 400

The Schuyler Center for Analysis and Advocacy (SCAA) – Director of Policy

Schuyler Center is looking for a thoughtful and experienced Director of Policy to play a leading role in SCAA’s policy and advocacy efforts with diverse allies and partners, conduct analyses and develop policies that positively impact the status of vulnerable New Yorkers, including children and families. Experience in public sector budget analysis and state policy and politics is desired.

Reports to President and CEO

Special Skills Required: Excellent analytical, writing and communication skills. Proven track record in policy analysis and advocacy. Familiarity and comfort with data. Experience working in coalition and the ability to work in a team environment with diverse allies. Presentation and public communication skills and the ability to communicate data findings and issues to external audiences. Proficiency in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Master’s degree or equivalent in public policy, public health, public administration or related field and 5 years of related experience.

Major Responsibilities: Participate in development of the organization’s policy agenda. Oversee and manage policy projects as directed by the President/CEO. Oversee and manage grants and reporting as directed by the President/CEO. Supervise policy staff as directed by the President/CEO. Write issue briefs, fact sheets, email alerts, media pieces and other materials. Analyze State budget proposals and legislation. Manage relationships with coalitions and other organizations. Track bills, Committees, and other legislative activity during the legislative session. Work closely with State agency leadership and staff. Represent the agency as needed on committees and coalitions and at public events. Raise grant funding for related work by identifying appropriate funding opportunities, working with foundation program officers, and writing concept papers, grant proposals and project reports.

Submit cover letter and resume via E-mail to Helen Smith.

Air Products – Gas Technicians (20+ Positions)

Air Products is hiring 20+ techs to work onsite at GlobalFoundries to support a new contract. Job Fairs are being held in the local area at:

  • Saratoga County Employment ad Training – Ballston Spa, 152 West High St. on Monday, August 17th from 1pm through 5pm.
  • Hampton Inn, Clifton Park, 620 Plank Rd. on Tuesday, August 18th from 7am through 7pm and Wednesday, August 19th from 7am through 1pm.

Interested candidates may also apply online. Reference Job Req# 17210BR.

These jobs will start in the range of $18-21/hr depending on experience – full benefit package to start after 30 days of employment.

The Center for Community Justice – Part Time Reentry Program Assistant

The Center for Community Justice is hiring a part time Reentry Program Assistant, working 15 hours per week assisting the Schenectady County Reentry Task Force Coordinator. This professional candidate will work with the Task Force Coordinator on trainings, complete intake assessments, and perform other general program duties. Case management experience is necessary and group facilitation experience is a plus. Must have ability to use a computer in general office setting, word/excel.

This position will mainly be scheduled during normal business hours, but some evenings may be required.

Minimum Qualifications: Bachelors Degree or Associates. Two years experience in human services or criminal justice setting is required. Ability to work with diverse populations

Compensation between $14 and $18 per hour, depending on experience

To apply forward cover letter and resume via E-mail or send by mail to: The Center for Community Justice, Attn: Human Resources, 144 Barrett Street, Schenectady, NY 12305

Resumes Accepted until September 15, 2015

The Albany Branch of the Capital District YMCA – Daycare Director

Under the general direction of the Director of Operations, the Day Care Director manages the Day Care center of the Albany branch of the Capital District YMCA. This includes staff and budget management, as well as program and service development and oversight with customer retention as a primary goal.

Job Requirements: BA/BS in Education or a related field. One year full time teaching experience in a child day care center, a family or group family day care home or other early childhood program. Two years’ experience with budget management, staff supervision, and program development preferred. Excellent human relation skills, good organizational and communication skills. Knowledge of and commitment to the mission of the YMCA and its capacity to build strong kids, families and communities. The ability to articulate and model YMCA’s four core values of Caring, Honesty, Respect and Responsibilities are essential.

Principal Responsibilities: Develop annual operating objectives and plan for the Childcare Center. Monitor the achievement of these objectives, taking appropriate action to ensure they are met. Develop, monitor and administer annual budget (income and expense) for the Childcare Center. Ensure that the center maintains a positive fiscal position. Manage all staff and volunteers – recruit, hire, train, develop, supervise and evaluate. This includes following all policies, procedures and timeframes of the association. Plan, develop, implement and evaluate a full range of childcare programs and services, including a needs analysis of new programs, development, marketing and implementation. Maintain compliance with all applicable state and federal regulations. Cultivate and maintain excellent working relationships with applicable school districts and communities. Actively support financial development events of the CDYMCA such as Reach out for Youth, President’s Award Dinner, Capital Campaign and Golf Classic. Participate as an active member of P-Groups and committees, as requested. Special projects as requested and needed. Maintain cleanliness of facility as a member of Clean Team. All other duties, as assigned.

Salary range: Low 40s
Deadline: 8/24/15

If you are interested please send a resume and cover letter to: John J. Hayden, Vice President of Human Resources, Capital District YMCA, 465 New Karner Road, Albany, NY 12205 or via E-mail.

The Albany Branch of the Capital District YMCA – Lead Teacher

Under the general direction of the Daycare Director, the Lead Teacher is responsible for planning and managing a developmentally appropriate program. The Lead Teacher also supervises the Assistant Teachers assigned to their room.

Job Requirements: AAS in Child Development, Elementary Ed, Physical Ed, Recreation or related field OR HS Degree/GED and two years direct experience with children under age 13, OR Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential. Knowledge of and commitment to the mission of the YMCA and its capacity to build strong kids, families and communities. The ability to articulate and model YMCA’s four core values of Caring, Honesty, Respect and Responsibilities are essential.

Principal Responsibilities: To assist with planning, implementing and supervising a developmentally and academically appropriate curriculum for the assigned program. Maintain daily schedules of activities, etc. Maintain an organized, clean and safe learning and recreational environment for all program areas. Develop and consistently maintain appropriate and professional communication with parents. Train children and parents on emergency procedures in compliance with OCFS regulations. Maintain inventory of equipment and supplies. Ensure all applicable OCFS regulations are followed, including but not limited to ratios, child abuse reporting and emergency procedures. Maintain all required records and logs. Maintain cleanliness of facility as a member of Clean Team. All other duties, as requested.

Scheduled Shifts: Full Time, 80 hours biweekly
Deadline: Open

Please send all applications and resumes to: Brittany Farrell, Assistant Childcare Director, Capital District YMCA, Albany Branch via E-mail.

The Albany Branch of the YMCA – Assistant Teacher

Under the general direction of the Daycare Director, the teacher assistant is responsible for assisting with the planning and implementation of a developmentally appropriate childcare program.

Job Requirements: AAS in Child Development, Elementary Ed, Physical Ed, Recreation or related field OR HS Degree/GED and two years direct experience with children under age 13, OR Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential. Knowledge of and commitment to the mission of the YMCA and its capacity to build strong kids, families and communities. The ability to articulate and model YMCA’s four core values of Caring, Honesty, Respect and Responsibilities are essential.

Principal Responsibilities: To assist with planning, implementing and supervising a developmentally and academically appropriate curriculum for the assigned program. Maintain daily schedules of activities, etc. Maintain an organized, clean and safe learning and recreational environment for all program areas. Develop and consistently maintain appropriate and professional communication with parents. Train children and parents on emergency procedures in compliance with OCFS regulations. Maintain inventory of equipment and supplies. Ensure all applicable OCFS regulations are followed, including but not limited to ratios, child abuse reporting and emergency procedures. Maintain all required records and logs. Maintain cleanliness of facility as a member of Clean Team. All other duties, as requested.

Scheduled Shifts: Full and part time
Deadline: Open

Please send all applications and resumes to: Brittany Farrell, Assistant Childcare Director, Capital District YMCA, Albany Branch via E-mail.

The Albany Branch of the Capital District YMCA – Activities Assistant

Under the direction of the Site Supervisor, the Activities Assistant is responsible for assisting with the implementation of all school age child care activities.

Job Requirements: Must be 16 years of age. Prior experience working with children preferred. Submission of NYS Medical Statement of Childcare Staff Form documenting physician clearance to work in a childcare setting. TB Test which meets Health and Social Service requirement. Clearance from Criminal Background check. Maintain 15 hours of childcare related training annually. Excellent human relation skills, good organizational and communication skills.

Principal Responsibilities: Assist in preparation and implementation of all activities for the site. Assist the site staff with distribution and cleanup of daily snack. Work with the children in small groups with age appropriate activities such as crafts, games, clubs and science. Maintain clean, neat and organized environment at the site. Maintain a safe and secure environment for all program participants. Appropriately communicate with parents. Maintain all applicable state regulations re: school age child care programs. Maintain cleanliness of facility as a member of Clean Team. All other duties, as requested.

Scheduled Shift: Part time; 2pm-6pm Monday-Friday
Deadline: Open

Please send all applications and resumes to: Brittany Farrell, Assistant Childcare Director, Capital District YMCA, Albany Branch via E-mail.

The Albany YMCA – Part-time Group Leader

Under the direction of the Childcare Director, a Group Leader is responsible for assisting with the planning, development and implementation of all classroom activities.

Job Requirements: AAS in Child Development, Recreation or related field, OR HS Degree/GED and two years’ experience working with children under age 13. Submission of NYS Medical Statement of Childcare Staff Form documenting physician clearance to work in a childcare setting. TB Test which meets Health and Social Service requirement. Clearance from Criminal Background check. Maintain 15 hours of childcare related training annually. Excellent human relation skills, good organizational and communication skills.

Principal Responsibilities: Assist in planning, preparation and implementation of all activities for the site. Assist the site staff with distribution and clean-up of daily snack. Work with the children in small groups with age appropriate activities such as crafts, games, clubs and science. Maintain clean, neat and organized environment at the site. Creating and maintaining a safe and secure environment for all program participants. Foster appropriate communication with parents. Maintain all applicable state regulations school age child care programs. Assist in maintenance of required log and record books. Maintain cleanliness of facility as a member of Clean Team and all other duties, as requested.

Scheduled Shift: Part time; 2pm-6pm Monday-Friday
Deadline: Open

Please send all applications and resumes to: Brittany Farrell, Assistant Childcare Director, Capital District YMCA, Albany Branch via E-mail.

The Albany YMCA – Part-time Site Supervisor

Under the general direction of the Childcare Director, the Site Supervisor is responsible for planning and supervising a developmentally appropriate childcare program.

Job Requirements: Minimum one year in a supervisory capacity preferred. Two years direct experience with children under age 13. BA/BS in Child Development (Elementary Ed, Physical Ed, Recreation Ed or related field), OR School Age Child Care Credential, OR Two years of College with 18 credits in Child Development, Elementary Ed, Physical Ed, recreation or related field, OR
AAS in Child Development, Elementary Ed, Physical Ed, Recreation or related field. Candidates must submit a NYS Medical Statement of Childcare Staff Form documenting physician clearance to work in a childcare setting. TB Test which meets Health and Social Service requirement. Clearance from a Criminal Background check. First and CPR certifications. Preferred candidates must possess excellent human relation skills, good organizational and communication skills.

Principal Responsibilities: Plan, implement and supervise a developmentally and academically appropriate curriculum for the assigned site. Maintain positive working relationship with school personnel in coordination of the building site and related issues. Develop and maintain weekly and monthly calendar of activities for display to parents. Maintain daily schedules of activities, etc. Maintain an organized, clean and safe learning and recreational environment for all program areas. Develop and consistently maintain appropriate and professional communication with parents. Supervise all site staff and provide input and written evaluations as requested. Establish and train staff, children and parents on emergency procedures in compliance with OCFS regulations. Manage and control inventory of equipment and supplies, in accordance with budget. Ensure all applicable OCFS regulations are followed. Maintain all required records and logs. Maintain cleanliness of facility as a member of Clean Team. All other duties, as requested.

Available Shift: Part time, 2pm-6pm Monday-Friday
Deadline: Open

Please send all applications and resumes to: Brittany Farrell, Assistant Childcare Director, Capital District YMCA, Albany Branch via E-mail.

The Troy Branch of the Capital District YMCA – Part-time Member Service Representative

Under the direction of the Member Service Manager, the Member Services Representative provides excellent customer service to members, through selling memberships, answering questions.

Job Requirements: Prior work experience (1-3 years) in a customer oriented environment. Current CPR, First Aid and AED certifications. Positive outlook and the ability to multi task in a high pace environment. Excellent human relation skills, good organizational and communication skills.

Principal Responsibilities: Responsible for providing daily services to all members, prospective members and program participants. This includes greeting members by name, scanning membership cards, registering members for programs, membership sales, and tours. Answer phones promptly, within 3 rings, in a courteous and friendly manner. Answer member questions and issues in a positive manner, meeting their needs whenever possible. Ensure each person using the facility is a member or program participant; scan cards of each member. Ensure neatness of the lobby area and entire facility. Assist with lobby exhibits and/or bulletin boards. Promote and sell goods for resale. Accurately input new membership sales, renewals and programs into the computer. Report any errors in writing by the end of shift. Accurately cash out at the end of the day. May assist in training new staff. Other duties, as assigned.

Scheduled Shifts: Part Time ;( Approx. 5-10 weekly) Evenings, Weekends
Pay Range: $9.54
Deadline: 8/21/2015

Please send all applications and resumes to: Tiffany Hults, Member Service Manager Troy Family YMCA, Capital District YMCA, 2500 21st Street, Troy, NY 12180 or via E-mail.

In August 2014, President Obama signed into law the Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act (VACAA) of 2014, which directed the establishment of a new program to better meet the health care needs of our nation’s Veterans. The law directs the establishment of a Veterans Choice Card benefit that allows eligible Veterans who live more than 40 miles from a VA facility or are unable to get a VA appointment within 30 days of their preferred date, or are within 30 days of the date determined medically necessary by their physicians, to obtain approved care in their community instead.

If you are a veteran and are already enrolled in VA health care, the Choice Program allows you to get health care from non-VA doctors. Using this program does NOT impact your existing VA health care, or any other VA benefit.

More information is available at the Veteran’s Administration’s Veterans Choice Program website.



University at Albany – Action Team Facilitator

The Office of the President invites applications for the position of Action Team Facilitator that will be assigned to support a major public engagement initiative called The Albany Promise. This is a one year term appointment through the University at Albany. The Action Team Facilitator will convene stakeholders around focused outcomes on the cradle to career continuum and work through the continuous improvement process to support collective impact in each of the prioritized areas.

Minimum Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree from a college or university accredited by the U.S. Department of Education or an internationally recognized accrediting organization; Demonstrated ability to work independently as well as in a team setting; Experience working in diverse teams and/or in diverse community settings; Strong interpersonal, oral and written communication skills; Ability to handle confidential matters with discretion; and A minimum of two years of project management experience.

Preferred Qualifications: Proven track record of advancing community-engaged or community-based projects or initiatives; and Experience with data analysis

The partnership has committed to expanding the backbone staff. The job posting for an Action Team Facilitator, including the responsibilities, minimum requirements, and job description, is available online. Applicants must apply online through the website.

New York State Department of Civil Service Examination Announcements

The New York State Department of Civil Service will be offering the following examinations. When filing online applications, be aware there is no technical assistance on weekends, or after 5 PM on weekdays.

Open-Competitive Examination Announcements:

Open-Competitive Continuous Recruitment Examination Announcements:

Promotion Continuous Recruitment Examination Announcements:

Town of Bethlehem, NY – Utility Service Helper

The Town of Bethlehem, NY – Department of Public Works is seeking candidates with a minimum of one year experience in water distribution and sewer collection systems to work as a Utility Service Helper in our Field Operations Division. Electrical and mechanical experience desired.

Requirements include a valid NYS driver’s license, and must obtain a NYS Class B Commercial Driver’s License with tank and air brake endorsement within 8 months of employment, and maintain CDL license during employment. Must also be able to pass a respiratory clearance test and a respiratory fit test annually.

Benefits include paid vacation, holidays, sick time, full medical and dental insurance, and New York State Retirement Program.

Interested candidates should send their resume, completed employment application, and cover letter by July 24, 2015 to Mary Tremblay-Glassman, Director of Human Resources, 445 Delaware Avenue, Delmar, New York 12054.

NYS Department of Education – Research and Collections Technician (8 positions)

Salary Grade: 14
Bargaining Unit: PS&T – Professional, Scientific, and Technical (PEF)
Salary Range: From $41,993 to $53,606 Annually
Employment Type: Full-Time
Appointment Type: Permanent
Jurisdictional Class: Non-competitive Class
Schedule: Mon-Fri/37.5 hours weekly/9 AM to 5 PM
Location: Office of Cultural Education, New York State Museum, Albany, NY 12230

Qualifications: A Bachelor’s Degree in or one that includes or is supplemented by 18 semester credit hours in archeology, anthropology, history or in one of the natural sciences (biology, zoology, geology) and one year of experience in assisting in scientific or historical research in the field or in artifact/specimen care and maintenance in a laboratory or museum.

Duties Description: The New York State Museum is seeking to fill eight Research and Collections Technician positions to be assigned to the Division of Research & Collections and to the History Unit. Job duties may include: Serve as crew/crew chief for projects; Identify and catalogue individual artifacts, objects or oral histories; Enter catalog and related data into electronic databases; Conduct background research and assist in writing project reports; Photograph objects and scanning of documents, incorporate images into electronic databases; Assist Director and other program staff with exhibits, public programs, tours, researcher visits and requests, and other educational/research activities; Process specimens in the collection, including cleaning, organizing, labeling, rehousing, and incorporating into Museum storage, using NYSM standard practices; Assist with laboratory and/or field research; or Advise the Chief Curator (History), Senior Historian, or Museum Scientist on appropriate collections matters.

Application: Qualified candidates should send a resume and letter of interest by July 30, 2015 via E-mail. Please include the Box number (OCE-910) in the subject line of your email to ensure receipt of your application.

New York State Division of State Police – Program Research Specialist 2

Salary Grade: 18
Bargaining Unit: PS&T – Professional, Scientific, and Technical (PEF)
Salary Range: Starting Salary is $52,293.00.
Employment Type: Full-Time
Appointment Type: Permanent
Jurisdictional Class: Non-competitive Class
Schedule: Variable/37.5 hours weekly/8 AM to 4 PM
Location: Division Headquarters – New York State Intelligence Center (NYSIC), Albany, NY 12226

Minimum Qualifications: For a detailed description of the Minimum Qualifications, please refer to our website.

Duties Description: For a detailed description of the Duties Description, please refer to our website.

Resumes will be evaluated to determine whether candidates will proceed to the interview phase of the process.

This position does not require that the candidate have taken and passed a NYS Civil Service examination, or currently hold a qualifying position within the NYS Civil Service System.

Some positions may require additional credentials or a background check to verify your identity.

Notes on Applying: Kindly submit via U.S. Mail or FAX a letter of intent and complete resume to: MaryEllen Tedesco, Assistant Director of Personnel, 1220 Washington Avenue, Building 22, Albany, NY 12226

NYS Office for People with Developmental Disabilities – Affirmative Action Administrator 3

Bargaining Unit: M/C – Management / Confidential (Unrepresented)
Salary Range: From $69617 to $87998 Annually
Employment Type: Full-Time
Appointment Type: Permanent
Jurisdictional Class: Non-competitive Class
Travel Percentage: 50%
Schedule: Mon-Fri/40 hours weekly/9 AM to 5 PM

Location: To Be Determined – NYS OPWDD, Workforce and Talent Management, New York City Metropolitan Area and Long Island, NYC, NY 10461

Minimum Qualifications: A Bachelor’s Degree and four years of experience in the field of equal employment opportunity, human rights, or affirmative action. Qualifying experience includes experience with community service organizations concerned with affirmative action, equal employment opportunity, civil rights or similar programs; and/or experience in Investigations or labor relations related to affirmative action. At least one year of this experience must have been at a management or supervisory level. Two additional years of such experience may be substituted for a Bachelor’s degree. A Master’s degree in a relevant field may be substituted for one year of general experience, and a Juris Doctor degree for two. The successful candidate must possess excellent organizational and writing skills

Duties Description: The Affirmative Action Administrator 3, reporting to the Director of Diversity Management, provides expertise in maintaining a workplace that is inclusive, respectful and free from discrimination, intolerance, harassment and retaliation. This position will help implement and monitor affirmative action and equal employment opportunity programs, including requests for religious and reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act and other applicable laws or regulations. The responsibilities of this position include: Investigate affirmative action, discrimination and sexual harassment complaints made by or against OPWDD employees. Review and analyze requests for religious and reasonable accommodation. Draft findings and review documentation related to investigations. Prepare administrative reports. Draft policy statements about the program for OPWDD executive staff. Effectively communicate with all levels of employees at OPWDD. Be familiar with existing and revised laws, rules, regulations and policies governing the program and help to assure that OPWDD comply with them. Maintain liaison with other state agencies and authorities relative to EEO and affirmative action issues. Direct and conduct meetings for OPWDD employees and others about EEO and affirmative action programs. Other related duties as assigned.

Additional Comments: Preference will be given to OPWDD employees impacted by closures. If you are being impacted by closure, please indicate this on your resume/cover letter.

A writing sample must be submitted upon request from OPWDD.

Contact Information: Jody Norfleet, Telephone: 518-473-9689, E-mail

Submit cover letter and résumé by July 21, 2015. Please reference the above EOA # 2015-120 in all correspondence.

NYS Office of Children & Family Services – Youth Division Aide 4 (Hourly)

Bargaining Unit: APSU-Agency Police Services Unit (PBA of NYS)
Salary Range: From $21.56 to $21.56 Hourly
Employment Type: Full-Time
Appointment Type: Temporary
Jurisdictional Class: Non-competitive Class
Schedule: Variable/40 hours week/12 AM to 11:30 PM
Location: Columbia County – Brookwood Secure Center, 419 County Route 29, Claverack, NY 12513

Minimum Qualifications: Two years full-time experience in the care and programming of youth under 21 years of age; OR two years of full-time experience in the care, programming and/or secure custody of residential clients in a health care, mental hygiene or correctional institutional setting; OR an Associate’s degree AND six months experience as described above; OR a Bachelor’s degree; OR a satisfactory equivalent combination of the above education and experience requirements; OR a high school graduation or equivalency diploma AND one year of experience. Additionally, all candidates must meet physical and medical standards established for this title, as determined by a strength and agility test and medical examination.

Satisfactory completion of the probation period must include possession of a valid motor vehicle operator’s license and the ability to operate a motor vehicle legally in New York State.

Duties Description: Establish a relationship of confidence and trust, supervise and guide youth under their supervision. Create a safe, healthy and therapeutic living environment that supports the acquisition and utilization of pro-social skills for youth under their care. Develop youths’ positive attitudes towards personal hygiene, appearance, manners, work and study habits. Attend case conferences, community and staff meetings. Establish rapport and attempt to allay anxieties and tensions. Supervise and/or assist youth during various work assignments. Assist in establishing and maintaining relationships with youths’ families. Youth Division Aides are required to attend training in approved Office of Children and Family Services restraint techniques two times a year (4 hours each). Additional duties will be discussed in detail during the interview.

Additional Comments: Please specify in your cover letter and/or resume how you meet the minimum qualifications (as described above) when responding to this posting. For example, you should provide specific date ranges for qualifying experience, qualifying education or certifications, or the age range of individuals served. Non-specific submissions may disqualify you from further consideration if the information you provide does not meet the minimum qualifications.

Qualified Veterans may be eligible for an on-the-job stipend from the Veteran’s Administration, as the training program for this position is an approved program for GI Bill On-The-Job Training Benefits.

Some positions may require additional credentials or a background check to verify your identity.

Notes on Applying: Qualified candidates should send a resume and cover letter giving the Title, Location, and EOA Number of the position being applied for. Please provide your email address and your work, home and cell phone numbers. In order to qualify you for the position when you have current or prior New York State employment, you may be contacted by OCFS Personnel for your social security number to confirm your employment history.

Contact Information: New York State Office of Children and Family Services, Bureau of Personnel, EOA #15-156 TEM, 52 Washington Street, 231 North, Rensselaer, NY 12144.